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  On 7/27/2020 at 3:10 PM, Lisias said:

RCSs are easily added to TweakScale with something like this:

		type = free

Works for almost every RCS radially attachable. If the thing is a block to be stacked up, use:

		type = stack
		defaultScale = <size-of-the-part> // Check the bulkheadProfiles, and choose the bigger one. size1 = 1.25, size2 = 2.5, etc

Stacks are terribly sensible to the defaultScale, please, please don't mess it up - really use the right value.


On the other hand, if you don't give a piece of paper :P to standards and only want to have fun scaling things (hey, I do it sometimes too, ok? Your game, your rules), give All-Tweak a shot.

Quick&Dirty TweakScale support for everything - no strings (or rules) attached. And it works fine most of the time - some really exoteric parts will fail on it, but... No risk, no gain. :)  
But you need to keep something on mind: your savegames will not be compatible with anyone else's KSP, neither with your owns if you install "proper" TweakScale support later for something (check the TweakScale Companion Program, by the way, I'm adding support for a lot of things latelly).


Fair point, and I've done that for some of my own stuff. I was just encouraging native support (especially since there's also a gap in 1.25m parts, and tweakscale is easier than a new model :P)

Universal tweakscale makes me cry though - I use KRnD, and it does NOT play nice with TweakScale (and is very rightly disabled on any tweakscaleable part. I end up deleting TweakScale configs on a few part packs that cover everything just so I have a reason to use it.) :(

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  On 7/27/2020 at 3:34 PM, etmoonshade said:

I end up deleting TweakScale configs on a few part packs that cover everything just so I have a reason to use it.) :(


The problem with that approach is that you need to remember things while updating - at least for me, not the best of ideas. :)

I usually recommend a patch to disable the parts using a patch placed on a easily remembered place (i like GameData/__LOCAL/ for that - but anything goes as long you remember where the patches are and don't remove it by accident).

It's something like this:

	-MODULE[TweakScale],* { }

If you know for sure that every part with a [certain] module should not be scalable, as KRnD, try this:

	-MODULE[TweakScale],* { }

Of course, it works for any module (engine, lift, etc) - just replace the KRnDModule for ModuleEnginesFX (if you don't want scalable engines) or something else. In time, that :FINAL thingy is important, I should had put it on my previous examples!

It's safer this way because if you update something and forget you had removed the patches from that thing, on the next boot the patches will be applied (of course) and then be shoved on your crafts and savegames on load (I think I understand why, but need more time to be sure), and this will play havoc on the savegame as an empty, unusable section will be shoved on that parts and TweakScale will detect it and complain about.


Edited by Lisias
Eternal typos of the Englishless Mind.
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  • 11 months later...

I just want to thank you for such an amazing mod. I use your engines all the time and I sometimes have to resist using your engines because they make getting around in space super easy, especially with beamed power or solar panels. My one suggestion for this mod is to add ∆V values based on your battery power and which engine you are using. It would make it much easier to figure out what the smallest battery I need. Anyway, this is easily one of my favorite mods out there!

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  • 5 months later...
  On 1/8/2022 at 6:55 PM, Reverend0120 said:

I'm really enjoying this mod, thank you for making it.

Is it possible to add an attach point to the bottom of the ec6 engine? Would like to attach a decoupler to the engine.


Glad you are enjoying it! I can add in the node. I'll see if I can add it in this weekend 

  On 1/9/2022 at 6:40 AM, kennyc222 said:

Very enjoy this mod so much...save my time and money for not having fuel...just eletricity! i use it all the time


:D love that people enjoy this mod. It's the greener solution to aerospace hahah

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/30/2022 at 8:00 PM, Rakete said:

Compatible to 1.12.3?

How are they balanced? How many ECs do they consume? Some more pictures of them in action?


Should remain compatible as long as Module Manager is available. 

Balance wise, they go from comparable to stock to OP sci-fi engines

EC usage can be high in atmo, but eases up in space. There are included converters to support the engines that burn lfo or fuel/air, it is vastly more efficient than stock. You can also try rtgs or solar, but gonna need a whole army of em in the atmo.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys,  just came back to KSP after being gone for awhile. I notice now that the electric engines no longer function. Says status: flame out. If the only engine i have at launch is electric, it works. If I launch with a chemical rocket, with an electric powered probe, after separation the electric engine doesn't work. Any suggestions?

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  On 2/19/2022 at 2:21 PM, moose102 said:

Hi guys,  just came back to KSP after being gone for awhile. I notice now that the electric engines no longer function. Says status: flame out. If the only engine i have at launch is electric, it works. If I launch with a chemical rocket, with an electric powered probe, after separation the electric engine doesn't work. Any suggestions?


Which engine?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi @Jatwaa, first of all, I love your mod and agree with everyone else it is a godsend to ease up some missions and achievements in a minimalistic and elegant way. I have run into what seems to be a bug with the DriftR AWS rover wheels (I think they are the 'RacingWheel' part). When I am in the runway with a roverMate core featuring two pairs of them attached (I want to use them as they are wider than the rover core and thus, no matter which way it flips they will still touch the surface) I can make them spin by pressing WASD but they will not apply traction. It seems as if they do not touch the ground. When I warp at "four arrows" (50x) speed and keep pressing W or S, the rover still sitting at the starting point on the runway, Physics suddenly break and the rover teleports to several kilometers up into the atmosphere (I got values between 1.2 Km and 2e6 kM in different runs) at a random speed spanning from 0 m/s to several fold the speed of light (>1.150e6 m/s). Other parts from this mod behave normally, and this is why this specific issue struck me with surprise at the beginning. It seems to me like there could be a problem with how the in-game "real"dimensions of the wheel model (in Dr1ftWheel.cfg?) interact with its collision box. I uploaded a vide of the issue here and a complete KSP.log file, initiated immediately before running the game to reproduce the issue here.

Edited by QuikSilver
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  On 8/12/2022 at 8:29 PM, QuikSilver said:

Hi @Jatwaa, first of all, I love your mod and agree with everyone else it is a godsend to ease up some missions and achievements in a minimalistic and elegant way. I have run into what seems to be a bug with the DriftR AWS rover wheels (I think they are the 'RacingWheel' part). When I am in the runway with a roverMate core featuring two pairs of them attached (I want to use them as they are wider than the rover core and thus, no matter which way it flips they will still touch the surface) I can make them spin by pressing WASD but they will not apply traction. It seems as if they do not touch the ground. When I warp at "four arrows" (100x) speed and keep pressing W or S, the rover still sitting at the starting point on the runway, Physics suddenly break and the rover teleports to several kilometers up into the atmosphere (I got values between 1.2 Km and 2e6 kM in different runs) at a random speed spanning from 0 m/s to several fold the speed of light (>1.150e6 m/s). Other parts from this mod behave normally, and this is why this specific issue struck me with surprise at the beginning. It seems to me like there could be a problem with how the in-game "real"dimensions of the wheel model (in Dr1ftWheel.cfg?) interact with its collision box. I uploaded a vide of the issue here and a complete KSP.log file, initiated immediately before running the game to reproduce the issue here.


Hey Quicksilver! Glad you all are enjoying this mod. That error is odd. I recall that happened in testing but was since resolved. I'll have to look into it.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 8/13/2022 at 8:50 PM, QuikSilver said:

Thank you for taking care of it so quickly, my Kerbin rover project kinda depends on those wheels right now ;)


I think I see the problem, the wheel is mounted on the chassis wrong. It's sideways. On the model there is a black ball, that goes towards the ground.  Sorry it took me so long to look and see that. But yeah, rotate the wheels till the black ball is towards the ground

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 9/14/2022 at 11:23 AM, Syczek said:

@Jatwaais there any incompability between this mod and Real Fuels?? Because where i try to use it with this mod,real fuels starts to throw exceptions or its coincidence??


KSP doesn't ...or didn't... like it when an engine has no propellant that has mass. ElectricCharge is massless and is the only propellant of these engines so something has to break (because propellant mass is needed for fuel flow per unit of thrust). I suppose RealFuels does not have this "tolerance" built in so it breaks. You're better off using procedural batteries for tanks for these engines.

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  On 9/14/2022 at 1:03 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

KSP doesn't ...or didn't... like it when an engine has no propellant that has mass. ElectricCharge is massless and is the only propellant of these engines so something has to break (because propellant mass is needed for fuel flow per unit of thrust). I suppose RealFuels does not have this "tolerance" built in so it breaks. You're better off using procedural batteries for tanks for these engines.


Thanks for advice i will try it right away

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  On 9/23/2022 at 6:09 PM, beez1717 said:

Hey, is it possible for you to make all your parts Tweak Scale compatible? I'm wanting to use a bunch of your wheels but they are too small for the vehicle I'm creating. It would be super appreciated! Thanks! I understand if you don't want to do it though.


Sure, I'll take a look at it this weekend. I was updating the mod anyhow. 

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  On 9/23/2022 at 6:09 PM, beez1717 said:

Hey, is it possible for you to make all your parts Tweak Scale compatible? I'm wanting to use a bunch of your wheels but they are too small for the vehicle I'm creating. It would be super appreciated! Thanks! I understand if you don't want to do it though.


Update is on SpaceDock, Enjoy!

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