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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Kerbal Flying Saucers - Build Flying Saucers in KSP!

Angelo Kerman

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Kerbal Flying Saucers 0.5 is now available:


This release is a major milestone: the A-51 Flapjack is feature complete! It's been a long road, and one with lots of bumps. The A-51 was originally just a proof of concept to ensure that the plugin worked correctly and that I could make a saucer-shaped aircraft that could fly. But, it morphed into the craft that it is today. It is a complete solution from its early days as a jet-powered VTOL prototype to a rocket-powered lenticular reentry vehicle- based on a real-world Air Force proposal- to a flying saucer powered by gravity waves. Now that it is complete, I can focus on the self-contained gravitic engines (coming next release) and the mothership (as time and sanity permits).

New Parts

- A-51 Conference Room: This is an alternate version of the A-51 Crew Cabin. It has an interior configured for meetings. Thanks for the suggestion @adsii1970! :)
- Mk2 Engine Plate: This is similar to the Making History engine mounts, but it is made for the Mk2 form factor.
- IXS Cockpit: This is a custom Size 2 cockpit that can be fitted with 3 A-51 saucer sections. The design is inspired by the IXS Enterprise cockpit created by Mark Rademaker.
- A-51 Landing Strut: This is a landing strut designed for the A-51. it is node-attached to the keel (with another node for saucer sections).


- Deprecated the existing A-51 Engine Mount and replaced it with a newer version, called the A-51-Mk2 Adapter, that adapts the A-51 saucer to the Mk2 part set.
- Deprecated the existing A-51 Linear Aerospike and replaced it with a newer version that fits the Mk2 form factor.
- Updated the Flapjack parts and textures to be closer to Restock.
- Added missing stock cargo inventory to the A-51 Crew Cabin.
- Added a stock/Near Future Props IVA to the A-51 Cockpit that will automatically be enabled when MOARdV's Avionics Systems isn't installed.
- Removed the A-51 Mk1 Adapter, A-51 Size 1.875m Adapter, A-51 Size 1.5 Shroud, A-51 to Mk2 Shroud, A-51 Size 2 Adapter, and A-51 Size 2 Shroud. These are no longer needed as a result of adding the A-51-Mk2 Adapter.
- Hid the Advanced Alien Engineering tech tree node when Community Tech Tree is installed; parts slated for AEE will be found in CTT's Unified Field Theory node instead.
- Fixed issue where drills were not harvesting graviolium on planetary surfaces that had the resource.
- Added new stock Easter Egg-inspired flying saucer Space Anomaly that appears if you have Blueshift installed.
NOTE: If you don't have Blueshift installed, then the UFO becomes available in the VAB/SPH.

Known Issues
- The DepthMask for the Landing Strut's gear well isn't working properly and appears to be an issue with the landing strut's interaction with DepthMask.
- The Landing Strut lacks a functioning suspension system due to the way the game works. It has high impact tolerance to compensate.








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Working on the self-contained gravitic engines. First up is the GND-00 "Beta" Gravitic Engine:




The modeling and unwrap work is done, but I still need to paint and finish rigging it. This engine is as fast as the Flapjack's but it has ~4 times the gravity wave output of the original (50 Gravity Waves / sec versus 12 in the original). It runs on Graviolium and Propellium, but if you have Blueshift installed then it can switch to Graviolium and Fusion Pellets.

This is inspired by the GN Beta Drive that Geoff Herndon made for his side story:


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  On 9/8/2021 at 3:11 AM, Angel-125 said:

Working on the self-contained gravitic engines. First up is the GND-00 "Beta" Gravitic Engine:




The modeling and unwrap work is done, but I still need to paint and finish rigging it. This engine is as fast as the Flapjack's but it has ~4 times the gravity wave output of the original (50 Gravity Waves / sec versus 12 in the original). It runs on Graviolium and Propellium, but if you have Blueshift installed then it can switch to Graviolium and Fusion Pellets.

This is inspired by the GN Beta Drive that Geoff Herndon made for his side story:



It's the first true Kerbal re-engineering of the gravitic engine. Awesome. :cool:

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  On 9/8/2021 at 11:16 PM, shdwlrd said:

It's the first true Kerbal re-engineering of the gravitic engine. Awesome. :cool:


Yup! By the second tier tech node, Gravity Wave Applications, the kerbals are figuring out how the engines work and start making improvements. These engines are a stepping stone to the mothership’s massive engine that has multiple power generators.

Meanwhile, I got the plugin for the self-contained gravitic engine working tonight:



It properly produces resources, drains them, and shuts off when the Static Charge is full.

Additionally, I have a new lightweight mini mod based on Blueshift’s part failure system. It is an alternative to BARIS that leverages the stock repair kits without all the part testing, construction times, and random events that BARIS has.

It is slightly better than the Blueshift system because it automatically handles engines, generators, and converters, and you can specify additional part modules that are disabled as well. And it can handle failures when an engine starts up. You can even configure a part to wear out and require replacement. I plan to replace Blueshift’s built in system with the mini mod while keeping it separate and entirely optional.

For KFS, if the gravitic engine fails its functions are completely disabled and you will need skilled engineers with repair kits to fix it- or a repair bot with repair kits.

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  On 9/3/2021 at 9:35 PM, Angel-125 said:

- Added new stock Easter Egg-inspired flying saucer Space Anomaly that appears if you have Blueshift installed.
NOTE: If you don't have Blueshift installed, then the UFO becomes available in the VAB/SPH.



Awesome! Thank you for adding easter eggs back into my egg-barren planet pack save. This is the excuse I needed - it didn't feel right to give my Kerbals UFO technology when no UFOs exist in their universe, but now I can go find one and then start making flying saucers.

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  On 9/9/2021 at 8:40 PM, CookieBorg said:

Awesome! Thank you for adding easter eggs back into my egg-barren planet pack save. This is the excuse I needed - it didn't feel right to give my Kerbals UFO technology when no UFOs exist in their universe, but now I can go find one and then start making flying saucers.


Glad you like the new easter egg. :) You'll find it somewhere in space if you have Blueshift installed and space anomalies enabled. If you don't then the UFO becomes a part available in the VAB/SPH.

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Kerbal Flying Saucers 0.6: Gravitic Engines Update, is now available:

New Gravitic Engines

- GND-00 "Beta" Gravitic Engine: This is a 1.25m (Size 1) self-contained gravitic engine that has a built-in fusion reactor and gravitic generator. With Blueshift installed, the generator can switch between Propellium and Fusion Pellets.
- GND-01 "Quantum" Gravitic Engine: This is a 2.5m (Size 2) self-contained gravitic engine that has a built-in fusion reactor and gravitic generator. With Blueshift installed, the generator can switch between Propellium and Fusion Pellets.

New Storage Tanks

The following tanks can store a wide variety of different resources including Propellium and Graviolium.
NOTE: These parts are only available if you don't have Blueshift installed.

- Mk2 Omni Tank
- Mk3-S3 Omni Tank
- S-1 Omni Tank
- S-2 Omni Tank
- S-3 Omni Tank
- S-1 Omni Endcap Tank
- S-2 Omni Endcap Tank


- Added new WBIGraviticEngineGenerator part module. It combines a resource generator with the gravitic engine. It is capable of switching between two or more resource modes defined by a RESOURCE_MODE config node.
- Added support for EVA Repairs, if installed. You can find the mini-mod here.

Kerbal Flying Saucers is not done yet! The Flapjack is feature complete, and now the standalone gravitic engines are done. The only thing left is the Excalibur mothership- but it needs to wait awhile longer because 1) the IVAs are killing me and 2) I really want to finish SunkWorks before the end of the year, and I've only got 3 months left. At least I've gotten through my burnout...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

i have a question, how to produce gravity wave? GND-00 "Beta" Gravitic Engine doesn't work for me ..the Gravity wave can't be generated...I have a Graviollum tank with full of Gravillolum and fusion pellet :( ..is it a bug?? 

Edited by kennyc222
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  On 11/9/2021 at 6:01 AM, kennyc222 said:

how to produce gravity wave?


Add any part whose title resembles "gravitic displacement generator" and a supply of Graviolium and whatever else it needs (likely Propellium or ElectricCharge). The GND engines handwave the gravity wave production step since it's a "self-contained" device and meets its own intermediate needs by itself. The GND engines aren't meant to be able to meet the needs of other devices.

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  On 11/13/2021 at 4:43 AM, kennyc222 said:

it doesn't work for me neither...it is a bug..my craft can't be lift off at all even if i have GND engines


It works for me. I just checked and it absolutely needs just Graviolium and Propellium.  (I don't have Blueshift here so I don't get to choose FusionPellets over Propellium.)

Type "buck" in the parts list search bar to get to the WBI buckboards, and set one each for each resource...and set the inventory ratio slider to zero. (In most cases, only WBI parts will provide Propellium. Don't expect your other favorite mods to do it.)

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After that it's a matter of handling the UI behind the black helicopter button in the app bar in flight. And that's simple enough.

Press HOVR when you need to float. Press FWD, REV or VTOL for the thrust direction.

  Reveal hidden contents

All I had to do was make sure it has its propellants, stage it once launched, and press what I need to in the UI. I didn't have to right-click anything.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/22/2021 at 9:23 PM, squeaker0704 said:

how do i purchase from the vab/sph


You purchase it like any other resource. Simply fill your tanks with Propellium ( the Flapjack's wing tanks) and the cost if factored with the craft when you launch it.

  On 11/22/2021 at 10:25 PM, squeaker0704 said:

my omni storage isn't working 


I'm going to need more details. I've tested omni storage in KSP 1.12.2 without any issues.

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Might be because Propellium is not a stock or CRP resource - it is only in Classic Stock Resources.  A missing resource definition can mess up a lot of things. @Angel-125, could you add in some play modes to use liquid fuel (simplified), LqdHydrogen (CRP), and Propellium (classic stock)

Also, Explodium is only in Classic Stock, but when you install the DSEV CRP play mode, it still uses explodium to fuel the Trinity engine - throwing a whole bunch of errors.

Edited by orangecat1248
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  On 11/26/2021 at 4:13 PM, orangecat1248 said:

Might be because Propellium is not a stock or CRP resource - it is only in Classic Stock Resources.  A missing resource definition can mess up a lot of things. @Angel-125, could you add in some play modes to use liquid fuel (simplified), LqdHydrogen (CRP), and Propellium (classic stock)

Also, Explodium is only in Classic Stock, but when you install the DSEV CRP play mode, it still uses explodium to fuel the Trinity engine - throwing a whole bunch of errors.


I'll look into that. Meanwhile, courtesy of @Zarbon44:


Thanks Zarbon! :)

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