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[1.11.x] Jimbodiah's Patch Laboratory


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I've also noticed that the SSTU-SC-C-SM-250-Service Module 2.5m version...it works fine until a decoupler is attached to the node. At that point the overall height jumps to 7389 KILOmeters. And 274 KM wide. makes it hard to launch off anything except the stage 3 launchpad.


It then explodes on the pad. 

Edited by Sudragon
furthur testing
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New version for the ColorPresets uploaded to implement the setting for the newly released SSTU version with PBR shaders. See first post for the download link.

@Sudragon  I've not used the SM yet, only the pod. Sounds like something is not scaled right and coliders are freaking out. I'll need to look into that at some point.

Edited by Jimbodiah
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Made a small update to the color presets as I am still playing around with them. Added Chrome, Aluminium, Yellow metallic, Green metallic and a second gold effect. Check back every few days as I might update them further while I play with the new metallic effects.

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I was just looking at the CFG for your LR-87-LH2 single bell.   Your description keeps calling it the J-2.   Just an FYI

"description = SSTU - ShipCore: Engines - LR-87-LH2.  When the mission planners at SSTU were unimpressed with the thrust output of the RL10 series of engines, they tasked the engineering team with coming up with a viable restartable second-stage motor for larger payloads.  The J-2 is the result of over two years of development, three exploded hangars, and twelve and a half tons of melted prototype engines.  Intended to be used solely as an upper-stage engine, its sea-level thrust and efficiency are quite poor, but generally compensated for by its above-average vacuum performance."


Edited by Pappystein
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

1.6 released

- Cleaned up config files for parts that used to have integrated docking ports before SSTU removed them due to issues.
- Fixed issue with not getting 100% science anymore
- Added recolor option to the Radial Science Bays
- [SSTU] Removed snap angle from dockign ports
- [NFP] Added clones of three SSTU rcs blocks and configured them to use NF Propulsion fuels (stock rcs effects)
- [NFP] Changed resource storage and reactor outputs for the two COS miner probecores
- [EPL] Added COS module with conversions for MetalOre>Metal (EPL), ScrapMetal>Metal (EPL), Metal>Rocketparts (EPL)
- [ART] Added conversion for Rock>Ore (ART) to the JPL COS COnverter module
- [DSEV+NFP] Added a 1.25m COS module as integrated probe core with SAS, Reactionwheel, Lithium etc.
- [FFT] Added FarFutureTechnologies fuels to all JPL containers

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Code fragment for science boxes:


// Knes Capsules
		name = ModuleScienceContainer

		reviewActionName = #autoLOC_502201 //#autoLOC_502201 = Review Stored Data
		storeActionName = #autoLOC_502202 //#autoLOC_502202 = Store Experiments
		evaOnlyStorage = True // i.e. can nearby regular vessels also do this, or EVA only
		storageRange = 1.3
		canBeTransferredToInVessel = True
		canTransferInVessel = True
		showStatus = True


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v1.7 Released


Please backup your save-game before installing the new update!!!

- Cleaned up file names and directory structures (has no effect on parts)
- [SSTU] Added an MFT-A clone with probe core functionality (JPL-ATV-MFT)
- [SSTU] Added a 2.5m and 3.75m COS storage module that can switch lengths between XS/S/M/L in the VAB (JPL-COS-STORAGE-25 and JPL-COS-STORAGE-375)
- [SSTU] Added clone of 2.5m COS storage that has probe core functionality (JPL-ATV-COS-25)
- [SSTU] Added a thermal isolation ring with scalabe diameter
- [NFP] Cloned all SSTU rcs blocks into variants using Lithium
- [FTL] Added a Long 2.5m COS module with FTL drive
- [FTL] Removed FTL functionality from JPL craft, needs to use new COS FTL module
- [FTL] Added a 1.25m Medium COS module that acts as a probe core with FTL Beacon functionality
- [DSEV] Added a small WildBlue DSEV fusion reactor to the ATV-COS and ATV-MFT modules
- [ART] Added Fuel Hatches for the following: Lithium, Argon, Ore, Rock, MetalOre, MetallicOre,ScrapMetal,RocketParts
- [FFT] Added a clone of the small reactor that has DSEV Fusion Reactor functionality
- [FFT] Added a clone of the large reactor that had DSEV Fusion Reactor functionality
- [FFT] Added a clone of the small reactor that converts EPL and ART resources
- [FFT] Added a clone of the small reactor that converts Ore to fuels (Lithium, MonoProp, Hypergolics)

Will be removed next release (1.8), please replace in your game saves:

- JPL-COS-Storage-XS  (replaced by JPL-COS-STORAGE-25)
- JPL-COS-Storage-S  (replaced by JPL-COS-STORAGE-25)
- JPL-COS-Storage-M  (replaced by JPL-COS-STORAGE-25)
- JPL-COS-Storage-L  (replaced by JPL-COS-STORAGE-25)
- JPL-COS-ATV-S  (replaced by JPL-ATV-COS-25)
- JPL-COS-ATV-M  (replaced by JPL-ATV-COS-25)
- ST-COS-DSEV-Miner  (replaced by JPL-ATV-COS-25)
- ST-COS-DSEV-Miner2  (replaced by JPL-ATV-COS-25)

Edited by Jimbodiah
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