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Building the Future, logical next DLC?

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  On 7/16/2018 at 1:40 PM, StarStreak2109 said:

To be quite honest, drawing a comparison between the parts we got with MH and their mod counterparts is comparing a Volkswagen to a S-class Mercedes-Benz...

And what would we want with even more non-descript capsule and rocket parts? Especially since there are mods out there which do all these...


But... some people can’t or don’t want to have mods

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  • 1 month later...

So we got "Making history"
So the next logical expansion is "Making present" thereafter "Making future"
Maybe the name of the current expansion is already telling us the concept of the other expansion titles. So this conclusion of mine is based on logic. Witness what to expect folks.

There's history to spaceflight, there's is present but also future. Of course, this concept matters to all.

Making present may involve current: NASA SLS, boeing, lockheed, SpaceX, blue origin, ad astra, rocket labs, XCOR, bigelow inspired parts among other things.
Each having their modern associated hardware in a part list. I could think of certain parts like lockheeds linear aerospike engine for the X33, bigelows crew habitation modules, tiny rocket parts to mimic those of rocket labs, spaceX styled legs, grid fins and capsules and having ad astras plasma rocket technologies with nuclear powered reactors. Of course there's much more to summarize but there is that.

Maybe making future comes after it.

The R.A.P.I.E.R. engine is future tech. It cannot exist yet so there's that. So now we need a lot more of this non existing future stuff like scramjets and free energy lol.




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  On 7/16/2018 at 11:46 AM, MR L A said:

I think building the present or very near future... like adding the Dragon Capsule, CST 100, Orion, maybe Dreamchaser style parts, BlueOrigin stuff, more telescope parts like JWST (add stock hinges to celebrate the fold-able portion of this), stock inflatable modules like Bigelow's parts, some better landing legs and airbrakes/fins like SpaceX's - these are all parts that could easily be added, actually exist and have reason to be part of a DLC celebrating the current boom in the aerospace industry :)

Yes, I know these parts exist as mods, but so did most of MH.


I want to like this twice :-)


  On 8/30/2018 at 5:21 PM, Aeroboi said:

Maybe making future comes after it.

The R.A.P.I.E.R. engine is future tech. It cannot exist yet so there's that. So now we need a lot more of this non existing future stuff like scramjets and free energy lol.





Would add planetary bases parts and life support feature to future DLC.

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  On 8/31/2018 at 12:23 PM, DunaManiac said:

I think Before we go into the PC DLC thing we should have a DLC for console players. Make it worthy of the name KSP "Enhanced edition"


"Enhanced" is a euphemism for "working" these days it seems.

  On 7/16/2018 at 1:50 PM, StarStreak2109 said:

Not my problem... Or the one of those actually using mods...



But don't pretend its not part of the discussion for Squad and TakeTwo.  They voluntarily began selling their product to a line of consumers that "just use a mod" is no longer a viable suggestion/ crutch for the developers.  Whether that impacts you is of no concern to the people making the decisions.

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  On 8/31/2018 at 1:56 PM, klesh said:

"Enhanced" is a euphemism for "working" these days it seems.


But don't pretend its not part of the discussion for Squad and TakeTwo.  They voluntarily began selling their product to a line of consumers that "just use a mod" is no longer a viable suggestion/ crutch for the developers.  Whether that impacts you is of no concern to the people making the decisions.


I'd love to know 2 things: 1) how many Squad devs actually play KSP regularly & 2) how many of those regular players are running vanilla vs a modded game?

Since a big chunk of the devs who's names I recognize are former modders I imagine that those people are playing modded games if they're playing regularly  ;)

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  On 8/31/2018 at 1:56 PM, klesh said:


But don't pretend its not part of the discussion for Squad and TakeTwo.  They voluntarily began selling their product to a line of consumers that "just use a mod" is no longer a viable suggestion/ crutch for the developers.  Whether that impacts you is of no concern to the people making the decisions.


Agreed. What I meant by that rather snappy remark was that at the end of the day I don't care whether or not fulfills everyone's wet dream re parts that should be added via a DLC. I documented my position here and in other threads concerning DLCs. I am not buying anymore DLCs from Squad/ T2 if they are as half-assed as the last one. I appreciate that for some having a "mod" released by the devs of KSP might by favorable to any third party mod - although I am of a different opinion, but that's just it.

As they are also underway improving the base game apparently, they should focus on that first, before putting out more DLC. Let's just hope they take the community feedback at heart. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

In my humble opinion and based on purely personal preference. 

I would find a near future dlc, a spacestation/base/colonization dlc and maybe a far future dlc interesting...

Offcourse newer, better and more efficient parts need a bit of balancing, which could be in the shape of:

Lifesupport (educational opportunity?)

Solar flares that mess with probes

Rebalanced tech tree

Actually producing rocket parts

A rescale of the system distances

Edit: possibly other star systems? 


Another rebalance to the other side again, if there's increased complexity of continually resupplying spacestations/bases/colonies and so forth, I think the game needs some sort of automated launch, autopilot and resupply to avoid having to do the same missions over and over. 

Edited by 78stonewobble
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  On 9/22/2018 at 5:08 PM, Frozen_Heart said:

IMO the next logical step for a parts expansion is parts to make Soyuz, STS, and the ISS. It could double as a bases and life support pack.


If you go straight from Apollo to BFR you've missed almost the entirety of human spaceflight.


I think it would be cool if they released cheap <$5 parts packs for various RW spacecraft. They kind of did Apollo, minus the cool lander bay, with MH and portions of Gemini. They also kind of tackled Vostok.

A pack that covers Soyuz would be really cool. They could also do one for early space stations and maybe a Salyut pack and an ISS pack later on. This would set them up for recurring revenue...You could do a SpaceX pack, a Mars mission pack, an SLS/Orion pack...etc etc.

Yes, modders have done these really well, probably with more TLC than @SQUAD has shown, but having a stock set would reach a broader audience - this is assuming of course that @SQUAD gets their parts graphics standardized

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  • 1 month later...

In my personal opinion, we have so much content, but very little room. I mean, a whole solar system is a lot of room, but down the road when you have colonised each planet and moon, It would be cool to have DLC that would build on that instead. For example, an improvement on the planet orbit system to allow new solar systems that can move independently from Sol. Mods have done this, but not well (Stars that orbit a blackhole for example).

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You have the unfortunate implication of what a DLC (or an expansion pack, if you remember those days) is supposed to be- an addition of content without an addition of mechanics. For strategy games, a few new units and at least one new campaign; for base builders, new buildings, and so on. Some might tweak some mechanics (like how to achieve a cultural victory in Civ V DLC), but it's still fundamentally the same game. 

Adding a DLC that adds mechanics, from a game design perspective, causes problems because you're delivering (and having to maintain) two different experiences to two sets of players.

Imagine if 'career mode' was DLC. That means that you have to develop the one without career into something more interesting... While also making career mode interesting enough.

So when we consider that, what can really be added but 'more parts'? A logistics game is a changing of genre, and I can't imagine what else would be added otherwise.

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  On 11/1/2018 at 9:36 PM, LorenLuke said:

is supposed to be- an addition of content without an addition of mechanics.


Not really look at Surviving mars space race DLC it adds a new game mechanic and its still a DLC.And the Making history expansión added a new game mechanic The misión builder.Most DLC adds game mechanics

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Random spawners. We need them.

Spawners of treasures to gather.
Spawners of ugly monsters bloody beasts plushy pets to hunt chase them to feed and make a selphie then eat.
Spawners of temporary existing FX-science events to detect with a long-term probe, get to them and collect science.
Spawners of fountains, geysers, fake meteorite hits, electric sparkles, dust devils, etc - just for fun.
Spawners of splashes and bubbles - like if the ocean is not completely lifeless.

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