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[1.12.5] TechTrees: QUARTIX 3.10, TETRIX 2.26, SIMPLEX 1.36


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  On 10/1/2018 at 10:11 PM, theonegalen said:

I've been using the Unmanned Before Manned tech tree for years. My current save uses the Unmanned Tech tree by @Oneiros. Both of those use the Stock tech tree structure as their base, and I've gotten very used to where things are. This, however, this I really like. It is almost exhilarating to think of a tree that I don't know where a lot of the parts are - real tech exploration again.

I really like this idea. Any plan to have an extended version with the Community Tech Tree nodes included for more mod parts?


Possibly.  To support Nertia's near future a little better and various warpdrives and such.  And make a station branch so I'll continue thinking about it.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all.

I've had a request that I use the CTT nodes to extend the simplex tree.  I am wondering whether it should be an A) 'enhanced' second mod like STT plus, or B) an optional enhanced edition as part of the same download, or C) get rid of the current stock based one altogether for the enhanced (not sure I want to go down that path as it would stretch out the stockish feel of the current one I like.)

Thoughts please.

This won't be out probably before December but before then (mid November maybe?) I'll add in a another mod that have come through for requests.

Universal Storage

Standalone Warpdrive

IFI LS (this DOES add it's own branches)

ANYTHING ELSE at this stage? Feedback please.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

Updated properly to KSP 1.5.1.  with Stockalike Mining Extension, Universal Storage, IFILS now supported and a big update for Near Future Spacecraft.

Also, correctly supporting Stock changes in 1.5.x as well.

Standalone Warpdrive will have to wait for the next update sorry!  Still considering how I might implement an extension a la CTT nodes.

Also, checkout the (soon to be released) SIMPLEX Resources mod.   Ore will be replaced by three Ores for EPL and LIfe Support Mod support with different Ores.


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1.5.1 crashes after a while without entry in the log.

Reproducable by Adding/Deleting SIMPLEX.

The only one I see is

[WRN 22:49:30.213] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called Unresearcheable


Edited by AlexO
added log entry
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Good to see US2 included but below are some thoughts...



        {    @TechRequired = electronics


US Batteries are usually one of the first things I use before the more advanced science modules and life support are available, (for unmanned before manned play that I prefer)  I think this might be a little late in the tree.



        {    @TechRequired = generalConstruction
        {    @TechRequired = advConstruction


Is the first 1.25 shroud in Construction or Advanced Construction?


        {    @TechRequired = advConstruction


The first core you get is the quad core, a number of science pieces are unlocked in the 45 point nodes at this isn't available until the 90 nodes so you can't use the science pieces until you get this.

Also it should unlock this at the same time as the appropriate Shroud, so perhaps consider putting these to pieces in a 45 node.


Love this Tech tree though and good work!

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Thanks @Cruesoe.   I might find time to put through an update over the weekend as I'm working on EPL support (and Keridian Dynamics too) in preparation for SIMPLEX Resources release. Once I'm happy with that I'll update the TechTree.

I am kinda keen on delaying till KSP 1.6 drops which my guess is pre Christmas as the update Mk2 landercan is likely to have a name change :/ and it saves having to do a second release.  It's a little OCD to keep the release numbers the same.  It wasn't intentional!


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Apparentry CKAN increases sales downloads but it could also be the southern hemisphere school holidays :) starting.  Hope you poeple are enjoying it!

The next update will be when KSP 1.6 drops or Christmas (whatever comes first), and will include a slight change to make Universal Storage II betterer and also support ExtraPlanetary Launchpads along with Keridian Dynamics.

In other development news SIMPLEX Resources is coming along nicely.  It will include EPL configs to alter the recipes and resources required to build crafts along with configs for B9 so that SSPX and KD will cope with the changed resources.  The final piece of the puzzle will be the Kerbalism Simplex profile and also some further changes for EPL that would be similar (but more complex) than the awesome Simple Construction.  I can't think of a name though.  Perhaps Simplex Life or Living or Codex or Culture something else. Suggestions welcome.


Edited by theJesuit
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I'm not getting any heat shields in my save, which is kind of annoying. Is this a known issue?
Looking through all the nodes in the tech tree, the only heat shield available is the one that comes with making history

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  On 12/15/2018 at 5:00 PM, Therese said:

I'm not getting any heat shields in my save, which is kind of annoying. Is this a known issue?
Looking through all the nodes in the tech tree, the only heat shield available is the one that comes with making history


Hi Therese.

Sounds serious.  Do you have any other part mods?  My guess is that I missed that squad may have  updated the heatshield names in 1.5 if they did.   I'll have a look when I get a chance in a few hours or so.    They haven't changed.


EDIT @Therese, I'm not sure why you can't see the stock ones.  PM me with the answers - are they available in a sandbox game? Having you looked in Survivability, Command Modules and Field Science?  Did you install it half way through a save?

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  On 12/15/2018 at 11:14 PM, theJesuit said:



EDIT @Therese, I'm not sure why you can't see the stock ones.  PM me with the answers - are they available in a sandbox game? Having you looked in Survivability, Command Modules and Field Science?  Did you install it half way through a save?


Hi @theJesuit
I haven't got rights to send PMs yet, I made the account to contact you.
Heat shields appear in sandbox, no problem. I also tried starting new career and science games. I do get the 0.625m heat shield in field science.
Dropboxlink to screenshots of node content and modlist: Thank you for all your help.


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It looks like you have Community Tech Tree and Simplex installed, these will not work together.  I can see from your screenshot Simplex layout is not correct, the tech tree looks wrong.

You can only have one Tech tree mod installed at a time.

Remove Community Tech tree and any other Tech Tree mods and use Simplex on its own.

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@Therese exactly as @Crusoe said.  That will fix your problems.  What is happening is that Module Manager loads files in alphabetical order. The AngleCanMods is being loaded first then CTT over the top.  The game will place parts, AngleCan Simplex TechTree will re-place them and CTT will re-place them again.

If you like the CTT extras I do plan to add the additional nodes in the future but that is looking more like Feb/March.

Thanks for the screnshots.  That was very helpful!  Have some rep.


EDIT - Oh, and welcome to the Forums!

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  On 12/20/2018 at 6:15 PM, Gojira said:

How would I set this up to run unmanned before manned?


Hi Gojira,

It's quite simple.  The Start tech node doesn't have a command pod in it (1.6 just dropped I have to check - update soon though!)  It starts with a Stayputnik.

You then have the choice - either unlock Survivability with the Mk1 CommandPod, or Basic Science with the OKTO.

You can then follow the branches up quite separately.

The only then you'll miss from the Survivability branch if you want to do all unmanned are the heat shields and landing legs and wheels.  If you have suggestions on moving these I'm happy to hear them.


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