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Kerbin Side Remastered [1.0.1] [1.7.3]


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On 9/18/2021 at 8:18 AM, Caerfinon said:

You can launch from any KK launch site that is "Open".

 @Eskandare This is a very nice mod.  Thank you.

I would be grateful for insights from anyone familiar with the code of this mod as to whether there happens to be something similar to "SpaceCenter.Instance.transform.position" for the bases created by this mod...or perhaps even a better way to accomplish the following objective.

Ideally I would like to modify the mod SimpleRefuel slightly for myself so that I may easily refuel when landed at any of the Kerbin Side Remastered bases.

However, I recognize that to keep the condition list simple, I might need to choose just a few preferred bases to add to the SimpleRefuel condition list pasted below...which would also be great.

Thanks for any insights that may help me with this objective (or if it is simply not possible).

 if ((int)vessel.srfSpeed == 0 && (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.LANDED || vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH) && (vessel.transform.position - SpaceCenter.Instance.transform.position).sqrMagnitude <= SpaceCenter.Instance.AreaRadius * SpaceCenter.Instance.AreaRadius  )
                canRefuel = true;


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6 hours ago, AloE said:

 @Eskandare This is a very nice mod.  Thank you.

I would be grateful for insights from anyone familiar with the code of this mod as to whether there happens to be something similar to "SpaceCenter.Instance.transform.position" for the bases created by this mod...or perhaps even a better way to accomplish the following objective.

Ideally I would like to modify the mod SimpleRefuel slightly for myself so that I may easily refuel when landed at any of the Kerbin Side Remastered bases.

However, I recognize that to keep the condition list simple, I might need to choose just a few preferred bases to add to the SimpleRefuel condition list pasted below...which would also be great.

Thanks for any insights that may help me with this objective (or if it is simply not possible).

 if ((int)vessel.srfSpeed == 0 && (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.LANDED || vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH) && (vessel.transform.position - SpaceCenter.Instance.transform.position).sqrMagnitude <= SpaceCenter.Instance.AreaRadius * SpaceCenter.Instance.AreaRadius  )
                canRefuel = true;


I'd suggest using KerbalKonstructs.Core.LaunchSiteManager.getNearestBase to find the nearest KK base.

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16 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

I'd suggest using KerbalKonstructs.Core.LaunchSiteManager.getNearestBase to find the nearest KK base.

'out string sBase,  out float flRange'  does look promising.  Thank you!

// Returns the nearest Launchsite to a position and range in m to the Launchsite, regardless of whether it is open or closed
        public static void getNearestBase(Vector3 position, out string sBase, out string sBase2, out float flRange, out KKLaunchSite lSite, out KKLaunchSite lSite2)
rangeNearestBase = (float)smallestDist;

            sBase = sNearestBase;
            sBase2 = sLastNearest;
            flRange = rangeNearestBase;
            lSite = lTargetSite;
            lSite2 = lLastSite;


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On 7/4/2022 at 2:59 PM, AloE said:

easily refuel when landed at any of the Kerbin Side Remastered bases

Had you considered refueling from the fuel tanks at most KSR bases?  If the facility to do so is opened, it's a matter of clicking on the fuel tank.  (If you think that might be what you want, but have trouble with it, I can help.  (I am no KK expert, though!)

I personally use a mod called Telemagic that allows you to refuel from a fuel tanker (when both vehicles are parked within 30m of each other).  It requires you build the infrastructure to ship fuel to key airports which just gives you one more reason to fly missions.

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On 7/5/2022 at 10:49 AM, Hotel26 said:

Had you considered refueling from the fuel tanks at most KSR bases?  If the facility to do so is opened, it's a matter of clicking on the fuel tank.  (If you think that might be what you want, but have trouble with it, I can help.  (I am no KK expert, though!)

OK...thanks!  Yes, that is the more appropriate way...where i got stuck was that I use the Real Fuels mod in my various GameData/craft  configurations...and by default the fuel stations were not offering Kerosene.  However, by using the KK quick start tutorial (link) I learned that I may quickly add Kerosene and any other resources I need to the station (then I can also copy/past directly in the .cfg's with various fuel merchants for the bases I have not yet visited):

Adding resources to a KK Refueling Station
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fix imgur link
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2 hours ago, AloE said:

Yes, that is the more appropriate way

There are some KSR bases that do not have an active fuel depot by default. Kola Island Naval Air Station is one that comes to mind. It has a fuel depot static but the merchant configuration was not deployed. 

Also if you are trying to refuel boats or subs at a base near the water the refuel option in the KK menu doesn't work because the ships are "Splashed Down" rather than landed. It you click the static that has the fuel merchant however, you are able to fuel up successfully. 

(I cheated with boats/subs as all of mine were nuclear powered :)  ) 

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On 7/6/2022 at 12:18 AM, Caerfinon said:

boats/subs as all of mine were nuclear powered

fair in my book ;-) 

Also, I would be grateful for any tips on how to use the KK 'worker kerbals'...when we click the hire button we just get a NRE (we are using KSP 1.12.3 in sandbox games for now)...is there some specific sequence of things we need to do to be able to hire 'worker kerbals' from a  given building configured with barracks with which  to populate the research observatories?  Thanks!

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12 hours ago, AloE said:

how to use the KK 'worker kerbals'.

To be honest I've never really used that feature of the KK mod. I was primarily only interested in the refueling  facilities and the launch pads/runways. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Where the heck do I find the latest version of this mod? I see people talking about a version for 1.12 in the comments, yet there appears to be no link to it, in the OP or otherwise. The most recent version I've been able to find is version 1.0.1_1.7.3, but that was uploaded in July 2019 and the mod has clearly been updated since. Can someone point me in the right direction?

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45 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

That's for Kerbal Konstructs though, not Kerbin Side Remastered, which this thread is about. I have KK installed with no issue, I just want the additional buildings/models of KS-R. For reference, whenever I install the most recent version of KS-R, even just copying over the Statics folder alone, I get multiple errors upon loading, followed shortly thereafter by a crash. This is the last thing my KSP.log logs before crashing:

[LOG 13:12:24.580] KK: [MapDecalUtils] GetSquadMaps: Imported 11 Maps from around the universe
[LOG 13:12:24.837] KK: [LaunchSiteManager] RegisterLaunchSite: Registering LaunchSite: KSC2 isHidden: True
[LOG 13:12:24.866] KK: [ConfigParser] LoadAllMapDecals: Rebuilding PQS sphere on: Laythe
[ERR 13:12:24.943] Triggers on concave MeshColliders are not supported

[ERR 13:12:24.944] Triggers on concave MeshColliders are not supported

[ERR 13:12:24.944] Triggers on concave MeshColliders are not supported

[ERR 13:12:24.945] Triggers on concave MeshColliders are not supported

[ERR 13:12:24.946] Triggers on concave MeshColliders are not supported

[ERR 13:12:24.946] Triggers on concave MeshColliders are not supported

EDIT: And for additional clarification, I do not get these errors nor does the game crash when I remove the KS-R Statics folder from my GameData, so I can be certain this mod is causing the issue,

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19 minutes ago, maledin said:

Kerbin Side Remastered, which this thread is about

My bad. The latest version of KSR is https://github.com/Eskandare/KerbinSideRemastered/releases/tag/1.0.1  which is the one you referenced. 

You would need to post your complete KSP.log and Player.log (in a zip file) to get a better understanding of what might be going on .   


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10 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

My bad. The latest version of KSR is https://github.com/Eskandare/KerbinSideRemastered/releases/tag/1.0.1  which is the one you referenced. 

You would need to post your complete KSP.log and Player.log (in a zip file) to get a better understanding of what might be going on .   


Gotcha, thanks for that at least. Where could I even find the player.log file?

...not that it matters right now, of course; I managed to get the game running after a clean reinstall of both KK and KS-R. I'm not entirely sure what the problem was, but at least it appears to be solved for now.

I guess the main reason I'd assumed there was a newer version was because Eskandare had made a post showing off some new models last July. I'm guessing they got busy in the intervening time and nothing was released since?

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On 7/26/2022 at 5:04 PM, Caerfinon said:

See:  How To Get Support Read First Has locations of all relevant support info

Glad the reinstall worked.  

Sometimes stuff gets developed but never rolled out into production. usually the hobby time vs RL time is the cause.   

Fly safe. 

So, it turns out that the error is stemming from KK's NewInstances directory in some way; i.e., whenever I have saved new statics/mapdecals there, the game fails to load presumably because of the aforementioned "Triggers on concave MeshColliders are not supported" error.  The reason why my clean reinstall worked is because I deleted all of the stuff I had worked on previously. This means that the mod(s) work just fine as long as I never quit the game, but I have to start from the beginning if I ever reset... not ideal.

I know I should probably post this in the KK thread instead, but I thought it might be of interest. I'm doing some trial and error now to figure out if I can isolate the exact issue that's messing everything up; i.e., looking through the KS-R ExampleBases statics/mapdecals I know load without incident and trying to figure out what's different about the ones I'm making. So far, all I got is that mine are on Laythe rather than Kerbin. That can't really be the problem, right....?


EDIT: I've since isolated the issues to KS-R statics only -- existing MapDecals and GroupCenter cfgs seem to load just fine. Now, for the long process of trying to isolate which static(s) is/are causing the problem...

EDIT 2: I've identified the problem static as the 1700m runway from KS-R. I have no idea why, but the game loads fine once I remove the one I previously placed from the NewInstances directory. My only theory is that I told other statics to snap to it at one point and that messed everything up. I'll try placing another iteration of that object without that option checked and see what happens.

Edited by maledin
Update on issue
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  • 1 month later...
23 hours ago, Eskandare said:

Hello everyone! 

Yes! I'm still alive. I'm still working on upgrades to KSR and a few other things. Sorry for being away. I'm hoping to get my Mega Structures in Space project working. 

Wow that is unbelieveable~ welcome to back ! expect ksr and cvx update soon~

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