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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-0914


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57 minutes ago, ElonsMusk said:

I can't figure this out and it's almost game breaking. Basically can't use any subassemblies etc. Essentially, Merging a craft loads it with all its' axis spread out.
Is this Tweakscale? Or is it Procedural Parts?

It's Procedural Parts from one side, and KSP Editor (since 1.9.0) from the other.

Trying to resume the mess: On KSP 1.9.0 development cycle, something ended up breaking in a way that depending on the part being root of the craft or the subassembly, the attachment nodes are not initialized correctly on the Onload thingy of the Craft. So I think that Squad made a "gambiarra" somewhere that brute forced these values in some moment after Onload and the first Update thingy.

You can easily verify this by launching the craft directly on the launch pad or runway - you will note that it will be spawned all right - this is an Editor specific bug.

When I worked around this problem on TweakScale,  I had to do it in a way that ended up (potentially) screwing up 3rd parties Add'Ons. So I decided to move it to KSP Recall and do a proper fix, emulating the desired behavior (at Onload I try to fix the nodes myself, so anyone else would have them correctly initialized as it used to happen until KSP 1.8.1) AND also do it again on the first update (preventing that 3rd party add'ons that change the  nodes on their Onload get screwed by Editor that blindly overwrite things there disregarding everybody else).

Great. Everybody and the kitchen's sink now were "fixed" (including TweakScale).

But this have a gotcha - the nodes must be had correctly initialized on the Config File! If the part had trash on the nodes, Recall will be fooled and will use trashed values on the fix.

It's what Procedural Parts do. Besides the default size of all parts is known at Onload, the nodes on part config have bogus values and only after Recal reads them PP updates the nodes at prefab.

The best fix possible would be having the correct initial values on the part configs from PP, but I didn't managed to get consensus about the matter.

So I coded this fix: https://github.com/net-lisias-kspu/ProceduralParts/blob/dfa61fc9053befe8cff4dac1530ec50b56f57de1/GameData/ProceduralParts/ModuleManager/ProceduralPartsAttachmentNodesFix.cfg . Download it and put it somewhere on your GameData (I suggest __LOCAL/ProceduralParts , so you can easily find it later and do not risk getting it deleted by CKAN on some update).

But couldn't officially publish it yet, because in order to prevent having Recall gratuitoulsy declared as  conflict on CKAN (what would screw up TS users), I had agreed on testing Procedural Parts and dependencies for bugs. PP is fine,  but I didn't managed to test RP-0 yet and so had to postpone the Recall release.

Currently I'm trying to find time to test a better fix that will work also for RP-0 (and on everything that uses Procedural Parts), and it appears to work. But as I didn't fully tested it (as I had agreed on CKAN), I didn't published it yet.

Keep an eye on this issue for further information and probable release date: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/41

Edited by Lisias
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36 minutes ago, Lisias said:

It's Procedural Parts from one side, and KSP Editor (since 1.9.0) from the other.....


Currently I'm trying to find time to test a better fix that will work also for RP-0 (and on everything that uses Procedural Parts), and it appears to work. But as I didn't fully tested it (as I had agreed on CKAN), I didn't published it yet.

Keep an eye on this issue for further information and probable release date: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/41

WOW! I knew you'd be helpful but I learned some things, too! Thanks so much Lisias. I'll download this and check it out, otherwise I'll simply avoid PP as much as I can for SAs. They're 'new' Hollow parts are to die for, so hopefully we can track down a proper patch in time. Again thanks so much!! Always appreciate the help.

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13 minutes ago, ElonsMusk said:

WOW! I knew you'd be helpful but I learned some things, too! Thanks so much Lisias. I'll download this and check it out, otherwise I'll simply avoid PP as much as I can for SAs. They're 'new' Hollow parts are to die for, so hopefully we can track down a proper patch in time. Again thanks so much!! Always appreciate the help.

PP is a fine add'on, I'm doing my best to finish a proper fix on Recall. 

Once I manage to do it, I'm looking in supporting it on TweakScale Companion. One could think this is not needed (not without some reason), but then he will remember that there's a thingy called Chain Scale on TS that, when active, will scale up proportionally all the subtree from the part he is scaling up or down.

Having Procedural Parts being automatically resized in tandem would be a hell of a feature, IMHO. :)


Edited by Lisias
tyop! Surprised?
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The patch works as intended on a heavily modded save. It misses one part, Universal Stack Adapter (I forget it's origin but it's old). I don't actually use this part much and it's obsolete with PP installed. 10/10 all things considered. Hopefully I won't need to talk to you anytime soon ;) but it's always a pleasure!

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Release is available for downloading, with the following changes:

  • Fixes a nasty bug about scaling down crewed parts, reported by robi_243 on Forum. Thanks, dude!!
  • Closes Issues:
    • #247 Scaling down a crewed part makes the crew go M.I.A. and the crew capacity is not restored later!

See OP for the links.

Our fellow Kerbonaut @Robi_243 detected a potentially nasty problem on TweakScale and thankfully reported it, so I could fix it! Thanks, dude! :)


By last, but not the least...


No Module Manager was harmed during the development of TweakScale.

— — — — —

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
  • CurseForge. Right Now.
  • SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Right Now.

(All your Distribution Channels are belong to us! - Updating everything almost at once this time)

Edited by Lisias
Grammars... (Sigh)
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Has there been known conflicts of mods or something that causes an inappropriate amount of fuel to be placed on a tank after I resize -> copy it?

As an example, a 1x size tank has 100 fuel. I resize it to 0.5x size and it comes out to 40 fuel. However, when I copy it using alt+click and place it down, the fuel tank shows 40 out of a maximum 100 fuel, allowing me to pack more fuel into a smaller space. The same happens when sizing up tanks.

If this isn't a known issue, I can make a proper post of my findings or figure out which mod might be causing the conflict.

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9 hours ago, Xithyl515 said:

Has there been known conflicts of mods or something that causes an inappropriate amount of fuel to be placed on a tank after I resize -> copy it?

As an example, a 1x size tank has 100 fuel. I resize it to 0.5x size and it comes out to 40 fuel. However, when I copy it using alt+click and place it down, the fuel tank shows 40 out of a maximum 100 fuel, allowing me to pack more fuel into a smaller space. The same happens when sizing up tanks.

If this isn't a known issue, I can make a proper post of my findings or figure out which mod might be causing the conflict.

I believe this is a known issue. It's existed since the beginning of TS. I'm sure Lisias has more info, though.

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On 5/8/2022 at 3:38 PM, Kablob said:

Not sure why this mod has become so much more complicated to install than it ever used to be, but I'm getting this after installing it and Recall correctly with the latest version.


You got bitten by a nasty KSP bug on a thingy Assembly Resolver yada yada yada. TL;DR. when something borks being loaded due a faulty dependence, everything else trying to load something (or to use a thingy called Reflection) borks relentlessly due the bug. And since TweakScale makes heavy and critical use of exactly these two things. TweakScale yells when it detects this happened (because a faulty TweakScale will ruin your whole savegame).

Unfortunately, it's not TweakScale that it's getting more complicated to install. It's KSP that it's getting buggier.

I need your full KSP.log in order to check who is triggering the problem. By fixing the 3rd party add'on that it's triggering this KSP bug, TweakScale will be able to run. Keep in mind that this bug doesn't affects only TweakScale - there's a lot of add'ons currently being victim of this problem - but since TweakScale is extremely sensitive to this problem, it's the one yelling when it happens.


On 5/8/2022 at 5:11 PM, adriangm44 said:

Help, same here

Same thing, dude! Send me your full KSP.log and I will check who is borking on us!


On 5/8/2022 at 3:50 PM, Xithyl515 said:

Has there been known conflicts of mods or something that causes an inappropriate amount of fuel to be placed on a tank after I resize -> copy it?

As an example, a 1x size tank has 100 fuel. I resize it to 0.5x size and it comes out to 40 fuel. However, when I copy it using alt+click and place it down, the fuel tank shows 40 out of a maximum 100 fuel, allowing me to pack more fuel into a smaller space. The same happens when sizing up tanks.

If this isn't a known issue, I can make a proper post of my findings or figure out which mod might be causing the conflict.

Humm…  This is new for me. Checking…. 

(hacking and slicing my poor KSP test beds)

Nope, just checked the latest TweakScale with the latest KSP-Recall on the latest KSP, and I could not reproduce the problem.

I tried with and without symmetries and mirror. Then I alt+clicked the part and attached it stacked on another. In all cases, the fuel settings were correctly scaled and kept.

If you have a github account, may I suggest to create a new issue on https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues ? It's way easier to exchange screenshots and KSP logs on github - but we can keep the research here if you prefer, it's not a problem.

In a way or another, I will need your full KSP.log, ModuleManager's config cache, module manager's  patch log and a simple craft with 2 or 3 parts with the problem happening. The ConfigCache will be found on GameData, together the ModuleManager.dll (just pack all the files, chances are that they might be useful). The Patch Log you will find it on KSP_ROOT/Logs/ModuleManager/* , ditto: pack the whole directory and call it a day :)


By saving the craft and reloading it, the problem goes away?

And by launching the craft directly into the Launch Pad or Runway, the part is still screwed or it is launched with the correct values for the fuel?


22 hours ago, ElonsMusk said:

I believe this is a known issue. It's existed since the beginning of TS. I'm sure Lisias has more info, though.

Not this one. Things are working fine on a minimal KSP installment. There's something else happening on the user's machine!

Edited by Lisias
Brute force post merging.
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6 hours ago, Lisias said:

Not this one. Things are working fine on a minimal KSP installment. There's something else happening on the user's machine!

Ok fair! I have run into this issue many times in the past, I must have had a similar issue though I don't remember much about what else was modded.

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8 hours ago, Lisias said:


You got bitten by a nasty KSP bug on a thingy Assembly Resolver yada yada yada. TL;DR. when something borks being loaded due a faulty dependence, everything else trying to load something (or to use a thingy called Reflection) borks relentlessly due the bug. And since TweakScale makes heavy and critical use of exactly these two things. TweakScale yells when it detects this happened (because a faulty TweakScale will ruin your whole savegame).

Unfortunately, it's not TweakScale that it's getting more complicated to install. It's KSP that it's getting buggier.

I need your full KSP.log in order to check who is triggering the problem. By fixing the 3rd party add'on that it's triggering this KSP bug, TweakScale will be able to run. Keep in mind that this bug doesn't affects only TweakScale - there's a lot of add'ons currently being victim of this problem - but since TweakScale is extremely sensitive to this problem, it's the one yelling when it happens.


Same thing, dude! Send me your full KSP.log and I will check who is borking on us!


Humm…  This is new for me. Checking…. 

(hacking and slicing my poor KSP test beds)

Nope, just checked the latest TweakScale with the latest KSP-Recall on the latest KSP, and I could not reproduce the problem.

I tried with and without symmetries and mirror. Then I alt+clicked the part and attached it stacked on another. In all cases, the fuel settings were correctly scaled and kept.

If you have a github account, may I suggest to create a new issue on https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues ? It's way easier to exchange screenshots and KSP logs on github - but we can keep the research here if you prefer, it's not a problem.

In a way or another, I will need your full KSP.log, ModuleManager's config cache, module manager's  patch log and a simple craft with 2 or 3 parts with the problem happening. The ConfigCache will be found on GameData, together the ModuleManager.dll (just pack all the files, chances are that they might be useful). The Patch Log you will find it on KSP_ROOT/Logs/ModuleManager/* , ditto: pack the whole directory and call it a day :)


By saving the craft and reloading it, the problem goes away?

And by launching the craft directly into the Launch Pad or Runway, the part is still screwed or it is launched with the correct values for the fuel?


Not this one. Things are working fine on a minimal KSP installment. There's something else happening on the user's machine!

Actually,  turns out I don't need help, I just installed the last Pellinor-managed release of Tweakscale and everything works perfectly. Thanks, though!

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3 hours ago, Kablob said:

Actually,  turns out I don't need help, I just installed the last Pellinor-managed release of Tweakscale and everything works perfectly. Thanks, though!

Not a problem. But keep in mind that you still have the problem,  and it eventually will hit something else.

You just installed a version of TS that doesn't complains when things are wrong.


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8 hours ago, Lisias said:

Not a problem. But keep in mind that you still have the problem,  and it eventually will hit something else.

You just installed a version of TS that doesn't complains when things are wrong.



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21 hours ago, Lisias said:

Same thing, dude! Send me your full KSP.log and I will check who is borking on us!

I got it, as the game deletes it when I close it somehow. I cut it mid-loading so it didn't get to the menu.
I'll have a look into it myself to see if I can do something.

No errors this time so far.
I've deleted the DART folder from GameData, everything seems fine now

Edited by adriangm44
SOLVED - How I did it above
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1 hour ago, adriangm44 said:

I got it, as the game deletes it when I close it somehow. I cut it mid-loading so it didn't get to the menu.
I'll have a look into it myself to see if I can do something.

No errors this time so far.
I've deleted the DART folder from GameData, everything seems fine now

I found this on your KSP.log:

[WRN 20:10:39.528] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'Kopernicus' is missing 1 dependencies
[ERR 20:10:39.700] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Kopernicus, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 20:10:39.701] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Kopernicus, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 20:10:39.707] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'ParallaxSubdivisionModDART': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x000e6] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0

Additional information about this exception:

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Kopernicus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'Kopernicus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Kopernicus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'Kopernicus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

So, yeah, it makes sense. The DART mission used a specialised Kopernicus build IIRC, and it was not compatible with the "Stock" one.

Digging further on your KSP.log, I found

[LOG 20:10:39.268] Load(Assembly): DART/Plugins/KopernicusDART
[LOG 20:10:39.268] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\DART\Plugins\KopernicusDART.dll

<yada yada yada yada>

[LOG 20:10:39.365] Load(Assembly): Kopernicus/Plugins/Kopernicus
[LOG 20:10:39.365] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.dll

And it's exactly what you said. What happened is that KSP "short circuits" all duplicated Assemblies into the first one, the DART one in your case. But some other things were linked on the "Stock" Kopernicus that was intended to be loaded later, but was short circuited to the DART one by the Assembly Resolver. Then everybody else that was relying on the Stock Kopernicus borked on loading - and this triggered that nasty Assembly Resolver bug that induces everybody and the kitchen's sink to bork too while trying to load a Dependency...


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On 5/9/2022 at 1:59 PM, Lisias said:

In a way or another, I will need your full KSP.log, ModuleManager's config cache, module manager's  patch log and a simple craft with 2 or 3 parts with the problem happening. The ConfigCache will be found on GameData, together the ModuleManager.dll (just pack all the files, chances are that they might be useful). The Patch Log you will find it on KSP_ROOT/Logs/ModuleManager/* , ditto: pack the whole directory and call it a day :)


By saving the craft and reloading it, the problem goes away?

And by launching the craft directly into the Launch Pad or Runway, the part is still screwed or it is launched with the correct values for the fuel?

I have about 78 mods installed, so I know that could be an issue. The only ones that really work with fuel are TAC Fuel Balancer, interstellar fuel switch, and configurable containers. 

Is there a forum link for finding the KSP.log, modulemanager's config, and patch log? I can make a craft with the issue happening. That is to say, if it's even feasible to check all of that 78 mods. If the issue's in my court, I totally understand. 

It provides the correct fuel on the launch pad, but the maximum fuel number is determined by its stock size (with limits it if I sized up a tank). 

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6 hours ago, Xithyl515 said:

I have about 78 mods installed, so I know that could be an issue. The only ones that really work with fuel are TAC Fuel Balancer, interstellar fuel switch, and configurable containers. 

The number of add'ons is rarely an issue nowadays, we learnt how to cope with complexity as time passed.

The number of add'ons you install at the same time is more a risk than anything else, because this is where the uncertainty is.

TAC-FS and IFS used to work fine with TS, but I don't remember about Configurable Containers… I will give it a shot in the mean time.

EDIT: I tested Configurable Containers with latest TS, latest KSP-Recall, latest KSP itsef and a bunch of random add'ons. Tried the known use cases that used to bork in the past (root as non-variant, etc). It passed with flying colours, I'm pretty convinced that it's something else on your rig - at worst, it could be being induced to misbehave by something else.


6 hours ago, Xithyl515 said:

Is there a forum link for finding the KSP.log, modulemanager's config, and patch log? I can make a craft with the issue happening. That is to say, if it's even feasible to check all of that 78 mods. If the issue's in my court, I totally understand. 

Here! Roll to the end of the OP and expand the Spoiler on "Support:".


6 hours ago, Xithyl515 said:

It provides the correct fuel on the launch pad, but the maximum fuel number is determined by its stock size (with limits it if I sized up a tank). 

Looks like something is inhibiting TweakScale, or perhaps overruling it with prefab values….

Edited by Lisias
edit: Configurable Containers works fine.
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5 hours ago, Lisias said:

The number of add'ons is rarely an issue nowadays, we learnt how to cope with complexity as time passed.

The number of add'ons you install at the same time is more a risk than anything else, because this is where the uncertainty is.

TAC-FS and IFS used to work fine with TS, but I don't remember about Configurable Containers… I will give it a shot in the mean time.

EDIT: I tested Configurable Containers with latest TS, latest KSP-Recall, latest KSP itsef and a bunch of random add'ons. Tried the known use cases that used to bork in the past (root as non-variant, etc). It passed with flying colours, I'm pretty convinced that it's something else on your rig - at worst, it could be being induced to misbehave by something else.


Here! Roll to the end of the OP and expand the Spoiler on "Support:".


Looks like something is inhibiting TweakScale, or perhaps overruling it with prefab values….

Okay, I have a near full day of work tomorrow, but I'll upload everything you asked for and even some screenshots to the github when I can. Thank you!

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15 hours ago, jebycheek said:

Sandcastle now has conflict with this mod,use them together causing Dlls missing.

It's not a conflict. It's a bug on KSP (Assembly Resolver, yada yada yada).

Publish the KSP.log and I will diagnose what's triggering it.

— — POST EDIT — — 

I installed Sandcastle to see what I would get. Found this:

[ERR 10:08:57.830] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Launchpad, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 10:08:57.843] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'ELHelper': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x000e6] in <46478292153440df94e04a2a2ddd1062>:0

Additional information about this exception:

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Launchpad, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'Launchpad, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

You probably, as me, didn't installed all the dependencies. On my case, the dependency is ExtraPlanetary Launchpads.

Mysteriously,  EL is listed as recommended, not as a hard dependency - what it is now.

@jebycheek, install ExtraPlanetary Launchpads and the problem will be fixed.

— — POST EDIT — — 

Alternatively, you can remove GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Sandcastle/Plugin/ELHelper.dll if you don't want to install ExtraPlanetary Launchpads.


Sandcastle's maintainer diagnosed the problem and it will be fixed on the next release!


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12 hours ago, Xithyl515 said:

I managed to post everything to the github related to my issue with tank capacities, let me know if there's any additional information required.

Thanks for the thorough report! The problem was diagnosed, apparently something needs to be implemented.

I moved the issue to the TweakScale Companion that will be in handle of Fuel Switches. I'm planning to work on it on July (pending agreement with Real Life™), there're more Fuel Switches in need to be properly supported (and withdrawn from the TweakScale main codebase as it's know, as it's too much hacky to be maintainable).


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I'm having issues and I've narrowed it down to some interaction between Parallax and Tweakscale. I've already posted on the Parallax thread but I thought I'd ask here as well. I'm getting the message in the loading screen saying that certain .dll's cannot be found, and then parts do not scale. As soon as I remove parallax, it works fine. Any suggestions?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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