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[1.9.x] Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Reborn


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Originally written by @severedsolo, original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/102390-122

Continued by @LemonSkin, thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162133-13

and finally adopted by myself

Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Continued

This is an update to severedsolo's fantastic Bases and Stations contract pack since they have stopped supporting it. Original thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/102390-122-contract-pack-bases-and-stations-361-30042017-formerly-kerbin-space-station/&

I plan to add a few more features and try to fix some of the lingering bugs, please let me know if there's anything specific you want me to add!



 A complete overhaul of the stock Space Station and Base missions. Featuring no fewer than 15(!) extra missions for your stations/bases when they are in orbit. Also stops continuous "build a new space station" or "build a new base" missions. You'll only be asked to build one if there isn't one already on that celestial body.


 The Pack

 This pack will completely disable the stock space station (and build a base) missions, and replace them with my own flavour of missions:


Orbital Stations

Building the Station:

Launch a new "Core" - This just has to have some kind of command module, and a docking port. You can then (either with your core, or modularly) attach:

  • A Power Module
  • A Science Module (supports the stock Mobile Lab as well as Station Science Lab).
  • A Habitation Module
  • A cupola


Maintenance missions

The meat and bones of the pack. This will give you a selection of missions to keep your station busy.

  • Space Station Crew Rotation (common)
  • Repair a faulty Power Module (uncommon)
  • Replace a faulty Power Module (uncommon)
  • Evacuate your station (rare)
  • Life Support Resupply Missions (supports TAC LS, USI LS, IFI LS) - open to support others on request. (common)
  • Do science on your station (uncommon)
  • Do an Emergency Medical Evacuation (rare)
  • Upgrade the Crew Capacity of the station (common - in specific circumstances).
  • Collect a surface sample from a specific biome, and return it to your station for analysis.


Surface Bases

Building the Base

  • Scan the planet for a suitable place to build (supports SCANsat and the stock M700 scanner)
  • Scout for a new place to build the base. (The final location of this vehicle will be the place your base will be built).
  • Build the base
  • Expand it with extra crew capacity, life support (if installed) and a science lab

Maintenance Missions

  • Crew Rotation
  • Medical Emergency
  • Resupply Life support (if applicable)
  • Restore lost communications

Additional Mods that are required or supported by Bases and Stations. (that isn't to say other mods won't work, but these are the ones that B&S is specifically aware of).

  • Contract Configurator by nightingale - available here - REQUIRED DEPENDENCY
  • Module Manager by sarbian - available here - REQUIRED DEPENDENCY
  • StationScienceContinued by ethernet and tomf is highly recommended because it's one of my favourite mods and the pack is specifically written with it in mind. It is available here
  •  NearFutureElectric  available here
  • TAC Life Support available here
  • USI Life Support available here
  • IFI Life Support available here
  • Kopernicus Support available here
  • Contract Pack: Tourism Plus by nightingale is also recommended



Massive thanks to Nightingale for all your help, and Contract Configurator - without which this would not be possible.

Thanks to metl for your time, patience and massive amounts of code contributed to this project.

Thanks to CosmoBro for allowing me to take over Base Construction

Agent Flag by Dale Humphries on www.flaticon.com and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0

Thanks to severedsolo for the original creation of this pack


Known Issues

 Possible problem with vessel definitions. More Data needed. Please see this post if you can help.

ScienceExperimentModule may require a scene change before it will complete once you recover the science at KSC. This is a minor enough issue that I let it through the net. I think it's a CC bug and nightingale is investigating.

Life Support checking is... sloppy to say the least. Don't rely on the pack telling you to send up a crew only when you have LS on board. Check first (working on this)



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  • 2 weeks later...
38 minutes ago, GrayTech said:

Well I may be the only one, but I would like to see the BaseRover mission changed so that, when the SCANsat mod is installed, a low-res scan is required rather than a hi-res one.  

Right now I change it myself every update.


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Just wanted to identify a potential issue, I am having trouble with fluctuating requirements with certain contracts. More specifically, the "Build a station" contract will appear then cycle through being available and unavailable for several seconds before greying out. I do have all dependencies downloaded and have read through the FAQ.

Would it be related to the "Sun is not a target" req? What exactly does that req mean?

Edited by schoff123
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On 6/23/2018 at 8:45 PM, linuxgurugamer said:


Well first is that while I like driving rovers for a bit they are not generally useful in the game.  Getting to explore an area when you only have a low-res scan makes it sort of useful. 

Second is that the SAR Sensor is at a higher level than the M700, both on the stock tech tree and the CTT.  It makes it unlikely that I would have it on moderate career mode before you are about to deploy for interplanetary travel.  Myself I will likely get it buy around day 250 on my current play through.  I like to see the mission available a little earlier.  If I didn't have SCANsat installed it would be available earlier.  I suppose I could of knuckled down and had the spare 2.6 Mil I need, but trying to fix my errors is part of what I find fun about this game. 

edit:wrong difficulty level

Edited by GrayTech
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 minute ago, Pleb said:

@HFer Kerman @linuxgurugamer I have a patch that makes this compatible with Snacks. I've posted this on Github as a Pull request:


Thank you.  I'll merge and get out a new release

New release, 3.7.1

  • Added Snacks compatibility, thanks to forum user @Pleb
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is a CKAN issue or not (CKAN always refers me back to mod devs about this kind of thing), but the newest version of CKAN won't allow installation of mods that don't have a matching KSP version number. Even though this mod says compatible with version 1.99.99 in CKAN, I can't install it because it doesn't say 1.4.4 or whatever. Is there a fix, or is anyone else having this issue?

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31 minutes ago, MysticDaedra said:

Not sure if this is a CKAN issue or not (CKAN always refers me back to mod devs about this kind of thing), but the newest version of CKAN won't allow installation of mods that don't have a matching KSP version number. Even though this mod says compatible with version 1.99.99 in CKAN, I can't install it because it doesn't say 1.4.4 or whatever. Is there a fix, or is anyone else having this issue?


The problem looks to be that Contract Configurator (a dependency for this contract pack) is not yet compatible with 1.4.4

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58 minutes ago, MysticDaedra said:

Not sure if this is a CKAN issue or not (CKAN always refers me back to mod devs about this kind of thing), but the newest version of CKAN won't allow installation of mods that don't have a matching KSP version number. Even though this mod says compatible with version 1.99.99 in CKAN, I can't install it because it doesn't say 1.4.4 or whatever. Is there a fix, or is anyone else having this issue?


19 minutes ago, TheTrueBenis said:


The problem looks to be that Contract Configurator (a dependency for this contract pack) is not yet compatible with 1.4.4

If it is a contract configurator issue, it does actually work in 1.4.4, I've been using it for a while, you'll just have to install it without CKAN.

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11 hours ago, MysticDaedra said:

Not sure if this is a CKAN issue or not (CKAN always refers me back to mod devs about this kind of thing), but the newest version of CKAN won't allow installation of mods that don't have a matching KSP version number. Even though this mod says compatible with version 1.99.99 in CKAN, I can't install it because it doesn't say 1.4.4 or whatever. Is there a fix, or is anyone else having this issue?

You can tell CKAN to install mods for 1.4.4 which are compatible with 1.4 by doing the following:

At the main CKAN menu, goto the Settings menu, and then the Compatible KSP Versions

Then, click the checkbox next to 1.4 and click Save

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not at all familiar with Contract Configurator and some of these questions are probably more appropriate to that thread, so my apologies up front if not all of this is pertinent here. I installed this pack to go with the StationScience mod.

  1. Event though I have the StationScience mod, but I'm not seeing any contracts to actually do any of the science experiments. I've hauled all the parts up to stations around Kerbin and the Mun and now they are sitting idle while I rotate crews and haul fertilizer around the system.Patience was key, they appear, just very rarely.
  2. Is there a way to add some realistic time delay (30-60 days) between repeating the maintenance type contracts? I'm getting sick of 72 hours between crew rotations. I'm not exaggerating, I did the math based on completing times in the persistence.sfs file. Fixed by changing cooldown period
  3. When you refuse a contract is there a way to have it actually go away for a couple game weeks. I keep refusing to do contracts that make no sense (supply run to a base with 7 years of supplies) and the contract will clear, I click available contracts and it's the only contract on offer. Appears to be a limitation of contract configurator.
  4. It may be a quirk of Contract Configurator or just because I installed this in the middle of a save, but the maximum number of active contracts available in MIssion Control was totally ignored when I first installed this. It looked like it offered any contract I was eligible for even though I had the maximum the career normally allows. Not important.
  5. If I leave Mission Control open I occasionally see contracts pop up and disappear usually before I have a chance to click on it. One of these is to build a Minmus station that I want to put in place before expanding a base on the surface, but I never get a chance.
Edited by Tonka Crash
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  • 4 months later...

I have just installed this mod and I am having an issue where contracts keep coming in and out of availability within seconds. These contracts are Build a Base on Mun, Minmus and Duna. This is the only contract configurator pack I'm having this issue with so I don't think it's an issue with CC but I could be wrong.

Thanks in advance,


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On 1/1/2019 at 6:45 PM, Solar_Ranger24 said:

I have just installed this mod and I am having an issue where contracts keep coming in and out of availability within seconds. These contracts are Build a Base on Mun, Minmus and Duna. This is the only contract configurator pack I'm having this issue with so I don't think it's an issue with CC but I could be wrong.

Thanks in advance,


Hi there - I have just come here to say exactly the same thing.

My contract offers are to build a Mun or Minmus station, but they both keep switching on and off rapidly in mission control

Hopefully somebody can find a solution

Many thanks in advance 

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