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[1.8.1-1.12.x] Modular Launch Pads v2.8.1: Launch clamps evolved: Real-style launch bases and towers [17 March 2025]


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Only recently discovered this mod - it's brilliant thank you. One slight issue I am having (which I think is likely something I am doing wrong) is with the vanguard launch pad. The vanguard rocket seems to collapse on to it when I try and release it (causing a very historically accurate explosion!) I can't work out what I am doing incorrectly. Any help would be much appreciated

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20 minutes ago, JonnySpace said:

Only recently discovered this mod - it's brilliant thank you. One slight issue I am having (which I think is likely something I am doing wrong) is with the vanguard launch pad. The vanguard rocket seems to collapse on to it when I try and release it (causing a very historically accurate explosion!) I can't work out what I am doing incorrectly. Any help would be much appreciated

Ignore me! I figured it out! It was me being dense!

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a long break, I finally felt like doing the new Medium General Launch Base. I also added a 9th color to the GeneralBases texture series: the yellow-beige I used for the Ariane-style flat slab mast. Now the new Small Base, the new Medium Base and eventually all the General parts can be that color.


Medium base has 4m and 6m exhaust hole widths, width an alternate style for 6m short variant...it sort of happened from the way I set up the punch-out deck sections.


New Medium Base is now on the master branch of the Github.


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1 hour ago, Ultim32 said:

@AlphaMensae, when I installed MLP on my computer, the M1*1 and M2*2 stock parts dissapeared from the part selection menu. But when I go into the stock gamedata folder, both parts are there.

Do you mean the structural panels? This must be another mod because MLP does nothing to this parts. For me the panels are there.

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4 hours ago, Ultim32 said:

@AlphaMensae, when I installed MLP on my computer, the M1*1 and M2*2 stock parts dissapeared from the part selection menu. But when I go into the stock gamedata folder, both parts are there.

Uh, are those the panels from Making History?  I don't have that. MLP does nothing to affect stock parts, as Cheesecake said.

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Yea, apparently it was some other mod. Also, I downloaded the dev version on GitHub, and I love the new parts that you added!


EDIT: I'm almost positive that reDIRECT is the mod that caused it. I installed it, and those two structural panels were gone.

Edited by Ultim32
Found the problem
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If you look at the PAW for the new bases, you'll see the "Clamp Parts" switch. This turns off the launch clamp bits (the stretchy columns and footings) som they are not in the way. For these new bases, and then for all the launch bases and stands that don't use the clamp parts as the structure, I'm making the clamp bits very tiny and adding the switch to turn them off. They have to be present in the .mu or the launch clamp function won't work, so I'm using B9PS to turn them off afterwards.

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