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The Ultimate Jool 5 Challenge Continued

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On 12/28/2020 at 1:33 PM, The Doodling Astronaut said:

If I am correct I need to bring at least one kerbal to every moon? In that case, I wouldn't be about to do two kerbals and they split up the moons...

You can do the mission with 1 Kerbal. 5 Kerbals for each of the moons is only required for level 3 and up.

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On 12/28/2020 at 6:33 AM, The Doodling Astronaut said:

If I am correct I need to bring at least one kerbal to every moon? In that case, I wouldn't be about to do two kerbals and they split up the moons...

nobody checks which kerbonauts land on which moon. there is no requirement for anyone to land everywhere. only that every moon is visited by a kerbal

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On 12/18/2020 at 2:02 AM, king of nowhere said:

small nitpick, the rover is called dancing porcupine, not flying porcupine.

and thanks for the kind words

EDIT: you also forgot the ISRU tag

fixed :P

On 12/27/2020 at 10:15 PM, LittleBitMore said:

What's the policy on kraken drives, even if they don't use clipping? I believe the rules should be appended with a rule disallowing them, as I don't see one

Kraken drives should be mentioned in the rules, I shall add it now.

17 hours ago, camacju said:

This was for a different challenge but I think it fits here also. Landing on all five of Jool's moons, using only liquid fuel. Makes the Tylo landing a bit hard, but still doable.

Very impressive mission, however you did not plant a flag on each moon. Regardless, this is such an impressive mission I want to put it in the gatecrasher section. Would you be alright with that? (Also the editing in the video is very nice. Clean and to the point.)

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6 hours ago, JacobJHC said:

you did not plant a flag on each moon.


29 minutes ago, camacju said:

But in your original post there's nothing about needing to plant a flag - just land on the moons and return

This is true. The closest is:

On 3/16/2018 at 7:03 PM, JacobJHC said:

7. On all of the landings, the Kerbal must be able to get out and walk (or swim!) around on the surface.  Make sure your ladders work!

The best way to verify that your Kerbals could get out and back in is to require a flag planting, and all Kerbals returned. I suggest the rule be changed.

Were your Kerbals able to get out of the ship? I've not watched your video yet.

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5 hours ago, camacju said:

Yeah the kerbal can get out, then jump back up to re-board the lander, or just walk up to it for the Laythe lander.

Were I running the challenge (I'm not) I'd like proof that that's possible with the Laythe and Tylo landings. You can obviously get out and back on the worlds with low G, but on Tylo the lander is pretty tall and on Laythe it's in a fairing that seems necessary for takeoff (at least, you had it on during takeoff).

You could always plant the flag and then take it down :D But really considering the requirements are "get out and walk around" demonstrating that should be sufficient IMO.

Edited by Superfluous J
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On 12/30/2020 at 1:03 AM, camacju said:

Sure that's fine

But in your original post there's nothing about needing to plant a flag - just land on the moons and return

Good point. I'll add your submission to the leaderboard now. My apologies, I clearly had a misunderstanding of what the rule was, thanks for calling me out on it!

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On 12/29/2020 at 1:37 AM, camacju said:

This was for a different challenge but I think it fits here also. Landing on all five of Jool's moons, using only liquid fuel. Makes the Tylo landing a bit hard, but still doable.

Congratulations @camacju on completing the Jool 5 challenge on the first level! I was very impressed by your Tylo lander, it is the second nerv-powered lander for Tylo I've ever seen used in a Jool 5 mission. Similarly, your launch stage is something we don't see around here very often, taking a nice departure from the usual moar-boostered rocket. You have already been added to the leaderboard, sorry for my misunderstanding!

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As part of my Kerpollo run, I did a Jool 5 with 30 parts (and 1375 tons):

  • All landings had a separate lander and orbiter that needed to dock after ascent.
  • I used both DLCs (although I think no part from Breaking Ground was used).
  • No probe cores allowed (which means no space chairs).
  • No intentional clipping (there probably was a tiny bit of it in the Kerbin ascent stage, that was consumed by Kraken in LKO)
  • Mods: Chatterer, BetterBurnTime, SpaceAge
  • No ISRU


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On 1/4/2021 at 7:11 PM, Majk said:

As part of my Kerpollo run, I did a Jool 5 with 30 parts (and 1375 tons):

  • All landings had a separate lander and orbiter that needed to dock after ascent.
  • I used both DLCs (although I think no part from Breaking Ground was used).
  • No probe cores allowed (which means no space chairs).
  • No intentional clipping (there probably was a tiny bit of it in the Kerbin ascent stage, that was consumed by Kraken in LKO)
  • Mods: Chatterer, BetterBurnTime, SpaceAge
  • No ISRU


Congratulations on completing the Jool 5 Challenge on level 1! Truly an interesting mission, succeeding in terms of both simplicity and effectiveness. While I say it fits for level 1, I would like to place it in the low parts subcategory, as it beat the previous record of 31 parts. Would you be alright with this?

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On 1/10/2021 at 3:59 AM, JacobJHC said:

Congratulations on completing the Jool 5 Challenge on level 1! Truly an interesting mission, succeeding in terms of both simplicity and effectiveness. While I say it fits for level 1, I would like to place it in the low parts subcategory, as it beat the previous record of 31 parts. Would you be alright with this?

Absolutely! Although I think there is a lot of room for improvement on the part count front.

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On 1/12/2021 at 7:15 AM, Goufalite said:


With 1.11 I was wondering if it was possible for an engineer to ponctually get to LKO and put stuff on the main ship before it leaves, then go back to Kerbin without going to Jool?


To clarify, are you asking if you can use Kerbals to construct a ship while in LKO? Because if that is the case that is totally fine. However, once the craft leaves LKO, you can't launch any more parts to add to it.

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I've cut the record in the low part category to 8 parts, and managed to bring a camera this time.


Important info:

  • KSP 1.11 + Making History
  • Mods: Chatterer, BetterBurnTime + visuals
  • 8 parts (Or was it 9? Hard to say.)
  • Launch mass of 310,310 tons
  • ISRU (duh)
  • Two kerbals to each moon 
  • The design is so simple that it's almost an insult
Edited by Majk
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1 hour ago, Majk said:

I've cut the record in the low part category to 8 parts, and managed to bring a camera this time.


Important info:

  • KSP 1.11 + Making History
  • Mods: Chatterer, BetterBurnTime + visuals
  • 8 parts (Or was it 9? Hard to say.)
  • Launch mass of 310,310 tons
  • ISRU (duh)
  • Two kerbals to each moon 
  • The design is so simple that it's almost an insult

Congratulations @Majkon completing the Jool 5 challenge on level 2! You absolutely smashed the low part count record for the Jool 5 challenge, and managed to do so in a very nicely made video! You are correct that the design is insultingly simply, in fact it makes the entire challenge look easy XD. In regards to the official part count, I think it should be counted as 9 since the RTG (while attached in orbit) still rode inside the ship to get into orbit to begin with. I think going forward for low part count missions, any part brought along in storage and then used counts as a part (EVA equipment excluded obviously).

Additionally, since you did this on level 2, I have decided to separate the low part count and low cost missions from being level 1 subchallenges to their own categories.

Adding you to the leaderboards now!

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@JacobJHC Another liquid fuel only Jool 5 with some extra challenges added. Single "launch" but craft separates on runway. Only uses one jet engine and one nuclear engine for entire mission. Also I snuck in four additional landings with the extra fuel at the end.

The Tylo ascent had a really tight margin because the lander was optimized for atmosphere, not vacuum. Jeb almost had to get out and push!

Edited by camacju
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On 1/21/2021 at 3:09 PM, camacju said:

@JacobJHC Another liquid fuel only Jool 5 with some extra challenges added. Single "launch" but craft separates on runway. Only uses one jet engine and one nuclear engine for entire mission. Also I snuck in four additional landings with the extra fuel at the end.

The Tylo ascent had a really tight margin because the lander was optimized for atmosphere, not vacuum. Jeb almost had to get out and push!

Wow! I have never seen a Jool 5 mission like this one before. Before I can add it to the leaderboard, I want to ask a few questions. 1, could you verify that the Kerbal could have exited and reboarded on the Jool landings? Rule 7 requires them to be able to walk or swim on the surface. From looking at your vessel it definitely looks possible, I just need to see proof that they can embark and reboard. 2, how many total launches were done to put the tankers in orbit? I only ask for leaderboard reasons, I'm not sure if some were done in pairs or if they were all single. I think I saw some go as a pair but I want to be extra sure so I don't mess up the leaderboard for the 90th time. Thanks!

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3 hours ago, JacobJHC said:

could you verify that the Kerbal could have exited and reboarded on the Jool landings

I've proved that the kerbal can exit and reboard pretty much that same lander design in my previous submission. For Laythe all you need to do is get the camera into the service bay. For the other moons and planets the kerbal can jump high enough to board. https://imgur.com/a/Hb0K424


3 hours ago, JacobJHC said:

how many total launches were done to put the tankers in orbit?

12 launches I believe. One launch put up a tank and the service module, one for the Tylo descent stage, and the rest launched a single tank. 11 tanks were launched total and I dumped one into the SSTO's fuel tanks on the last launch to save mass.

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On 1/21/2021 at 6:28 PM, Majk said:

I've cut the record in the low part category to 8 parts, and managed to bring a camera this time.


Important info:

  • KSP 1.11 + Making History
  • Mods: Chatterer, BetterBurnTime + visuals
  • 8 parts (Or was it 9? Hard to say.)
  • Launch mass of 310,310 tons
  • ISRU (duh)
  • Two kerbals to each moon 
  • The design is so simple that it's almost an insult

woah, that's huge. and at the same time, so simple i can't fathom how nobody thought of it before.

a couple questions, though: was the radiator panel actually necessary? Isru goes slower without it, but it goes nonetheless. and would have it been possible to use a single bigger fuel tank on top instead of the two you used? seems like the part count limit could be brought to 7 in that case

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12 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

woah, that's huge. and at the same time, so simple i can't fathom how nobody thought of it before.

a couple questions, though: was the radiator panel actually necessary? Isru goes slower without it, but it goes nonetheless. and would have it been possible to use a single bigger fuel tank on top instead of the two you used? seems like the part count limit could be brought to 7 in that case

When I tested without the radiator, it started overheating and I heard some explosions. Maybe you can do it with a smaller drill / smaller ISRU?

I tried with a single tank as well. However, when the tank is vertical on top of the ISRU, the whole thing is simply too unstable to land anywhere but Minmus flats. If you put the tank horizontally and clip it through, you can land this. However, aside from the no clipping rule, it is difficult to position the drill such that its deployment doesn't make your ship roll.

I'm not saying it is impossible , but it likely needs much better piloting skills.

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