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[1.12] Stockalike Station Parts Redux (August 14, 2024)


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Is the new version backwards-compatible to 1.3.1? Or can the new docking port models, kerbal health and experiment patches be moved over on their own?

Edited by dlrk
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How hard would it be to make the centrifuge habitats 1.2.2 compatible? I'm playing RSS/RO so I can't update the game and I would really love to have these parts. Everything else from the 1.3.1 version of the mod works in 1.2.2 but the centrifuges have an incompatibility related to the "ModuleDeployableCentrifuge". I would really appreciate it if it's possible to make this work!

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3 hours ago, scottpre133 said:

How hard would it be to make the centrifuge habitats 1.2.2 compatible? I'm playing RSS/RO so I can't update the game and I would really love to have these parts. Everything else from the 1.3.1 version of the mod works in 1.2.2 but the centrifuges have an incompatibility related to the "ModuleDeployableCentrifuge". I would really appreciate it if it's possible to make this work!

Uh, you could try recompiling the dll for 1.2.2, but I think it uses some 1.3+ era features so success is not certain.

On 5/24/2018 at 1:11 PM, dlrk said:

Is the new version backwards-compatible to 1.3.1? Or can the new docking port models, kerbal health and experiment patches be moved over on their own?

Probably, but not supported. 

On 5/21/2018 at 10:14 AM, macenkodenis said:

Hey, guz!

And there is a new tinny little patch for TweakScale. Now for Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux. Ability to scaling added only for structural IVA'less parts (tubes, adaptors, cargo containers, etc.)

P.S. Dear, @Nertea, I know, that now you working on some sort of Stock Parts Revmap, and you make it on amazing way! But please, make expansion for your SSP Expansion Redux with crewed 1.875 parts. After DLC that size get place on our hurts. I make my patch only for taking posibility to take scale parts of that size (But shure, everyone can make them at any sizes, thats TweakScale, guyz!)

And I will be very happy, if you add that patch to next update of SSPXR :D


I have no plans to do 1.875m parts at the moment. I don't have MH and I don't intend to buy it. 

On 5/19/2018 at 5:04 PM, CodeFantastic said:

It would be a nice feature ( if possible ) if you could toggle the windows on the 1.25 and 2.5m crew tubes, as well as more 1.25/2.5m station parts in general. 

I'm assuming you mean like.. hide the windows, not toggle the lights? That's a large amount of work, probably won't happen.

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It seems the mod introduces a little problems with rescue missions (lost in space at some orbit) when the game generating missions with cabins without hatches. As a real example - module "PTD-6 Star". It is possible to eliminate such parts from missions?

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A pure stock alternative is to use a claw, and retrieve the entire part.


But Rescue Pod Validator is designed for this, if you don't want to go through trying to build something to bring down some huge part just to rescue one Kerbal.

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Moving over the docking modules (with the associated .mu and .dds and localization file) to 1.3.1 worked fine for me. I wouldn't expect you to support that, but it did work.

Also, I created a rebalanced version of the USI-LS config that essentially lowers Habitation multipliers to be similar to comparable MKS modules and adds machinery consumption to parts providing a habitation bonus at the same rate of machinery consumption to kerbalmonths as comparable MKS parts. I sent it as a pull request. The parts are much less overpowered now.

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18 hours ago, dlrk said:

Also, I created a rebalanced version of the USI-LS config that essentially lowers Habitation multipliers to be similar to comparable MKS modules and adds machinery consumption to parts providing a habitation bonus at the same rate of machinery consumption to kerbalmonths as comparable MKS parts. I sent it as a pull request. The parts are much less overpowered now. 


As far as I am aware, most of the MKS parts providing a habitation bonus don't use machinery - only some of the inflatable ones use machinery in MKS I think. Are you adding machinery to everything or just the inflatable parts?

If anything I would have said the kerbal months values for some parts in SSPRx may be a little high, but the multipliers look about right to me - the MKS 3.75 kerbitat has a multiplier of 5.42 (& no machinery cost), which is a fair bit bigger than most (all?) of the parts here. Generally electricity usage in the parts here is bigger than in MKS, and the MKS parts can be reconfigured, but I'm not sure how much of a balancer either of those are?

Personally I feel that the best habitation values come from combining MKS and SSPRx parts - one for multipliers, one for months. 3 SSPX Hostels gives much more total time than 3 MKS 3.75 Kerbitats (configured optimally), but 2 hostels and one Kerbitat beats them both.


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On 5/29/2018 at 7:16 PM, dlrk said:

Also, I created a rebalanced version of the USI-LS config that essentially lowers Habitation multipliers to be similar to comparable MKS modules and adds machinery consumption to parts providing a habitation bonus at the same rate of machinery consumption to kerbalmonths as comparable MKS parts. I sent it as a pull request. The parts are much less overpowered now.


On 5/30/2018 at 2:54 PM, psamathe said:


As far as I am aware, most of the MKS parts providing a habitation bonus don't use machinery - only some of the inflatable ones use machinery in MKS I think. Are you adding machinery to everything or just the inflatable parts?

If anything I would have said the kerbal months values for some parts in SSPRx may be a little high, but the multipliers look about right to me - the MKS 3.75 kerbitat has a multiplier of 5.42 (& no machinery cost), which is a fair bit bigger than most (all?) of the parts here. Generally electricity usage in the parts here is bigger than in MKS, and the MKS parts can be reconfigured, but I'm not sure how much of a balancer either of those are?

Personally I feel that the best habitation values come from combining MKS and SSPRx parts - one for multipliers, one for months. 3 SSPX Hostels gives much more total time than 3 MKS 3.75 Kerbitats (configured optimally), but 2 hostels and one Kerbitat beats them both.


@dlrk,Thanks for doing that. I did get started on using the MKS balancing spreadsheet for SSPRx parts and ran into a lot of things that confused me. if you could post a download, I'd love to see your results.



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There is an incredibly likely chance this has been answered before, and may be a daft question. But it's Friday,  I'm short on meeting my Daft quota for the week, and I'm currently decaffeinated.


I can get people into the inflatable modules and the rings, but I cannot seem to get them out again. My normal practice is clicking on the hatch and transferring people about, but the hatches on the inflatables are blocked and I can seem to find a hatch on the rings. Am I missing something (probably), or is there another way to transfer crew around?

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5 hours ago, Messernacht said:

There is an incredibly likely chance this has been answered before, and may be a daft question. But it's Friday,  I'm short on meeting my Daft quota for the week, and I'm currently decaffeinated.


I can get people into the inflatable modules and the rings, but I cannot seem to get them out again. My normal practice is clicking on the hatch and transferring people about, but the hatches on the inflatables are blocked and I can seem to find a hatch on the rings. Am I missing something (probably), or is there another way to transfer crew around?

Right click on the inhabited module and click crew transfer. Alternatively use a mod like Ship Manifest.

Hope that helps...


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I updated my KSP installation and I'm surprised by the astounding work you've done with this mod.

I'm an Italian player, I use your mod for every station I build and I like to contribute with the Italian localization.

Let me know how I can help.


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@dlrk First, thanks for helping rebalance the usi patch. It need some tweak but I don't have time.

I have a question, If you are going to use machinery to help nerf the part, what if the player doesn't have usi mks but only have USILS? How they will resupply the machinery?

Since I'm not using mks that much. 

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If you're not using MKS, I assume you're not trying to build a self-sufficient base/station, so the best option would be to resupply machinery via resupply vehicles, probably/perhaps using Kontainers

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8 hours ago, dlrk said:

If you're not using MKS, I assume you're not trying to build a self-sufficient base/station, so the best option would be to resupply machinery via resupply vehicles, probably/perhaps using Kontainers

Ok, Although There is no kontainer mod coming with USI-LS. Current B9 config for storages should be fine.

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Hello. While I really appreciate this mod and find every part in it great, it's very large and I'm running into lag and memory issues using it along with the other mods I need (I'm playing with kopernicus mods and those can take up a LOT of space, pun not intended). I only need the centrifuge and inflatable parts along with their respective IVAs. I'm not quite sure how the file structure works, so can anyone tell me what to delete to isolate the two things I need? Or alternative maybe the mod maker or someone else can provide me a zip with that already done? Please and thank you!

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18 hours ago, Capt. James T. Kirman said:

Hello. While I really appreciate this mod and find every part in it great, it's very large and I'm running into lag and memory issues using it along with the other mods I need (I'm playing with kopernicus mods and those can take up a LOT of space, pun not intended). I only need the centrifuge and inflatable parts along with their respective IVAs. I'm not quite sure how the file structure works, so can anyone tell me what to delete to isolate the two things I need? Or alternative maybe the mod maker or someone else can provide me a zip with that already done? Please and thank you!

I'd use @linuxgurugamer's Janitor's Closet mod to single out the parts you want---it makes it a lot easier.



Edited by RealKerbal3x
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Quick question; is the square crew tube expected to act as a klaw? Description says it's like it's little brother, which does say it has powerful grappling thingies, but I had a hella time getting it to grapple and eventually gave up. Repeating the manoeuvre with a stock klaw connected after a couple of bumps...

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