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Runway blowing up ahead of my aircraft


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Has anybody else noticed recently that sometimes if you have a problem with takeoff, say you bang an engine on the ground or something, the runway not only explodes around the plane, but actually several dozen metres ahead of it?   I just watched the whole thing go up in flames AHEAD of my aircraft!


And besides, while I did lose the engines off the back, the rest of the aircraft is intact (middle left near the launch pad). This does seem a bit much to lose that much of the runway....




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The runway destruction mechanics are a bit janky. The runway is split up into several destructible segments that will break if you hit them too hard, but it doesn't matter where on the segment you hit; the whole segment is destroyed anyway. 

I think the game is just like 'ok, he hit runway segment x at y speed. Destroy segment x.'

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14 hours ago, Klapaucius said:

I just watched the whole thing go up in flames AHEAD of my aircraft!

It's cause you're fat!  :P 

 No, but seriously, Like RK3 said, the runway is made up of segments.   You can only blow up entire segments, not partials.   So if one part of a segment goes, the whole thing goes. 

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12 minutes ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

If your craft is too heavy, it can sometimes cause the runway to explode as a result

Yup, even when just loading the craft onto the runway.  Course the 2m drop onto the surface doesn't help.  

You're just going to have to learn to ease onto the runway more.   Hug it, caress it, love on it.   Don't slam into it like Fullback clearing a path....

Oh... we're talking takeoff.....   Same answer.   Tail drags bad, easing into your rotation good.    Might want to turn on fine controls (Capslock) just for takeoff if you're having tail strike issues. 


Side note, my cousin flew F-16's in the First gulf war.    This is how he got his callsign, Skidmark, landing a F-16 once he ended up dragging his tail a bit on the runway and left on a long streak on the ground.     That runway didn't explode though. 

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39 minutes ago, Gargamel said:

Side note, my cousin flew F-16's in the First gulf war.    This is how he got his callsign, Skidmark, landing a F-16 once he ended up dragging his tail a bit on the runway and left on a long streak on the ground.     That runway didn't explode though. 

So runways IRL are better than runways specially designed to support space shuttles and large planes. Seems legit 

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I feel like pure concrete shouldn't explode, but what do I know. I'm only an average KSP forumer. Unless they made the concrete by mixing TATP in with the cement.

15 hours ago, purpleivan said:

Exploding in front is a shame... but if it was behind, you could make that dramtic action movie takeoff.

Jeb would need to be a the wheel wearing dark sunglasses though.

Maybe if you made a small Rover out of ore tanks and I-beams on landing legs it would work.

That sounds like a SubWay order: I'll have a foot long ore tank and I beam on landing legs!

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3 minutes ago, Vexillar said:

True... but most things in the Kerbal universe seem to be made of various allotropes of Explodium Nitride.

Yep, and the planets are made from neutronium, hence their incredible density.

Edited by RealKerbal3x
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