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WW2 BAD-T III - BDAc AI Dogfight Tournament

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3 minutes ago, DoctorDavinci said:


Was just thinking that - this is a clean install. Probably best be in the required mods list? or the dll at least.

BDA is being all sorts of wierd by itself, planes doing one pass & forgetting they're fighting ( also there still seems to be a zoom+cut throttle thing I raised as an issue on Baha's repository, I'll compare source for that with the hack I did when I can ).

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14 minutes ago, Van Disaster said:

BDA is being all sorts of wierd by itself, planes doing one pass & forgetting they're fighting ( also there still seems to be a zoom+cut throttle thing I raised as an issue on Baha's repository, I'll compare source for that with the hack I did when I can ).

I'm seeing that too ... try deleting the .dll in Aviator Arsenal, seemed to work for me although I haven't fully tested it

EDIT: although I do seem to recall this issue happenning in the last BAD T

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Only AA's dll in there, I'm assuming that's not needed then?

Well, this is a little entertaining at least - the dummy is a bit broken atm, it can hardly get airborne ( I'd suggest taking the bombs off, perhaps) and one of the pilots testing my own plane is so bored he keeps spinning out all the way to min alt waiting for the dummies to get in position. Can't think of any other reason, he's flying the same settings as the flight leader...

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19 minutes ago, Van Disaster said:

Only AA's dll in there, I'm assuming that's not needed then?

Well, this is a little entertaining at least - the dummy is a bit broken atm, it can hardly get airborne ( I'd suggest taking the bombs off, perhaps) and one of the pilots testing my own plane is so bored he keeps spinning out all the way to min alt waiting for the dummies to get in position. Can't think of any other reason, he's flying the same settings as the flight leader...

If you can, open an issue on github (https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues) and post the KSP.log and output.log from when this happens (try to be detailed with replication steps etc.. as it helps considerably) ... I've been seeing in my logs that the pilot keeps looking for the other team but eventually stops looking after a few tries with all the mods for this challenge installed

The more information we have the better the BDAc team is able to figure out what is up ... I'm going to run a bunch of tests in a short while so I can document all the variables that may be causing a hitch as I haven't seen this behaviour with only a bare bones BDAc install (BDAc, PRE, VM)

EDIT: Yes, AA was compiled against bahaTurret.dll in BDAc but that has since changed ... Our code guru's have split BDAc into BDArmory.dll and BDArmory.Core.dll since AA was last compiled which means it doesnt do anything anymore as bahaTurret.dll isn't there anymore

Edited by DoctorDavinci
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15 minutes ago, DoctorDavinci said:

If you can, open an issue on github (https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues) and post the KSP.log and output.log from when this happens (try to be detailed with replication steps etc.. as it helps considerably) ... I've been seeing in my logs that the pilot keeps looking for the other team but eventually stops looking after a few tries with all the mods for this challenge installed

The more information we have the better the BDAc team is able to figure out what is up ... I'm going to run a bunch of tests in a short while so I can document all the variables that may be causing a hitch as I haven't seen this behaviour with only a bare bones BDAc install (BDAc, PRE, VM)

EDIT: Yes, AA was compiled against bahaTurret.dll in BDAc but that has since changed ... Our code guru's have split BDAc into BDArmory.dll and BDArmory.Core.dll since AA was last compiled which means it doesnt do anything anymore as bahaTurret.dll isn't there anymore

I'll crosspost the issue if I can dig it up - it's using the wrong gravity vector somewhere so it think's it's overshooting it's target speed & rolls off the throttle, IIRC ( it was a year and a half ago! I have video somewhere too - I reworked that calc in my own build, I just have to find it ). I have no idea why craft keep extending forever though. Will try removing the AA dll.

Edit: wasn't quite what the issue was, will raise a new one.

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1 minute ago, 53miner53 said:

I was finding that the dummy was taking forever to get up to altitude, so I did what I thought was logical: add SRBs on decouplers. I don't have any trouble now! :cool:

If you fail to takeoff the dummy plane turns around and bombs you.

Pretty humiliating, and funny :P

You can remove Aviator Arsenal's dll as it only adds the Jericho trumpet sounds.

I noticed that the propellers have disk colliders, and FAR uses that to create the body mesh, not sure if it's too bad but shouldn't be a major issue.

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4 minutes ago, tetryds said:

If you fail to takeoff the dummy plane turns around and bombs you.

Pretty humiliating, and funny :P.

My plane was almost leaping off the runway once I got it working. The dummy craft just has no TWR. That situation would be funny though!

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@SuicidalInsanity Nice video.

You get used to handling the camera after a few matches, but that was really good for the first one.

If your computer can handle it I recommend using scatterer too.

You are running on KSP 1.0.5 with the specified mod versions, right?

You can use that mod that puts kerbals on open seats, don't remember if there is any custom cockpit airplane left.

Since the videos are being edited, would be good to have a battle score on the corner of the video :)


BT211 go!

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1 hour ago, DoctorDavinci said:

It may not be the cause of the issue ... try it and let me know as I want to get to the bottom of the cause so the lads can find a fix

I spent some time last year trying to find the root of the reach-for-the-stars issue ( I think it's the same thing, debug was saying Extending permanently there too ) & never got that far. I suspect it's might be picking a null target with garbage location info.

Dummy just needs the next engine up, I think. These engines do seem pretty asthmatic compared to the 1.1 pack. Edit: also no monoprop. I stuck the Gazelle on the front, seems to be a little more reasonable without being effective - it is bending the gear trying to take off though.

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Firespitter and Take command have been added to the OP, and the dummy has been revised to be less anemic, but still little more than a flying target.
The BADT engines got a revision from last tournament - BADT 2 you'd have planes capable of pulling 15g turns from a 230m/s level cruise - so engines are a bit weaker, but are also a bit lighter; but a properly built plane should still be able to hit 140-200m/s depending on engine.

Forgive the lack of EVE/DestructionFX/etc. in the video - BADT III stuff will have those, but the final BADT2 vids were done in KSP 1.05, and I wasn't able to find versions of those mods that went back that many versions.
For the remaining battles, I can add kill counters, easy.


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6 minutes ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

Firespitter and Take command have been added to the OP, and the dummy has been revised to be less anemic, but still little more than a flying target.
The BADT engines got a revision from last tournament - BADT 2 you'd have planes capable of pulling 15g turns from a 230m/s level cruise - so engines are a bit weaker, but are also a bit lighter; but a properly built plane should still be able to hit 140-200m/s depending on engine.

Forgive the lack of EVE/DestructionFX/etc. in the video - BADT III stuff will have those, but the final BADT2 vids were done in KSP 1.05, and I wasn't able to find versions of those mods that went back that many versions.
For the remaining battles, I can add kill counters, easy.


I have never deleted a KSP mod, I might have some around still, pass me a list ( mebbe in a PM ). As a last resort I have all my 1.0.5 installs still.

The craft I ported in from BT2 can still do mad aerobatics, it just can't chase jets down anymore.

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22 minutes ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

I wasn't able to find versions of those mods that went back that many versions.

Gotcha, fam.

Glad to see the commitment with balance is maintained, this is super important.

I think we should spread out the word a bit more, many people who would like to participate may not know about this yet.

Edit: I already sent the visual mods to him btw.

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BADT-2 SemiFinal II [Take 2 (Now With FX Mods!)]:
CG 5-13 Mod.1, by @KamikazeF0X Vs. FAR Tytonid Mk XVI, by @ferram4,

Not quite as interesting as the first take, which featured a successful mid-air ramming and ended with a score of Tytonid: 6, CG 5-13 Mod.1: 1, Physics: 2. There are hints of it in this version, but in the first version, Tytonid pilots had a habit of exceeding the tolerances of the airframe and ripping off various (semi)-important bits of the plane.

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Neat, now we have a sniper boom'n'zoomer vs one of the most agile prop planes I have ever seen.

Sorry @ferram4 but my bets are not on you.

Unless the Tytonid manages to make the BT drain all of its energy I don't think it can turn fast enough to keep a lock on it and escape when needed.

Just hope it doesn't end on the first headon encointers.

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I'm not sure, I think it depends on who blinks in the head on.  If the Tytonids blink, then they're at risk of being at a temporary energy disadvantage that will get them destroyed.  If the BTs blink, then they'll likely burn up all their energy in maneuvers and end up being easy pickings.

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Hi all

just a PSA regarding Take Command .......

If you are using an external command seat be sure to leave enough room for your Kerbal to spawn ... If there are parts of your plane that are overlapping where your Kerbal spawns in the chair, you run a significant risk of your Kerbal being tossed out of the seat which would force @SuicidalInsanity to manually seat each Kerbal into the seat while setting up the competition 

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