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I Don't Understand My Love For This Game


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I first started playing KSP back in 2012 and still don't understand why I keep coming back every few weeks or so and then play it for several weeks before taking a break again... then back again for more... and that's 5 years I've played and I still love it as much (if not more) than the day I started. I think KSP is my favourite game of all time.

That said I think I really need a better PC because I can't install some of the lovely graphics improvement without a big hit to FPS. And I was just looking for a new PC when I sat back and thought "Why do I keep playing this game"?

Generally I like building ships and programming things like Smart Parts, Mechjeb and KOS (but I haven't used that since 1.1.3 tbh). It's building a ship that can handle itself with little to no input from mission control. A bit like how real life probes behave.

And that got me thinking. I wonder how many different ways people play KSP and what their favourite way is. There are the builders like me who spend a lot of time in the hanger or VAB. There are the ones who do everything manually (who I call the masochists heh). There are the ones who do just spaceplanes and or just mess about in Kerbin orbit. There are the realistic solar system buffs and the super graphics nerds. There just isn't one way to play this game.

Yeah, if you love space, KSP is going to be a big program for many years to come... at least in my home that is.

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yeah like.. I love space in science fiction films, I love the 1980s cartoon version of space...

disapointed spaceshuttles never had weapons and were basically an oversized glider.. 

Dont like rockets.. dont like space shuttles that arnt shuttlecraft from startrek

I only like them because they look like monorails 

Kerbal Space Program isnt for me


its still an awfully good land train simulator.. infact the only one I know :)


Yeah thats why.. and why I keep coming back.. why its consumed years of my life.. that'd be it :)


Infact the humble kerbal land train has transcended boarders.. 

I want a model of these trains in real life, functional motor driven and steered by magnets on a nice layout :)

funny to think they were once just considered trains that were waiting for someone to make track.. 

now they live as their own thing entirely.. free from rails unlike their railbound cousins.. suddenly being a rail enthusiast seems wrong :) 


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  On 5/27/2017 at 12:45 PM, White Owl said:

This game is the greatest sandbox of all time; that's why.


Hell yeah.

I have one problem though... I keep losing track of what I'm doing. I can tun on my PC and think I'm going to build an manned Eve orbiter science mission and then hours later I'm building space station parts... or I start playing with gravity assists slingshots to meet up with an asteroid... anything in fact except what I planned to do. In fact I'm guessing that is why NASA itemises everything they do in a checklist... to basically stop them self from going off the plot and getting drawn to other exciting stuff.

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:D. Yeah same here cant seem to stop playing this game , even with all the difficulties of being a console player:confused:.corrupte saves. My station being unusable after being built( as it was more than 200 parts, and the xbox cannot handle any more craft coming near or docking.also the fact the game is lacking without some mods.

But despite this amongst other issues, I just keep coming back.Guess I'm just krazy:D

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  On 5/27/2017 at 1:33 PM, NeoMorph said:

Hell yeah.

I have one problem though... I keep losing track of what I'm doing. I can tun on my PC and think I'm going to build an manned Eve orbiter science mission and then hours later I'm building space station parts... or I start playing with gravity assists slingshots to meet up with an asteroid... anything in fact except what I planned to do. In fact I'm guessing that is why NASA itemises everything they do in a checklist... to basically stop them self from going off the plot and getting drawn to other exciting stuff.


That always happens to me as well. I find a project, drop it for something else, then do a completely different project

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  On 5/27/2017 at 1:33 PM, NeoMorph said:

Hell yeah.

I have one problem though... I keep losing track of what I'm doing. I can tun on my PC and think I'm going to build an manned Eve orbiter science mission and then hours later I'm building space station parts... or I start playing with gravity assists slingshots to meet up with an asteroid... anything in fact except what I planned to do. In fact I'm guessing that is why NASA itemises everything they do in a checklist... to basically stop them self from going off the plot and getting drawn to other exciting stuff.


I found life support sets a limit on how carelessly you abandon a project. Once I have a crew en route to somewhere, they will die if I don't ensure they return at the proper transfer window.

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  On 5/27/2017 at 1:33 PM, NeoMorph said:

I have one problem though... I keep losing track of what I'm doing. 


That is SO my problem, too. I sat down the other day to make a Munar lander mission, which turned into making a moon base (that I can't possibly lift off and land there), which evolved into making a Mothership type craft (again, gonna have to brute force it up). Then I find myself saying "I think I'll try making something really small, like the smallest possible SSTO possible". Goodbye several more hours... LOL

Possibilities are endless. It's always new, plus with all kinds of mods you can keep trying so many different craft & play styles.

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KSP is like a box of Lego, with every brick its own function, and every brick their own infinite amount of copies. And the fact thay you have a whole solar system on your own is just amazing, nobody cares about what or how you with do it. There are no rules. Its just an amazing sandbox game.

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  On 5/28/2017 at 9:02 PM, Archgeek said:

That is an adorable little solderless breadboard.  I think the one I have from micro-electronics lab is 63 pins long, o'er twice that.  'Didn't know they made 'em that small.


That's small? I saw one about half that size at school a couple days ago.

Looks kinda like this


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The only thing holding me back are performance issues. I have a GTX 1070, 64 Gigs of ram and an awesome processor...  Yet I always feel KSP dips into the yellow too quickly.

So I play for a while, run out of patience, take a break (my current state) and play other games (FFXI right now), then get back to it eventually.
It really is a jewel of a game.  And when you learn to mod your own parts, you can make it as HARD or as easy as you want. 

Awesome game to be sure... 

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  On 5/29/2017 at 3:19 AM, qzgy said:

That's small? I saw one about half that size at school a couple days ago.

Looks kinda like this



I've got a few of these laying about from my yet to be completed kspio simpit.

Accountings studies are done, should really pickup the pieces and carry on.

This game brings me much joy. The odd bit of frustration too, but that's just part of the process.

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IMPO this game is like a drug:D. It hits direktly in the reward center in the brain and people desperatedly go for rewards. You see direktly if your ideas are able and you see "real" coclusions to your efforts.

This is my trigger to go back again and again and tweack around for 1m/s more on dv or 1kg more on payload.

And the game let us dream to be something today, what would be everyday work in maybe 50 years...

We have the same abilities in this game like the computer pioniers. We can build a world changing Invention in our backyard or garage...

Funny Kabooms 


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the first time i played it i found it boring... i didn't know what to do. i missed a proper spoken tutorial. too many parts with only a witty description like "found on the side of the road".. it just didn't feel like a fun game back then. 

i threw the game away.. after reading several really good reviews i decided to give it another go. i promised myself that was only allowed to permanently delete the game after i landed on the mun..

after countless hours of sweating i finally touched down on the moon and that's where i got hooked... like really addicted. i think @Urses described it very well in the previous post. 

luckily my gf came to terms with my "passion"... :blush: we're still together... after 4000+ hours of ksp.

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This game has a unique ability to combine entertaining failures with whooping, fist-pumping victory dances when you succeed.

Maybe I just like explosions? :P

Honestly, it just seems to fit perfectly in a specific spot in my brain...



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  On 6/6/2017 at 11:08 PM, xendelaar said:

ok..i have to ask. what is that you're holding and what do you use this for in ksp? i really have no clue besides that it apparently is a solderless plate??


That is called a breadboard. You can plug electronic components in it to prototype circuits without having to solder parts. It has nothing to do with KSP, unless you have a control panel running off of it.

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I just have been with the game maybe becuase I like doing everything myself, and space is one of my interests too, with and extra plus of learning some math (as I kinda suck at that).

Well if you take a look there is no game like KSP..... It's been the longest game I've been following

I actually remembered all the parts in 0.16 just by watching videos of KSP so yeah.

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  On 6/7/2017 at 5:00 AM, qzgy said:

That is called a breadboard. You can plug electronic components in it to prototype circuits without having to solder parts. It has nothing to do with KSP, unless you have a control panel running off of it.


Archgeek posted a pic of a breadboard to say "I can do anything I want and keep changing it around whenever I want" without saying a single word.

But regarding KSP... I tend to use these little breadboards to hook small IC's into Telemachus.... letting me test physical mods before I get around to finalising designs. At one point I had 20 of these tiny breadboards (all controlling various instruments and seven segment displays). I lost all interest when Telemachus stopped updating... so never finalised them. I had various Apollo era meters from the Command module and LEM working off of arduinos and servos. Worked pretty smoothly too.

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  On 6/8/2017 at 7:08 PM, NeoMorph said:

Archgeek posted a pic of a breadboard to say "I can do anything I want and keep changing it around whenever I want" without saying a single word.


Actually, that was @Triop, whom I merely quoted to remark on the smallness of the breadboard, before smaller breadboards (including some sans vcc and ground lines) were posted.

Physical mods...tasty.

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