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Do you play KSP only or are you into lots of games?


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I've been playing games since the mid/late 90s, games like Red Alert, Driver and Grand Prix 2. I still play games now, I'm playing Call of Duty 1, Cities Skylines,  Fable 2. I'll be playing Red Dead Redemption 2 soon.

I play Kerbal for a couple of months at a go, and then burn out for 6 months / a year. I'm starting to get back into it now. However, Kerbal is my longest played game (in my steam library) with about 400 hours if I include pre-steam time.

My other main gaming hobby is retro games - I've build a DOS PC and I'm playing Duke Nukem 3D at the moment.

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  On 9/11/2018 at 9:50 AM, Klapaucius said:

Despite throwing way too many quarters during my misspent youth into Centipede, Pacman, Tempest, Q-Bert, Dig-Dug (I'm really dating myself here) , I have never been a gamer.  I was not into computers (my best friend had a Commodore 64).   I was dragged into KSP just about a year ago when asked to help run a pilot youth program using KSP to teach (very) basic rocketry concepts.  Now I find myself surprised to be hooked. To be honest, I think I am a bit too fond of this game and sometimes worry about that.  And while games come up on my Steam feed, the last thing I need in my life is another one :D.  I do own Universe Sandbox, but it has not held my interest.

So, of the larger community, how many of you are big gaming fans and how many of you are KSP players and that's it?  If you are the latter, how did you get into it?


I've always been a fan of sims so am quite fond of KSP. Although wierdly, recently i haven't played them much and preferred more open exploration games KSP missions take a lot of planning. I'm a huge nerd for procedural generation and No Mans Sky feels a bit like it was made just for me.
If only everything didn't look mostly the same.

I was completely obsessed with Space Engineers for several years but weirdly have mostly lost interest since getting into making my own ships in Blender. I think the fact that i am only limited to square 45 and 22.5 degree angles bugs me more than it should.

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  • 1 month later...

Software developer, computer analyst, future watcher and avid gamer.  If I'm not working on my computers I'm playing with them.  Even then, I'll play games with half an eye on how they're written and what technical techniques they use.

KSP stands alone with approaching 4,000 hours played.

Others that have been serious time-sinks (>1,000 hours) include:
     Total War series - especially Rome & Medieval II
     Mount & Blade Warband
     Elder Scrolls series
     Witcher series
     Cities: Skylines
     Tropico series

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I'm into lots of different games:

- Star Wars (specifically Battlefront 2015 and Empire At War)

- Grand Theft Auto V

- Halo (MCC, as I don't want to buy all the Halo games individually)

- War Thunder (Although I haven't really played it in a while)

: )

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I'm 40-something like a lot of you. I think KSP players skew a bit older than most gamers. Anyway, I've been a gamer and a programmer more-or-less since I learned how to read. After slacking off a bit after high school, I went to college, got a computer science degree, worked in the game industry on and off for a few years, then switched to web development. Currently I'm working on a data reporting and analysis tool and learning Python at my new job.

I started playing KSP when the Mun was new and they released that demo a couple of years ago. I wasn't that impressed at that time, and put it down. Picked it up again when a friend mentioned that Take-Two had bought Squad, and found a very different game. Been hooked ever since.

I don't have as much time as I used to, between career and family and all that, so most of my gaming time these days is spent on KSP. Some other games I've played, in no particular order:

Civilization series

Total War series

Homeworld series

Total Annihilation

EVE Online

World of Warcraft

Warcraft RTS series

Fallout series

Final Fantasy series

Legend of Zelda series

most of Bioware's catalog

Elder Scrolls series

The Sims series

SimCity series


all those 80s arcade games

...seriously, I've probably played on the order of 5000 games, at least a little bit.

  On 9/13/2018 at 5:59 PM, Tyko said:

This brings back memories...this is the first rocket I ever launched on a computer:

10 CLS
20 PRINT "       /\"
30 PRINT "      /  \"
40 PRINT "     /    \"
50 PRINT "     |    |"
60 PRINT "     |    |"
70 PRINT "     |    |"
80 PRINT "     /    \"
90 PRINT "      ||||"
100 PRINT "     ||||"
110 PRINT "         "
120 PRINT "         "
130 (whatever the command was to loop a bunch of blank lines so the rocket would rise off the screen)



I did something very similar on a Timex-Sinclair 1000. That computer was a piece of crap, even for its time. But I learned to program on it!

  On 9/14/2018 at 6:20 PM, AngrybobH said:


To me, Civ4 is the last civ game. Civ 5 was such a disappointment to me that I put it down and never looked back. I haven't even considered playing civ6. And, yeah, Nimoy did an awesome job.


Civ IV was my favorite for a long time, but VI is pretty good too. I agree that V is kinda rough around the edges, even with later patches etc.

  On 9/17/2018 at 7:17 AM, Orc said:

Civ 6... required a permanent Internet connection to install (and play?). 


Wait, what? That's not right. At least not on the US Steam version that I have.

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Since creating this post, I have started diving into other games. Mostly just seeing what is out there, though I really do not have the time required for most of them.  But it is interesting to see all this stuff I have missed.


The first other than KSP is the Homeworld Series. I did a bit of Homeworld, but then switched to Kharak as I think it is a bit easier for a total RTS noob to get started on. For a newcomer, it is really hard even on the easy level.

I did buy Universe Sandbox not long after KSP, but while the graphics are amazing, it just does not hold my interest.

A few story types: Her Story, The Stanley Principal, a few puzzles I have not started yet, and I just got Grim Fandango, which is a hoot and I bought Civilization V, though I see some are not so keen on that one.  My other half is not into video games other than online crosswords and Sudoku, but we are both quite into boardgames, and Civilization has a bit of boardgame vibe to it.

I have a feeling I would like EVE Online, but I have way too many interests in real life to sink that kind of time in.



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  On 11/27/2018 at 7:02 AM, Klapaucius said:

I bought Civilization V, though I see some are not so keen on that one.  My other half is not into video games other than online crosswords and Sudoku, but we are both quite into boardgames, and Civilization has a bit of boardgame vibe to it.


Civ is very boardgamelike. There's actually a boardgame version too that I haven't played (not to be confused with the older and unrelated Civilization boardgame by Avalon Hill - there were lawsuits involved).

My ranking of the various Civ games goes like this:

  1. Civ IV (well balanced base game, highly moddable)
  2. Civ VI (lots of cool national and leader abilities, also very moddable)
  3. Civ: Beyond Earth (effectively the sequel to Alpha Centauri)
  4. Alpha Centauri (basically Civ in space by the same dude [Sid Meier] with the serial numbers filed off, due to IP rights)
  5. Civ II (still a good game)
  6. Civ I (solid but dated)
  7. Civ V (switched from square to hex grid, lots of weird changes to combat and other systems)
  8. Civ III (first use of Culture game mechanic and strategic resources, not well balanced)

I have a feeling I would like EVE Online, but I have way too many interests in real life to sink that kind of time in.


LOL yeah don't do that. I haven't played in several years myself; it got to be too much like a second job. They don't call it the "spreadsheet simulator" for nothing. Also it's gone free-to-play and gotten purchased by Korean studio Pearl Abyss (their Black Desert Online is known for being super grindy, like many other Asian MMOs), so there's been a lot of upheaval around that.

If you lose your mind and take the plunge into New Eden (EVE's galaxy), it's important to find players you can trust. Ganking other players is allowed in most areas, even encouraged, and backstabbing is endemic.

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Well, I'm 45 and have been playing games since having my Acorn Electron. I had a ZX81 first. Had Commodore 64, Atari ST, SNES, Mega drive, ps1/2/3 And an Xbox 360......


God knows how many games I've played in my life (10 yard fight I used to love) yet all I play now is KSP and Orbiter (which I must say as I'm getting used to it is fantastic)

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  On 11/27/2018 at 6:36 AM, Cydonian Monk said:

I play entirely too much Hearts of Iron IV. And Crusader Kings II. And to a lesser extent Europa Universalis IV. I'm almost not looking forward to the upcoming Paradox Rome game, because there simply aren't enough hours in my life. 


I'm with you on Paradox. Very interested in the upcoming HOI4 and Stellaris updates. I'm also happy/scared of Imperator Rome and what it will do to my limited free time.

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  On 11/27/2018 at 5:44 PM, Tyko said:

Very interested in the upcoming HOI4 and Stellaris updates.


Man The Guns looks to be fantastic. I'm so glad fuel is being added back into the game as a resource - that was one of the few ommissions from HOI3 I missed, and I didn't particularly agree with how they abstracted it away. I'm also giddy the shipbuilder from Stellaris is basically being backported to HOI4. So many nice additions to an already great strategy game. 

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I still have my 2600 and a bunch of games around here somewhere. I'm gonna have to dig it out, now. I doubt it'll hook up to my TV, though.

I had a SNES. In fact, my nephew bought a vintage deck off the interwebs and he let me borrow it for a while so I could scratch my original Mario Kart itch.

I had the PS1 - which I gave to that same nephew back in the day when I bought a PS2.

That got fried in a lightning storm and I went without from 2004 to 2018 when I bought a PS4 not one month ago.


I did PC games betwixt times; Diablo II, Medals of Honor, Warcraft: The Frozen Throne, flight sims galore and, then KSP.


Now, I'm taking a break from KSP and playing the Arkham series. I just beat the main story in Arkham City and now cleaning up the Riddler stuff and trying to figure out that mystery guy.

Zzasz's phone calls are NOT going to get done. I hate those.

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Started with Pong and similar cartridges on a faux-Atari console, collected thousands of games on my trusty old C-64 on cassette tapes and floppies, to a collection of somewhere around 2000 PC games started from back when they came boxed with printed manuals and keyboard templates to the current digital distribution methods.

Steam lists 17 games listed with more than 100 hours, Skyrim tops that list at 1735 hours (old and new combined), but non-Steam-tracked games have taken more time than that, KSP one of them. I used to be in EVE Online a few hours every day for years; maybe more than a few. Homeworld and Cataclysm (boxed versions), Anno, Command & Conquer, Settlers, Civilization, SimCity, X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter, Flight Simulator... easily hundreds of hours in many entries of those series. I may have sunk a few hundred hours on FIFA and F1 games. Sims 2/3/4... I always disliked the actual game aspect of those, and I never bought into the DLC, but I must've spent hundreds of hours in the build modes and world editor. Need for Speed series.

My gaming seems to follow the same non-pattern as my music taste: whatever happens to fit the mood of the moment. I own enough games that I never need to look around much to find something to fit the mood.

I don't much have the luxury to play lately as I used to, but when I do find time, it's certainly not just KSP.

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I play a pretty eclectic assortment of games and game genres...recent favorites:

  • Red Dead II
  • God of War
  • Horizon Zero Dawn

Also loved Skyrim (;)), the Mass Effect series, Life is Strange, Edith Finch, and Firewatch. And waaaay back in the day...Space Quest!! 

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Hi all

Recently I've been playing some (near-)freebies I got off Steam:



Scraps Demo


SpaceHack is an insane amount of fun, and very frustrating at times, just like a Rogue-like. Game play wise it is a nice mix of the original Diabilo and the Diabilo in Space game Harbinger.

Star-Explorers is fun too, and equally frustrating at times, for different reasons. Running around on planets'surfaces (or below them) trying to find the loot before your oxygen supply expires, or your protective suit deteriorates is fun and frustrating at the same time. And despite the graphics (apparently) being low quality the individual worlds are beautiful. 

Scraps Demo is a demo and it is probably the most like KSP of the lot, in that you assemble vehicles from parts and then test them. The difference is in Scraps you are shooting stuff up. 


But I keep coming back to KSP. There is something relaxing and beautiful in flying a Flea-powered Mk1 Capsule over the eastern sea and splashing down to collect 12 Science Points and test a decoupler or a heat shield, or a rocket engine. KSP is my happy place.




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I'm reasonably young compared to some, who are waxing lyrical about Atari's and whatnot. I used to play Wipeout 2097 on an old PS2 (PS1 backwards compatible disk) when I was like five, completed it by my seventh birthday. I then bounced between PlayStation 2 and 3 (played an early version of what later became KSP on an ageing Win 7 PC) with small dips into retro gaming on a hacked PSP with emulation firmware (2600, NES, Genesis and PS1). I appreciated the dated 70s/early 80s graphics of the 2600 and NES: simple arcade fun. My passion was racing games, Gran Turismo, Need For Speed, WipEout and Ridge Racer were all there at some point or another. I remember seeing WipEout HD on PS3 and going woah... Look at those graphics!

I got my first real taste of PC gaming in mid-2015, though with an awful computer I couldn't play much. However, I bought KSP in Feb 2017 after a few months of demo-ing, and have now abandoned my console origins to focus on the wild future of PC gaming. I recently purchased a new gaming laptop (i5-8400 hexacore, 1060 6GB, 16GB RAM) but have kept my early console ways alive with various emulators.

Currently playing:

Just Cause 3


Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space (a classic)

Gran Turismo 3 and 4 (emulator)

Halo 2 and 3 (with friends)

Minecraft (LAN with siblings on the family PS3)

Universe Sandbox 2 (BOOM!)


F1 2017

Trackmania Turbo and Nations Forever

Five Nights at Freddy's series (picked up all five games for $7 after seeing it on YouTube)

TL;DR Previous console gamer who loves retro consoles and the 80s in general (Ready Player One was epic) and racing games, now happily moved to PC.

PS: Any Steam or other PC games anyone would recommend?

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