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A million light-years from home(KSP novel)


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I pressent to you my first KSP novel:A million light years from home.Since its my first novel its probably going to have some erros here and there.

In the early 21 century kerbal kind made this question are we alone? is there someone else out there? for  this reason kerbal kind have starded to explore space to find out whats out there!

chapter selection:

 Chapter 1: a courious descovery(2 years before launch):

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Chapter 2:flight preparations(2 months before Launch)

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Chapter 3:Going interstellar.:

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Chapter 4:unespected.

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Chapter 5 Marroned on an alien world:

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Chapter 6:A home far away from home:

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Chapter 7:All of kerbin now knows..........

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Chapter 8 and forward can be found at the comment seccion



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@SQUAD:For making KSP

KerbalX user:Lockatello: For the Kaurora

KerbalX user:Rocket_man1234: For the aircraft Ryley used as training at chapter 2

@Gameslinx:For the planet Niebos.be sure to check hes planet pack is awesome!

@VelocityPolaris:For some tips that are helping make the storie better

@VenFor his Part mod.

@JadeOfMaarFor the skybox used in chapter 20.(The blue one used when the infinity goes interstellar)

And everybody else that gave tips that helped to make the storie better!

I hoped you enjoy whats now writen of the story!il post three chapters per week and if you have suggestions/recommendations post below!

and sorry for the bad english im actually spanish so dont expect perfect english but i do try my best

Edited by KerbolExplorer
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Well, like you said, the english, is, well, at least it's better than youtube automatic subtitles. And your trying is appreciated. I did have a giggle at "Skanish, but backwards", though it also confused me, because I thought that meant the probe's writing was in a language native to Kerbin, not that there was an alien language that just happened to be exactly like a Kerbal language, but backwards. I am definitely overjoyed that it's 4546B, though, looking forward to seeing what planet pack you use for it. 

One thing I definitely recommend is giving some characters unique personalities. I know Valentina is the person in charge, but not much about the others, besides their names. Here's an idea, if I may: Jondun is a skeptic, but not just someone who reasonably questions crazy ideas. No, he has to believe that there has to be a normal, logical explanation, and is unwilling to admit it's aliens, even when they're literally staring them in the face. Maxble is relaxed and chill, but in an unfamiliar situation he doesn't know what to say or do, and has to be given orders. Dooduki is another kind of skeptic, who is reasonable and logical, but is disdainful of what he perceives as other people's stupidity. Rondard is a down-to-earth employee who doesn't really know what's going on, and just wants to do his job so he can go home. 

Just random ideas. Also, look forward to seeing where this is going!

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  On 5/11/2018 at 1:18 AM, VelocityPolaris said:

Well, like you said, the english, is, well, at least it's better than youtube automatic subtitles. And your trying is appreciated. I did have a giggle at "Skanish, but backwards", though it also confused me, because I thought that meant the probe's writing was in a language native to Kerbin, not that there was an alien language that just happened to be exactly like a Kerbal language, but backwards. I am definitely overjoyed that it's 4546B, though, looking forward to seeing what planet pack you use for it. 

One thing I definitely recommend is giving some characters unique personalities. I know Valentina is the person in charge, but not much about the others, besides their names. Here's an idea, if I may: Jondun is a skeptic, but not just someone who reasonably questions crazy ideas. No, he has to believe that there has to be a normal, logical explanation, and is unwilling to admit it's aliens, even when they're literally staring them in the face. Maxble is relaxed and chill, but in an unfamiliar situation he doesn't know what to say or do, and has to be given orders. Dooduki is another kind of skeptic, who is reasonable and logical, but is disdainful of what he perceives as other people's stupidity. Rondard is a down-to-earth employee who doesn't really know what's going on, and just wants to do his job so he can go home. 

Just random ideas. Also, look forward to seeing where this is going!


Thanks for the recommendations next chapter im going to add more personality. I asswell think I'm going to use gameslinx planet pack but I still need to find a ocean planet:/. I may use laythe but I need to do something with Jool maybe I photoshop it to be red like 4546b moons 

EDIT:About the alien lenguage being the same that the kerbals lenguage.The reason will be revealed soon.......


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  On 5/11/2018 at 6:30 AM, KerbolExplorer said:

Thanks for the recommendations next chapter im going to add more personality. I asswell think I'm going to use gameslinx planet pack but I still need to find a ocean planet:/. I may use laythe but I need to do something with Jool maybe I photoshop it to be red like 4546b moons 



If that doesn't work out, I recommended Fust from the extrasolar mod, it's an ocean planet with a few somewhat green islands dotting the surface.

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Hey guys

Chapter 2 Is OUT this chapter explains a Little more the side story of a million light-years from home.And next chapter that will be posted tommorow or sunday will finaly have place in space!

I asswell decided to use gameslinx planet pack to represent the Yila sistem.One thing i need to note the Kaurora and the ship at the final screenshots were not made by me il add credit when i finish writing the novel

Well hope you enjoy and if you have any ideas,recomendations or crafts that you want to see at the novel just post em below!:)

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How is going guys I posted chapter 5 and 6 today

In chapter 5:valentina wakes up after being knocked off.And now she finds here self  Spaceaway(is the same as castaway but in space) in an alien planet a million light-years from kerbin!

In chapter 6:she starts preparing herself for the long time she is going to be there

P.S.Yes i know the crops are horrible but is the best i could done,there arent planter mods for ksp you know

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  On 5/22/2018 at 8:33 AM, SiriusRocketry said:

Hey @KerbolExplorer

I like your story, is it based on the game Subnautica?

Also, would you like me to correct your English. I won't touch your story- just the spelling, grammar, puntunctation etc. If I'm being rude, I didn't mean it, so sorry in advance!


I`m glad you enjoyed.Yes the storie a Little based on Subnautica(i was about to call the galaxi space center Kalterra:mellow:)

And don`t worry about the grammar and spelling I want to correct and realize what i did wrong or il never learn:/

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As already mentioned, the English is somewhat lacking. However, you're doing great, you can do English waaaaaay better than I can do Spanish. No hablo mucho Español. I've been told that English is very challenging to learn, and you're doing very well so far.

Now those are some nice looking ships!

A piece of advice - don't put every single part in the first post, put them in comments. Back during the early days of one of my mission reports, I put the first 6 parts in the OP and every time I needed to edit it (thread title and stuff) it took a minute or two to stop lagging.


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TA bit of criticism, if I may. I love the images, I love the great lengths you've gone to do everything in game - the Kaurora is especially amazing. Obviously, the grammar is a big issue, but obviously, that's completely justified. My first issue is a minor one, namely that there were a hundred-something passengers mentioned to be on the Kaurora, but we hardly hear a peep out of 'em, then they're implied to be dead without much acknowledgement from the main characters. The society for the protection of nameless extras, redshirts and mooks objects strongly, but that's just a personal pet peeve, it's not much of an actual problem with the story. Still, I think we should have a moment of silence to remember those probably-dead passengers.


Ok, moment of silence is over, now for my actual concern. Namely, that it feels just a bit too derivative of Subnautica. Obviously, it's based on subnautica, that's fine and all, but the plot seems to follow the exact story of the game a bit too much, and that, in my opinion, is kinda boring, but that's just one person's opinion and I'm sure that it has it's merits and all and sorry.

Another bit of this "story derivative of subnautica" is Val being trapped on an alien planet. For the most part, we're seeing her do the sort of grinding that good ol' Non-essential Maintenance Chief Ryley Robinson did in-game. There's nothing wrong with that by itself, but in my arrogant opinion (and it is a very arrogant opinion), we're just seeing her do the sort of mindless "craft stuff" slog that you would do in the video game, instead of seeing what she thinks of every aspect of what's going on. You know, screaming "WHYYYY" to the stars, punching the water filter when it doesn't work, creating an imaginary friend or talking to oneself, naming different items after fellow passengers, that sorta stuff. Character things.


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  On 5/26/2018 at 3:22 AM, VelocityPolaris said:

TA bit of criticism, if I may. I love the images, I love the great lengths you've gone to do everything in game - the Kaurora is especially amazing. Obviously, the grammar is a big issue, but obviously, that's completely justified. My first issue is a minor one, namely that there were a hundred-something passengers mentioned to be on the Kaurora, but we hardly hear a peep out of 'em, then they're implied to be dead without much acknowledgement from the main characters. The society for the protection of nameless extras, redshirts and mooks objects strongly, but that's just a personal pet peeve, it's not much of an actual problem with the story. Still, I think we should have a moment of silence to remember those probably-dead passengers.


Ok, moment of silence is over, now for my actual concern. Namely, that it feels just a bit too derivative of Subnautica. Obviously, it's based on subnautica, that's fine and all, but the plot seems to follow the exact story of the game a bit too much, and that, in my opinion, is kinda boring, but that's just one person's opinion and I'm sure that it has it's merits and all and sorry.

Another bit of this "story derivative of subnautica" is Val being trapped on an alien planet. For the most part, we're seeing her do the sort of grinding that good ol' Non-essential Maintenance Chief Ryley Robinson did in-game. There's nothing wrong with that by itself, but in my arrogant opinion (and it is a very arrogant opinion), we're just seeing her do the sort of mindless "craft stuff" slog that you would do in the video game, instead of seeing what she thinks of every aspect of what's going on. You know, screaming "WHYYYY" to the stars, punching the water filter when it doesn't work, creating an imaginary friend or talking to oneself, naming different items after fellow passengers, that sorta stuff. Character things.



About the crew members of the kaurora:

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The story dedicated from subnautica is planned to stop at the destruction of the kaurora.

About the grinding hum.... I'll stop 

But I am planning an imaginary friend

Maybe called Kwilson?

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Hey guys! chapter 8 is out.I changed the format on how il post chapters do to a recommendation that @Ultimate Stevemade

Here it is!

Chapter 8:the challenges of survival..

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Hope you enjoyed!!:D

Edited by KerbolExplorer
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Hey guys...

                                                       CHAPTER 9 IS OUT!!!

Here it is :

Chapter 9:The Virus

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I hope you all enjoyed that chaper and more is to come.And dont worry,In the next chaper more will be Heard of valentina


P.S.If someone is interested in decoding the signal.it can be decoded(i havent presed random keys for this one)Its input chartset is UTF_8.I recommend doing it at this page as its were i encoded it at.

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Hey guys we fanaly made it to.....

                           CHAPTER 10 IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we made it to 2 digits,but dont worry the story is not even close to ending.

oh and by the way this is posibly the longest chapter that i made

And now with no more delay let chapter 10 start!

Chapter 10:The wreck

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                                      Hope you enjoyed!! and se ya next weak!!

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Hey guys!

         CHAPTER 11 IS OUT!

P.S.You might notice that the keti base is in a different layout,this is beacuse kerbal konstructs auto deleted it.I dont know why:/

Here it is:

Chapter 11:A signal and the start of an adventure to the north

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter.and sorry for the cliffhanger i just had to put it there.

By the way im not confirming anything but i have been working this week on something i know you all are going to like a lot.....So with the making historie expansión i have started transforming AMLYFH into a misión pack!.I only have the base structure of chapter 1.But i think i will have something prommising by the start of july or maybe earlyer.

Well se ya tommorow!

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Hey guys!

                                                          CHAPTER 12 is out!

Here it is:

Chapter 12:Outbrake.

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                              I hope you enjoyed chapter 12!.More will come next week.

Now going back to the misión pack im working on.Im thinking of realising  it with 5 missions.Later as the storie progresses and with your feedback i will be making more.But i have been thinking   to start posting the first mission soon as some short of "open beta" to  get feedback as soon as posible.Let me know if you think i should post the first mission in some sort of "open beta"or to just keep making the missions and realising them later on.Either way the mission pack is going to be made!.Im thinking of relasing it early July,If we realese it in "open beta"It willcome out pobrably this wednesday.

But for know se ya next week!

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Hey guys!..

                              CHAPTER 13 IS OUT!

Here it is:

Chapter 13:A million miles to the north......

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So i hope you enjoyed chapter 13.

Now regarding the misión pack...I have decided to launch the misión pack in BETA.I was going to post it last wednesday but I had some problems testing the misión.BUT if all goes right i should realese the misión at 6:00pm(canary islands time)But if i find more problems with the mission i will realise it another day.I really whant to post the first mission on a playable state.

well for now see ya later!

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