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Your creepiest/loneliest KSP moments!

Ultimate Steve

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I'd say my creepiest moment was during a rescue mission.  I had launched a spaceplane piloted by Val, and I managed to touch down on the Mun.  However, I didn't have enough fuel to fully return, and since I suck at rendezvousing in orbit, I decided to ditch the plane and launch a rescue ship piloted by Jeb.  I landed relatively close, so I just used Val's RCS pack to fly towards Jeb.  I don't know why, but I just had the odd feeling that something was watching her.  Luckily she made it to the lander and we got the heck out of there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My loneliest moment was probably during the transfer from Urlum to Neidon in my OPM grand tour mission a few years ago... just years of endless void behind us, and years more to go...


As for the creepiest... ever turned down the brightness to -100%?


Or maybe visiting the Mun arch after 1.12.5 came out, after having previously been there in the exact same savegame.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Some photos from my career save/mission report.



Bob Kerman, KASA Kerbonaut, the CSM pilot of Trinty-6. While his companions, Casey and Irene, are both on the Munar surface, Bob is alone, to man the CSM and, as a side task, map the Munar surface as he orbits over the surfa











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  • 8 months later...

Back in my first days of playing ksp, I decided to try flying a plane for the first time. Before this point, I had only launched from the launchpad, not the runway. So, as I’m taking off, imagine my terror and fear when I see a black figure in the distance, watching me from across the plains! Thankfully, it was only the Monolith. Scared the kraken out of me, though.

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On 4/4/2024 at 4:43 PM, Iapetus7342 said:

I don't have Melanoheliophobia, but seeing Kcalbeloh in the tracking station up close for the first time horrified me, like looking into the abyss. :0.0:

Anyone seeing an abyss and not fearing it is suicidal or completely out of their mind! Healthy people are hard wired to fear whatever can kill us.

"If you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you"


3 hours ago, timmy kerman said:

Back in my first days of playing ksp, I decided to try flying a plane for the first time. Before this point, I had only launched from the launchpad, not the runway. So, as I’m taking off, imagine my terror and fear when I see a black figure in the distance, watching me from across the plains! Thankfully, it was only the Monolith. Scared the kraken out of me, though.

About planes...

I'm a frustrated aviator. Studied to be one when young, but one of that infinite economic crisis on my country screwed my family's finances and I settled with flight simulators since then. :P (not really complaining, I can do fun things on a Simulator than even a jet fighter pilot is not allowed to!! :sticktongue:).

But since I had studied that damn thing, I'm more or less wiser on this ordeal than the average gamer, and this is not always a good thing.

Some time ago, I had found and read the Accident Report for that terrible disasters involving the 737 MAX, and a few days (or weeks? I don't remember now) later I was doing some sightseeing missions on one of my planes and since the "mission" was to bring a lot of tourists to a touristic point by flight, I got lazy and used Atmospheric Autopilot to do the heavy lifting for me.

Well, there was a bug on the thing - if you do a typo while entering a numeric data field, it gets set to zero and, well, I did a typo while setting the flight level... :0.0:

Dude... What happened was terrifying similar to the Aircraft Accident Investigation Report about the 737 MAX accident on Ethiopia. The plane gone nose down suddenly (about 1 second after I had set the flight level), and since I was taken by surprise, instead of deactivating the auto pilot I started to fight the craft attitude both on joystick and keyboard - obviously, without any results. And since I also use GWPS, the thing was yelling "Terrain! Pull up!!!" during all the event!

By the time I had realized what happened, it was too late - I managed to deactivate the AAP just to plummet into the ground in a spectacular way. Also, pretty close to what I had read on that report.

I will not lie to you, I was mortified horrified. Really, really mortified horrified. It took me a whole week to fire up KSP again, and then I did this,

Hard core simulation can bite your cheeks sometimes...

Edited by Lisias
Of cuorse, tyops!
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My creepiest moments both happened on the creepiest of creepy places... Runway Island.

This was back in my early days in KSP (2014) and back in those days I didn't fly anything with wings, just rockets, so my trips there were by rocket up and then parachute down around the runway itself.

The first time I went there, I launch my lander/rover by rocket towards the island and dropped onto it with parachutes.


The landing went fine and Bob (I think it was him) started to explore the buildings around the runway. After stopping at the control tower, he drove the the open hanger, but a few seconds after venturing inside, the screen went black for a moment, then the view reappeared, with just the lander can remaining of the rover, high up (hundreds of kilometres) over Kerbin. To make matters worse, the lander can was zooming away from Kerbin at many km/s on an escape trajectory from Kerbin.

For some reason I EVA'd Bob and grabbed a screenshot of the event.


The two slowly drifted apart, but still rocketing away from kerbins at 10's km/s. So Bob decided to just hang out and take in the view, knowing there was no way home.



Vehicle and crew lost.


My second creepy tale of Runway Island happened when I sent a later, larger vehicle, to deliver a whole bunch of kerbals there, for the "Old Tower Challenge",  in which the aim was to get as many kerbals inside the room at the top of the control tower.

I launched a test flight, with just Val as pilot onboard, to try out the lande, another "rockets up, chutes down" affair. I don't have pics of that flight, but here is one of the my precarious landing on top of the tower, for the challenge entry itself. The kerbally cargo of which can be seen inside the tower.


On the earlier test flight, a landing anywhere near the runway was good enough and Val touched down just off the runway, on the opposite side from the tower. She then left the lander to take a look around on foot.

Almost as soon as she stepped off the thing, it started to slowly (probably about 1m/s) float upwards. No engines firing, no-one on board to fly it, it just slowly rose upwards, into the air. I watched it for a couple of minutes or so, feeling very puzzled, as it climbed to an altitude higher than the tower, before deciding to load the gamesave I made afer touching down, after which behaviour was normal.

So... if you're thinking of going to the runway island, my advice is don't go alone, don't go at night (spooky!!!) and watch what you're doing in that hanger.

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3 hours ago, purpleivan said:

My second creepy tale of Runway Island happened when I sent a later, larger vehicle, to deliver a whole bunch of kerbals there, for the "Old Tower Challenge",  in which the aim was to get as many kerbals inside the room at the top of the control tower.

I launched a test flight, with just Val as pilot onboard, to try out the lande, another "rockets up, chutes down" affair. I don't have pics of that flight, but here is one of the my precarious landing on top of the tower, for the challenge entry itself. The kerbally cargo of which can be seen inside the tower.


Can you still do that?

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Loneliest moment was also one of the most tense, and most successful. I was doing a 'rescue', early game. The rescue craft was stripped down, but no matter how I sliced it, I didn't have enough Delta-V to get the Rendezvous, *and* send them home. 

So, I took a little inspiration from 'The Martian', and went Iron Man. I had my 'rescuee' go EVA, wait until the capsule flew past, and then jumped after it. it was all on the Dark Side of the Mun, so for almost five minutes, I was operating totally on the NavBall, closing in on the target, and I couldn't even see either of them until they collided.

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13 hours ago, RedAl1en1 said:

Can you still do that?

As I remember it took a few attempts, but I was determined to land that thing on the roof. Not a long trip for each attempt, so didn't take too long to accomplish, but very satisfying to nail the landing, even if it was just about hanging on, up there.

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23 hours ago, RedAl1en1 said:

no like is it possible in 1.12.5?

To answer your question... yes... yes it is.

I just now made a landing there, albeit with a slightly smaller vehicle, so the whole thing could actually fit on top of the tower. However, things didn't go quite according to plan. It took 3 attempts to get a trajectory that didn't overshoot too much, or fall too short, but I finally made.

Launch and staging went fine.bA0TmxW.jpeg


Then it was time to deply the chutes. Just eyeballing this so that they were deployed a short time before i'd pass over the top of the tower.

The idea was for them to bring the vehicle to a quick halt, but as the deploy altitude for them was the default of 1km and I was about 6km up at the time I released them, I had to quickly run around and set chutes to the max of 5km deployment.


Looking good at this point. Almost alighned vertically with the tower and the tanks were about 50% full, so a decent amount for manouvering for the landing.


However, I had to find a couple of chutes I'd missed, that we still set to 5km deployment, as this meant my vehicle wasn't hanging fully vertically. The time I spent doing that meant I had to waste some fuel slowing the decent. That resulted in me running out of that delicious stuff before I was properly lined up with the roof. As I was REALLY close to making that landing, I decided to jump into the F12 menu and for thelast 10 seconds or so, give myself infinite fuel, so I could nudge the vehicle over a few metres before landing on the tower.

All of which resulted in this.


I could be a smartass and say this was my plan all along. That I was going for the much harder "land on the antennas" goal, but in truth I fluffed the landing and got knabbed by them, like a tasty piece of chicken between a pair of chopsticks.

To free the vehicle I again went to the F12 menu, dropped gravity to 0.02, then with some light bursts on the engines, got free and landing it on the tower itself.

Kinda... sorta.


One of the landing legs exploded on impact (I think as a result of suddenly turning gravity back to 1.0). But any landing you can walk away from.....

With the landing completed, it was time for the crew to scoot down to the tower top, for their time in the spotlight.


I could probably have made the landing without resorting to the F12 menu, after another couple of attempts, including some tweaks to the vehicle setup. But it's still true to say that a landing on top of the tower in 1.12.5 is still possible.

Edited by purpleivan
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Creepiest moment for sure was on Console. I was experimenting with how fast you could eject a kerbal using Physics warp and the reaction wheels in the MK1 pod. After successfully ejecting one at 2x10^28m/s or something like that, I returned to the KSC... only for the game to seemingly deload the map views of every body and turn the KSC buildings into windows through Kerbin. Eternal night.

Thanks to XBOX deleting old screenshots I lost the images, but this video by Danny2462 shows the effect pretty well.

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