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excrements got real!

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Ok, every time the game gets an update it gets more realistic at the point it's beginning to stop being a game to become an actual space program simulator. I regret that I have to be a physisits or space engineer to play and have fun, I thought I bought a game that would give me the opportunity to enjoy something that would allow me the fantasy of actually advance in the space conquer and feel like I was doing it all by myself, but no, seems that I have to study and spend a lot of time to learn actual physic to then test my knowledge and try to understand, after every fatal failure, what went wrong and go back to the board.

Am I missing something here? now my simple vessels, Mk1 command pod, BACC trumpet booster would reach a speed where it would blow up before escaping the atmosphere, and when I used the Hammer the speed was so high the parachute would not open soon enough to prevent the pod from crashing ground or splash to pieces into the sea.

POD+Hammer+MK16 chute= Chute wouldn''t slow it down soon enough

POD+Hammer+MK16+MK2-R=crash, chutes wont be able to reduce speed soon enough

POD+Trumpet= KABOOOOOM in the air after a marvelous heat wave that was very nice to look at, I thought I was going Sayayin.

What am I missing here?

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2 hours ago, Joe78man said:

seems that I have to study and spend a lot of time to learn actual physic

That was kinda of the original intent of the game.  They wanted a game that would force you to try , fail, and try again, until you got it to work.  They didn't care how, and that's how the idea of a very kerbal design came about. 

If you are going upwards too fast that you burn up, slow down. 

If you are going straight up, and then coming straight down too fast, try launching at an angle so that you will spend more time in the thicker air to help slow you down. 


This game isn't intended to be easy.  That would make it dull and boring, and nobody want's that type of game.   The game makes you think about different ways to do things, especially when the first attempt fails spectacularly.    I think I spent a solid 4 days and 50 attempts to get my Eve Lander to land and take off, just in a testing phase before evening launching the real thing.   I had to actually create a checklist so I could remember the settings and steps I needed to do.   

A simple stupid game would not be fun at all.  The fun comes from the difficulty, and the feeling of success you get at having accomplished a goal. 

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What you are missing is either aerodynamics on the descent (or staging), and controlling your speed on ascent (or staging).

Controlling speed on ascent is either done with staging, or by using liquid fueled engines and playing with the throttle. If you are going too fast -- then you want to add mass to your upper stage. That's good, because more mass allows you to do more stuff. So creating multi-stage rockets is a very important design step.

For an easy descent, you either need low mass, or you need fins put in the right place to help you fly gently down to the ground. To get low mass, you need to get rid of all the heavy stuff on the bottom of your rocket -- and you do that by using a decoupler.

But it really sounds like you need to play your way though the first 6 or 7 tutorials in the main menu. They go by quickly, but will show you other ways to fly your rockets -- other than just strapping a giant SRB to your pod.


Edited by bewing
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I suggest using mechjeb to let you learn how to do gravity turn and throttle your engines. Still use tutorials, and satch youtube videos. If all else fails, use stock rockets. They are quite good.

For heat problems, use heat shield, capsule, parachute setup. NEVER EVER FIRE YOUR PARACHUTES WHEN THE ICON ON STAGING IS RED.

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3 hours ago, Joe78man said:

Ok, every time the game gets an update it gets more realistic at the point it's beginning to stop being a game to become an actual space program simulator. I regret that I have to be a physisits or space engineer to play and have fun, I thought I bought a game that would give me the opportunity to enjoy something that would allow me the fantasy of actually advance in the space conquer and feel like I was doing it all by myself, but no, seems that I have to study and spend a lot of time to learn actual physic to then test my knowledge and try to understand, after every fatal failure, what went wrong and go back to the board.

Am I missing something here? now my simple vessels, Mk1 command pod, BACC trumpet booster would reach a speed where it would blow up before escaping the atmosphere, and when I used the Hammer the speed was so high the parachute would not open soon enough to prevent the pod from crashing ground or splash to pieces into the sea.

POD+Hammer+MK16 chute= Chute wouldn''t slow it down soon enough

POD+Hammer+MK16+MK2-R=crash, chutes wont be able to reduce speed soon enough

POD+Trumpet= KABOOOOOM in the air after a marvelous heat wave that was very nice to look at, I thought I was going Sayayin.

What am I missing here?

Decouplers might help. Carting around empty SRBs really doesn't help with re entry.

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4 hours ago, Joe78man said:

Ok, every time the game gets an update it gets more realistic at the point it's beginning to stop being a game to become an actual space program simulator.

Actually the game hasn't really gotten more "realistic" or harder even since 1.0 was released and the atmosphere changed. Unless that's what you're talking about and you're saying it was easier in 0.90 and before. In which case I agree with you, it was. It was also less fun of course :)

Rockets flipping has been a problem since 1.0 dropped, and it's always had the same two causes: center of mass too far back, and going too fast in the thickest atmosphere. These can be mitigated by adding fins and not turning too sharply, but the best fix is to move your COM forward and slow the excrement down.

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After thinking about it, the way you describe how you want to play -- Xd the Great is right. You are the classic case of someone who would have the most fun playing with the MechJeb mod installed.

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7 hours ago, Joe78man said:

I regret that I have to be a physisits or space engineer to play and have fun, I thought I bought a game that would give me the opportunity to enjoy something that would allow me the fantasy of actually advance in the space conquer and feel like I was doing it all by myself, but no, seems that I have to study and spend a lot of time to learn actual physic to then test my knowledge and try to understand, after every fatal failure, what went wrong and go back to the board.

Did you just buy the game and do absolutely no research about it first? Why did you get KSP to begin with if this [quoted] was not part of your agenda?

Having said that...

Welcome to the forums. This is the best place to ask questions!!! Try not to feel too bad about your failures. They are by and large just a step among many to conquering space. It's not simple. It's not safe. One day it may be easy, but that day is not today-- and tomorrow doesn't look good either. Don't give up though! There's nothing quite like that first success. :cool:

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Hello, and welcome to the forums!  :)  Sorry to hear about your difficulty.

10 hours ago, Joe78man said:

Ok, every time the game gets an update it gets more realistic at the point it's beginning to stop being a game to become an actual space program simulator. I regret that I have to be a physisits or space engineer to play and have fun, I thought I bought a game that would give me the opportunity to enjoy something that would allow me the fantasy of actually advance in the space conquer and feel like I was doing it all by myself, but no, seems that I have to study and spend a lot of time to learn actual physic to then test my knowledge and try to understand, after every fatal failure, what went wrong and go back to the board.

That's actually a pretty accurate description of KSP-- and is, indeed, much of the point of the game.  It's what it's about; it's a game that's designed to appeal to people who like doing those things.  ;)

That said, even without becoming a rocket scientist per se, there are a lot of simple "gotchas" that can make your life harder if you don't know about them, so that's why this forum is a useful place to ask questions.

6 hours ago, Reactordrone said:

POD+Hammer+MK16 chute= Chute wouldn''t slow it down soon enough

This is a fairly common craft that people fly... not sure where the issue is that you're running into.  By any chance, are you descending point first as you come back down?  The Mk1 pod is highly aerodynamic, and if you're going straight down with the pointy end in front it's like an arrow-- it'll fall really fast.

A couple of options:  You could add a decoupler so that you ditch the Hammer before coming down, and just retrieve the pod.  Or, you could make sure you come down "butt-first"-- that should be slower.

If the parachute is opening but simply needs more time to slow the craft down, then that's easily fixable.  In the VAB, right-click on the parachute and note that there's a slider for how high above ground level it opens.  By default, it's 1000 meters, but you can change that.  Try sliding it to something higher, like 1500 meters.

In that case, the launch sequence would look something like this:

  1. activate first stage on the pad, Hammer sends you into the sky
  2. wait until the Hammer burns out, coast up to your highest point
  3. when you get up high there, go ahead and activate the parachute
10 hours ago, Joe78man said:

POD+Hammer+MK16+MK2-R=crash, chutes wont be able to reduce speed soon enough

If it's just pod + Hammer, I think a single Mk16 should be enough.  It may simply be that you're not opening the chute high enough, rather than not having enough parachute.

6 hours ago, Reactordrone said:

POD+Trumpet= KABOOOOOM in the air after a marvelous heat wave that was very nice to look at, I thought I was going Sayayin.

Overpowered-- if you accelerate too hard when you're too low in the atmosphere, this can cause you to overheat and go kerboom.  Generally you don't want to take off with a TWR (thrust-to-weight ratio) of higher than 2 or so at most.

This rocket's overpowered on the launch pad, because the Thumper SRB is designed to lift heavier things, and you're giving it almost zero payload (just the tiny command pod).  You can mitigate this by reducing the thrust of the SRB when you're building your rocket, so that it burns its fuel more slowly.  In the VAB,  right-click on the SRB and set the thrust limiter to something lower than its default 100 percent-- for example, in this case, somewhere in the 50-70% range may make sense.

Note that a craft like this will require more than just a single Mk16 parachute to land.  You'll either need to use a decoupler to stage away the SRB before coming down, or else put some extra parachutes on it.  (This craft is going to have a high terminal velocity, so it may need drogues to help slow it down enough to get to where regular chutes can open.)

6 hours ago, Xd the great said:


^ Actually, this hasn't been a problem for a while.  By default, parachutes now won't open until they're safe to do so.  (It used to be that if you stage them when you're going too fast, they'd obligingly open anyway, then get ripped off and you'd be hosed.)  So it's safe to stage the parachutes at any time-- either they'll open right away, or the little icon will turn blue and then they'll open as soon as it's safe for them to open.

(It's possible to override that behavior by changing them to an "open right away" option, but the default behavior is to wait until safe, which is almost always what the player would want.  I've never had any reason to tweak that setting, myself.)

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On 7/27/2018 at 5:49 AM, Reactordrone said:

Decouplers might help. Carting around empty SRBs really doesn't help with re entry.

I forgot to mention the descent is only the pod (or pod+science). I always use decouplers.

I used to have that configuration and had no issue with the choute getting back to Kerbal, the choute would open at default altitude and land safely. That didn't work after the last update.

Look, I know the game is intended to be realistic and I love that. I'm very into science, physics too, but I'm just an amateur self taught with an IQ high enough to understand what I read, but I'm no expert. Despite whatever you guys might say, this is a game, if it was serious we wouldn't have untrained giant head green fellas flying the rockets.  I take the challenge, but I think it would ruin the game if I had to persuit a carreer in an univerity and also learn to pilot so I can both design and pilot the rockets in and out. I'd expect a little help.


On 7/27/2018 at 12:38 PM, Snark said:

are you descending point first as you come back down? 

Yep, not by choise, the pod just adjust it's possition due to atmosphere force (english not my language, I don't have a wide vocabulary to talk science, but you'd know what I mean) against it. Nothing I can do, pod won't move. I'd love to know how to change that.


On 7/27/2018 at 12:38 PM, Snark said:

there's a slider for how high above ground level it opens

did that, didn't change. The choute opens but since it's comming down too fast it doesn't extend and makes little difference if opened 500m before.

On 7/27/2018 at 12:38 PM, Snark said:

if you accelerate too hard when you're too low in the atmosphere, this can cause you to overheat and go kerboom

Noted, thanks. I didn't considered that on the way up.

I use decouplers to discart all unused parts. I got to orbit before this last update.

I'll check the tutorial again, if it didn't change it would do no help. But I'll give it another try. The thing is that, not being an astrophysicist nor scientist I'd be happy to be told what, how and when of every step to take.

Thanks, guys

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1 hour ago, Joe78man said:

I forgot to mention the descent is only the pod (or pod+science). I always use decouplers.

I used to have that configuration and had no issue with the choute getting back to Kerbal, the choute would open at default altitude and land safely. That didn't work after the last update.

Look, I know the game is intended to be realistic and I love that. I'm very into science, physics too, but I'm just an amateur self taught with an IQ high enough to understand what I read, but I'm no expert. Despite whatever you guys might say, this is a game, if it was serious we wouldn't have untrained giant head green fellas flying the rockets.  I take the challenge, but I think it would ruin the game if I had to persuit a carreer in an univerity and also learn to pilot so I can both design and pilot the rockets in and out. I'd expect a little help.


Yep, not by choise, the pod just adjust it's possition due to atmosphere force (english not my language, I don't have a wide vocabulary to talk science, but you'd know what I mean) against it. Nothing I can do, pod won't move. I'd love to know how to change that.


did that, didn't change. The choute opens but since it's comming down too fast it doesn't extend and makes little difference if opened 500m before.

Noted, thanks. I didn't considered that on the way up.

I use decouplers to discart all unused parts. I got to orbit before this last update.

I'll check the tutorial again, if it didn't change it would do no help. But I'll give it another try. The thing is that, not being an astrophysicist nor scientist I'd be happy to be told what, how and when of every step to take.

Thanks, guys

Can you reach 70km apogee? But try to remain less than 150km max altitude. 

When you are that high, turn retrograde. Press t and select the relavent icon. Increases the drag and slows you down more.

Basically, enter with a big bottom.


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2 hours ago, Joe78man said:

I know the game is intended to be realistic and I love that. I'm very into science, physics too, but I'm just an amateur self taught with an IQ high enough to understand what I read, but I'm no expert.

You basically just identified yourself as exactly like 99% of the users here.

2 hours ago, Joe78man said:

Yep, not by choise, the pod just adjust it's possition due to atmosphere force (english not my language, I don't have a wide vocabulary to talk science, but you'd know what I mean) against it. Nothing I can do, pod won't move. I'd love to know how to change that.

You change that by decopuling everything but the pod and the parachute. A pod plus a chute is designed to fall fat-end first. A pod plus a chute with stuff attached to it may not be.

If you are truly coming down with ONLY a mk1 pod (the dark grey cone one) with a single default chute on top and you're coming down upside down, then you are experiencing a bug. And I'd like to see a picture of it because it's something I've never ever seen.

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31 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

You basically just identified yourself as exactly like 99% of the users here.

You change that by decopuling everything but the pod and the parachute. A pod plus a chute is designed to fall fat-end first. A pod plus a chute with stuff attached to it may not be.

If you are truly coming down with ONLY a mk1 pod (the dark grey cone one) with a single default chute on top and you're coming down upside down, then you are experiencing a bug. And I'd like to see a picture of it because it's something I've never ever seen.

I think i have done that once...

But whatever.

When did he stage the chutes? At what altitude?

@Joe78man can you gice a rundown of your reentry profile?

Eg. Start at orbit with 150 km ap and 80 km pe, decelerate for 400 dv, turn retrograde and hold it, stage heat shield at 12km, stage parachutes at 9 km.

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10 hours ago, Joe78man said:

I forgot to mention the descent is only the pod (or pod+science).

Well, which?  There's an enormous difference between "just a pod" versus "just a pod, plus a Science Jr. materials bay sitting underneath it"-- the former will be aerodynamically stable butt-first, whereas the latter will be aerodynamically stable point-first.

Can you provide a screenshot of your ship that wants to be point-first?

10 hours ago, Joe78man said:

Yep, not by choise, the pod just adjust it's possition due to atmosphere force (english not my language, I don't have a wide vocabulary to talk science, but you'd know what I mean) against it. Nothing I can do, pod won't move. I'd love to know how to change that.

If you're saying that it does this when it's just a Mk1 command pod and a parachute on top... that's really wrong.  It doesn't do that.  That pod is designed to be aerodynamically stable in a butt-first orientation, and that's how it works for everyone I've ever heard of in KSP.  So if you're seeing behavior where it's point-first in that configuration, either you've somehow discovered a serious bug in KSP that nobody's observed before, or else there's something about your setup that's causing it and we haven't found out about yet.  ;)

A screenshot of your descending point-first craft would really help.

10 hours ago, Joe78man said:

did that, didn't change. The choute opens but since it's comming down too fast it doesn't extend and makes little difference if opened 500m before.

This also is hard for me to understand.  You say "opens" and "extends"-- what exactly do you mean?   (Possible it may be a language / terminology issue, here-- don't feel bad, lots of KSP players have English as a second language!)

Let's establish a couple of terms, just to make sure we're all talking about the same thing:

  • A parachute is deployed when you stage it and it pops open and you can see it fluttering int he wind, but it's not fully open and only slows the craft just a little bit.
  • A parachute becomes fully open when it's already deployed, and then the craft falls to the prescribed altitude above ground level.  This is when the chute gets big and "fat", and slows the ship down to safe landing speed.

Note that a parachute can't deploy (i.e. go to that "activated but not fully open" state) if it's going too fast.  The speed limit varies with air pressure, but typically it's around 250-300 m/s for "normal" parachutes, and about double that for drogue chutes.

So... when a person says "I'm splatting into the ground because my parachutes don't slow me", there might be one of two different things going on:

Possibility #1 is that their ship is going WAY TOO FAST for the parachute to deploy.  For example, if you've built a ship with a very very high terminal velocity, so that it's still going 500 m/s when it hits the ground... then your parachutes will refuse to open and you'll just plow right into the ground.

Possibility #2 is that the parachutes deploy, but the ship is falling fast enough (and the fully-open altitude is low enough) that the ship hits the ground while the parachutes are still in the process of fully opening, and simply haven't slowed the ship enough yet.

So... which of these situations are happening to you?  (Because they're completely different, and fixing one or the other would require different strategies.)

How fast are you going when you hit the ground?

And can you please provide a screenshot of your ship just before it hits the ground?


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Alright. Tried once more:



Mistery goo canister




RT-hammer (solid engine)


RT-hammer (solid engine)

4 AV-T1 wings for stability (hopefully)



Fired up, once solid fuel empties, I give it some time so it climbs up some more, when speed was 200m/s I start solid engine 2. At a point, Goo canister blows up eventhough it didn't seem to be so harmed (health bar was over 50%). I reached about 200k altitude (I tilted a little to the right so I land on water)

Everything was decoupled, so it was just the Pod. I aligned it so it enters bottoms first (SAS and RCS always on from launch), termometer blows up eventhough it didn't seem to be so harmed (health bar was over 50%). Changed min altitud for parachoute to 5k altitude. Opened it, about 7k, it extends at 5k and the pod lands (or waters) safely.

Not bad, it is time to try different configurations and see if I can unlock a fuel tank so I can use other engines that would allow me a better control.


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You can always reduce the thrust on the solids so they don't accelerate you too fast. But my main advice would be to ignore them as best as you can and only use liquid fuel engines. If you have to only use solids as support engines for overburdened liquid first stages until you actually know what you're doing. Even the flea is greatly overpowered for just launching a pod and can safely be reduced to 20% of the original thrust.

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6 hours ago, Joe78man said:

Alright. Tried once more:



Mistery goo canister




RT-hammer (solid engine)


RT-hammer (solid engine)

4 AV-T1 wings for stability (hopefully)



Fired up, once solid fuel empties, I give it some time so it climbs up some more, when speed was 200m/s I start solid engine 2. At a point, Goo canister blows up eventhough it didn't seem to be so harmed (health bar was over 50%). I reached about 200k altitude (I tilted a little to the right so I land on water)

Everything was decoupled, so it was just the Pod. I aligned it so it enters bottoms first (SAS and RCS always on from launch), termometer blows up eventhough it didn't seem to be so harmed (health bar was over 50%). Changed min altitud for parachoute to 5k altitude. Opened it, about 7k, it extends at 5k and the pod lands (or waters) safely.

Not bad, it is time to try different configurations and see if I can unlock a fuel tank so I can use other engines that would allow me a better control.


What is the health bar?

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17 hours ago, Joe78man said:

Alright. Tried once more:


....Okay, so when you're reentering, it's basically just the command pod and the parachute.  Yes, that should absolutely be fine, i.e. aerodynamically stable butt-first.  Setting the parachute to open fully at 5 km altitude feels like serious overkill to me-- I would have expected it to be fine at the default 1000 meter altitude.  "Command pod plus parachute" is a combo I use all the time, and I usually end up lowering the limit from 1000m down to 700m or so, because the default 1000m always leaves me descending sloooooooowly from several hundred meters above the ground and I get impatient waiting for it to drift down.

Even if somehow 1000m isn't enough, you shouldn't need to set it anywhere close to 5 km.  You may want to consider bumping it just a smidgeon, to 1200 or 1300 meters or thereabouts.

Of course, 5 km is fine, too, if you don't mind waiting a really long time while it drifts down.  :)

17 hours ago, Joe78man said:

Fired up, once solid fuel empties, I give it some time so it climbs up some more, when speed was 200m/s I start solid engine 2.

If what you're trying to do is to send your rocket as high as possible, be aware that this is an inefficient thing to do-- don't let it slow down.  Activate the 2nd engine immediately when the 1st one burns out.

17 hours ago, Joe78man said:

At a point, Goo canister blows up eventhough it didn't seem to be so harmed

If you go too fast when you're too low in the atmosphere, things heat up-- and science instruments have a fairly low temperature tolerance.  When the goo blows up, what altitude and speed are you?  My guess is that your shjp is way overpowered.

I note that if you're running the pictured ship with all default settings, you've got a pretty darn high TWR-- it's going to accelerate really fast.  For example, if it's at 100% thrust, it'll have a TWR of 2.5 right off the pad.  That's substantially higher than rockets usually launch with (2 is usually a reasonable upper limit), and it's only going to get higher (rapidly!) as the SRB burns fuel.

You can solve this problem by reducing the thrust limiter on the SRBs.  My suggestion would be to reduce the first SRB to 80% thrust (that'll give you a TWR of 2 off the pad), then reduce the second SRB to about 60%.  Activate the 2nd SRB as soon as the first one burns out.


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14 hours ago, Xd the great said:

Heat bar.

@Joe78man try to place another decoupler beneath the second srb. Solid fuel cannot be shared among two solid boosters.

decoupler <---

RT-hammer (solid engine)

decoupler <---

RT-hammer (solid engine)


6 hours ago, Snark said:


....Okay, so when you're reentering, it's basically just the command pod and the parachute.  Yes, that should absolutely be fine, i.e. aerodynamically stable butt-first.  Setting the parachute to open fully at 5 km altitude feels like serious overkill to me-- I would have expected it to be fine at the default 1000 meter altitude.  "Command pod plus parachute" is a combo I use all the time, and I usually end up lowering the limit from 1000m down to 700m or so, because the default 1000m always leaves me descending sloooooooowly from several hundred meters above the ground and I get impatient waiting for it to drift down.

Even if somehow 1000m isn't enough, you shouldn't need to set it anywhere close to 5 km.  You may want to consider bumping it just a smidgeon, to 1200 or 1300 meters or thereabouts.

Of course, 5 km is fine, too, if you don't mind waiting a really long time while it drifts down.  :)

If what you're trying to do is to send your rocket as high as possible, be aware that this is an inefficient thing to do-- don't let it slow down.  Activate the 2nd engine immediately when the 1st one burns out.

If you go too fast when you're too low in the atmosphere, things heat up-- and science instruments have a fairly low temperature tolerance.  When the goo blows up, what altitude and speed are you?  My guess is that your shjp is way overpowered.

I note that if you're running the pictured ship with all default settings, you've got a pretty darn high TWR-- it's going to accelerate really fast.  For example, if it's at 100% thrust, it'll have a TWR of 2.5 right off the pad.  That's substantially higher than rockets usually launch with (2 is usually a reasonable upper limit), and it's only going to get higher (rapidly!) as the SRB burns fuel.

You can solve this problem by reducing the thrust limiter on the SRBs.  My suggestion would be to reduce the first SRB to 80% thrust (that'll give you a TWR of 2 off the pad), then reduce the second SRB to about 60%.  Activate the 2nd SRB as soon as the first one burns out. 


Mmmm, I didn't figured the take off speed should be lower. Yes, I'm using all defaults, I was unaware that a higher speed would cause a problem until you point it out. Makes sence now, so I believe the thinner the air, and the further from Kerbin, the less thrust is needed, right?

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On 7/27/2018 at 5:32 PM, Gargamel said:

That was kinda of the original intent of the game.  They wanted a game that would force you to try , fail, and try again, until you got it to work.  They didn't care how, and that's how the idea of a very kerbal design came about. 

Yeah. Always remember: Failing is FUN! (It produces fireworks!)

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