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[1.X.X] Old Parts Redux - For all your nostalgic needs!


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might want to check the model for coneb its currently set to use the conea model. 

also the vernor engine classic needs to be set to use the newmodel.mu in the folder. 

and i think you are missing the small gear bay classic from the wheel folder. 

thats all ive found so far. if i find anymore ill let you know. 

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

This Mod Works with KSP 1.10.1 - 1.8.1 

But I Did found something with this Mod.

It Integrates RasterPropMonitor, And In Mk1-2, Mk1 IVA It shows up the Old IVA Screens During That Time,

Gives me a nostalgic old RasterPropMonitor Screens

Current Mk1 Pod: (Dont worry about the screens, My KSP Graphics Are Low And This is the cause of the screens)


Old Parts Redux's Old Mk1 Pod:


Its Pretty Weird.

Im Using 1.10.1 Currently.

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  • 6 months later...
  On 6/30/2020 at 7:06 AM, xD-FireStriker said:

Spacedock is down at the time of me typeing this so there is no way for me to test before asking.
Does this still work in 1.9?


Yes it works fine in all versions most likely, it just adds parts so it shouldn’t have issues with new updates. I’m planning a new update soon as I’ve finally resolved the technical issues preventing me from continuing over the last couple of years.

  On 9/20/2020 at 2:23 AM, Miguelsgamingch said:

This Mod Works with KSP 1.10.1 - 1.8.1 

But I Did found something with this Mod.

It Integrates RasterPropMonitor, And In Mk1-2, Mk1 IVA It shows up the Old IVA Screens During That Time,

Gives me a nostalgic old RasterPropMonitor Screens

Current Mk1 Pod: (Dont worry about the screens, My KSP Graphics Are Low And This is the cause of the screens)


Old Parts Redux's Old Mk1 Pod:


Its Pretty Weird.

Im Using 1.10.1 Currently.


That is unusual, I didn’t realise it included RasterPropMonitor at all. It is weird but it makes sense that it would use the old IVA screens, since the new pods have different IVAs to the older pods.

  On 6/14/2019 at 4:59 PM, COL.R.Neville said:

might want to check the model for coneb its currently set to use the conea model. 

also the vernor engine classic needs to be set to use the newmodel.mu in the folder. 

and i think you are missing the small gear bay classic from the wheel folder. 

thats all ive found so far. if i find anymore ill let you know. 


Thanks for the cone tip, I will check that. I’ll check the Vernor too. And yes I think I am missing the wheels, but again I will see if I can fix that in a future update. I’ve had serious technical issues for the last 2 years which I finally resolved the other day and I’ve been totally addicted to KSP again as now I can play it without crashes every 2 minutes, and I will be updating OldPartsRedux again soon.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Version 0.11.1 is here with a few new parts, and a bunch of bugfixes. There are a few bugs still that I'm aware of, but I felt a new version was needed and I'm on the way to fixing some of the issues.


  • Added classic versions of the LVT-45 and LVT-30, files taken from 1.11.2.
  • Added classic versions of all the docking ports changed in 1.12.
  • Classic RT-5 Flea and RT-10 BACC are now usable.
  • Added tech tree implementation to a few parts that were lacking it.
  • Some parts have been moved to different categories again, I originally was placing parts in their original category, but now I'm placing them where their modern equivalents are placed.
  • Added the files for some 0.16 and 0.17 parts, but they aren't appearing in game due to issues with the part files.
  • The mod is now listed as compatible with 1.12, but as usual this mod should be compatible with all versions since like 1.2, maybe earlier.


  • A few parts weren't showing up in game, they were trying to access model files from the wrong place, most of these are fixed now.
  • Aerodynamic nose cone B was using the model for cone A, but this issue was hidden by the fact that the cones were both not visible in game. Both problems are fixed now.
  • RT-10 BACC SRB is fixed now, I tried to add a classic version before but unintentionally discovered a bit of unused content, my BACC Classic was using a different texture somewhere between the new and old designs. I added a proper BACC Classic using files from 1.4 which avoided the issue, and I kept the unused one as the BACC (Unknown).
  • Some files were in the wrong folders, that should be sorted now.

Known Bugs:

  • SAS Module (0.20) is the wrong size and has broken attach nodes, I'm not sure the exact issue but I'll get it fixed next update. It's probably a similar issue to the bug the plane cockpits had many updates ago where they attach nodes were backwards.
  • The classic Vernor engine has a weird model that I don't think is correct, but it's definitely using the model in the folder so I'm not sure what the issue is.
  • Some parts might still lack tech tree integration, at some point I will go through every file to make sure this is fixed as I think lacking this prevents them from appearing outside of Sandbox.
  • Most part files just use the model file in the folder, but some of them are programmed to target model files in specific folders. I rewrote most of these when I added them to OldPartsRedux but since I changed my file layout, and Squad have moved some models in the vanilla game, a few parts can't find the right model and won't appear. I need to search through every folder to make sure they are all correct, and that should happen in the next update.

Future Plans:

  • I've managed to find every old version of KSP now, so I can start to add parts from 0.14, 15, 16, and 17, unfortunately my attempts so far don't seem to load. I expect this is due to the part file format, and I can probably resolve it by rewriting the file to use something closer to the modern format, I've had to do that before.
  • As OldPartsRedux is getting quite large, I might try to reduce filesizes somehow.
  • The mod also has a huge amount of parts that can take up a lot of the parts list, so I might try to use the "new" variant system for some of the parts that didn't have stat or text changes.
  • I want to add the classic plane parts from pre-1.0.5, and from pre-0.90, and pre-0.25, and the parts from around 0.15. This will take a while as there are a huge amount of parts and I might need to find a copy of 0.25 again after mine got lost in a hard drive issue.
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  On 1/21/2022 at 2:55 PM, AtomicTech said:

Glad to see it back!

I really like this mod and the archive it provides!


Thanks! It's a fun project for me but I often forget to update it when I'm playing other games. There's probably gonna be a smaller update today just to fix a few broken attach nodes and a couple of other issues. I found a way of searching the log files to find exactly what parts where bugged, and a few of them were. One of my next goals is to get the landing gear working, I'm not exactly sure how yet. I got the pre-0.18 landing legs loading in game but so far they don't work, they are just locked closed. I expect I will need to rewrite their files to fit the modern format better.

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  • 4 months later...

He last visited January 22, 2022. I don't think he's coming to reply.

Edited by Kerbalyer
https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/208289-rosa-a-kerbalized-version-of-roblox-space-program-rasa/#comment-4136112 ROSA.
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  • 3 months later...
  On 9/29/2022 at 1:56 PM, gamerTM1234 said:

most parts dont fit on without rotating them a bunch  i think something might be broken


It's normal that some parts don't fit modern parts, others just have their nodes pointed in the opposite direction (Don't know if the original parts where like this or is something with the mod), you can use node helper if you want to correct them yourself


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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I love this mod because when I first started watching my dad play the game most of these parts were still in the game. It was like 2013 or smth. Very nostalgic.

The work is great and I have not encountered a single bug.

And on a side note, do you think it'd be possible to add compatibility with the mod "Free IVA"? it basically allows you to traverse around interiors. I recommend checking it out.

If it's not possible (or if you just plain aren't interested) I won't mind or bug you about it since, well, no means no and all that.

Again, great mod, one of my favorites. Well done! :D

Edited by Jebby Boi
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  • 1 year later...
  On 3/1/2025 at 10:18 PM, Rocket-Propelled Cat said:

I'm probably going crazy but wasn't ever in KSP a set of straight wings that where removed some years ago? Searched them everywhere but nothing, and I remember those wings vividly, maybe they where from some mod but I'm pretty sure they were stock


Looking through the appropriate KSP wiki section:

The closest parts I can see in the stock game are "Wing Connector Type B" and "Wing Connector Type E".

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/3/2025 at 2:19 AM, Jacke said:

Looking through the appropriate KSP wiki section:

The closest parts I can see in the stock game are "Wing Connector Type B" and "Wing Connector Type E".


Found them! It's these wings, I really miss them


Edit: "Some years ago"... more like "more than a decade ago". This image is from a 2013 youtube video

Edited by Rocket-Propelled Cat
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@TriggeredSnake, when you get back, your release posts and some others set the font colour to explicit black.  Very hard to read on the KSP forums dark theme.  To fix, hi-light all the text and use the text colour edit tool (an 'A' underlined with a down arrow next to it) to change the colour to "Automatic".

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