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Unique designs 2 [ITS BACK AGAIN]

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  On 1/8/2018 at 5:58 PM, _JebediahKerman said:

Dont understand


I saved your screenshot from your google drive on to my computers hard drive, then I uploaded it from my computers hard drive to imgur.

This is the image's upload page. https://imgur.com/a/IKOJg

Here is me linking the actual image to you:



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  On 1/8/2018 at 6:01 PM, _JebediahKerman said:



If you want to upload more pictures that's all you have to do, is upload them from your hard drive to Imgur.

Then right click the actual image on that page, "open image in new tab", then copy paste that link from the address bar of that tab here.

So everyone will be able to see the picture.

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  On 1/9/2018 at 4:42 AM, Earthlinger said:

........until you see the cost :D

Those RTG's are expensive. Nice build though. I've never tried making stock propellers...


I already tried and really hard to do that, I struggled with it until a year to do that low altitude helicopter that can still fly only for seconds

  On 1/8/2018 at 9:15 PM, Mikki said:

100% Stock Chinook. Careerproof, props can be clamped to save the advance in-game. RTG powered. Much joy.



That is did really good

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  On 1/8/2018 at 1:08 PM, _JebediahKerman said:

It could be a little weird if the creator of the thread puts an entry into the thread, but anyway there is my low altitude helicopter with stock mechanism but a space box from Bargain Rocket Parts.


Wow. This looks like a blend between some sort of water storage tower, a cheesy UFO representation, and a Leonardo Da-Vinci inspired flyer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my latest and greatest Swing Engine VTOL prototype; The SwordFish. 100% stock, works very well. Mid flight configuration change is possible, and typically quite smooth! Malfunctions do occasionally happen, but "jimmying" the mechanism a few times usually clears it.


A closer look at the mechanism. 2 docking ports, and 2 sets of gear allow the "shaft" to rotate inside a hollow structural fuselage.


VTOL mode. (Ignore the copious amounts of reaction wheels and air intakes lol. It's still a prototype after all.)



Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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I think the JUNO MIDGE would qualify.It's an ultra-light sports/utility aircraft, with a twist.


It's low, slow, and draggy, and ideal for bush flying. It can land anywhere, take off from anywhere, is incredibly agile, very easy to fly, take off, and land, and generally a lot of fun. And it can survive re-entry, fully fueled and ready for action!

The twist is, it has unicycle landing gear.



How could that possibly be easy to take off and land, I hear you ask?

The trick is with how it's controlled. There are no moving aerodynamic surfaces. Instead, there are two reaction wheels at each end of the craft. Moreover, there is an upward-pointing control node: in this case, the Proborobodyne Okto 2 the pilot is sitting on. (If your pilots aren't experienced enough, the SAS controls it gives are also crucial.)

To stabilise it for take-off and landing, switch to the upward-pointing node. To make this easier, bind it to an action group: I use 1. Then set SAS to surface/radial out. This will force it upright and keep it there. When you want to take off, pull up and switch SAS to regular mode. It will maintain its attitude. 

For landing, do the opposite: again, switch control to the upward-pointing node, and a moment before touching down (or after, it also works), switch SAS to surface/radial out, and watch it bounce merrily to a stop.

Note that when control is from the upward-pointing node, the yaw and roll controls will switch places and of course the navball will be pointed the wrong way. If you want regular controls in normal flight, switch control to a forward-pointing node (in this case, the control seat). I've bound this to action group 2.

To tune the behaviour, adjust the angle of attack of the "wing." A bigger AoA will make landings and take-offs easier, a smaller one will make level flight more efficient. Note that the wing has a "deploy" feature which you can also bind to an action group, to fine-tune it to your taste. This one will lift off by itself at about 50 m/s, which makes landings and take-offs utterly stress-free. 

This variant -- with the control seat and little cockpit -- is extremely un-aerodynamic and will cruise at under 200 m/s, despite a TWR of about 1.5. If you want something that goes faster but is much less funny, remove the seat, close the gap, snapping the fuselage parts together as normal, and put the probe core on the back using an octagonal strut. It's much more aerodynamic and efficient: it won't break the sound barrier but will come close.

The docking port under the nose is used to transport it longer distances. Re-docking is pretty easy too -- roll forward until you're over it, brake, raise gear to plop yourself onto it, and wiggle to lock.

I designed this as a Laythe prospector. There is a surface scanner clipped into it. I normally don't like to clip parts but this one is so cute I made an exception. It can carry similar micro-sized sciencey bits and still do its job.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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