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[1.5] KOOSE mini reentry pod aka escape pod

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I’m seriously thinking of taking your pod cloning it  striping out the Kerbal seat and solid rocket fuel, replacing both with more Monopropellant and batteries,  and making it a clip er bolt on self contained part for add on satellites to provide Monopropellant thrusters for orbital maneuvers and station keeping. Just add a probe core. Replace the heat shield with a thruster pack and or and the parachute with a Monopropellant tank, turning it into a koose probe bus.

er kaboose?

Ill look at the numbers latter I’m not at home. 

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4 hours ago, Drakenred65@Gmail.com said:

I’m seriously thinking of taking your pod cloning it  striping out the Kerbal seat and solid rocket fuel, replacing both with more Monopropellant and batteries,  and making it a clip er bolt on self contained part for add on satellites to provide Monopropellant thrusters for orbital maneuvers and station keeping. Just add a probe core. Replace the heat shield with a thruster pack and or and the parachute with a Monopropellant tank, turning it into a koose probe bus.

er kaboose?

Ill look at the numbers latter I’m not at home. 

Now I'm wondering if there's big enough variations allowed by the part variant module for this.  And I can't remember how much space I had on the texture sheet.

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I would say since I’m  subtracting off the mass of the heat shield and technically the mass and volume of the Kerbal and allowing 50kg as the naked mass of a kerbal,* with the mass of the suit being a non issue, for the mass of the Kerbal (replacing the micro srbs with an inline mono prop thrusters is a wash since you don’t need them as anything but a mass and volume replacement to allow an inline Monopropellant thruster) your lookin at most 10 maybe 12 total for Monopropellant. After all your changing it from a kerbal re entry pod to a unmanned maneuverability and maybe battery-pack (Jeb is probably getting tired of his tv remote battery’s getting swiped) that you bolt on to the base of the probe core. The parachute mass and volume can be used for the control package that your wire in on top of or replace outright the existing “control” package. Or more battery’s. 

Then paint it white or grey since it’s no longer a rescue pod.




* please don’t visualize that


Edited by Drakenred65@Gmail.com
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And this is why i never should touch actual models with anything to extravagant., somehow the extra Monopropellant thruster I added is making the thing spin at any thrust like I put it on the edge and not dead center, but a just tweek the numbers version that doesn’t have an actual extra thruster added to it remains stable. Granted I did not add the parachute as ballast, but you would think it would be just as unstable rather way. Or maybe I’m just not spotting  it when not useing the monothruster because it’s less of a torc issue then.


granted the extra Monopropellant in kaboose  mode seems to give better control on ascent and maneuvering, so for me it’s still useful.

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Actualy just flip the thing over, stick a 50 kilo Monopropellant tank where the kerbal used to be and repaint it grey or white . Oddly it works just fine for me like that when inverted..


While you still have the 4 micro solid rockets, those are technically good enough to kick you away from your last booster. Stage, just reset them to have a minimum fuel of like .1 or so,  and let people tweek that up to 4 if they really want it.

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19 hours ago, Drakenred65@Gmail.com said:

And this is why i never should touch actual models with anything to extravagant., somehow the extra Monopropellant thruster I added is making the thing spin at any thrust like I put it on the edge and not dead center, but a just tweek the numbers version that doesn’t have an actual extra thruster added to it remains stable. Granted I did not add the parachute as ballast, but you would think it would be just as unstable rather way. Or maybe I’m just not spotting  it when not useing the monothruster because it’s less of a torc issue then.


granted the extra Monopropellant in kaboose  mode seems to give better control on ascent and maneuvering, so for me it’s still useful.

OK, secret squirrel business. The chute unit and heat shield only exist as separate parts because that's how you have to do them in ksp. The heat shield so the whole craft isn't acting like it's covered evenly in ablator, and the chute always hangs from the centre of the chute part. I could have done an off centre dock I suppose, but the CoM being the same point as the chute attaches leads to silliness. I tried. But balancing the CoM after I moved the chute to a different part was a nightmare. So in the end I moved the CoM of the chute unit to outside the part, in the centre line of the craft. Instant balance. Physics be damned

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1 hour ago, panarchist said:

Somehow I missed this mod when it was released, and just caught it with the recent updates. Love this! Although I think you missed an opportunity calling the docking part the "Koose Nest" instead of "Koose Roost". ;-)

Is also been pointed out that I should have called it ELK instead of k-ifying moose directly.

I am thinking of some name changes at the display level. Not the internal part names though, don't want to break anyone's save game for the sake of cleaning up naming. And of course I need at least two names now.

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6 minutes ago, TiktaalikDreaming said:

Is also been pointed out that I should have called it ELK instead of k-ifying moose directly.

I am thinking of some name changes at the display level. Not the internal part names though, don't want to break anyone's save game for the sake of cleaning up naming. And of course I need at least two names now.

ELK is hilarious.

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Well currently im just using the kaboose as an inverted unmanned micro booster + monoprop  tank and RSC unit + small battery that gets stuck upside down under the probecore, that replaces the Kerbal with a small mono prop tank giving you a small bit of everything and a place to grab onto it later if you need to do anything with it. like building a unmanned scan sat satellite and making it possible to send it from LKO to the Mun Minmus and beyond.

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Sneaking a few minutes at a time, the thing is slowly getting a normal map (angles specifically chosen to avoid looking at bits without normals);



If I thought I could get away with making it look more like a beach ball, I would.  :D

Also, this Unity project (I have several) is in a weird state of affairs, and seems to have all the negatives ever available, but is missing all the goodies from updated part tools.  So, I'll be breaking it later, so I can have normals that aren't either completely broken or faint and lame.  Unity clearly thinks my maps are OK (views above are in the Unity editor) but the export to mu and texture maps is doing some weird things.  I blame trying to mash some of an old part tools into a newer one to try to get plume editing working on the koose pod.

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A bit more work.  I'm still not getting my normals from Unity into the game quite right, so it still (IMHO) looks a lot better in the unity editor than in game.  But it's not looking quite as bad in game now;


I think part of the issue is I'm at the edge of what a normal map can achieve, it's really the sort of thing that should be mesh, at least the base "puffiness", with maybe the wrinkles etc as normals etc.  There's still a bit of work on the interior to go.  I can't pretend no-one will look at it when it's open.

This version available here https://github.com/TiktaalikDreaming/KOOSE/releases/tag/1.2.2


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7 hours ago, TiktaalikDreaming said:

A bit more work.  I'm still not getting my normals from Unity into the game quite right, so it still (IMHO) looks a lot better in the unity editor than in game.  But it's not looking quite as bad in game now;


I think part of the issue is I'm at the edge of what a normal map can achieve, it's really the sort of thing that should be mesh, at least the base "puffiness", with maybe the wrinkles etc as normals etc.  There's still a bit of work on the interior to go.  I can't pretend no-one will look at it when it's open.

This version available here https://github.com/TiktaalikDreaming/KOOSE/releases/tag/1.2.2


looking great!

have you thought of using JPL's transparent pod (now maintained by LGG iirc) - maybe I just need sleep.

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18 hours ago, TiktaalikDreaming said:

No need for transparent pods. It's a backpack.



excellent point, was very tired.

was thinking (if I can recollect through the haze) of how it (IIRC) JPL TransparentPods using ... ok, I don't how to explain it.

17 hours ago, TiktaalikDreaming said:

So far, this is just an inventory item for KIS. I will also make a version as an external chair, but I'm not sure how that will deploy yet


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Upgrading from the KOOSE pod's "worst upholstery pattern ever" (yes, that's the google search that resulted in that), the (newly renamed) Emergency Lifeboat for Kerbanauts has some lovely 80's bus seat upholstery.  I'd show an in game shot with less normal pixelization, but there's always a kerbal in the way.




Anyway, there's some untextured inside space, particularly what the kerbal would see.  So, not yet done.  I also haven't forgotten the pack is a stretched cube with zero detail or texture.  

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nice! how about a little pine tree air freshener as well?

KISconfig.cfg patch to add this to all kerbal seats, much like personal flotation devices are required on airplanes:

included flavor text just for fun. :D


The Kerbol Interstellar Maritime Organization (Kerbal IMO) has declared that all seats must include this life saving device per Chapter III [Life-saving appliances and arrangements] of SOLASS [International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and Space (SOLASS)].

// KISConfig v1.0
// Koose
// created: 13 Oct 19
// updated: 13 Oct 19

// The Kerbol Interstellar Maritime Organization (Kerbal IMO)
// per the [International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and Space (SOLASS)]
// Chapter III [Life-saving appliances and arrangements]
// "The Chapter includes requirements for life-saving appliances and arrangements, including requirements for life boats, rescue boats and life jackets according to type of ship. The International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code gives specific technical requirements for LSAs and is mandatory under Regulation 34, which states that all life-saving appliances and arrangements shall comply with the applicable requirements of the LSA Code."
// Amendment:
// Changes to the LSA Code and SOLAS - requirements for lifejackets

// Amendments to Chapter II of the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code come into effect on July 1, 2010, and introduce the following new requirements for the approval of lifejackets:

// Each lifejacket shall be fitted with a whistle firmly secured by a lanyard.
// Lifejacket lights and whistles shall be selected and secured to the lifejacket in such a way that their performance in combination is not degraded.
// Each lifejacket shall be provided with a releasable buoyant line or other means to secure it to a lifejacket worn by another person in the water.
// Each lifejacket shall be provided with a suitable means to allow a rescuer to lift the wearer from the water into a survival craft or rescue boat.
// The requirements apply:
// Relevant IMO resolutions and circulars
// The amendments to Chapter II of the LSA Code and Chapter III of SOLAS were adopted by the IMO through resolutions MSC.207(81) and MSC.201(81) respectively.
// Resolution MSC.81(70) - Revised Recommendation on Testing of Life-Saving Appliances (adopted on December 11, 1998) has been amended by resolution MSC.200(80) to reflect the new requirements.
// However, it should be noted that MSC/Circ.980 - Standardized Life-Saving Appliance Evaluation and Test Report Forms has not been similarly amended; when required, these amendments will be applied and information is to be included in the relevant test report forms. 

// Specifies default settings of every new inventory created in the editor.
	@name = KISConfig
		@PodInventory {
		// Specifies items to add to every pod's seat. To add more items add more lines.
			//&addToAllSeats:NEEDS[KIS] = KIS.wrench // KIS.electricScrewdriver 	// Hotkey 1
			&addToAllSeats:NEEDS[KIS,Koose] = ExternalReEntryPack 					// Hotkey 2
			//&addToAllSeats:NEEDS[KIS] = KIS.evapropellant 							// Hotkey 3
			//addToAllSeats:NEEDS[Workshop] = DuctTape									// Hotkey 4
			//addToAllSeats = KIS.evapropellant 	// backup to the backup			// Hotkey 5
		// Specifies items to add to the first pod's seat only.
			// &addToTheFirstSeatOnly:NEEDS[KIS] = SEPGolfClub
			// &addToTheFirstSeatOnly:NEEDS[Workshop] = DuctTape

// ——————————————————————————————————————————————————
// ——— changelog ————————————————————————————————————
// ——————————————————————————————————————————————————

// v
	// creation by zer0Kerbal

// CC BY-NC-SA-4.0
// zer0Kerbal


query (after more sleep): how would these work without KIS? would they work with the Serene Storage (Breaking Ground)? (probably not, but would be neat if they did)

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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2 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

query (after more sleep): how would these work without KIS? would they work with the Serene Storage (Breaking Ground)? (probably not, but would be neat if they did)

I'm planning on a variant for stock using the external command chair module, but I'm not 100% sure (more like 0%) how I'll have then stowed/stored/attached.  I haven't so much as glanced at the breaking ground storage things in game, let alone how they work as parts.  I just did the "why is storage a separate thing from payload?" double take and moved on.  I think it would be best if you don't need a special part to store them, but I'm not sure if that's achievable yet.


(EDIT Forgot) That's a very nice patch.  As RealKerbal3x said, it's the most commenty patch ever.  :D  

And PS: The current edition (current github files, not sure about guthub releases) seems to not quite allow survival.  I'm trying to tune the ablation to allow survival, but the lack of doco on what each value does isn't helping.  Jeb's test flights are getting a bit warm.  
PPS: The non-survivability was just that I hadn't cleared PartDatabase.cfg, and the dragcube or collider wasn't large enough to protect Jeb.  He was heating independently.  Clearing PartDatabase seems to have fixed it.



Pretty sure the MOOSE flotation wasn't meant to do this



Edited by TiktaalikDreaming
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