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37 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you think is better?

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8 minutes ago, YNM said:

Does it have a 50 MP camera ?

For me, MP isn't everything. For example, my  Galaxy Ace Style has a camera with less mp than my old iphone 5. Yet, in night photography, spectral photography, and star photography, it outclasses the iPhone totally. Why? The iPhone packs tons of tiny pixels into a smaller chip. The Ace Style has less (but larger) pixels in a larger chip. Bigger pixels do better in low-light conditions, collecting much less noise. I rarely see noise with the Ace, but with the iPhone, I see noise in daylight occasionally. This is why a DSLR with a equivalent (or lower)MP than Point-and-shoots can still out-perform it in low-light conditions. DSLRS have huge CCD/CMOSs compared to point-and-shoots.

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Unlikely I can be an expert here, as I mostly use desktop messengers, lol.

Imvho, Apple is more a part of dress code, than a thing of choice. Either it's required, or not.
It's probably more a luxury than a must have, a pass card to club. If your club doesn't require apples, it's on your own whether have it or not.


From the very beginning Jobs, himself from the low middle class,  was hanging around yuppies, so glamorous aesthetics and esoterical exclusiveness of his product were absolutely required to join their company, while overpaid money were nothing.
As nothing were repair, upgrade, and other dull technical problem. His target clients were enough rich to pay to engineers for repair, but were enough capricious and demanding to get bothered very quickly.
So, Apple was a luxury for rich yuppies, and a sign of status for their cosplayers.
Apple is no more exclusive, but old habits are alive.
(While Gates, himself from billionaires, was selling his goods exactly to that low middle, from which Jobs was trying to escape, and availability was the keyword. Though this is not about phones.)

Samsung phones here where I live have not very good reputation. In fact they are one step above the cheapest noname phones.
My previous phone was Samsung, and I can't say anything bad about it, I was using it for several years without problems.

(Currently I have Sony Xperia as smartphone and Huawei as a pad).

Between Apple and Samsung I would definitely choose Android or Windows, so not Apple.

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2 hours ago, dundun93 said:

Samsung's can last 5 years+!

Not for nothing, but my landline house phone has been hanging there on the wall fully functional for the last 40+ years.

My cellphone is another question; Motorola Moto... unlimited everything, although I just talk and send text on it. It's not a 'smartphone', I've turned it into a total idiot.

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10 minutes ago, dundun92 said:

For me, MP isn't everything. 

Then why even bother with f-stop ? There are phones with cameras on them if you want that.

To me, as long as I can call and sms (otherwise it's not a "phone" !), chat, read documents, go to .net, all seamlessly, it's more than enough.

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I really don't care, its a box that does something. If it can play music and make calls, its fine, because that is all i do on my cellphone.

I have a PC for gaming and a camera for capturing moments, sure, phones can do both for 1/100th of the weight, but PC games can be modded and edited, and with a camera you can ajust every bit and bob the way you want.

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21 minutes ago, Kernel Kraken said:

What. The. Heck.

Nokia (and Carl Zeiss, small wonder) already blew the crap out of everyone's camera since long ago. They had 12 MP cameras when everyone was still doing 1 or 3.

3 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

Comparing devices in a market where perception is based on brand loyalty and locking in customers is interesting.

So what's our option, comrade ?

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20 minutes ago, YNM said:

So what's our option, comrade ?

A more specific question. “Which one is better in regards to (feature)?” “Knowing what you know now, would you buy your phone again.” “Why did you buy the phone that you bought?”

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1 hour ago, LordFerret said:

Not for nothing, but my landline house phone has been hanging there on the wall fully functional for the last 40+ years.

My cellphone is another question; Motorola Moto... unlimited everything, although I just talk and send text on it. It's not a 'smartphone', I've turned it into a total idiot.

2300 rep!

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4 hours ago, dundun93 said:

Samsung is higher quality than those cheap apple phones that only last a year. Samsung's can last 5 years+!

You may not like Apples philosophy but you can‘t call the build quality of their devices bad. Just yesterday i gave my iPhone C from the year 2013 to my sister and it still works perfectly well, even the battery.

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24 minutes ago, Canopus said:

You may not like Apples philosophy but you can‘t call the build quality of their devices bad. Just yesterday i gave my iPhone C from the year 2013 to my sister and it still works perfectly well, even the battery.

Older iPhones were higher quality than the new ones.

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I've used both. Both Samsung and Apple make fine products. It's really down to what you prefer.

Me? 2012 iPhone 5. Still rocking, still talking, still works just fine. Yeah the A6 processor is dated, and it's slow by today's standards, but it makes calls just as well as a new phone, texts just as well, plays music just as well, and that's all I really need it for. The 8MP camera is good enough to take decent pictures with and since our house has Apple computers in it, compatibility issues just don't exist.

New phone for me? Sure, a nice iPhone SE is what I'm looking at, but I'm in no rush.

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Yeah, we're an iFamily. Had an android, but it didn''t impress. Family has 5s's and SE's right now, with no real complaint except the batteries seem to degrade quickly, but they probably get cooked from over-use and cases that insulate too much. I think the major advantage with kids is that it's hard to get a dangerous app "by accident." Of course, my teenage son keeps wanting to jailbreak his phone, and I have to keep reminding him that that's a good way to end up with a brick.

As for cost, well, we just go with what we can get for no extra cost with our overpriced Rogers Wireless plan. Also, a local cellphone repair place has used (business return) iphones for $200

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It depends on what you want in a phone. The latest Galaxy tends to have more features than the latest iPhone, but they are often less polished and more buggy. Many people simply don't care about having the latest and greatest features and want something reliable and sleek. To me personally, an iPhones feels more sturdy in my hand than most androids. If you can foot the bill, iPhones aren't bad at all. iOS is also much more secure than Android which is important to many people.

I use an iPhone because I feel it's higher-quality and iOS is much cleaner than Android. iMessage in particular is great. Try to set up a group chat with androids and iPhones, and I'll guarantee you'll get a complaint about "green bubbles." That being said, I think Apple charges too much for iPhones and isn't the most ethical in their business practices.

As a side note, you seem to have an unnecessary chip on your shoulder against Apple (or any non-Samsung), @dundun93. Everyone can get along and buy whatever phone they want.

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36 minutes ago, FishInferno said:

It depends on what you want in a phone. The latest Galaxy tends to have more features than the latest iPhone, but they are often less polished and more buggy. Many people simply don't care about having the latest and greatest features and want something reliable and sleek. To me personally, an iPhones feels more sturdy in my hand than most androids. If you can foot the bill, iPhones aren't bad at all. iOS is also much more secure than Android which is important to many people.

I use an iPhone because I feel it's higher-quality and iOS is much cleaner than Android. iMessage in particular is great. Try to set up a group chat with androids and iPhones, and I'll guarantee you'll get a complaint about "green bubbles." That being said, I think Apple charges too much for iPhones and isn't the most ethical in their business practices.

As a side note, you seem to have an unnecessary chip on your shoulder against Apple (or any non-Samsung), @dundun93. Everyone can get along and buy whatever phone they want.

1. Only one person in this poll likes apple.

2. Samsung's are higher quality. newer iPhones seem to only last a year or two

3. I like any android. Not just Samsung.

4. Japan has higher quality products anyway. People think that iPhones are the best. They are not. Samsung is growing faster.

5. You can drop an Samsung from 4ft and nothing happens. Drop an iPhone? You will crack the screen. I've seen people with new iPhone X and it already has cracks on the screen. @dundun92 dropped his Samsung many times from 5ft and no cracks(it has no case. Just bare).

Also guys don't let the "neither" poll get above 10 or I might remove it. It was a afterthought.

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4 minutes ago, Fraston said:

*insert picture of Samsung galaxy note 7 charred and fried*



Half the amount of Samsung so I don't care.

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I’ve had bad experiences with Samsung phones. Thus why I prefer Apple because from what I’ve observed it lasts longer.

Oh and “better” is subjective. I like Apple products and no one can tell me otherwise.

1 hour ago, dundun93 said:

5. You can drop an Samsung from 4ft and nothing happens. Drop an iPhone? You will crack the screen.


1 hour ago, dundun93 said:

1. Only one person in this poll likes apple.

Too small of a sample size and forum polls tend to be skewed anyway.

@dundun93 why do you dislike Apple products anyway?

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48 minutes ago, Atlas2342 said:

dundun93 why do you dislike Apple products anyway?


2 hours ago, FishInferno said:

As a side note, you seem to have an unnecessary chip on your shoulder against Apple

I dislike apple due to my personal religious beliefs. What they support is against my religion. They make ok products but that's why I don't like them anymore.

Samsung doesn't support that. But there are a lot of major companies(like Microsoft) that support it. So I try to stay away from them.

I hope you all understand.

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Android, on not-entirely-excrementse hardware. I have no loyalty towards Samsung specifically, though they did make my current phone.

I don't care how "thin" a device is, because I have proper pockets. Put a bigger damn battery in it already, 20mm thick would be fine.
I don't care how many numbers the camera has, or how many cameras the phone has. If I want production-quality photos I'll use a DSLR.
I don't care about screen resolution. It's a phone, not a movie theater.
I don't care about fingerprint / face / retina / biometric analysis identification. My phone is in my pocket, if someone already has unfettered access to my pockets they are usually welcome to use my phone too.

I do care that it works well as a phone. I need to be able to make calls in pretty lousy locations, so good radio and audio components matter.
I do care that it has enough processing grunt to run the apps I use, but none of those are games, and right now I'm running 4 year old gear with no issues.
I do care that it has industry-standard connectors. That means DC barrel-jack or USB for power and 2.5mm phono for audio. No excuses.
I do care if the manufacturer makes it needlessly difficult to replace wearing parts, like batteries and flash storage.
I do care if the manufacturer makes it needlessly difficult to open or repair, or if they brick devices containing non-OEM replacement parts. The latter is a drawn-and-quartered level offence.
I do care about durability. Presumably both the big phone brands have tough devices.
I do care about software-freedom and hackability. My phone is mine, so I get to decide what code runs on it, and I get root privileges. Not Google, not Apple, Me.

My current android device runs an OS image I rolled myself and is ~90% free software. I have root, I have a Linux shell, I can boot Debian on it. I can mount the SD card anywhere I need the space.
I don't use any kind of "app store", don't have any Google services installed, and I sideload all the (FOSS) applications I need over USB. Sometimes I even sideload applications I have modified and recompiled.
I sync only with my personal cloud, running on my own server - support for the protocols I use is slowly improving on iOS, but Android still wins

If Apple ever releases a device that meets my requirements, I'll consider it. Right now, not a chance.

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4 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Yeah, we're an iFamily.

Good statement then. (I don't care what other people use as long as they like it.)

14 hours ago, Kerbart said:

Which one is better in regards to (feature)?

Would still present a vested interest - there are many features to compare to.

There are "basic features" but TBH many of them are phone-defining (calls, SMS) and/or mandatory (ie. some countries needs your phone to be able to receive FM radios for emergencies). Obviously if you just want basic features the ye olde Nokia serves you well.

14 hours ago, Kerbart said:

"Knowing what you know now, would you buy your phone again.” “Why did you buy the phone that you bought?

Probably. Couldn't be bothered properly picking up stats.

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