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[1.9.x] Textures Unlimited - PBR-Shader, Texture Set, and Model Loading API


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OK, it was TR. But I didn`t remove it. I disabled only the reflections in the TR menu and it works. Change to 'static' works too.



Most mods that use TR can work just fine without it, just remove the TR folder.

Yes, they works, but without reflections. :( Is it possible to replace reflections by TR/TRR by TU? I play with DECQs Shuttle and without TR/TRR the radiotors have no reflections.

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2 hours ago, Cheesecake said:

Yes, they works, but without reflections. :( Is it possible to replace reflections by TR/TRR by TU? I play with DECQs Shuttle and without TR/TRR the radiotors have no reflections.

The answer is 100% 'Yes' (for use on normal part models).  But it might take more work than a simple config adjustment.  (actually, with the stock replacement shader, it might just be a config/patch).

Not something I'm going to work on personally, but if you take a look at the TU-Stock patches floating around, it should give you all of the examples you need to do the work yourself.

(or alternatively, you might find another forum member willing to help you out with them; and of course, I'm available for support if you absolutely get stuck somewhere or cannot get it working)

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Does KSP_TEXTURE_SET also support the model= config nodes to restrict which model names the TextureSet will apply to, or is that only for KSP_MODEL_SHADER?

Basically I want to use TextureSwitcher and the Recolor GUI, which require TextureSets, but these are defined by part, not model; so if another mod has replaced the model for a given part, then the TextureSet properties would no longer be valid unless you could also restrict the properties by model.

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1 hour ago, Electrocutor said:

Does KSP_TEXTURE_SET also support the model= config nodes to restrict which model names the TextureSet will apply to, or is that only for KSP_MODEL_SHADER?

Basically I want to use TextureSwitcher and the Recolor GUI, which require TextureSets, but these are defined by part, not model; so if another mod has replaced the model for a given part, then the TextureSet properties would no longer be valid unless you could also restrict the properties by model.

No, as the KSP_TEXTURE_SET's are applied at the part-level -- the part should already 'know' what model(s) they are being applied to.  In such cases, you should use ModuleManager to detect when the model-swapping mod is installed (e.g. a NEEDS[Vens] block or whatever), and patch your texture sets appropriately for the new models/meshes/etc.

However, as the KSP_TEXTURE_SET does use the 'mesh=' setup, you could potentially handle both models in a single 'texture set' through mesh inclusion/exclusion.  Might be a bit more work to setup the config (as you'll need mesh names), and might not work in all cases (if there are mesh names shared between the two separate models).

^^ I actually do something similar to this in SSTU where the same set of texture files' might be shared across multiple models.  I include the 'mesh=' and 'excludeMesh=' lines for every model that it potentially applies to, and then just slap the same texture set(s) on all of them.

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Any way you could add this to Elite so I can recolor my ships there? They can't manage to get proper chrome looking ships, I just want to right click and go to the recoloring UI only to not be able to find it. :(






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1 minute ago, Cheesecake said:


OK, I read the Stock-configs and understand a little bit. Is it correct that the sectionName = is the part that has new textures/reflections, like a window ? So, how can I find out the name of this part (cockpit with several windows)?

'sectionName =' is how it displays that section in the RecoloringGUI, and has no impact on what meshes/transforms get changed.

What you will need to do is find some way to examine the model hierarchy.  Either use the blender .mu import plugin to import the model to Blender, or use the DebugStuff mod to examine the model from within the VAB/SPH.  Either one should tell you the transform names.  (these transform/mesh names are probably specified in the TextureReplacer configs somewhere -- as it needs to know what meshes/transforms to adjust).

If you just want to set the textures a single time (no in-game switching) you would use a config setup like:

	//name used for patching, set to something unique
	name = SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-ISS
	//this is the name of the model file (.mu) that will be adjusted
	model = SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-ISS
	//the TEXTURE block specifies what textures to apply and what shaders to use
		//the shader that you want to use
		shader = SSTU/PBR/StockMetallicBumped
		//these are the texture slots to assign, and what texture to put into that slot
		texture = _MainTex, SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-ISS-DIFF
		texture = _BumpMap, SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-ISS-NRM
		texture = _MetallicGlossMap, SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-ISS-SPEC
		texture = _Emissive, SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-ISS-GLOW
		texture = _AOMap, SSTU/Assets/ST-GEN-DSP-ISS-AO
		//list the meshes here, one mesh per line -- this is where you would specify the window mesh names
		mesh = ST-GEN-DSP-ISS
		mesh = ST-DSP-ISS-Base
		mesh = ST-DSP-ISS-TopCap

You only need to specify the texture slots/textures if you will be changing the texture file.  Otherwise, it should be enough to just specify the shader, meshes, and PROPERTY blocks for the shader properties.

Some combination of the above, along with the use of the PROPERTY blocks from the stock patches should be able to accomplish what you are looking for.

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For those who like to tinker, and for those who really want metal in their mod parts before any compatibility patch comes out... This is what I use as a base to work backward from; it will allow you to set all parts to a couple of basic metallic, specular, or dull options. Of note: it will make anything that uses transparency look horrible, and how good each part looks by default depends on how well the textures were originally made.


		name = KSPTextureSwitch
		sectionName = Appearance
		currentTextureSet = AllDefaultMetal

			name = AllDefault
			name = AllDefaultDull
			name = AllDefaultMetal
			name = AllMetal

	name = AllDefault
	title = Default
	recolorable = false

		shader = SSTU/PBR/StockMetallicBumped

		excludeMesh = flag
		excludeMesh = FLAG
		excludeMesh = flagTransform

			name = _Color
			color = 1.0,1.0,1.0
			name = _Metal
			float = 0.0
			name = _Smoothness
			float = 1.0

	name = AllDefaultDull
	title = Dull
	recolorable = false

		shader = SSTU/PBR/StockMetallicBumped

		excludeMesh = flag
		excludeMesh = FLAG
		excludeMesh = flagTransform

			name = _Color
			color = 1.0,1.0,1.0
			name = _Metal
			float = 0.0
			name = _Smoothness
			float = 0.2

	name = AllDefaultMetal
	title = Default Metal
	recolorable = false

		shader = SSTU/PBR/StockMetallicBumped

		excludeMesh = flag
		excludeMesh = FLAG
		excludeMesh = flagTransform

			name = _Color
			color = 1.75,1.75,1.75
			name = _Metal
			float = 0.75
			name = _Smoothness
			float = 1.0

	name = AllMetal
	title = Metal
	recolorable = false

		shader = SSTU/PBR/Metallic

		excludeMesh = flag
		excludeMesh = FLAG
		excludeMesh = flagTransform

			name = _Color
			color = 1.75,1.75,1.75
			name = _Metal
			float = 0.75
			name = _Smoothness
			float = 0.75



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All I need is a replacement of this:


    name = TRReflection
    shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse
    colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5
    interval = 1
    meshes = WINDOWS2


Also: DECQs Shuttle use a textureswitch from an older SSTU version. But it didn't work (sorry if this is the wrong thread to discuss, it`s more a question for SSTU):


        name = SSTUTextureSwitch
        currentTextureSet = Atlantis
            name = Atlantis
            name = Discovery
            name = Endeavour
            name = Challenger
            name = Columbia
            name = ColumbiaModern
            name = Blank

    name = Atlantis
        mesh = FUSELAGE_001
        mesh = FRCS_MODULE
        diffuseTexture = SPACE_SHUTTLE_SYSTEM/CABINE
        mesh = Wing_RCZ
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2_003
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2
        mesh = Wing_RCZ_001
        mesh = Tail_NO_Chute
        mesh = Tail_NO
        mesh = LEFT_RSB_PANEL
        mesh = RIGHT_RSB_PANEL
        mesh = 113
        mesh = RIGHT_PLBD_EXT
        mesh = LEFT_PLBD_EXT
        diffuseTexture = SPACE_SHUTTLE_SYSTEM/FUSELASE2
        mesh = ULTRA_ENGINE

    name = Discovery
        mesh = FUSELAGE_001
        mesh = FRCS_MODULE
        normalTexture = SPACE_SHUTTLE_SYSTEM/CABINE_NR_NRM    
        mesh = Wing_RCZ
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2_003
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2
        mesh = Wing_RCZ_001

    name = Endeavour
        mesh = FUSELAGE_001
        mesh = FRCS_MODULE
        normalTexture = SPACE_SHUTTLE_SYSTEM/CABINE_NR_NRM    
        mesh = Wing_RCZ
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2_003
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2
        mesh = Wing_RCZ_001

    name = Challenger
        mesh = FUSELAGE_001
        mesh = FRCS_MODULE
        normalTexture = SPACE_SHUTTLE_SYSTEM/CABINE_NR_NRM    
        mesh = Wing_RCZ
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2_003
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2
        mesh = Wing_RCZ_001
        mesh = Tail_NO_Chute
        mesh = Tail_NO
        mesh = LEFT_RSB_PANEL
        mesh = RIGHT_RSB_PANEL
        mesh = 113
        mesh = RIGHT_PLBD_EXT
        mesh = LEFT_PLBD_EXT
        mesh = ULTRA_ENGINE

    name = Columbia
        mesh = FUSELAGE_001
        mesh = FRCS_MODULE
        normalTexture = SPACE_SHUTTLE_SYSTEM/CABINE_NR_NRM    
        mesh = Wing_RCZ
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2_003
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2
        mesh = Wing_RCZ_001
        mesh = Tail_NO_Chute
        mesh = Tail_NO
        mesh = LEFT_RSB_PANEL
        mesh = RIGHT_RSB_PANEL
        mesh = 113
        mesh = RIGHT_PLBD_EXT
        mesh = LEFT_PLBD_EXT
        mesh = ULTRA_ENGINE

    name = ColumbiaModern
        mesh = FUSELAGE_001
        mesh = FRCS_MODULE
        normalTexture = SPACE_SHUTTLE_SYSTEM/CABINE_NR_NRM    
        mesh = Wing_RCZ
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2_003
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2
        mesh = Wing_RCZ_001
        mesh = 113
        mesh = RIGHT_PLBD_EXT
        mesh = LEFT_PLBD_EXT
        mesh = ULTRA_ENGINE

    name = Blank
        mesh = FUSELAGE_001
        mesh = FRCS_MODULE
        mesh = Wing_RCZ
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2_003
        mesh = Wing_RCZ2
        mesh = Wing_RCZ_001
        mesh = Tail_NO_Chute
        mesh = Tail_NO
        mesh = LEFT_RSB_PANEL
        mesh = RIGHT_RSB_PANEL
        mesh = 113
        mesh = RIGHT_PLBD_EXT
        mesh = LEFT_PLBD_EXT
        diffuseTexture = SPACE_SHUTTLE_SYSTEM/FUSELASE2
        mesh = ULTRA_ENGINE


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I've given you plenty of information that you should be able to figure it out ( @Electrocutor had no problem figuring it out from far less documentation ).  I don't have the time (or motivation, or patience) to do the work for you, especially on a mod that I don't use and have no knowledge of.  Now, if you have a specific problem that you need help figuring out, please let me know. 

I would suggest taking that config example I posted earlier and start playing with it.  Put in the model name for the model you want to adjust.  Put in the mesh names from that config snippet you posted.  See what happens (or doesn't happen) when you load it in game.  Compare it to the stock patches (the simple ones, not the texture-switch ones), and see how those are put together; see what is different between them, and learn what the functions do by examination and experimentation.


8 minutes ago, Cheesecake said:

Also: DECQs Shuttle use a textureswitch from an older SSTU version. But it didn't work (sorry if this is the wrong thread to discuss, it`s more a question for SSTU):

That is not something that I can fix.  And not really related to SSTU either -- if a mod author doesn't update configs.... nothing I can do about it.  He will need to update his configs to keep up with the changes in SSTU -- that is the downside of having a dependency on an 'in-development' mod -- you have to keep up with it as it is developed.

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34 minutes ago, Cheesecake said:

All I need is a replacement of this:

	%enabled = true
	%interval = 1

	name = reflect
		shader = SSTU/PBR/StockMetallicBumped

		mesh = WINDOWS2

			name = _Metal
			float = 0.0

		name = KSPTextureSwitch
		currentTextureSet = reflect

			name = reflect


	%enabled = true
	%interval = 1

	model = <model path>
		shader = SSTU/PBR/StockMetallicBumped

		mesh = WINDOWS2

			name = _Metal
			float = 0.0


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I love what @Electrocutor has done on his first pass at the stock parts. Here is the Mainsail on the launchpad:


And here it is in orbit as it cools down - I can't stop staring:


And here is a landing can heading for Duna. The foil oscar B's are from Munar Industries. Though they don't (yet) use this mod (they should) they have a kind of shiny thing of their own and fit in nicely:


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18 hours ago, Cheesecake said:

@Electrocutor@Shadowmage Thank you booth. It works.

Sorry for my questions. I'm no modder, coder or everything else.

Glad you got it figured out.

None of us were born modders (at least I wasn't...).  We all had to start somewhere. 

Configs are a great place to start; they require no coding knowledge, no modeling or texturing knowledge, the tools are readily and freely available (text editor), and they can be done entirely with just a little bit of logic (and using existing configs as examples to learn from).

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2 minutes ago, TachyonGMZ said:

When using this with the SSTU mod the F1 engine and two other engines (sorry i do not know the exact names) are completely black.

Either something has not been installed correctly, or you are using linux with an unsupported openGL version (try running with the options to force GL core if on linux).

At the very least, please provide the KSP.log file -- it will likely have pertinent information to help diagnose your problem.

(really, that should be included with every support request)

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Sorry about that. I've just realized I installed it wrong. I was overwriting files in sstu and did not realize that you had to put the folder in game data. It is working properly now and it's great. :D


How do I remove spoilers ive accidentally made a mess. ;.;




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10 hours ago, Mecripp said:

@Shadowmage@Electrocutor Is there away to use something like this 

with this mod ?

You can use the paint png's from that with the PBR-Masked shader to do recoloring on stock parts if you wish. From a quick look, it seems that most of the paint masks are not stock but instead have designs such as added stripes, gradients, and other details to 'make it look cool'.

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Quick Consolidation...

1. Download Textures Unlimited Mod Here
2. Set your KSP shortcut to use DX11 or GLCore

...\KSP_x64.exe -force-d3d11
...\KSP_x64.exe -force-glcore

3a. Download Ven's VenStockRevamp and the VenStockRevamp TU_Config
3b. Download Porkjet's stock TU_Config
3c. Download generic stock TU_Config (* don't use this if you are using Ven's and/or PorkjetStock)
4. Download Porkjet's PartOverhauls and the PartOverhauls TU_Config


Stock and Ven's config can be considered as pass1, Porkjet's can be considered as pass2. Ven's look much, much, much better than stock due to the original models and textures being more complete.


Fixed landing gear issue.
Fixed transparency issue.

PorkjetStock Pass 2
PartOverhauls Pass 2
VenStockRevamp Pass 1
B9Aerospace Pass 1
RemoteTech Pass 1
FarFutureTech Pass 1
DMagicScience Pass 1
UniversalStorage Pass 1 // white tanks are silver

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2 hours ago, Electrocutor said:

3a. Download Ven's VenStockRevamp and the VenStockRevamp TU_Config
3b. Download Porkjet's stock TU_Config
3c. Download generic stock TU_Config (* don't use this if you are using Ven's and/or PorkjetStock)
4. Download Porkjet's PartOverhauls and the PartOverhauls TU_Config

Possibly not understanding. I have TexturesUnlimited_Stock.cfg and TU_PartOverhauls.cfg running on my install. My PorkJet parts are separate from stock parts. Does the TU_Config listed above replace what I have installed and is there a reason/need to update?

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11 minutes ago, Red Shirt said:

Possibly not understanding. I have TexturesUnlimited_Stock.cfg and TU_PartOverhauls.cfg running on my install. My PorkJet parts are separate from stock parts. Does the TU_Config listed above replace what I have installed and is there a reason/need to update?

So... basically I am working on building smarter cfg files that will detect mods and such. Porkjet has both his own mod pack (Part Overhauls) and parts that he made that are in stock. The parts that he made in stock are more complete than the stock parts made by other authors, so they are much easier to make work properly with TU.

The TexturesUnlimited_Stock.cfg is the 'generic stock' I listed above. It was my first pass to just get metal stuff kind of working. If you combine Ven's and Porkjet's stock parts, it pretty much covers all stock parts and the result looks far superior to just using all stock parts. Porkjet's Part Overhaul does not overwrite any stock parts, so it is its own thing.



Option 1: Generic Stock
Option 2: Ven's + PorkjetStock

Additional: Porkjet's Part Overhauls

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