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Has anyone ever built a train?

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A contract just popped up calling for me to expand my newest base on Duna. The problem is this base looks like this:


The only way I could add to it is if I connected a smaller mobile base via an airlock, or more likely a klaw. The end result would be like a train. So has anyone ever done that?

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question: do you want to keep the base "expanded" after the contract?

You may just attach the additional module to whatever docking port is available and undock it after you get the contract rewards. (bonus points: you can let the module floating around for the next time a similar contract pops) .

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3 hours ago, Spricigo said:

question: do you want to keep the base "expanded" after the contract?

You may just attach the additional module to whatever docking port is available and undock it after you get the contract rewards. (bonus points: you can let the module floating around for the next time a similar contract pops) .

I've been playing for a long time, but only briefly in career mode, but in my limited experience with contracts, most of these I have encountered have required components to by built new after the acceptance of the contract.  Having the extra parts laying around is nice, but it hasn't helped me with contracts before. 

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1 hour ago, Gargamel said:

I've been playing for a long time, but only briefly in career mode, but in my limited experience with contracts, most of these I have encountered have required components to by built new after the acceptance of the contract.  Having the extra parts laying around is nice, but it hasn't helped me with contracts before. 


AFAIK any contract that asks to expand a pre-existing station can be completed with old modules. Did that multiple times before.

Of course, you may still get the "launch a new station" contract. 

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