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[1.4.3] Kerbal Academy Contract Pack [v1.2.x]

Mark Kerbin

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Welcome To Kerbal Academy's Kerbonaut Training Program 

Kerbal Academy is a contract pack consisting of training mission scenarios for educating your Kerbals.

These missions are intended to provide in-field training experience to kerbonauts, advancing their skills for use on future missions. Each Kerbal Academy contract awards the trainee being trained experience when a specified mission task is completed. 



Are you tired of your Kerbals not being able to reach the highest levels without planting a flag on Duna? Ever wondered how planting a flag on Minmus shows your engineers how to fix wheels? Enroll your Kerbonauts in the Kerbal Academy today! We provide  logical and simpler Kerbal experience progression contracts for a better training experience!  (Kerbal Academy is NOT liable for any injuries or rapid unplanned disassembles during missions)


Version 1.2.0 Released

"A Fresh Coat Of Paint"

**Version 1.2.0 Changes**
 -Added New Logos And Flags
 -Updated All The Contract Descriptions
 -Cleaned Up Spelling And Syntax Errors
 -Rebalanced Contract Costs
 -Contract Costs Now Generated Based On Kerbal Experience Level 
 -Boot Camp Contract Cost Now Generated Based On Cost Of Next Kerbal
 -Boot Camp Now Uses New Drill Craft

Full Change Log Here; [Change Log]

*Report Issues On The Forum Page Or The Issues Section Of The Github Repo*

zGVS35q.png  JGB3aUC.png


What does this contract pack currently do?

Kerbal Academy provides a series of contracts that will allow your Kerbonauts to advance their skillset, by actually doing the things that relate to their skill set. 

For example; the Pilot training scheme will have your Pilots practicing changing orbital inclination, as well as how to do flyby's of various bodies. (More mission scenarios, as well as in atmosphere missions are being investigated) Scientists will be practicing going actually collect science, and engineers will be doing simulated repairs on various craft. Only after they have demonstrated their skills in their field will experience be awarded.

Kerbal Academy is a for-profit venture* ,  you pay them to provide missions and programs in order to train your kerbals. Think of it as an investment. Contract prices are currently being re balanced for training missions, and  the "Boot Camp"  mission as it allows for the recruitment of new Kerbalnauts without the expense of rescuing them from various wrecks.


Current Available Missions (v1.2.x) :

   There are three programs available at Kerbin Academy:

  • Boot Camp - If the pack finds that you are lacking in a certain role, you will be offered the chance to put a Kerbal through Boot Camp. This involves proving basic skills in that role. On completion of the course you will be reimbursed half of your hiring cost, plus your new applicant will be advanced to level 1.
    • For pilots this mission consists of a quick takeoff, flight, and landing at a predetermined location 
    • Scientists must complete and collect a experiment specified by the contract 
    • Engineers complete a quick intro to vessel operations and maintenance 


  • The Basic Program - Where a kerbal is severely lagging behind their colleagues in terms of experience, or one Kerbal is much further advanced than the others, the more experienced kerbal can "mentor" one of their less experienced peers. Obviously only kerbals of the same skillset can be mentored. So a pilot couldn't mentor a scientist (because that would be silly). On completion of the course, the less experienced kerbal will be given a hefty experience boost, which can (but is not guaranteed to) bring them to within 1 level of their mentor.
    • Pilots are tasked with flying a course complete with way point markers 
    • Scientists are tasked with doing some more science! 
    • Engineers are tasked with completing simulated repairs on a vessel  


  • The Advanced Program - If a Kerbal is near the top of their field they will be put forward for the advanced program. This involves demonstrating their skills in the field. On completion of the course, the Kerbal will be advanced one level.
    • Pilots do some orbital maneuvering to improve their skills
    • Scientists do some more science! (Improving Scientist Missions Has Been Made A Priority, Please Suggest Some Ideas) 
    • Engineers complete tours of duty on various bases and stations, performing a few simulated maintenance tasks.  


Known Issues/Workarounds (1.2.x) :

-Drill Ship spawning may have been fixed. Further Testing Needed

Other Stuff

This contract pack will disable the stock rescue missions by default, as they are a horribly cheaty way to get new kerbals perfectly valid player choice, if you like that sort of thing, and this pack already provides a way to recruit new kerbals cheaply.

In order for Engineers to advance through the program, vehicles must be marked properly. So a lander (with legs) should be marked as a lander (by clicking rename vessel in the flight scene), stuff with wheels should be a rover, and stations and bases should be marked as such. If you don't do this, you won't see any Engineering contracts offered.


Future Plans By Version;

Version 1.2.0 Released May 12th

Version 1.2.1 Released May 12th

  • v1.2.0 (May 2-4)
    • Flair Overhaul
    • Add updated logos 
    • Add mission patches
    • Kerbalize contract descriptions
    • Rebalance Contracts
      • Change Advance Payment
      • Add Completion Payment
      • (Shouldn't Effect Current Active Contracts)
  • v1.3.0
    • More Missions For Engineers 
    • Better Missions For Scientists 
    • Release TBD, work not started

General Future Plans;

  • Bugfixing for spelling/grammar errors reported in v1.1.8 (v1.1.9)
  • Rebalance Contract Pricing (v1.2.0)
  • Add updated logos (v1.2.0)
  • Add mission patches (v1.2.0)
  • Kerbalize contract descriptions (v1.2.0)
  • New Atmospheric mission profiles for Pilot training (TBD)
  • New Station/ Base "maintenance simulation" mission profiles for Engineer training (TBD)
  • New Docking/ Rendezvous mission profiles for Pilot training (TBD) 
  • New mission profiles for Scientist training (TBD)
  • Add Spacedock page under @Mark Kerbin (v1.2.0)  (Spacedock Page Added)
  • Investigate CKAN support (TBD)  (CKAN Support Added, I Clicked A Button.)
  • Continue investigating flipped contract ship spawning. Likely caused CC, has been reported to dev.


Current Version is 1.2.1 For KSP 1.4.3  

Dependencies Contract Configurator 1.25 & Module Manager 3.0.7


(v1.1.9-10) (v1.2.x) 



(v1.1.x) (v1.2.x) 




Dependencies (Make Sure These Are Installed);  


Legacy Thread by @severedsolo:


Kerbal Academy 1.1.9+ licensed under MIT @Mark Kerbin

Kerbal Academy 1.1.8 & prior versions licensed under MIT @severedsolo


"Continued" (But not actually) by @Mark Kerbin with permission from @severedsolo

@nightingale as ever for his tireless work on Contract Configurator (you rock!)

@severedsolo For the original Kerbal Academy pack, and a good bit of this forum page

@severedsolo 's wife for creating the original Kerbal Academy flag. 

Edited by Mark Kerbin
Version 1.2.0 Release
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Thanks for continuing this! Don't mean to pester, but bootcamp still has this typo on line 115:


Also minor suggestion for roleStringsingle. If you take out the "a" in line 8 and add it in line 45, you can get it to say "an engineer" instead of "a engineer"

synopsis = Take @/roleStringsingle through Boot Camp.
roleStringsingle = @/pilots.Count() == 0 ? "a pilot" : @/scientists.Count() == 0 ? "a scientist" : "an engineer"

Finally, there are a few places that say "good job" instead of "good thing" in a couple of the other contracts' descriptions.

Line 6 in Engineering 101:

Lines 6 and 7 in Scientific Principles:

Edited by Kwebib
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  On 4/22/2018 at 11:19 AM, Kwebib said:

Finally, there are a few places that say "good job" instead of "good thing" in a couple of the other contracts' descriptions.


In British English these two things basically mean the same thing (albeit it's a colloquialism).

Edited by severedsolo
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  On 4/22/2018 at 12:09 PM, Kwebib said:

Ahh ok. I also noticed you guys spell enroll with one L. :D


Yeah, that came up as a miss spell for me when I copied the thread over... Was kinda confused till I realized. Its going to be "enroll" from here out for my own sanity =P


<<Minor Update>> 

Added A Spacedock Page [Here]

May now have CKAN Support. I Clicked A Button. Going to go make sure CC is listed as dependency.



A little flag I'm working on for v1.2.0


Edited by Mark Kerbin
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  On 4/23/2018 at 10:36 AM, Mark Kerbin said:

Added a warning about backwards compatibility to main page. Tks for reminder. =P


vOv they will soon figure it out. I version locked 1.1.8 to the newest CC or higher. If you try and load it on a previous version you'll get a warning that it's not supported and the pack will refuse to load.

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Fresh Coat of Paint Update In Progress.

Expect A Release Later This Week.

Expected Changes;

  • New Flags
  • New Mission Patches (Not Contracts, Little Decal Thingys)
  • Kerbalize contract descriptions
  • Possible Rebalance Of Contract Rewards and Costs! (This should not affect current contracts)
  Reveal hidden contents


Update About This Update [6 Hours After First Post];

Expect v1.2.0 Sometime May 2-4

New Flags Can Be Found In The 1.2.0 Branch On My Github Page (Link In Original Post) 

If you have any silly/ cool flags for this, let me know. I am also looking for mission ideas for version 1.3/4

I will be slowly putting out updated contracts. Please give them a test when I put out a pre-release on Github tomorrow.

Edited by Mark Kerbin
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Version 1.2.0 has been delayed. 


Due to unforeseen circumstances v1.2.0 has been pushed back to May 4-6 

This is mainly due to having just found out how... un uniform (is that a word?), some of the contract configs are. 

Anyhow that means I will have to clean up some configs to properly implement changes.


Also I forgot today was my birthday. 

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  On 5/2/2018 at 10:33 PM, Mark Kerbin said:

Also I forgot today was my birthday. 


Always important not to forget this! :D

As for the patches/decals, something like this would be great -- to literally tag craft for specific contract missions: @Vexillar made an awesome compilation pack for the two big decal mods: https://spacedock.info/mod/1591/ID Flags and Decals

Edited by Beetlecat
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  On 5/6/2018 at 11:29 PM, Daniel Prates said:

No 'patreon' involved, then? :funds::D


Well no, not for the time being. I can't on a good conscience until I put in some more work for this. =P ie. I don't feel like its fully mine yet. 

  On 5/6/2018 at 11:29 PM, Daniel Prates said:

I have tested the old 1.3.x version you directed me to a few weeks ago and it works like a charm. 


Glad to hear it!

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ETA on Beta Version Of v1.2.0 is about 4 hours


Probable Change Log;

  • Flair Overhaul
  • Add updated logos 
  • Add mission patches
  • Kerbalize contract descriptions
  • Rebalance Contracts
    • Change Advance Payment
    • Add Completion Payment
    • (Shouldn't Effect Current Active Contracts)


Got lazy and watched the Hunt for Red October. Will post tomorrow morningish. =P

As for some more info the contract pricing will be more varied and incremental as your kerbals train and your Kerbonaut crew roster deepens 

Edited by Mark Kerbin
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Rebalancing and Fresh Coat Of Flags

Current "Release":

[v1.2.0 (Beta 1)] [v1.2.0 (Beta 2)]

**Untested And Unfinished**
No guarantee of stability and not breaking anything. Create a backup if you value your contracts.

Prelim Change Log;
 -More Flags.
 -Kerbalized Descriptions, (or broke them, who knows really)  
 -Rebalanced Contract/Course Completion Fee 
  -Rebalanced and reduced to work with game progression and completion fees
  -Probably broken/missing on some contracts
 -Added Contract/Course Completion Fee 
  -Probably broken/missing on some contracts
  -Most likely unbalanced and will need fixing

Pre-releasing now to allow for testing, and for dev's sanity (File folder got messed up, and exams and procrastination are happening). Apologizes for any weirdness, should be fixed sooner or later. Bug testing is currently happening. 

If you find anything, create a report on github. 


If you feel daring, here is the github link;

Beta 1 V1.2.0



Woooppssss. Guess I missed something...

Edit 2;

-Repairing the basic training contracts, should get a few later tonight or tomorrow

-Discovered why the adv contracts disappeared. Apparently you can't find a random integer between only one integer. Shocking.

Edited by Mark Kerbin
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Version 1.2.0 Released

"A Fresh Coat Of Paint"

**Version 1.2.0 Changes**
 -Added New Logos And Flags
 -Updated All The Contract Descriptions
 -Cleaned Up Spelling And Syntax Errors
 -Rebalanced Contract Costs
 -Contract Costs Now Generated Based On Kerbal Experience Level 
 -Boot Camp Contract Cost Now Generated Based On Cost Of Next Kerbal
 -Boot Camp Now Uses New Drill Craft

Full Change Log Here; https://github.com/Mark-Kerbin/Kerbal-Academy-Contract-Pack/wiki/Change-Log

*Report Issues On The Forum Page Or The Issues Section Of The Github Repo*

zGVS35q.png  JGB3aUC.png

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