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[1.12.5] Knes 1.9.9


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@NateDaBeastsorry for the incredible delay! I got caught up in other things and kind of forgot about your ATV cargo patch. I went ahead and did it for TACLS/Kerbalism, but I can add more LS mods if needed.

It's (mostly) untested, all I know is that MM and B9PS will load it up without complaining.

	@name = _Knes_ATV_Cargo_2
	@title = ATV "Fermi" Cargo Module
		name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
		moduleID = ATV
		switcherDescription = Resource Container
		switcherDescriptionPlural = Resource Selections
		switchInFlight = True
		baseVolume = 1350
			name = Structural
			tankType = Structural
			title = Structural
			name = CombinedLifeSupportKnes
			tankType = LS_Cargo_knes_patch
			title = Combined Life Support
			name = FoodKnes
			tankType = LS_Food_knes_patch
			title = Food
			name = OxygenKnes
			tankType = LS_O2_knes_patch
			title = Oxygen
			name = WaterKnes
			tankType = LS_H20_knes_patch
			title = Water
	name = LS_Cargo_knes_patch
	tankMass = 0.0000
	tankCost = 0.0
		name = Food
		unitsPerVolume = 0.3414853333333334
		name = Water
		unitsPerVolume = 0.2257164444444443
		name = Oxygen
		unitsPerVolume = 34.57056355555552
		name = Waste
		unitsPerVolume = 0.010752
		percentFilled = 0
		name = WasteWater
		unitsPerVolume = 0.099528
		percentFilled = 0
		name = CarbonDioxide
		unitsPerVolume =  10.34007
		percentFilled = 0

	name = LS_Food_knes_patch
	tankMass = 0.0000
	tankCost = 0.0
		name = Food
		unitsPerVolume = 1
	name = LS_O2_knes_patch
	tankMass = 0.0000
	tankCost = 0.0
		name = Oxygen
		unitsPerVolume = 100
	name = LS_H20_knes_patch
	tankMass = 0.0000
	tankCost = 0.0
		name = Water
		unitsPerVolume = 0.5


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39 minutes ago, Hypercore said:

Question: Is this meant for the stock system, or would a 2.5x scaled system work? I'm making some recreations and that's what bdb and tantares recommends

This is balanced against stock parts, so 2.5x is just right.

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  • 1 month later...

Gemstones Part 1: Agate, Rubis, Topaze

1) Agate

First rocket in France's Gemstones family, the Agate was used to test recoverable instrument pod. It was an unguided rocket, powered by Mammouth solid rocket engine and launched from a rail.


The Mammouth is made from Black Forest "Rook" SRB (CRE), six Castor Size 0 decouplers (Tantares) and four Canopus Type A fins (also Tantares). The instrument pod is represented by Cosmocat. The pod is recoverable.


The launch rail comes from Modular Launch Pads. Rail is configured to face East, launch angle is 15 degrees.


And yes, it works.



Works quite well, in fact. No SAS or corrective maneuvers needed - just launch it and see how it takes your cat to space.


2) Rubis

The Rubis was made by combining Agate with P064 SRB, aka Diamant 3rd stage. It was used to test in-orbit operations for future Diamant launches, like fairing jettisoning, 3rd stage spin-despin and payload separation. Like Agate, it was launched using rail.


This one is a bit nose-heavy, so launch angle was reduced to 10 degrees to compensate.


No fairings or satellite simulator on this launch - I was afraid the may interfere witn the rail (it's quite finicky)



Maneuvering to face prograde at apogee (Not sure if it was the part of actual Rubis flight, though).



Releasing the P064.


3) Topaze

The Topaze was the first actively guided rocket in Gemstones family, and thus was launched from the pad and not from rail. It was used to test Diamant's 2nd stage.


Includes that weird tank-tower.




The cat is obviously does not belong here.


Using RCS to gain some extra altitude.


The cat is released...


...only to go back to Algeria.





Quite realistic cat physics!

Or maybe it's a bug.

Meh, I like my version better.

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2 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

Gemstones Part 1: Agate, Rubis, Topaze


Quite realistic cat physics!

Or maybe it's a bug.

Meh, I like my version better.

Oh awesome! I think that the first time i see all French Gemstones rocket for KSP! 

The cat thanks you for the Ride! i think the collider is a little flat on this part, so he generally always land like that. and you know what ? that quite realistic!

This was the landing of the "Martine" Monkey on a Vesta Rocket :


Edited by Well
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18 minutes ago, Well said:

This is Thermal protection/insulation for the launcher, wich detach during launch. Perfectly fine.


Emeraude\Sapfir\Diamant A used turpentine and nitric acid as LF and Ox. AFAIK, neither of these are cryogenic. Am I missing something, or this is the case of French being, well, French?

12 minutes ago, Well said:

Oh awesome! I think that the first time i see all French Gemstones rocket for KSP! 

The cat thanks you for the Ride! i think the collider is a little flat on this part, so he generally always land like that. and you know what ? that quite realistic!

This was the landing of the "Martine" Monkey on a Vesta Rocket :

Well, that was only the "solid" half of Gemstones. There's still the "liquid" half, which I'll post soon (Emeraude, Sapfir, Diamant). Although I must say that these are not so fun to make (being basically the same rocket) as the solid ones.

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11 hours ago, biohazard15 said:


Emeraude\Sapfir\Diamant A used turpentine and nitric acid as LF and Ox. AFAIK, neither of these are cryogenic. Am I missing something, or this is the case of French being, well, French?

You're correct on the fuel, but thermal protection could be needed for many reason, i'm not specialist enought to said what is th use for those. You could see here those thermal protection : (Hammaguir launch site is really a sunny /  hot place

 http://www.capcomespace.net/dossiers/espace_europeen/espace_francais/diamantA P34775_HD.jpg

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Hi @Well!

I have recieved an issue report in my mod thread. After doing some tests on my own I have found a problem (may be it is not the one reported). Two engines in Knes are pathced to have cost = 0. While this is OK for KSP logics, it confuses my PartModule, PayToPlay mod is an engine reliability plugin that makes the player pay funds for recovered engines maintenance. And some logics brake apart if part cost is 0. The maintenance expences directly depend on part cost. I have already found that "replace with a new enigne" option cost gets negative (-1) and "restore ignitions" button does not appear for free engines while it should.

And now I have  questions: why are there free parts in the partpack? Is it possible to rebalance costs and make every engines' cost positive without ruining the desired balance?


If you feel like looking deeper, the story starts here:


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32 minutes ago, DarthPointer said:

Hi @Well!

I have recieved an issue report in my mod thread. After doing some tests on my own I have found a problem (may be it is not the one reported). Two engines in Knes are pathced to have cost = 0. While this is OK for KSP logics, it confuses my PartModule, PayToPlay mod is an engine reliability plugin that makes the player pay funds for recovered engines maintenance. And some logics brake apart if part cost is 0. The maintenance expences directly depend on part cost. I have already found that "replace with a new enigne" option cost gets negative (-1) and "restore ignitions" button does not appear for free engines while it should.

And now I have  questions: why are there free parts in the partpack? Is it possible to rebalance costs and make every engines' cost positive without ruining the desired balance?


If you feel like looking deeper, the story starts here:


Hello, no problem i perfectly understand that could be a problem for compatibilty. Any part are supposed to be cost = 0

i'm going to investigate that, did you know what engine exaclty is concerned ?

for now i've noticed that on the _Knes_Vesta_Engine_0625

i will fix that a soon as possible

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1 hour ago, Well said:

i'm going to investigate that, did you know what engine exaclty is concerned ?

for now i've noticed that on the _Knes_Vesta_Engine_0625

There are two of them (and an adapter that should not be relevant for the issue but still looking *interesting*).

Launcher/Veronique/_Knes_Veronique_Engine_03125.cfg:    cost = 0
Launcher/Vesta/_Knes_Vesta_Adapter_0625to03125.cfg:     cost = 0
Launcher/Vesta/_Knes_Vesta_Engine_0625.cfg:    cost = 0


Edited by DarthPointer
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btw it's the moment to ask for some eventually little fix or balance.

Also with the new inventory system in KSP 1.11, we are going to probably choose between KIS and stock System.

I'm not sure yet, depend how stock system work and allow... but i don't think i want to manage and allow 2 inventory system for Knes.

And yes i already know this are going to make problem for some people, i suspect that for many mod.

(with a little time, i suppose we could eventually write a patch to replace Stock system if KIS is installed)

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A little suggestion, for 1.11 update and coexisting inventory sytem. True, having two inventory on one vessel will be unmanageable. Instead:

simple way: it can be possible to have a copy of each vessel with kis module and no stock inventory. Downside: load heavy.


Complexe way:

For hermes: shuttle with kis, service module with stock inventory.

Mrk, minotaure cargo :  two version for each inventory system.

Mrk , minotaure crew: no inventory, inventory container provided by stock and kis can be added into the cargo service module

Atv: multiple version of cargo module


Maybe later it will be possible to use b9 for make variant of part ( if b9 update for handle the new stock inventory).



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