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Universal Storage II [1.3.1 and 1.4.5 - 1.7.0]

Paul Kingtiger

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3 hours ago, Paul Kingtiger said:

@Geonovast Use the link below and drop in your KSP folder, it'll overwrite the core parts and should fix your issues.  Let me know how you get on.



Thank you!  I'll be able to test it in about 3 hours.


Works great!  Thank You Thank You!


Edited by Geonovast
Patch works
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Hello, I have noticed that there doesnt appear to be a nitrogen tank for kerbalism, or an option to fill one of the existing tanks with nitrogen. Might this be a bug on my end or does US have no way to store nitrogen? The only mention of it I have been able to track down is an addition proposed november of last year, but I have not found this in the most recent version of the config files, and I am unsure if it would still work if added to the config files in the specified location.

Nitrogen storage is required for spacecraft in kerbalism to operate long-term, and it would be very convenient if you could store it in US containers.

Would this modification still work?

On 11/1/2018 at 2:06 PM, Gordon Dry said:

line 204 insert:

    @name = USNitrogenWedge
	@title = Universal Storage: Nitrogen tank
	@tags = Universal Storage Wedge Cryogenic Nitrogen
	@description = Nitrogen resource storage, built in wedge format to be mounted to Universal Storage cores.  Nitrogen is stored cryogenically and this wedge contains insulated storage as well as cryogenic equipment and safety systems.  The nitrogen bottles may be refueled via lines, or the entire wedge can be removed on EVA and placed with new equipment or storage.  Four size variants are available.
		@resourceNames = Nitrogen;Nitrogen;Nitrogen;Nitrogen

line 208

    @name = USAmmoniaWedge
	@title = Universal Storage: Ammonia tank
	@tags = Universal Storage Wedge Cryogenic Ammonia
	@description = Ammonia resource storage, built in wedge format to be mounted to Universal Storage cores.  Ammonia is stored cryogenically and this wedge contains insulated storage as well as cryogenic equipment and safety systems.  The ammonia bottles may be refueled via lines, or the entire wedge can be removed on EVA and placed with new equipment or storage.  Four size variants are available.
		@resourceNames = Ammonia;Ammonia;Ammonia;Ammonia

A screenshot:


Edited by Nikola
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16 hours ago, Nikola said:

Hello, I have noticed that there doesnt appear to be a nitrogen tank for kerbalism, or an option to fill one of the existing tanks with nitrogen. Might this be a bug on my end or does US have no way to store nitrogen? The only mention of it I have been able to track down is an addition proposed november of last year, but I have not found this in the most recent version of the config files, and I am unsure if it would still work if added to the config files in the specified location.

Nitrogen storage is required for spacecraft in kerbalism to operate long-term, and it would be very convenient if you could store it in US containers.

I have a list of Kerbalism resources we don't currently have model for, they are on the road map, but not at the front of the queue at the moment.
There is a couple of ways we can model these tanks in the short term; either having a separate part for each resource, or having a resource that can contain multiple types (using a similar system to the current Universal Storage II radial tanks).
I'll take a look and see which option works best.

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Is the eventual intent for US2 to mostly replace US1? The Payload fairings are a way better option than the black-and-white normal housings, and *most* parts appear to be duplicates, just, better as they're scalable and in some cases more efficient. 

Can't wait for the next version with my delicious 1.8m payload bay.

Edited by Frostiken
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11 hours ago, Frostiken said:

Is the eventual intent for US2 to mostly replace US1? The Payload fairings are a way better option than the black-and-white normal housings, and *most* parts appear to be duplicates, just, better as they're scalable and in some cases more efficient. 

Can't wait for the next version with my delicious 1.8m payload bay.

Yes Universal Storage 2 replaces the first version and the science parts in the next update should be the last part of the functionality puzzle.  
1.875m fairings are coming, but I don't know if they will be in the next release.

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Thanks man, for all your hard top notch work on Universal storage, and universal storage 2,
it's not just an essential mod anymore,
i build my KSP games around Universal storage 2.
i can only say the same about 4 other mods :)
*thumbs up* *bows* and all that,
now just to be cheeky, any chance you might consider making a 5m section? :D

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On 11/22/2018 at 11:07 AM, bobvodka said:

I've hit upon an interesting little problem with US2.0 and Connected Living Spaces and I figure this is a good place to start with the whole 'trying to track down what is going on'.

I've got to the point on my most recent play through where I'm putting together the first space station; dead centre of that station is a "Universal Storage: Eight bay service core (2.5m)" which is enclosed by a "Universal Storage: Cylindrical fairing (2.5m)" - above and below that are other parts and everything was either CLS passable or inhabitable. At this point CLS showed everything as one living space and all was good :cool:

I saved it as a craft and as a sub-assembly and got on with building the launcher. I pulled the subassembly in and, to my surprise, suddenly my station core was two separate living spaces. I swore. I dissembled things and put them back together. Triple checked that the original craft, saved it and pull it back in with nothing going.

The living space was always being split at joint/node where the service core and fairing where connecting.


On 11/28/2018 at 9:18 PM, Paul Kingtiger said:

I've checked the part.cfg files and everything looks as it should, and I'm wondering if they code that switches the part sizes is causing this.  That's a bit of the mod I don't know much about so it's probably better for @DMagic to take a look and comment.

Any progress on this one?
It's just caused me a world of aggravation, and as it is I can't run USII and CLS together, which is a real shame. It's kinda screwed my game unless I remove CLS TBH.


I have hacked around this temporarily by adding:

        name = USModuleSwitch
        SwitchID = 1
        TargetModule = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
        TargetFields = passableWhenSurfaceAttached
        TargetValues = true;false;false;false
        name = USModuleSwitch
        SwitchID = 1
        TargetModule = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
        TargetFields = surfaceAttachmentsPassable
        TargetValues = true;false;false;false

Into the larger cores with ModuleManager, but there appears to be exactly zero documentation for USModuleSwitch so it's entirely guesswork.
Do I need both of those blocks or can I have more than one word in TargetFields? If so, what's the separator?

Aside from the CLS issue, I expect these parts not registering as node attached is going to cause other unintended behaviour, and it may well explain why my USII stacks are a lot less rigid than I anticipate as well.

Edited by steve_v
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I think the weirdness that happens when loading sub-assemblies, saved crafts, and reverting has to do with the way the editor loads parts. It handles loading a part very differently from bringing a new part in from the part list. This can really trip things up in some cases, so that probably needs to be looked at.

For USModuleSwitch you can target as many fields as you want within one module as long as they are on the same target module.

        name = USModuleSwitch
        SwitchID = 1
        TargetModule = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace  //Only one target module per USModuleSwitch
        TargetFields = passableWhenSurfaceAttached|surfaceAttachmentsPassable
        TargetValues = true;false;false;false|true;false;false;false

You just have to make sure to separate the values correctly: '|' to separate target fields, ';' to separate the desired value at different switch states.

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On as in "it's installed aboard the vessel", or on as in "I used action groups/context menu to activate the unit"? Because there is a difference, as the electrolysis process consumes significant amounts of power.

Edited by MaverickSawyer
Gorram autocorrect... I know what I'm typing, tyvm.
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The Water purifier is not working.

I only have TAC LS installed so it should work exactly like half a TAC LS water purifier right? However despite the "operational" status on menu, it doesn't actually do anything. It doesn't even consume power, let alone purify the waste water.


better pic

198.pngas you can see from here, I have space for water and waste

Edited by Iso-Polaris
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21 hours ago, danielboro said:

is the electron working?

i have it on but no extra EC is used and no wather is converted to H2 and O2

I can't recreate the issue (it's working fine for me).
Make sure you have tanks for the Oxygen and Hydrogen with some space in them and plenty of electric charge.

Also the electron will shut off if your oxygen tanks fill up, even if there is room for Hydrogen.

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Can we get the 6-bay core dropped down a tier in the tech tree so it's accessible on a Level 1 R&D facility, which is around the same tier as most of the other 1.875m stuff? Not really necessary without the fairing yet, but maybe worth considering when we do get it. Otherwise it's bumped into the Level 2 tier.

Edited by Frostiken
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It appears the version file didn't get updated with the latest release.  I installed US2 v1.6.0.9 via CKAN but AVC complains that a new version ( is available.  CKAN confirms is installed.  The US2 .version file in the mod directory post-update contains:


Certainly only a minor annoyance.  I have never tried to submit a PR, but this seems simple enough that I could learn how to do it and not screw it up :P.  Should I?

Edit:  It doesn't appear you use GitHub.  No worries.

Edited by Brigadier
Spelling error
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2 hours ago, Paul Kingtiger said:

I can't recreate the issue (it's working fine for me).
Make sure you have tanks for the Oxygen and Hydrogen with some space in them and plenty of electric charge.

Also the electron will shut off if your oxygen tanks fill up, even if there is room for Hydrogen.


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5 hours ago, Frostiken said:

Can we get the 6-bay core dropped down a tier in the tech tree so it's accessible on a Level 1 R&D facility, which is around the same tier as most of the other 1.875m stuff? Not really necessary without the fairing yet, but maybe worth considering when we do get it. Otherwise it's bumped into the Level 2 tier.

We'll have another look at balancing when we release the proper 1.8m bays :)

4 minutes ago, Kerbal007 said:

Hi all :) forgive my ignorance but I am having trouble using the cylindrical .0625 service bay, it seems to have no nodes to attach items too?

They were never designed to have internal nodes sorry - i never thought there were node-based parts big enough to fit in them! :P Do you think we should add them? 

On 2/2/2019 at 1:22 AM, arius32 said:

Thanks man, for all your hard top notch work on Universal storage, and universal storage 2,
it's not just an essential mod anymore,
i build my KSP games around Universal storage 2.
i can only say the same about 4 other mods :)
*thumbs up* *bows* and all that,
now just to be cheeky, any chance you might consider making a 5m section? :D

Thank you! It would be cool, but I want to get the 1.8m shrouds and bulk tanks done first before I start looking at increasing the size of my parts, sorry. 

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