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[1.9.x] Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Reborn


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  On 4/18/2019 at 1:22 PM, Tacombel said:

Is there a way to know which parts comply with a contract? I have been going through the cfg files looking for a module with the required name, but there probably is a more efficient method.


You can search through the GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache file. It will have all your parts and their Modules in one file.

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  On 4/4/2019 at 10:14 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

@Tonka Crash @MisfitMarius

I've applied both your changes to my local repo.

I'm going to hold off on the release for a few days in case any more changes become necessary

Thanks for the PR & messages about the issues

For now I've added it to both, but commented it out in in the StationCore.cfg file.  The idea behind the CONTRACT_GROUP is that each contract references the group, and all the group settings are applied to the contract


Seems to be working fine with adding it to BasesandStations.cfg.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 3/15/2019 at 12:37 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

New release,

  • Thanks to github user @MaximeBrean for this:  Added missing title

Months later ... You're welcome :)

Issue are not enabled on the repository so I post it here.

I encountered an systematic issue with "Crew a Base or Station". I only have to switch to that station to validate the mission, even if there is no Kerbal in (which is the plot of the mission).
It happen for any station anywhere.

Didn't tried it with a base yet but I guess that the bug will be there too.

Issue encountered with KSP 1.7.3, modded install and home-compiled (but not patched) ContractConfigurator using KSP 1.7.3 binaries.


Cheers !

Edited by Gurki
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  On 7/23/2019 at 6:50 PM, Gurki said:

Months later ... You're welcome :)

Issue are not enabled on the repository so I post it here.

I encountered an systematic issue with "Crew a Base or Station". I only have to switch to that station to validate the mission, even if there is no Kerbal in (which is the plot of the mission).
It happen for any station anywhere.

Didn't tried it with a base yet but I guess that the bug will be there too.

Issue encountered with KSP 1.7.3, modded install and home-compiled (but not patched) ContractConfigurator using KSP 1.7.3 binaries.


Issues have been enabled, please add this there


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New release,

  • Thanks to @Tonka Crash for this:
  • Update BaseSelf-Sufficiency.cfg
    • Latest versions of USI Life support changed module names for recyclers and supplies resource converters. This update adds the new format to the contract parameters without deleting old formats.
  • Fixed typo in StationAgent description, thanks @MisfitMarius
    • Added "maxSimultaneous = 3" to the CONTRACT_GROUP 
  • Thanks to @maximeBrean for the following:
    • Updated BasePopulation.cfg
    • Fixes issue where Crew aBaser Station is validated upon switching to the related station, no crew required
    • Fixes Mission cooldown time


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  • 3 months later...
  On 11/6/2019 at 5:22 PM, paul23 said:

So... is this contract pack just forgotten?



How come target body is always "incorrect"?


So firstly, no this has not been forgotten, the current maintainer just happens to maintain every other mod for this game and has been busy updating mods that need to be recompile for 1.8.X, whereas this contract pack does not.

Secondly, have you got another station (or craft classified as a station) in orbit around Kerbin (or whatever planet is your homeworld)? And have you only orbited the homeworld or have you orbited any other planets/moons?

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I dont' have anything specified as station. I do have however one "probe" (V'Ger) currently in a Kerbol orbit which is planned to go into escape trajectory in a few years. I have several satellites orbiting the Mun (remotetech relay constellation).


Just an update, it seems to be linked to my other post:

The contracts seem to switch between "build a new base" and "launch a kerbin space station", "launch a mun station" (with the later appearing at the same times occasionally.

Edited by paul23
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  On 11/6/2019 at 6:01 PM, Pleb said:

So firstly, no this has not been forgotten, the current maintainer just happens to maintain every other mod for this game and has been busy updating mods that need to be recompile for 1.8.X, whereas this contract pack does not.

Secondly, have you got another station (or craft classified as a station) in orbit around Kerbin (or whatever planet is your homeworld)? And have you only orbited the homeworld or have you orbited any other planets/moons?


So this mod works with 1.8.x?

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Well the problem I reported earlier seemed to magically disappear when I got to minmus. (flyby). When I got there I just got always 3 missions "launch station".

However now the following mission pops up:




The mission is giving negative funds? (And failing gives a positive fund)

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  On 11/14/2019 at 6:39 PM, paul23 said:

Well the problem I reported earlier seemed to magically disappear when I got to minmus. (flyby). When I got there I just got always 3 missions "launch station".

However now the following mission pops up:




The mission is giving negative funds? (And failing gives a positive fund)


So with this mission you are paying the 18k funds to start it, if you fail you get the 18k back but lose reputation, but if you complete the mission you get science and reputation as your reward.

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  On 11/14/2019 at 6:56 PM, paul23 said:

It's supposed to be that way?


Yes you're paying to do the mission but getting science and reputation in exchange. In career games I find that it's easier to get Funds than Science or Reputation (depending on your mods and settings), so this seems a fair exchange to me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I notice that I keep getting the "same" (launch a space station at xyz - while I already have more than I can manage) mission I do not wish to have over and over, and due to the limit of 3 missions max I do not get other missions.

How does the mod limit the amount of total missions you can get to 3? - and can I improve that number with a module manager patch?

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  On 12/9/2019 at 9:21 PM, paul23 said:

I notice that I keep getting the "same" (launch a space station at xyz - while I already have more than I can manage) mission I do not wish to have over and over, and due to the limit of 3 missions max I do not get other missions.

How does the mod limit the amount of total missions you can get to 3? - and can I improve that number with a module manager patch?


The total number of contracts offered by this pack is defined in the GameData/ContractPacks/KerbinSpaceStation/BasesandStations.cfg (here)

You can patch it with:

	@maxSimultaneous = 5 // or however many you want

The number of  "launch a space station..." contracts are defined in GameData/ContractPacks/KerbinSpaceStation/StationMissions/StationCore.cfg (here).


	%maxSimultaneous = 1 // or whatever


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  On 2/23/2020 at 4:07 AM, Drew Kerman said:

@linuxgurugamer this pack throws exceptions until you change the StationCore.cfg file entries of "KopernicusSolarPanel" to "KopernicusSolarPanels". Likely as of the 1.8 Kopernicus update


Thanks, fixing now

New release,

  • Changed name of KopernicusSolarPanel to KopernicusSolarPanels
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  • 2 weeks later...

For me, the "Launch a new Station" contract doesn't show up at all, not even as unavailable. I already have a station in orbit due to a stock contract. Could that be the reason?

I also noticed that in StationCore.cfg, line 285 still says "KopernicusSolarPanel" instead of "KopernicusSolarPanels" - is this a different module or just an oversight?


EDIT: yep, confirmed: after fixing line 285, the contracts shows up!

Edited by infinite_monkey
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