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[1.12] Stockalike Station Parts Redux (August 14, 2024)


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39 minutes ago, Redacted said:


Love your mods and have most all of them installed. One minor issue however...

Whenever i use one of the command module such as the PPD-8 "Wharf" station core, I have one hell of a time figuring out which way is forwards, Granted the PPD-8 has windows but often their locations don't reflect in the ship or stations behavior. Case in point, I build up an add-on for an existing station and attempt to launch it from the pad. Only to discover that for the Navball Up is now Down. Worse yet once in orbit the crafts orientation can be off by 90 degrees CW / CCW. Which makes it pretty difficult to maneuver or line up for Nav-points .

Obviously via trial and error I was able to sort most of this out. Yet this makes me think that there should be some form of markings denoting the facing of each object. *** This would be especially helpful for Docking ports ***


Thanks in advance!


FYI, all parts in the VAB face forwards by default. It's probably easiest to surface-attach something to the side of a control core before you rotate it so you have a reference of where forward is, or just don't rotate the control cores at all, which will avoid breaking the navball in-flight.

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2 minutes ago, sslaptnhablhat said:

FYI, all parts in the VAB face forwards by default. It's probably easiest to surface-attach something to the side of a control core before you rotate it so you have a reference of where forward is, or just don't rotate the control cores at all, which will avoid breaking the navball in-flight.

Well thats just it, things will get rotated and figuring it out after the fact is tedious. A simple scripted marker showing an objects forward facing would make construction much easier.

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USI-LS changed ModuleHabitation to USILS_HabitationSwapOption , so in NFSPacecraftUSILifeSupport.cfg


//PPD-24 Itinerant Service Container

		name = ModuleHabitation
		BaseKerbalMonths = #$/mass$
		@BaseKerbalMonths *= 10
		@BaseKerbalMonths -= #$/CrewCapacity$
		CrewCapacity = #$/CrewCapacity$
		BaseHabMultiplier = 0

		ConverterName = #LOC_NFSpacecraft_Action_ConverterHabName
		StartActionName = #LOC_NFSpacecraft_Action_StartUSIHab
		StopActionName = #LOC_NFSpacecraft_Action_StopUSIHab
		ToggleActionName = #LOC_NFSpacecraft_Action_ToggleUSIHab

			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = #$../BaseKerbalMonths$
			@Ratio *= .25

needs to be changed to

//PPD-24 Itinerant Service Container

		name = USILS_HabitationSwapOption
		BaseKerbalMonths = #$/mass$
		@BaseKerbalMonths *= 10
		@BaseKerbalMonths -= #$/CrewCapacity$
		CrewCapacity = #$/CrewCapacity$
		BaseHabMultiplier = 0

		ConverterName = #LOC_NFSpacecraft_Action_ConverterHabName
		StartActionName = #LOC_NFSpacecraft_Action_StartUSIHab
		StopActionName = #LOC_NFSpacecraft_Action_StopUSIHab
		ToggleActionName = #LOC_NFSpacecraft_Action_ToggleUSIHab

			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = #$../BaseKerbalMonths$
			@Ratio *= .25


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Also looks like these need to be there:


		name = USI_SwapController
		name = USI_SwappableBay
		bayName = Bay 1
		moduleIndex = 0
		name = USI_Converter
		UseSpecialistBonus = false

EDIT: Same for the SSPXR parts
EDIT2: Actually just needs USI_SwapController , although, I suspect, but do not know, that the other ones do something as well.

EDIT3: Here is a fixed SSPXR-USILS.cfg : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wka9u8dzvjtxxds/SSPXR-USILS.cfg?dl=0

AFAIK it works fine, there might be some either changes that need to be made or tweaks, I asked for clarification on the USI-LS thread, and I'll upload a new one if needed.

@Nertea, did you see my previous PR for the USI-LS config? Is that one usable/good to merge, or should I upload this simpler one as the PR?

Edited by dlrk
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Hello all :cool: I have played many many games over the years, but none where the modding community is so active, and so generous with their time and effort all for no financial benefit. I have also noticed there is little to no flaming or trolling throughout the community. It really is refreshing.

So I have reserved my first post to highlight this point with this wonderful mod. It really is superb. The craftsmanship is excellent, and just what I was looking for to build my first orbital station. I have only been playing KSP for a month and already have 60 mods installed lol. This being one of the best. 



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32 minutes ago, BillUp said:

Hello all :cool: I have played many many games over the years, but none where the modding community is so active, and so generous with their time and effort all for no financial benefit. I have also noticed there is little to no flaming or trolling throughout the community. It really is refreshing.

Isn't it though?  Welcome to forums.

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4 hours ago, Nertea said:

I saw it but didn't merge it 'cause i heard the module had changed? Is it mergeable now?

Not sure, I'm waiting on clarification from the MKS thread. But I think I'll create a separate replacement config for SSPXR-USILS and a new MKS_Extras config that has machinery and such. I'll send a new pr and post here. Thanks

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17 hours ago, BillUp said:

So I have reserved my first post to highlight this point with this wonderful mod. It really is superb. The craftsmanship is excellent, and just what I was looking for to build my first orbital station. I have only been playing KSP for a month and already have 60 mods installed lol. This being one of the best. 


Glad you enjoy!

Just a little note for the upcoming future of this mod - I know there's a lot of issues in the buglist and I'll work to try to resolve them - I've obviously been bogged down in a small project. The biggest thing for SSPXr is going to be cleaning up some of the parts. Here's a shortlist

  • The replacement models for the Hitchiker, Mobile Lab, Cupola and docking port will be the same as the ones used in Restock.
    • They will still be installed by SSPXr if you don't have Restock
    • They will keep their switchable endcaps from SSPXr
  • The endcap hatches and external airlocks will be improved to match the new Restock ones
  • Where there is MLI foil, it will be improved to the new standard. 
  • Some whites, greys and blacks need to be normalized across parts

This is a lot more work than it looks like, so probably after KSP 1.7. It's also slated after Near Future fixes, as that mod needs some love first.

If you have bug report and things, please let me know so I can aggregate them to the bug tracker so I don't lose them. 

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Will the bug fixes be released before 1.7 or backported to 1.6.1? 1.6.1 is looking like a pretty solid stable base, IMO

Also, real minor "bug" I noticed: The PPD-24 Itinerant container from NFS has the same "model number" as the PPD-24 observation module from this mod, SSPXR


Edited by dlrk
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1 hour ago, Nertea said:

This is a lot more work than it looks like, so probably after KSP 1.7. It's also slated after Near Future fixes, as that mod needs some love first.

That's a lot of stuff you have on your plate @Nertea, and everyone appreciates your work and dedication.  By all means, don't burn yourself out. :)  Happy Nertea = happy community.

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1 hour ago, dlrk said:


Will the bug fixes be released before 1.7 or backported to 1.6.1? 1.6.1 is looking like a pretty solid stable base, IMO

Also, real minor "bug" I noticed: The PPD-24 Itinerant container from NFS has the same "model number" as the PPD-24 observation module from this mod, SSPXR


It's very unlikely that they will all be released before 1.7, and I really can't afford the time to support earlier releases. There's some upcoming features in 1.7 that I'd like to make use of as well for certain parts if they work out. 

I'll look into changing that name. Itinerant might use a new designation completely as it no longer has the same visual cues as the PPD-series

17 minutes ago, Raptor9 said:

That's a lot of stuff you have on your plate @Nertea, and everyone appreciates your work and dedication.  By all means, don't burn yourself out. :)  Happy Nertea = happy community.

Yeah unfortunately I invalidated all my previous art :(. 

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Alright, that's fair enough, hopefully 1.7 won't be a huge modbreaker.

I've sent in a PR with a working and tested USI-LS config. I'll follow up with an MKS-extra config with balance-appropriate machinery consumptions once I've tested it

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2 hours ago, Nertea said:

Glad you enjoy!

Just a little note...

You won't get any complaints from me Nertea. I couldn't be more happier. I have a number of your Mods installed and love them all as its clear you do also. :) 

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On 3/8/2019 at 12:57 PM, Nertea said:

Glad you enjoy!

Just a little note for the upcoming future of this mod - I know there's a lot of issues in the buglist and I'll work to try to resolve them - I've obviously been bogged down in a small project. The biggest thing for SSPXr is going to be cleaning up some of the parts. Here's a shortlist

  • The replacement models for the Hitchiker, Mobile Lab, Cupola and docking port will be the same as the ones used in Restock.
    • They will still be installed by SSPXr if you don't have Restock
    • They will keep their switchable endcaps from SSPXr
  • The endcap hatches and external airlocks will be improved to match the new Restock ones

A concern: Does ReStock leave the dimensions (especially attach node positions) alone on the affected parts? I didn't notice for those specific parts (docking port, hitchhiker, et al) but for some of the ReStock parts I notice dimension and attach node positions had changed (Mark 1-3 pod). The concern being that if any of the parts you mentioned above have likewise changed with regards to attach nodes and dimensions then this also affects craft files and craft in save games.

Edited by Starwaster
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2 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

A concern: Does ReStock leave the dimensions (especially attach node positions) alone on the affected parts? I didn't notice for those specific parts (docking port, hitchhiker, et al) but for some of the ReStock parts I notice dimension and attach node positions had changed (Mark 1-3 pod). The concern being that if any of the parts you mentioned above have likewise changed with regards to attach nodes and dimensions then this also affects craft files and craft in save games.

The absolute only node change in restock was the mk1-3 pod/heat shield combination and it was tested six ways from Sunday to not affect existing craft.

The restock-esque parts have already been in this mod as replacements for a long time, this is just porting over the fixes and improvements ;)

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On 2/10/2019 at 6:03 PM, Tyko said:


I'm looking for feedback - Does this feel about right? Do people prefer this or do you like the decade/centuries balance of the former config file?

@Boamere I know you just did a lot of work updating the old config to new USI-LS...that saved me a lot of time, thanks! I'm very interested in your take on this.


Hey man, yeah looks good dude, that kind of balance is a good idea for travel between planets, then you can set up something for longer using the base parts roverdude has made. 


Just in case anyone wants an updated link to the SSPXR-USILS.cfg here you go. This works with the most recent version of USI-LS 

This is a small change since the last, I have just changed the PXL-10/PPD-8R and PTD-8R to use 0.125EC/ Crew Capacity instead of the flat 1 EC they used to require (thanks @Tyko ) so only really a balancing pass 

This USI module malarkey sure is confusing, there's a bunch of stuff that needed to be changed with a lot of mods 

Edited by Boamere
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I've noticed a strange issue. When using sspxr with remotetech. (versions 1.1.0 and 1.9.1 respectively) on KSP 1.6.1. It seems when remotetech is installed all of the adjustable bases cannot be adjusted in flight anymore. In the editor they work just fine but in flight, not so much. Those are the only two mods I have installed (apart from dependencies). Has anyone else encountered something like this? 

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On 3/7/2019 at 1:43 PM, dlrk said:

EDIT3: Here is a fixed SSPXR-USILS.cfg : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wka9u8dzvjtxxds/SSPXR-USILS.cfg?dl=0

Small bug in that: the patch for sspx-greenhouse-25-1 includes a line that says "name = name = ModuleResourceConverter", which leads the game to look for a module whose name is "name = ModuleResourceConverter" (which of course doesn't exist).

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