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The Ultimate Jool 5 Challenge Continued

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On 3/19/2019 at 6:24 PM, jinnantonix said:

Jool 5 Science Mission.  Jebediah level:


Mission notes:

  • Two Kerbin launches (1)  KASA SLS launch vehicle, with payload of NERVA tug and Tylo drop tanks ($826,543 / 1,252.890 t) and (2) Laythe Spaceplane ($132,539 /  46.813 t )  Assembled in LKO
  • Game version  + Making History.  Mechjeb installed but hardly used.  Craft file available on request.
  • Science points earned:  82,520


  • The KASA SLS launch vehicle is a mimic of the NASA SLS Heavy Lift vehicle.  Intent was to give the  mission an Apollo style, inspired by the Kerpollo Challenge
  • The self imposed challenge was to land a 2 man pressurised vessel on all five of Jool's moons, with orbiters, Apollo style.  A temporary space station for the scientists was established at Pol.
  • The safety and comfort of the Kerbal crew was also a priority, so the Kerbals enjoyed an artificial gravity environment for the interplanetary journey, and at the Pol Space Station.
  • The mission included a suitably configured lander for each moon allowing ability to "hop" to every biome on the surface,  by docking together a combination of tug, spaceplane and drop tanks.
  • The Laythe lander is a RAPIER based spaceplane with ISRU, allowing near infinite range.  The plane included a disposable light weight stabiliser at the rear to ensure stable atmospheric entry (no craft flipping)
  • Additional drop tanks were docked with the spaceplane providing greater stability, and necessary range for Tylo. 
  • The NERVA tug is docked for Pol, allowing single stop refuelling.
  • 5 scientists were on the mission, in addition to Jeb the pilot and Bill the ISRU engineer
  1. Pol - Jeb, Bill, Bob
  2. Laythe - Jeb, Bill, Aldsby
  3. Vall - Jeb, Bill, Burhat, Geofrod
  4. Bop - Jeb, Bill,  Burhat, Geofrod
  5. Tylo - Jeb, Bill, Romin
  • In accordance with Werner von Kermans vision for a glider landing for Duna, this was executed on Laythe with a spaceplane science hopper.  To reduce risk of crashing, all landings were vertical.
  • All landings included a full compliment of science instruments, and as much science was collected as possible within a reasonable game time.  There was some science left to gather (this score can be beaten)
  • There is a bug which caused  the landing gear and struts to randomly reorient themselves after each save.  This made the final landing at KSC a bit rougher than expected.

Thanks again to @JacobJHC for running this challenge.  

Congratulations on completing the Jool 5 challenge on Jeb's level! Using the laythe plane as the final Tylo stage is one of the more Kerbal things I've seen done for this challenge! Although is there any chance you could give a more in depth review of your science points? You should be able to see it all from the RnD center at the KSC. The only reason I ask is that you've nearly doubled the two highest science scores in all of the Jool 5 and I'm just curious where you squeezed out the extra science.

Edited by JacobJHC
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@JacobJHC a couple of questions since I'm looking to do a Jool 5 run at my next-next transfer window

1) Since I'll be using CommNet, can I launch comsats ahead of time?

2) My reading of the rules is that the refueling mission is only to be used in emergencies. Is this correct, or would it be acceptable to launch the fueler ahead so that it is already there on arrival?

3) I have Near Future Propulsion installed and uninstalling it would bork my save, can I keep it installed and just not use the parts?

I'll be going for 3rd level, non ISRU, heavily modded game with MH but mostly stockalike parts and nothing OP (except maybe for Mk.4 Spaceplane, do we count that as OP??) , and maybe with USI Life Support if I can find a 1.6 compatible version.

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1 hour ago, OrbitalBuzzsaw said:

@JacobJHC a couple of questions since I'm looking to do a Jool 5 run at my next-next transfer window

1) Since I'll be using CommNet, can I launch comsats ahead of time?

2) My reading of the rules is that the refueling mission is only to be used in emergencies. Is this correct, or would it be acceptable to launch the fueler ahead so that it is already there on arrival?

3) I have Near Future Propulsion installed and uninstalling it would bork my save, can I keep it installed and just not use the parts?

I'll be going for 3rd level, non ISRU, heavily modded game with MH but mostly stockalike parts and nothing OP (except maybe for Mk.4 Spaceplane, do we count that as OP??) , and maybe with USI Life Support if I can find a 1.6 compatible version.

1. Yes

2. That works.

3. Of course

Mk.4 Spaceplane doesn't appear to be OP,  so have fun, and good luck!

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 Although is there any chance you could give a more in depth review of your science points? You should be able to see it all from the RnD center at the KSC. The only reason I ask is that you've nearly doubled the two highest science scores in all of the Jool 5 and I'm just curious where you squeezed out the extra science.

@JacobJHCSorry, for the delay, only just now saw your comment.  I have included below screenshots of the RnD centre archives, showing science summaries for Jool, Laythe, Tylo, Vall, Bop and Pol.  If you want more screenshots, let me know.  The shots shown indicate that I collected a lot of science, high space, low space, atmospheric high and low, and surface.  At each moon, the craft went into a polar orbit, and collected all Gravioli and EVA space (low and high) science for every biome.  I also tried to collect more Laythe science by skimming the upper atmosphere, but this took a lot of game time so I didn't get all biomes.  The craft visited every surface biome except two of Tylo's craters, again the extra game time was too onerous to include these.  The surface science (especially surface samples and Materials Bay) for nearly all biomes in the Jool system netted a lot of science points.  From what I can see of the previous Jeb level missions, they did not visit as many biomes, e.g. missing the many water biomes on Laythe.














Recovery:  82510 science points





Edited by jinnantonix
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13 hours ago, jinnantonix said:


@JacobJHCSorry, for the delay, only just now saw your comment.  I have included below screenshots of the RnD centre archives, showing science summaries for Jool, Laythe, Tylo, Vall, Bop and Pol.  If you want more screenshots, let me know.  The shots shown indicate that I collected a lot of science, high space, low space, atmospheric high and low, and surface.  At each moon, the craft went into a polar orbit, and collected all Gravioli and EVA space (low and high) science for every biome.  I also tried to collect more Laythe science by skimming the upper atmosphere, but this took a lot of game time so I didn't get all biomes.  The craft visited every surface biome except two of Tylo's craters, again the extra game time was too onerous to include these.  The surface science (especially surface samples and Materials Bay) for nearly all biomes in the Jool system netted a lot of science points.  From what I can see of the previous Jeb level missions, they did not visit as many biomes, e.g. missing the many water biomes on Laythe.

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Recovery:  82510 science points





Adding you to the leaderboard now. This is without a doubt the most science I've ever seen recovered on a single mission.

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@JacobJHC I have fully assembled the first of the 'support vehicle' (which is a nuclear transport with 5 sub probes) with the subprobes being:

2 low gravity rovers

2 ion powered scansats

and 1 fuel tank for surface ops (will not use with lander bc rules)

Post below

And I will have my second scout multiprobe with 2 more rovers, 2 atmospheric probes for Laythe and Jool, and a special surprise, finished soonTM

Edited by Starslinger999
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Can I borrow and adapt this challenge for my own challenge? I'll provide a link when it's up (both here about my challenge, and in my challenge about this challenge)

I just think it's only right I get permission, becuase my challenge wouldn't have been thought out without the Jool 5 mission, and I think it's only fair I give this challenge the credit it deserves.

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On 3/30/2019 at 4:36 PM, M_Rat13 said:

Can I borrow and adapt this challenge for my own challenge? I'll provide a link when it's up (both here about my challenge, and in my challenge about this challenge)

I just think it's only right I get permission, becuase my challenge wouldn't have been thought out without the Jool 5 mission, and I think it's only fair I give this challenge the credit it deserves.

How so? What would the challenge be?

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Just now, M_Rat13 said:

I'm calling it 'GIMME (some science)'.

GIMME stands for Gilly, Ike, Mun, Minmus expedition.


Oh, yeah sure that sounds cool. Go ahead, although I'm not sure you'll need to credit this challenge unless it inspired you. Good luck!

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14 minutes ago, EvermoreAlpaca said:

Jool 5 minimalist launch:  Spacechair edition


Congratulations @EvermoreAlpaca on completing the Jool 5 challenge with a low mass level one submission! Weighing in at only 6.2 tons, this is the lowest mass submission in any recent version and the third lightest ever across all three iterations of the Jool 5 challenge (the other two occurring in versions 0.23.5 and .24.2) ! I sincerely doubt that there will be a lighter submission completed after this one! With the game's current aerodynamic model this is truly one of the most optimized Jool 5 missions ever done, congratulations!

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Just now, GRS said:

Nobody :

@EvermoreAlpaca : *Does something Bewilderly Incomprehensively Insane*

Also how much time you took for that thing ???

This mission was born on a notepad and pencil last summer when I was away from my rig.  I made the first flight in September, but due to the error I mentioned in the video, ending up having to bail on it.  I gave it a ground-up redesign in February, and finally got around to flying it starting a week ago.

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32 minutes ago, EvermoreAlpaca said:

This mission was born on a notepad and pencil last summer when I was away from my rig.  I made the first flight in September, but due to the error I mentioned in the video, ending up having to bail on it.  I gave it a ground-up redesign in February, and finally got around to flying it starting a week ago.

My mission was 130 times as massive as yours. I could probably fit yours in my cargo bay with the other landers that are already in there.

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2 hours ago, sturmhauke said:

My mission was 130 times as massive as yours. I could probably fit yours in my cargo bay with the other landers that are already in there.

Same here, @EvermoreAlpaca if you were hitchhikking around Joool I would have room in one of my 2 shuttles :D


I'm not a big fan of the extreme low mass but this is very nicely done, also can't wait for the next Tutorial on orbital mechanics ! :D

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On 4/8/2019 at 1:32 PM, Pro100kerbonaut said:

Finished it just before Bradley's video


64.415 t

61 parts

Congratulations @Pro100kerbonaut on completing the Jool 5 challenge on level 1! The thing about your submission that surprised be the most was the craft being able to handle going directly from Vall to Tylo. Amazing job!

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