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[1.4.0-1.8.1] NavUtilities continued, ft. HSI & Instrument Landing System [v0.7.2] (2018 Apr, 1)


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This is a continuation of NavUtilities mod by @kujuman.
Original thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/77062-11-navutilities-ft-hsi-instrument-landing-system/

To keep as much of the author's information on the mod as possible I copy most of the original thread's OP here with some updates:


NavUtilities for KSP

Featuring Instrument Landing System and Horizontal Situation Indicator

Standalone and for Raster Prop Monitor




NOTE: Standalone version is a popup window, but the information displayed is the same



Adds a horizontal situation indicator with integrated ILS functionality to a popup window or your RPM cockpit.

The standalone version can be accessed (along with the options page and custom runway page, for controlling the current runway and GUI scale) via the App Launcher.

ILS style localizer, glideslope indicator, distance measuring equipment, and backcourse indicator.

Outer, Middle, and Inner Markers are fully functional, with the audio cue volume controlled by your Voices volume setting (WARNING: Middle and Inner marker audio cues are high pitch and, depending on your settings, may be loud). Currently, volume settings will not update when in flight, but going to the space center should update them.

The window GUI auto hides when you enter IVA. Current runway and glideslope selection remain synced between the standalone GUI and the version for RPM.

Included selectable runways:

KSC 09

KSC 27

Island 09

Island 27

VAB Helipad East

VAB Helipad West

Administration Helipad

Included glideslopes range from default 3° to 25°

More runways and glideslopes can be added via config file or in game.

Helpful images of 0.4.0+ features :D



Please note that if you are using KSI MFD, you can also select the HSI by cycling between this and the landing screen. Thanks to Tahvohck!

DOWNLOAD from SpaceDock

HINT by @Ser: Did you know that you can open the settings window holding Alt when pressing the toolbar button?


Copy the contents of GameData folder into your main KSP/GameData/ folder. The other files are not required for the plugin to function.

To enable some third party MFD support or to be able to modify runway data in a convenient way you'll need

Module Manager by sarbian

For RPM integration you'll additionally need

RasterPropMonitor by Mihara and MOARdV

However, NavUtilities doesn't depend on these mods for running in standalone.



Software License: © 2014-2016. All rights reserved.

Permission is granted to any current, former, or future members of the KSP community (e.g.; non-professional modification makers and forum members) to update, maintain, use portions of the code, and/or release derivatives provided that 1) the new work is solely to be used as a modification for Kerbal Space Program (and future versions thereof) and 2) the new work is freely distributed and may not be sold or exchanged.

Artwork License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Edited by Ser
Tested KSP 1.8.1 compatibility
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Changes made to the original version:

  • KSP 1.3.0 compatible
  • Added a setting to hide NavBall waypoint icon
  • Brought back Blizzy's toolbar support
  • Runways made loadable as regular KSP configs and thus modifiable by Module Manager
  • Only the runways belonging to the current celestial body are selectable
  • Fixed INS waypoint names displayed
  • Simplified folder structure for the mod not being that dependent on it
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33 minutes ago, Beetlecat said:

Custom runway page? -- is there a selectable list of runways now?

<loads up KerbinSide runways into NavUtilities again...>

No, that page is mainly for creating runways for navigation and it has been there for a long time. You place a vessel where the runway starts, turn in the heading of the runway, check the "auto" boxes, press "Create" and voi la, the runway is saved in Runways/customRunways.cfg file. Also you can copy your runways from that file and create MM patches from them, so you won't need to save/paste them every time the mod updates.

Actually it's a good question, is there a way to automatically detect existing runways in the game. I don't know the answer yet.

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@Beetlecat Oops, just checked the Custom runway page doesn't work as intended. I must have broken it while struggling with other things. Expect a patch in 12 hours I think.


10 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

Ah. I see the difference.

The means of selecting manually patched-in or added runways would be awesome. Paging through more than a handful with < and > is not very friendly. :(

Can do what you ask for but that'll take a little more time to release.

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Version 0.7.1 is out


* Added a runway selection window accessible by [Alt]-click on the "RUNWAY" word on standalone HSI or via settings window.
It is useful if you have lots of runways which are hard to select by forward/backward clicking.
* Fixed customRunways file overwritten when adding a new runway

Download from Spacedock

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6 hours ago, theonegalen said:

Fantastic! Is the AnalogHSI prop still included with this version?

I didn't touch it, so it is still included in the mod but there's a probability that some refactoring could make it malfunction.So if you find any bugs with it please report them.

6 hours ago, theonegalen said:

Also, how do I use modulemanager to add the KerbinSide runways?

I don't know the way KerbinSide stores its runway data. Looks like @Beetlecat is doing just that.

As for some custom runways that haven't any data at all, there is a Settings window opened with [Alt]-click on the Toolbar button. From there you can go to the custom runway editor. Place a vessel on the runway's end, match its heading with the runway, check all the "Auto" boxes, press "create" and the runway will be created and saved in the Runways/customRunways.cfg. Then you can copy and paste all of your runways from there into another .cfg file, placed anywhere in the gamedata. So they will be automatically loaded everytime KSP starts. I guess you don't even need Module Manager for that.

Module Manager is needed if you alter some runway. For example, I don't like to be guided to the Abandoned KSC so I've created a patch:



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1 hour ago, Ser said:

I didn't touch it, so it is still included in the mod but there's a probability that some refactoring could make it malfunction.So if you find any bugs with it please report them.

Excellent. I will do so.

1 hour ago, Ser said:

So they will be automatically loaded everytime KSP starts. I guess you don't even need Module Manager for that.

Module Manager is needed if you alter some runway. For example, I don't like to be guided to the Abandoned KSC so I've created a patch:



Oh, fantastic! That means I can do a patch that detects if I'm using a mod that moves the KSC to a higher latitude and automatically change it's location! Brilliant!

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On 7/8/2017 at 5:22 AM, Ser said:

I didn't touch it, so it is still included in the mod but there's a probability that some refactoring could make it malfunction.So if you find any bugs with it please report them.

I don't know the way KerbinSide stores its runway data. Looks like @Beetlecat is doing just that.

As for some custom runways that haven't any data at all, there is a Settings window opened with [Alt]-click on the Toolbar button. From there you can go to the custom runway editor. Place a vessel on the runway's end, match its heading with the runway, check all the "Auto" boxes, press "create" and the runway will be created and saved in the Runways/customRunways.cfg. Then you can copy and paste all of your runways from there into another .cfg file, placed anywhere in the gamedata. So they will be automatically loaded everytime KSP starts. I guess you don't even need Module Manager for that.

Module Manager is needed if you alter some runway. For example, I don't like to be guided to the Abandoned KSC so I've created a patch:



Kerbinside *does/did* have its own, embedded nav system, but there was also a custom set of coordinates created for NavUtils based on all the runways and helipads (in one of those deeply embedded comments or thread replies... The old method was to override the entire list, but with the new MM technique, they could be dynamically added. My computer is in pieces at the moment, but once I get back in, I could re-post the file/contents as a possible add-on.

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I have a couple questions/feature requests.  display what my vertical speed should be to maintain glide slope.  I know a lot of people don't like autopilots, but is there any way to either have it maintain glide slope for you or integrate with another mod to do so?  

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5 hours ago, Eugene Moreau said:

I have a couple questions/feature requests.  display what my vertical speed should be to maintain glide slope.  I know a lot of people don't like autopilots, but is there any way to either have it maintain glide slope for you or integrate with another mod to do so?  

It depends on the actual slope -- entirely! :)

Most people fly in far steeper than a usual slope would be. 3 degrees?

This could be interesting: http://www.flightsimaviation.com/rule-of-thumb/10_Three_Degree_Glideslope.html

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I know 3 degrees, but depending on air speed (time to threshold), altitude, you're gonna have to have a specific vertical speed.  I know I could probably figure it out with pen and paper, but I can't do it on the fly while I'm trying to land.    I'll have to look at the rules of thumb, but was hoping for something more accurate to get me right onto the runway.   My actual flying skills are pretty bad.

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On 15.07.2017 at 2:50 AM, Eugene Moreau said:

I know 3 degrees, but depending on air speed (time to threshold), altitude, you're gonna have to have a specific vertical speed.  I know I could probably figure it out with pen and paper, but I can't do it on the fly while I'm trying to land.    I'll have to look at the rules of thumb, but was hoping for something more accurate to get me right onto the runway.   My actual flying skills are pretty bad.

In IRL those speeds are provided in the landing chart like here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5kdqq8xfug7u27g/Kerbin_AEROCHARTS-09-feb-2017.pdf?dl=0 (see the page 4-2, 4-3, lower right corner). Actually it's not that hard to keep on the glideslope even not knowing what your vertical speed should be. Here are some hints:

  1. It's hard to control both ground and vertical speeds at the same time, that's why you want the reading that would show you the VS whatever your ground speed is. The trick is to "fix" the ground speed. Keep it just above the speed you start stalling, when your aircraft is still controllable. Try to keep the +/- exact value all the time.
  2. "Inverse" your habits from high speed flying: use throttle to increase/decrease vertical speed and pitch to control your ground speed. It is more difficult with stock engines because the time the thrust reacts on throttle but it's easier with AJE with more realistic engine responses. When you need to adjust VS, the throttle should go first, then make fine corrections to the ground speed with pitch. Then a little bit throttle again, then a little bit pitch.
  3. Approach at the proper altitude: see the landing chart 4-3 on the above link: you should be on 600 m altitude when passing DME 10 km. And already be close to your landing speed. You may start your descent a little bit earlier to keep up with moving GS indicator.
  4. Increase your vertical speed gradually until the GS indicator stops moving. Look at the current VS value and remember it. Then increase your VS a little bit more - the GS indicator will move up to the "center". Once it gets close, set the VS you've remembered.
  5. If you go below the GS, don't chase the VS needle by going up. Just set a minimal (or zero) vertical speed and you'll intercept the slope sooner or later. Then repeat 4.
  6. The closer you get, the more sensitive the indication gets, so after the middle marker you don't have to keep it exactly centered.
  7. Once you cross the end of the runway (the inner marker sound helps you to hear it) forget the GS and look only at vertical speed to have a safe value on touchdown (assuming you've followed the GS properly).

Of couse, it would be much easier to follow flight director by just keeping your nose in the FD cross but that's not for the evil hardcore pilots :) (Doesn't ASET HUD have this?)

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Some time ago I posted configs for runways from KerbinSide mod. Here is the updated version.

For those who also use KerbinCity mod I added a beacon directing approximately at KerbinCity TV tower.


        ident = Kerman Lake 15
        shortID = KERL15
        hdg = 146
        identOfOpposite = Kerman Lake 33
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 39
        gsLatitude = 11.2799
        gsLongitude = 296.4731
        locLatitude = 11.20073
        locLongitude = 296.5276
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Kerman Lake 33
        shortID = KERL33
        hdg = 326
        identOfOpposite = Kerman Lake 15
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 42
        gsLatitude = 11.13485
        gsLongitude = 296.5728
        locLatitude = 11.21401
        locLongitude = 296.5183
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Lake Dermal 32
        shortID = LD32
        hdg = 316
        identOfOpposite = Lake Dermal 14
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 562
        gsLatitude = 22.70469
        gsLongitude = 239.0598
        locLatitude = 22.77337
        locLongitude = 238.9879
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Lake Dermal 14
        shortID = KL14
        hdg = 136
        identOfOpposite = Lake Dermal 32
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 565
        gsLatitude = 22.82973
        gsLongitude = 238.9331
        locLatitude = 22.76102
        locLongitude = 239.0051
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Lushlands 01
        shortID = LL01
        hdg = 12
        identOfOpposite = Lushlands 19
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 774
        gsLatitude = 2.155582
        gsLongitude = 26.61091
        locLatitude = 2.248988
        locLongitude = 26.63078
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Lushlands 19
        shortID = LL19
        hdg = 192
        identOfOpposite = Lushlands 01
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 777
        gsLatitude = 2.324486
        gsLongitude = 26.64634
        locLatitude = 2.23108
        locLongitude = 26.62647
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = KSC Two Flat 17
        shortID = KBF17
        hdg = 173
        identOfOpposite = KSC Two Flat 35
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 432
        gsLatitude = 20.66689
        gsLongitude = 213.4141
        locLatitude = 20.57211
        locLongitude = 213.4266
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = KSC Two Flat 35
        shortID = KBF35
        hdg = 353
        identOfOpposite = KSC Two Flat 17
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 432
        gsLatitude = 20.51403
        gsLongitude = 213.4309
        locLatitude = 20.60881
        locLongitude = 213.4184
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = KSC Two FW 20
        shortID = KB20
        hdg = 196
        identOfOpposite = KSC Two RV 02
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 429
        gsLatitude = 20.65043
        gsLongitude = 213.5601
        locLatitude = 20.55863
        locLongitude = 213.532
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = KSC Two RV 02
        shortID = KB02
        hdg = 16
        identOfOpposite = KSC Two FW 20
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 430
        gsLatitude = 20.5161
        gsLongitude = 213.5187
        locLatitude = 20.60789
        locLongitude = 213.5468
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Green Coast FW 06
        shortID = GC06
        hdg = 59
        identOfOpposite = Green Coast RV 24
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 223
        gsLatitude = -3.493906
        gsLongitude = 179.0893
        locLatitude = -3.44472
        locLongitude = 179.1713
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Green Coast RV 24
        shortID = GC24
        hdg = 239
        identOfOpposite = Green Coast FW 06
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 224
        gsLatitude = -3.420468
        gsLongitude = 179.2144
        locLatitude = -3.469647
        locLongitude = 179.1324
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = North Pole 19
        shortID = NP19
        hdg = 192
        identOfOpposite = North Pole 01
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 48
        gsLatitude = 79.57256
        gsLongitude = 282.5903
        locLatitude = 79.47914
        locLongitude = 282.4815
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = North Pole 01
        shortID = NP01
        hdg = 12
        identOfOpposite = North Pole 19
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 49
        gsLatitude = 79.45485
        gsLongitude = 282.4466
        locLatitude = 79.54823
        locLongitude = 282.556
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = South Pole 05
        shortID = SP05
        hdg = 52.546833502915
        identOfOpposite = South Pole 23
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 33
        gsLatitude = -84.725520
        gsLongitude = 142.928215
        locLatitude = -84.725520
        locLongitude = 142.928215
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = South Pole 23
        shortID = SP23
        hdg = 231.67745637244
        identOfOpposite = South Pole 05
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 34
        gsLatitude = -84.662692
        gsLongitude = 143.801333
        locLatitude = -84.662692
        locLongitude = 143.801333
        outerMarkerDist = -1000
        middleMarkerDist = -1000
        innerMarkerDist = -1000

         ident = KSS Kerman
         shortID = KSSK
         hdg = 261
         body = Kerbin
         altMSL = 18
         gsLatitude = 14.103317188893721
         gsLongitude = -32.791772693623173
         locLatitude = 14.103317188893721
         locLongitude = -32.791772693623173
         outerMarkerDist = 10000
         middleMarkerDist = 2200
         innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Dundard Edge FW
        shortID = DEFW
        identOfOpposite = Dundard Edge RV
        hdg = 183
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 529
        gsLatitude = 44.1193049341816
        gsLongitude = 227.986683807359
        locLatitude = 44.1193049341816
        locLongitude = 227.986683807359
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Dundard Edge RV
        shortID = DERV
        identOfOpposite = Dundard Edge FW
        hdg = 357
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 527
        gsLatitude = 44.2742410018947
        gsLongitude = 227.997049028032
        locLatitude = 44.2742410018947
        locLongitude = 227.997049028032
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Londie Isles FW
        shortID = LIFW
        hdg = 147
        identOfOpposite = Londie Isles RV
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 441
        gsLatitude = 29.5985468682293
        gsLongitude = 14.3003617383937
        locLatitude = 29.5985468682293
        locLongitude = 14.3003617383937
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Londie Isles RV
        shortID = LIRV
        hdg = 327
        identOfOpposite = Londie Isles FW
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 441
        gsLatitude = 29.7377170844703
        gsLongitude = 14.1986045632602
        locLatitude = 29.7377170844703
        locLongitude = 14.1986045632602
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Kerbin Bottom FW
        shortID = KBFW
        hdg = 76
        identOfOpposite = Kerbin Bottom RV
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 107
        gsLatitude = -50.4751071644365
        gsLongitude = 170.672504182358
        locLatitude = -50.4751071644365
        locLongitude = 170.672504182358
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Kerbin Bottom RV
        shortID = KBRV
        hdg = 256
        identOfOpposite = Kerbin Bottom FW
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 107
        gsLatitude = -50.4902547972505
        gsLongitude = 170.578606225688
        locLatitude = -50.4902547972505
        locLongitude = 170.578606225688
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Black Krags FW
        shortID = BKFW
        hdg = 187
        identOfOpposite = Black Krags RV
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 326
        gsLatitude = 11.2585093475488
        gsLongitude = 272.304276982919
        locLatitude = 11.2585093475488
        locLongitude = 272.304276982919
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Black Krags RV
        shortID = BKRV
        hdg = 7
        identOfOpposite = Black Krags FW
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 326
        gsLatitude = 11.3203899303849
        gsLongitude = 272.312225208109
        locLatitude = 11.3203899303849
        locLongitude = 272.312225208109
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = The Shelf FW
        shortID = TSFW
        hdg = 128
        identOfOpposite = The Shelf RV
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 316
        gsLatitude = -53.8559168107544
        gsLongitude = 197.992279641506
        locLatitude = -53.8559168107544
        locLongitude = 197.992279641506
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = The Shelf RV
        shortID = TSRV
        hdg = 306
        identOfOpposite = The Shelf FW
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 316
        gsLatitude = -53.8164749088617
        gsLongitude = 197.904783309467
        locLatitude = -53.8164749088617
        locLongitude = 197.904783309467
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Coaler Crater FW
        shortID = CCFW
        hdg = 231
        identOfOpposite = Coaler Crater RV
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 70
        gsLatitude = 35.429
        gsLongitude = 261.095
        locLatitude = 35.429
        locLongitude = 261.095
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Coaler Crater RV
        shortID = CCRV
        hdg = 52
        identOfOpposite = Coaler Crater FW
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 70
        gsLatitude = 35.429
        gsLongitude = 261.095
        locLatitude = 35.429
        locLongitude = 261.095
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = South Point FW
        shortID = SPFW
        hdg = 224
        identOfOpposite = South Point RV
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 237
        gsLatitude = -17.8611843224849
        gsLongitude = 166.388569407982
        locLatitude = -17.8611843224849
        locLongitude = 166.388569407982
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = South Point RV
        shortID = SPRV
        hdg = 44
        identOfOpposite = South Point FW
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 237
        gsLatitude = -17.8205027853357
        gsLongitude = 166.427730650577
        locLatitude = -17.8205027853357
        locLongitude = 166.427730650577
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = South Hope FW
        shortID = SHFW
        hdg = 354
        identOfOpposite = South Hope RV
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 260
        gsLatitude = -49.6449298742853
        gsLongitude = 16.969470114174
        locLatitude = -49.6449298742853
        locLongitude = 16.969470114174
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = South Hope RV
        shortID = SHRV
        hdg = 174
        identOfOpposite = South Hope FW
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 260
        gsLatitude = -49.7957532436839
        gsLongitude = 16.9945664800318
        locLatitude = -49.7957532436839
        locLongitude = 16.9945664800318
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Round Range FW
        shortID = RRFW
        hdg = 97
        identOfOpposite = Round Range RV
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 1252
        gsLatitude = -6.03108603549769
        gsLongitude = 99.5391488148257
        locLatitude = -6.03108603549769
        locLongitude = 99.5391488148257
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Round Range RV
        shortID = RRRV
        hdg = 278
        identOfOpposite = Round Range FW
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 1252
        gsLatitude = -6.01212242281816
        gsLongitude = 99.3891654504821
        locLatitude = -6.01212242281816
        locLongitude = 99.3891654504821
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

          ident = Area 110011 FW
         shortID = 110011FW
         hdg = 215
         identOfOpposite = Area 110011 RV
         body = Kerbin
         altMSL = 339
         gsLatitude = 10.4455537178098
         gsLongitude = 227.755291435086
         locLatitude = 10.4455537178098
         locLongitude = 227.755291435086
         outerMarkerDist = 10000
         middleMarkerDist = 2200
         innerMarkerDist = 200

          ident = Area 110011 RV
         shortID = 110011RV
         hdg = 35
         identOfOpposite = Area 110011 FW
         body = Kerbin
         altMSL = 339
         gsLatitude = 10.4455537178098
         gsLongitude = 227.755291435086
         locLatitude = 10.4455537178098
         locLongitude = 227.755291435086
         outerMarkerDist = 10000
         middleMarkerDist = 2200
         innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Valentina's Landing FW
        shortID = VLFW
        hdg = 338
        identOfOpposite = Valentina's Landing RW
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 122
        gsLatitude = -49.594316797780969
        gsLongitude = 127.70681691033401
        locLatitude = -49.594316797780969
        locLongitude = 127.70681691033401
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Valentina's Landing RW
        shortID = VLFW
        hdg = 158
        identOfOpposite = Valentina's Landing FW
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 126
        gsLatitude = -49.365982119630459
        gsLongitude = 127.56994873204349
        locLatitude = -49.365982119630459
        locLongitude = 127.56994873204349
        outerMarkerDist = 10000
        middleMarkerDist = 2200
        innerMarkerDist = 200

        ident = Kerbin City TV Tower
        shortID = KC-TV
        hdg = 90
        body = Kerbin
        altMSL = 500
        gsLatitude = -5.805436149
        gsLongitude = -83.34282382
        locLatitude = -5.805436149
        locLongitude = -83.34282382

        outerMarkerDist = -1000
        middleMarkerDist = -1000
        innerMarkerDist = -1000


Edited by Shnyrik
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14 hours ago, Shnyrik said:

Some time ago I posted configs for runways from KerbinSide mod. Here is the updated version.

For those who also use KerbinCity mod I added a beacon directing approximately at KerbinCity TV tower.

If you keep your runway configs as a separate .cfg, I'd recommend to remove those custom = True lines. In current implementation they make your runways editable with custom runways editor and saved to customRunways.cfg file whenever Create runway button is pressed.

Edited by Ser
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18 minutes ago, Ser said:

If you keep your runway configs as a separate .cfg, I'd recommend to remove those custom = True

Somehow, when I remove this line, I stop getting those runways in the list for selection.

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1 hour ago, Shnyrik said:

Somehow, when I remove this line, I stop getting those runways in the list for selection.

Do you mean the new runway selection window or the list in runway editor window?

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20 minutes ago, Ser said:

Do you mean the new runway selection window or the list in runway editor window?

I mean the list in the main window (in the yellow square on the image) where you click on the "runway" label to cycle.


Or "Next" and "Previous" buttons on the MFD.

It's strange, but without the "custom = True" strings those buttons cycle only through the "prebuilt" list of runways, but when I add the string to my configs, I get them in the list.

Edited by Shnyrik
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22 hours ago, Shnyrik said:

I mean the list in the main window (in the yellow square on the image) where you click on the "runway" label to cycle.

Or "Next" and "Previous" buttons on the MFD.

It's strange, but without the "custom = True" strings those buttons cycle only through the "prebuilt" list of runways, but when I add the string to my configs, I get them in the list.

Couldn't reproduce that. I've created a custom runway, moved it into a separate .cfg file and removed custom = True line and it still appears everywhere it should. So I need exact steps to reproduce your issue.

Another bug I've found is if you have a removed runway by an MM patch and create a new custom one, it gets saved to customRunways.cfg without the removed one so that runway just gets deleted permanently. Well, the runway save system still isn't perfect.

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