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SpaceDock.info (Mod Hosting Site)


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  On 2/22/2016 at 12:30 AM, sumghai said:

While I can easily prove I've the original author of the mod, I'm using the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence, which to my understanding automatically allows redistribution of remixes, even those whose content and redistribution are against my wishes. Unfortunately, I'm unable to retroactively apply a more restrictive licence to my work either.



It may not be possible to retroactively apply a license change to content already released, but you can always change the license for future versions.

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  On 2/20/2016 at 1:00 AM, katateochi said:


Right! Imma shuttin' her down!! ...........


.....I just couldn't do it. ;)

To be fair, I only just setup that patreon page and before that I'd been running a paypal donations thing and have had some very kind folk put in towards the costs. But paypal is well, ugly would be nice description, so I'm hoping patreon will be more accessible. 


Can`t believe I`m the first to stump up a dollar a month...

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I would like to just point out this which is on the SpaceDock website under "Terms of Use"


Terms of Use

We can and will ban you from the site if you fail to follow these terms. We may also take legal action against more serious violations.

The general idea is "be responsible". Follow these basic rules:

  • Do not upload illegal content to the site
  • Do not abuse or harrass other users
  • Do not upload content you cannot grant licenses to
  • Uploaders offer SpaceDock a royalty-free, worldwide license to distribute their mods upon uploading them

We can remove any content whenever we feel like it for any reason at all, with or without notifying the content owner.

Users of the site agree to monitor the site for changes, while the team makes a best-effort promise to notify about changes.


That clearly sounds like a rule against third parties being able to upload work that they are not the author of.  It also sounds like no-one has actually read these terms.  Or more seriously, this rule is just not going to be actively enforced.  Be it because of the extra workload it may involve or any other reasons.  If a terms of use document is not going to be actively read and followed, then what's the point in even having one?

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  On 2/22/2016 at 4:33 PM, cybutek said:

I would like to just point out this which is on the SpaceDock website under "Terms of Use"

That clearly sounds like a rule against third parties being able to upload work that they are not the author of.  It also sounds like no-one has actually read these terms.  Or more seriously, this rule is just not going to be actively enforced.  Be it because of the extra workload it may involve or any other reasons.  If a terms of use document is not going to be actively read and followed, then what's the point in even having one?


i got a question..why even any legal disclaimer? Squad dont want to be involved. Its not their server. Why even have a terms of use? why even have to include a license with the mod at all (unless the creator chooses to) those are squad rules for THEIR sites. If squad dont want to support you guys i wouldnt worry about it. Just put a "Report mod" button on the page and users can report junk/spam/misleading mods and of course the usual moderation. I would even go as far as making your own spacedock forums if it were me. Just a thought. The only disclaimer really needed IMO is for donations

Edited by Redneck
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Because the SpaceDock people want others to play nice as well?  And that it's a good idea to spell out what terms any service is used under?

Basically, it's good practice.  The terms don't have to match Squad's, but those are basic enough rules that just about everyone agrees they are worth asking people to follow.  Besides those four rules boil down to 'Don't be a dick, or we'll kick you off.  Don't steal from others.  Don't come crying to us when people use this site to download your mod.'

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  On 2/22/2016 at 5:20 PM, DStaal said:

Because the SpaceDock people want others to play nice as well?  And that it's a good idea to spell out what terms any service is used under?

Basically, it's good practice.  The terms don't have to match Squad's, but those are basic enough rules that just about everyone agrees they are worth asking people to follow.  Besides those four rules boil down to 'Don't be a dick, or we'll kick you off.  Don't steal from others.  Don't come crying to us when people use this site to download your mod.'


yeah well that makes sense i get that but basically what im saying to the spacedock team is hey... squad dont want to officially support the site and want to distance themselves from the site? then hell give em what they ask for including Spacedock own Forums,rules,licensing,etc....

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  On 2/22/2016 at 5:26 PM, Redneck said:

yeah well that makes sense i get that but basically what im saying to the spacedock team is hey... squad dont want to officially support the site and want to distance themselves from the site? then hell give em what they ask for including Spacedock own Forums,rules,licensing,etc....


because bigger site cause bigger load?

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And that load is on more than just the server, it's on the people in the forms of time and money.  (And forums cause a lot larger dent on time, as they require more active involvement.)

This forum works - although I hate a couple of things about the software running it, the result is mostly usable and it's a good discussion site.  Curse has some major usability problems in my opinion, so SpaceDock is a large improvement.  Making a similar level of improvement with a forum would be hard.  (Most of my issues with this forum have to do with how it tends to fall over on my mobile devices.)  And, as far as I can tell, there really isn't high levels of antimony for Squad over distancing themselves from SpaceDock/KerbalStuff.

The point isn't to distance themselves from Squad, it's to provide a good home for mods.  Which they are doing well.  ;)

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This forum software sucks and I hate it, but unfortunately its all we have, you wouldnt want to create a second one just for spacedock you wouldnt have the content the followers subscriptions your follow (well the new ones since the old where deleted) friends etc. KSP for me is all about the community and these forums provide that, ask for help you get it, create Spacedock its done, even though I get the feeling Squad doesnt listen or learn from past errors we as the community seem to rally and help each other, which is the one reason why its so popular and will continue to grow and as long as KS/Spacedock is around I will not have to visit curse to get my mods well done guys.

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  On 2/22/2016 at 7:00 PM, Virtualgenius said:

even though I get the feeling Squad doesnt listen or learn from past errors


Such as placing the official mod hosting service in the hands of a company unlikely to vanish overnight? I'm amazed at the amount of delusion floating around. What happened to Kerbalstuff would justify that decision, if anything. The only problem with that is that there never was a decision. Kerbalstuff came after curse, after the fact, after the deal was done, after the ship had sailed, et cetera, et cetera. Squad never decided to not support Kerbalstuff in favor of Curse.

Now that's off my chest, I'll let this thread get back to it's apparent business of derailing this endeavor. Thanks for listening.



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Hey this is my thread first, SpaceDock second. I therefore have a say in what the thread should be about. So... let's keep it to discussion of SpaceDock development, status, bugs, features, and the occasional awesome mod. Thanks. Please open new threads to talk about other topics than this. (moderators please don't merge threads into this official SpaceDock Development thread without considering the above - if not, it can cause confusion, continuity, and derailment issues).

Edited by inigma
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  On 2/22/2016 at 12:07 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Then congratulations, and I'm sorry if it came over harshly, but your comment didn't say that you were paying, only that you would.

And I'm not going to get into an OS flamewar.  I use Windows 10, Linux (Fedora & CentOS), and OSX on a daily basis.  All are good.  Depends on what you are doing.

I play KSP on Linux, regularly have 12 gig of memory in use (over 200  mods).  No crashes.


Windows 10 is so bad. Downgrade to 7 Pro, you won't be sorry. I use Crunchbang linux (one of the only true light OSes) or Windows 7.

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