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[1.9.X] Tantares and BDB now in Colors!


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On 4/26/2020 at 10:44 AM, Cheesecake said:

Super Job. I like the shiny Atlas very much.

Is it possible to make the alternate paint schemes (Chrayol, SM-65, Midas 2) for the TU-Version too?

I know what you mean, and is not possible, TU applies its effects mesh based, if you look closely, some of the tanks tops doesn't have the effect applied, because they have a separate mesh. Now, in the case of a skin, there aren't separate meshes for painted bits, therefore no way to select where is shinny and where isn't.

Like Invader said, if you apply TU to a texture, it will look dark, I can lower the metallic intensity, but then it'll look like glass covered paint.

7 hours ago, GJdude said:

Just to be certain, is this latest version only for the bdb dev build, given it applies to the new agena?

Yup, it's made for the latest Dev build in mind.


Edit: Actually TU uses masks in order to apply the effect to an specific area, thus making what you said possible, we're going to research and try. Thanks @Zorg for bringing that up.


More edit:


Shenzhou coming soon:




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Also, just in case anyone's curious, I have written up descriptions that include details about every part variant that was added in the latest version of BDB recolored. This includes descriptions about many of the historical parts, as well as details about the fictional parts as well!

Seasat: This Agena variant is based on Seasat, a satellite that was built into an Agena D upper stage. Seasat was designed to study various properties of the ocean, most importantly its topography. Seasat was a pioneer in Earth science and is also notable in that it was the first satellite to use synthetic-aperture radar (SAR), which led to countless scientific discoveries.

Stripe Agena: This variant is based on a paint scheme that was used to launch the Rhyolite/Aquacade satellites. These were SIGNIT class spy satellites that were operated by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and the National Security Agency (NSA). While these satellites are thought to have been used for intercepting Soviet and Chinese microwave relay signals, little is known about the Rhyolite/Aquacade satellites as they are still mostly classified.

Blue Agena: This is a fictional variant, based on the color scheme of the famous Delta II/Delta III rockets.


Samos/Midas: This paint scheme was used on the Atlas-LV3 Agena-A rocket to carry some of the Midas and Samos satellites early in the US space program. Both of these satellites were used for reconnaissance purposes, Midas was an early-warning missile monitoring satellite system designed to alert the US if the soviets were to launch a missile, and Samos was a short-lived series of early photo reconnaissance satellites that were beneficial in the development of the far more successful KH-7 Gambit spy satellite.

SM-65: This was one of the paint schemes used on the SM-65 Atlas missile. The SM-65 was the first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) developed by the USA by the Air Force in 1959. While the SM-65 became quickly obsolete to the point of retirement in 1965, the SM-65 was an important stepping stone for Atlas in becoming one of NASA’s most prolific line of launch vehicles.

Chrayol Red: This paint scheme was also used on the SM-65, however this particular shade of red is inspired by DylanSemrau’s Chrayol Design Organization ISRO mod.

Bare Metal: Utilizing Textures Unlimited, the Atlas’ shiny stainless steel exterior can be more accurately captured.


Blue Titan: This fictional color scheme is also inspired by the Delta II/Delta III’s famous “delta blue”.


BP-1102A: This Apollo CM is a “boilerplate” capsule, one of many prototypes designed to test various aspects of the spacecraft. BP-1102A was designed to test the recovery procedures of the CM after splashdown, and was therefore painted with a bronze epoxy to mimic what the capsule would look like after being scorched during reentry.

BP-19A: This Apollo CM is another boilerplate design.  BP-19A was airlifted and dropped several times to test the parachute deployment of the capsule. The high-contrast red and white checkerboard design was designed so that the spin-rate and orientation of the capsule during its parachute tests could be monitored from a distance.

Gemini Apollo: This fictional color scheme is based on the Gemini spacecraft’s distinctive red and black color scheme.

Blue Apollo: Another fictional paint scheme inspired by the Delta II/Delta III rockets.

White Apollo: A plain white version of the Apollo CM. Like how the Skylab Apollo CM was painted with thermal protection, this particular CM could be used for more long-term missions, or missions where the Apollo is unable to assume its “barbeque roll” spin for thermal protection. 

Edited by Invaderchaos
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Just a minor request, to remove Firespitter as a dependency for the Tantares in colors version on CKAN; I presume Firespitter core is needed at the most. I installed the latest version and wondered where the biplane parts were suddenly coming from...

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7 minutes ago, Morphisor said:

Just a minor request, to remove Firespitter as a dependency for the Tantares in colors version on CKAN; I presume Firespitter core is needed at the most. I installed the latest version and wondered where the biplane parts were suddenly coming from...

Firespitter is not a requirement anymore (parachute bug was fixed). But no idea how to fix that in CKAN sorry, never used it and never added this there.

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I'm getting a corrupt archive error from the Spacedock download (three times now). WinRAR reports an unexpected end of archive. I have been getting bad download speeds from Spacedock for the last week, so I'm not sure if it is a problem with them or with the archive itself.

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On 5/1/2020 at 12:48 AM, Occam99 said:

I'm getting a corrupt archive error from the Spacedock download (three times now). WinRAR reports an unexpected end of archive. I have been getting bad download speeds from Spacedock for the last week, so I'm not sure if it is a problem with them or with the archive itself.

That's strange... I just tried Spacedock and it downloaded fine for me, and even opened fine. Maybe it was a Spacedock issue? Try again and let us know if the error persists.


In other news, here is a sneak peek at some Thor stuff that will be added to BDB recolored:

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Another sneak peek at BDB Recolored: a historical variant for the Titan II: the LGM-25C missile! Before the Titan II was converted into its most popular form as the GLV (Gemini Launch Vehicle), it was originally an ICBM. I have made one of the popular paint schemes that was used on the LGM-25C Missile as seen in this photograph:


Here are some in game images:

Now on the BDB recolored dev github. 

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4 hours ago, Carlos VR said:

Hello! I love this mod. I wanted to ask if there is a full version of Tantares Now In Color to download, since I only see the option to download TNIC GH Dev and cannot find the Almaz texture. Thanks and great work!

there is currently no full version of TNIC available for download, and the reason you cannot find the almaz texture is because, as @Drakenex puts it,

On 4/20/2020 at 6:16 AM, Drakenex said:

I've lost all my files so I'll have to start from scratch.*

*this is an older post

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4 hours ago, Carlos VR said:


Hello! I love this mod. I wanted to ask if there is a full version of Tantares Now In Color to download, since I only see the option to download TNIC GH Dev and cannot find the Almaz texture. Thanks and great work!

Let me know what do you want to see for Almaz and I'll prioritize it.

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Sneak peak for BDB Recolored:
Cobalt has finished the main Gemini capsule's texture sheet, which means that we can start making variants! Normal BDB will already include variants like a white Gemini, boilerplate, white stripe, and TTV. Here's what I've made so far for BDB recolored:
From left to right: Army/Green Gemini, Blue Gemini, and a white/teal Gemini based very, very loosely on a training/test capsule. And just a note on any Gemini stuff that will be made in the near future: Cobalt's new Gemini is still a WIP, so some things may get broken. These texture variants require the newer developer releases of BDB.

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2 hours ago, derega16 said:

Can anyone expalin why my chrome atlas appear black in flight even in daylight on kerbin? And about shiny things do yo have a plan to do the same for fat atlas and centaur G parts?

I recall experiencing a similar problem quite a long time ago with shiny parts from other mods. I think the problem for me was that my textures unlimited was either installed incorrectly or out of date. Maybe try a clean install of TU? As for the next part of your question, I am not sure. Maybe with the fat atlas parts, but I don't know about Centaur G. I think Cobalt is planning to do a Centaur revamp sooner or later, so it may be best to wait till then.

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On 5/10/2020 at 3:18 AM, Drakenex said:

Community ISS Canadarm 2, fully functional with IR.

Benjee's Shuttle Canadarm for the Kibo arm.





Edit: New Salyut 7/ MIR Variants



Do you have the link for the Canadarm 2? I'm trying to search in the forum but without luck ;.;

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On 5/13/2020 at 12:49 PM, derega16 said:

Can anyone explain why my chrome atlas appear black in flight even in daylight on kerbin? And about shiny things do yo have a plan to do the same for fat atlas and centaur G parts?

Centaur G, STS Upper stage; discarded and deemed risky by astronauts, then replaced by the less powerful IUS


Just uploaded to to GH

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  • 2 weeks later...

It appears the Kane parachutes have been messed up in a new way. They're available in game, they can be placed, they appear to open when staged, but they don't slow the craft down. Deleting the Apollo patch file in this mod's folder fixed the issue, but obviously made unavailable all the nice Apollo retextures.

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1 hour ago, mozartbeatle said:

It appears the Kane parachutes have been messed up in a new way. They're available in game, they can be placed, they appear to open when staged, but they don't slow the craft down. Deleting the Apollo patch file in this mod's folder fixed the issue, but obviously made unavailable all the nice Apollo retextures.

This was fixed a long time ago. Are you installing the right version?

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