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Kerpollo - A Complete Science Mode Run In 9 Acts

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Dunpollo (looks very much like this).




On Ike...


Bye Duna :P


Not all Science we got...


All other Science left...that makes 1881 Science Points.


Tech Tree Screenshot.

--PROGRESS-- (Each took 5 Kerbals)

Kerpollo (64.7 Science Points)

Munpollo (277 Science Points)

Minpollo (570.2 Science Points)

Dunpollo (1881 Science Points)

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9 hours ago, GRS said:

Maybe you can burn to Jool SOI, then plan some Gravity assists that'll send you to Kerbin orbit and wait for an ecounter if normal approach fail (from insufficient Delta v).

Is there an energy advantage in going to Jool on the way back to Kerbin? I understand it has a big gravity well, but if I go there, I have to get out again.

I don't really have any experience with gravity assists as a way of losing energy.

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1 hour ago, GRS said:


Dunpollo (1881 Science)

Very nice mission, but remember EVERYBODY:


It's obvious that your ships can dock, and up until now with several people I've been nice enough to assume they DID dock, and I really don't want to say "sorry you didn't prove it so no, it doesn't count" but I'm seriously considering it.

Just a quick picture, that's all I ask.

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Well...darn...some "usual" forgetful issues, those are all i got. (Should i restart ??? (From launch))

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5 hours ago, FloppyRocket said:

Is there an energy advantage in going to Jool on the way back to Kerbin? I understand it has a big gravity well, but if I go there, I have to get out again.

I don't really have any experience with gravity assists as a way of losing energy.

I did that once, you'll need multiple Kerbin assists and a ~30 Km aerobrake, pass Tylo on the Jool assist...that strategy worth trying if you don't have enough Delta v for normal approach, you don't need to capture yourself on Jool, except with gravity assists to a highly eccentric orbit (a safe amount is like 2000, around 1500 if you know how to approach Kerbin without inclination altering)

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4 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

No it's okay for this one, esp. because I see it on the trip home. Just remember in the future :)

Thanks mate, i'll try taking all important Screenshots...

Next stop : Eeloollo

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Drespollo completed.

The ship: 1st stage - five Twin-Boar plus four Kickback. And a few struts for stability.



Landed on Dres:



Docked in Dres orbit after ascent.



Recovered on Kerbin:



And here's the Tech Tree that was in effect during the mission:



Mission highlights:

Getting to Dres was relatively straightforward, given unlimited reverts. Operations at Dres were nominal. Jeb eventually managed to find a return trajectory window departing from Dres, though the maneuver node twiddling knobs on that capsule now need replacing. Just barely remembered to undock the lander in Dres orbit - good thing to because it increased the dv available by about 300. The initial Kerbin Pe was around 3 Mm, then used two mid-course corrections to get it down to 40 km (again, using some reverts to fine tune the return trajectory to get a capture orbit). Screaming into the atmosphere 4300 m/s, there was 400 m/s of delta-v left, so burned that when she ship reached 80 km, then jettisoned the service stage. After the first aerobraking pass, the Ap was down to  200 km or so. Landed on the 2nd aerobraking pass, with 270 ablator left out of 800 initial. Total science collected: 1167.

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Full stats.


Around Eeloo, don't get fooled by that Trajectory.


Landed on Eeloo (twice actually, because of Lander moving down on terrain and seems to be accelerating).


BOB KERMAAAAANNNNN !!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DOOOOONNNNEEE !!!!!!!!!!! (Adventure Time moment intensifies)




Re-entry, notice how close those guys on the big pod are to their death...(Heat shield blew up from collision with some debris)




Most of the Science obtained, dissapointingly lower than Dunpollo, and still not enough to satisfy my OCD.


Still not enough...


Tech level 4 Mohollo...(I spammed 10.1 Science to get rid of that 9) even at the moment Eeloollo launches, i can't Transfer fuel, i was unable to use Crossfeed in first times, i know this is a bit too late...but...



Full difficulty settings...


Kerpollo (64.7 Science Points)

Munpollo (277 Science Points)

Minpollo (570.2 Science Points)

Dunpollo (1881 Science Points)

Eeloollo (1804.8 Science Points)

After going to The Freezer (Eeloo), Simone and his friends will go to The Oven (Moho), at this rate...Science gaining would be a bit hard to keep in maximum amount, i'll have to master some lazy solutions...

@5thHorseman, does Asteroid surface sample science count as fine ???

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11 hours ago, GRS said:

@5thHorseman, does Asteroid surface sample science count as fine ???

I haven't really considered Asteroids. Hm. It is a LOT of work for not a super amount of benefit because either you're grabbing it for only a couple readings, or you're dragging it along with you for more. It's been a long time since I did any asteroid science, though, and don't know really how much you get for it.

Maybe in the spirit of "one per mission" I could say you can grab one asteroid per mission? Or maybe even one of your missions can include an asteroid? Thoughts?

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1 hour ago, 5thHorseman said:

I haven't really considered Asteroids. Hm. It is a LOT of work for not a super amount of benefit because either you're grabbing it for only a couple readings, or you're dragging it along with you for more. It's been a long time since I did any asteroid science, though, and don't know really how much you get for it.

Maybe in the spirit of "one per mission" I could say you can grab one asteroid per mission? Or maybe even one of your missions can include an asteroid? Thoughts?

I've not actually done asteroid missions or science, so I'm going off of the base numbers in the Science system.  They have a base value of 60 and a science cap of 70.  If just sampled initially, they don't get any situation multiple.  Can sample it again if it's moved to another situation, usually hauled back to Kerbin, where they do get a situation multiple, but that may make it less.

Just doing the initial sample for 60 either outbound or return could give a bit of a premium.  I'd say having a specific asteroid recovery mission could get more but that would really demand a lot of one of the interplanetary missions.  As an extra mission, I think it would have to return the asteroid to Kerbin to get significant amount of science--maybe.

@5thHorseman, Kerpollo is your challenge.  You'll have to judge what you think is appropriate in the case of the asteroids.  I'd think at most allowing a stop off for an EVA and sample return wouldn't be too distracting, but beyond that it might be too much.

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Finished a Mohollo ship, but this won't be finished quickly like those others due to School times, i'm confident that this one will reach like 2000 Science, mostly thanks to more Science Hardwares, i need to grab more Science Hardwares, at this rate, i started using my knowledge over Action Groups to do experiments. (I might actually restart to get a Scan probe on the Mohollo)

I'll might get to an asteroid for Gigapollo Dres mission, i'll need to grab some Vectors before the Evepollo, and i expect either to bring like 2800 Science from Mohollo or do Sheepollo (Joolollo, don't ask) first.


Just Kidding, i'll spam some Science around KSC, didn't even spammed 50 Science around KSC, i have wheels now...might even reconstruct it a bit...


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Mohollo may take long since i need to grasp some "Space Near Kerbol" Science, this is what people will do when they're desperate, will also do an Eve flyby, should beat Dunpollo Science gain...(Estimated Science experiments possible : over 40, Dunpollo has 45, but has lower Multiplier, and i went nowhere except The Dunar System)

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Screwed up The Mohollo, had to restart (It DID brought more Science than Dunpollo and all 5 Kerbals survived)...

I goofed a lot by forgetting some Parachutes...

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Progress report:


Jeb, Val, and some random scientist are currently in orbit around Eeloo. The booster stage ran out of fuel exactly when a good-enough low Eeloo orbit was achieved.


- Looks chilly down there.

- A solar panel or two would have been nice for keeping the batteries charged.


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I have been away too long, that was a LOT of reading :)  Cheers to all the new entries and successful runs! Special nod to @dvader and Discopollo.

Getting the Kerbal itch again..... but I have a new gaming rig on the way from newegg, and might want to wait :) I am looking for another challenge, any suggestions?

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5 hours ago, zanie420 said:

I am looking for another challenge, any suggestions?

Kerpollo including the Outer Planets Mod?  Adding one more launch per planet similar to the others?  :)


18 hours ago, GRS said:

@Jacke, what Science tech you used on that 1225 Science ???

It's all from KSC science.

And when checking now, turns out I had a mistake in the calculations on my Science Checklists (which I've just updated).  It's actually 1294.5 science from KSC.

Following are the 100% science-return values, half for 50%.  Take a look at my Science Checklists (today's release 20190306a) as they are all on the 2nd page for KSC.

This is for early game science, so I only take it up to Materials Study.

There are 11 area mini-biomes, zones around particular buildings, with Surface Landed science and a razor-thin Flying Low biome.


Astronaut Complex
KSC itself (on the lower ground between the buildings and around the edges)
Mission Control
Tracking Station

Each of them have a razor-thin "Flying above KSC's ...." science rated at 0.7 for the following experiments that are per-biome (later science only adds Atmosphere Analysis).  I get them with a 2xMk1pod Roller doing short bursts and repeatedly trying the experiment until I get the specific KSC Flying Low.  For EVA Reports, I have a Kerbal push a Roller and keep trying until I get the "EVA Report flying above KSC's ....".


3.5ea  Crew Report
5.6ea  EVA Report
5.6ea Temperature Scan


Also, there's 21 building micro-biomes, which the craft or the Kerbal must be touching to get the Surface Landed science.  All other buildings just return science for their containing area mini-biome.


Flag Pole (Astronaut Complex structure)
R&D Central Building
R&D Corner Lab (in a different location from the Level 1 Corner Lab)
R&D Main Building
R&D Observatory
R&D Side Lab
R&D Small Lab
R&D Tanks
R&D Wind Tunnel
SPH Main Building
SPH Round Tank
SPH Tanks
SPH Water Tower
Tracking Station Dish East
Tracking Station Dish North
Tracking Station Dish South
Tracking Station Hub
VAB Main Building
VAB Pod Memorial
VAB Round Tank
VAB Tanks


All the 11 area mini-biomes and the 21 building micro-biomes get Surface Landed science rated at 0.3.


1.5ea  Crew Report
2.4ea  EVA Report
3.0 to 3.9ea  Goo Observation
2.4ea  Temperature Scan
3.6ea  Pressure Scan
9.0 to 12.0ea  Surface Sample
7.5 to 9.6ea  Materials Study

The Goo Observation, Surface Sample, and Materials Study can be maxxed out by running 3 of them.  I have Bob Kerman, Scientist push the Roller and he keeps 3 reports per biome+situation.

So that a total of 1294.5 science from KSC.


(3.5 + 5.6 + 5.6) x 11 + (1.5 + 2.4 + 3.9 + 2.4 + 3.6 + 12.0 + 9.6) x (11 + 21)
=  14.7 x 11 + 35.4 x 32
=  161.7 + 1132.8
=  1294.5


While getting the KSC Science, you can usually get the science for Surface Landed on Kerbin's Shores and Flying over Kerbin's Shores (Flying Low for non-biome science) from minor biome glitches as well.  They can give more science, 35.4 and 82.6 science respectively.  For a grand total of 1294.5 + 35.4 + 82.6 = 1412.5 science.

When unlocking tech nodes, 288 science unlocks up to all 45-science nodes.  There's 10 90-science nodes.  So, at full return, can unlock all 90-science nodes plus one 160-science node.  At 50% return (706.25 science), can unlock 4 90-science nodes.

I should start my Kerpollo science career soon.  I intend to run a couple of just-Mk1pod missions to the Launch Pad and Runway.  That should be enough for me to unlock the Thermometer and the Pressure Gauge.  Then a Roller across KSC to get those and the missing Crew Reports, EVA Reports, Goo Observations (in triplicate), and Surface Samples (again in triplicate, passing into one of the pods then back to Bob Kerman on EVA).  Get enough to unlock the Materials Study, then run a special Materials Study Roller (with the Mat Bay protected by a lining of Radiator Panels) and finish them all.

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