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Kerpollo - A Complete Science Mode Run In 9 Acts

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On 10/29/2019 at 10:07 PM, cantab said:

On the lander it went docking port - separator - rest of lander. After the lander redocked to the orbiter, I fired the separator. This meant the lander's docking port, that had landed on Minmus, was attached to the orbiter. The idea is that when the orbiter then returns to Kerbin, I get credit and science for recovery of a vessel that landed on Minmus, not merely that orbited it.

This didn't work. The docking port alone doesn't count. I think it has to be a command module. Since probe cores on the lander are banned taking advantage of this isn't straightforward, but I may look into it again in future.

My first Joolpollo run (in 0.23.5 IIRC) I tried to get "Landed on X" results, but each ship that landed somewhere also orbited Tylo (as that was my base of operations) and Tylo is apparently worth more than any other moon, so the game counted all 13 (yes I had one command pod for every situation, including flying at Jool and Laythe) as "orbiting Tylo". I'm still a bit miffed at that but now just accept it.

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8 hours ago, NotConor said:

Once I get my PC up and running, I'm totally going to try this out.

Awesome...good luck ! I always like to see new contenders here...make sure that you're all prepared and the Challenge is hopefully going to be easy !

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally finished the challenge with Jool 5. I actually finished it around 2 months ago but never had the time to sort the 140 screenshots and added descriptions. 

I now uploaded them to Imgurl: https://imgur.com/a/MuS2Bxf? 

Sadly Imgur ate the descriptions, no matter how often I tried to add them. Thus I will leaving it as it is. 

Some important points though: Most manoevers (especially Rendevouz, hohman and interplanetary transfers) were done with the help from MechJeb.
The Delta-V  Budget was quite small on Tylo, several tries were needed, even with MechJeb. If I ever do a landing on Tylo again I will take at least one Vector engine for enough TWR or design a dedicated non-reusable lander for Tylo. 

@5thHorseman If you have any questions or you need a explaination just ask. 

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34 minutes ago, jost said:

The Delta-V  Budget was quite small on Tylo, several tries were needed, even with MechJeb.

MechJeb's landing is never as fuel-efficient than mine. You may have done better on your own there :)

And congrats! I'm looking through the pics now and will update the leaderboard when done!

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5 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

MechJeb's landing is never as fuel-efficient than mine. You may have done better on your own there :)

And congrats! I'm looking through the pics now and will update the leaderboard when done!

Well I also tried to do it on my own. But in most cases MechJeb was more fuel-efficient. So I doubt I actually did better than you :)

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Honestly...I might kill myself for that terrible Orbit lines...having you surpassing my attempt is quite expected as you brought ISRU and i didn't...i was unable to even reach 15000 because of inability to gain Polar Orbits for Tylo and Laythe...but still...nice one...to expect that thing actually took 2 Months to fly...ouch...

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4 minutes ago, GRS said:

Honestly...I might kill myself for that terrible Orbit lines...having you surpassing my attempt is quite expected as you brought ISRU and i didn't...i was unable to even reach 15000 because of inability to gain Polar Orbits for Tylo and Laythe...but still...nice one...to expect that thing actually took 2 Months to fly...ouch...

It didn't take two months. I think I did it on two weekends at the beginning of October. It took two months to actually take the time to upload it :D 
And then imgur.com trolled my by not saving my descriptions, so I ended without them.
Sorry for the missunderstanding

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Just now, 5thHorseman said:


Not that it puts your entry in jeopardy or anything I'm just curious, near the end of the Laythe mission you have a pic of a relay around Pol, what's its purpose? Is that your only connection back home or something?

It's my ore probe. I explained it in the descriptions which were eaten by imgur.com: I deployed the probe on Pol before landing. The probe was used for Ore scanning, then transferred to Vall, then to Bop, then to Tylo. You will see in the screenshots, that it comes back at several points since I switched between the actual Jool5 mother/lander/plane and the probe

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2 minutes ago, jost said:

It's my ore probe. I explained it in the descriptions which were eaten by imgur.com: I deployed the probe on Pol before landing. The probe was used for Ore scanning, then transferred to Vall, then to Bop, then to Tylo. You will see in the screenshots, that it comes back at several points since I switched between the actual Jool5 mother/lander/plane and the probe

Gotcha! I got to the end and saw no reason to withhold your place on the leaderboard any longer! Congrats!

That ship on the launchpad was huge. I'm surprised it even reached orbit. Well done!

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6 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

Gotcha! I got to the end and saw no reason to withhold your place on the leaderboard any longer! Congrats!

That ship on the launchpad was huge. I'm surprised it even reached orbit. Well done!

I was surprised too :) It needed some iterations of MORE BOOSTERS to work. Thanks for reviewing!

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LOL...I'm actually thinking of extending these...as i got loads of Planets and Moons waiting to be landed on...but for now...my main concern is the Eve Rock Challenge...as well as augmenting it's difficulty level...

I'm surprised to its weird proportion...Looking back...this is how mine looks like...


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On 12/6/2019 at 4:50 AM, BeanThruster said:

Are there any time limits once the challenge is taken?

I mean, time limits in  real world

To expound on @GRS's absolutely correct answer, this challenge is open indefinitely and spans version numbers of the game. I'll run it, hopefully, even in to KSP 2

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On 12/6/2019 at 11:47 AM, GRS said:



15 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

To expound on @GRS's absolutely correct answer, this challenge is open indefinitely and spans version numbers of the game. I'll run it, hopefully, even in to KSP 2

Thanks for your answers. Ill give it a shot, then, at my own pace. I hope I'll complete it before KSP 2, anyway,

But, you know, I've also got my career to take care of...

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I'll take this challenge on. With some suitable mod(ification)s, of course.

Mod list:


Doing stuff in the background:
Click Through Blocker
Community Tech Tree
Filter Extensions
Toolbar Control
B9 Part Switch
Community Resource Pack
Deployable Engines
DMagic Science Animate
Dynamic Battery Storage
KSP Wheel
Modular Flight Integrator
Module Manager

Making the game prettier:
Textures Unlimited
Distant Object Enhancement
Environmental Visual Enhancements
Real Plume
Smoke Screen
Stock Visual Enchancements

Making the game easier:
Better Burn Time
Better Time Warp
Better Crew Assignment
Cryo Engines
Cryo Tanks
Easy Vessel Switch
Editor Extensions Redux
Hangar Extender
Janitor's Closet
Kerbal Engineer Redux
Near Future Construction
Near Future Electrical
Near Future Launch Vehicles
Near Future Solar
Near Future Spacecraft

Making the game harder:
Connected Living Space
Deadly Re-entry
Real Heat
Sigma Dimensions
RESCALE - 3.2x config


The most notable feature is that I'm doing this in a 3.2x scale system. Everything else I've added more or less amounts to window dressing, plus a couple part mods that are balanced against stock.

Thus far I've only gotten Kerpollo done, but I've got Munpollo in the works and so far it looks promising. Prep & Kerpollo album is here: https://imgur.com/a/ELapaRH

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Looks great...seems great that someone like you actually take this Challenge...by balanced...is it like JNSQ for Vanilla Game Parts or what ?

Also...i might have to restart my Grand Tour, last time, it kinda suggs...as it literally got rejected just from the way it looks, Nvm...should be easy as its merely redoing the thing, afterwards, there's a lot of extension missions done for funsies, some will involve Super Kerbins (Tarkollo, @5thHorseman i hope you saw Tarkus in Arkollo, and a potential to send something there, Orpollo may be present as well, then Kronollo, sending a mission to a Gas Titan with 14 Jools of Mass and currently 6 Moons, it appeared once in the Grand Tour), shortly, many extensions will come...yes...many...Kronollo is expected to give me at least 25000, if i can't, then i suck at this (just to excite myself LOL)

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23 minutes ago, IncongruousGoat said:

I'll take this challenge on. With some suitable mod(ification)s, of course.

Mod list:

  Reveal hidden contents

Doing stuff in the background:
Click Through Blocker
Community Tech Tree
Filter Extensions
Toolbar Control
B9 Part Switch
Community Resource Pack
Deployable Engines
DMagic Science Animate
Dynamic Battery Storage
KSP Wheel
Modular Flight Integrator
Module Manager

Making the game prettier:
Textures Unlimited
Distant Object Enhancement
Environmental Visual Enhancements
Real Plume
Smoke Screen
Stock Visual Enchancements

Making the game easier:
Better Burn Time
Better Time Warp
Better Crew Assignment
Cryo Engines
Cryo Tanks
Easy Vessel Switch
Editor Extensions Redux
Hangar Extender
Janitor's Closet
Kerbal Engineer Redux
Near Future Construction
Near Future Electrical
Near Future Launch Vehicles
Near Future Solar
Near Future Spacecraft

Making the game harder:
Connected Living Space
Deadly Re-entry
Real Heat
Sigma Dimensions
RESCALE - 3.2x config


The most notable feature is that I'm doing this in a 3.2x scale system. Everything else I've added more or less amounts to window dressing, plus a couple part mods that are balanced against stock.

Thus far I've only gotten Kerpollo done, but I've got Munpollo in the works and so far it looks promising. Prep & Kerpollo album is here: https://imgur.com/a/ELapaRH

First off love the attempt, can't wait to see how this goes for you. Note you don't have to complete the tech tree for the challenge, just most do.

However, you've inadvertently broken a rule, in that you did not fully research a tech level before moving on to the next level.

Luckily you did this at the very end so hopefully it's fixable.

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10 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

However, you've inadvertently broken a rule, in that you did not fully research a tech level before moving on to the next level.

Luckily you did this at the very end so hopefully it's fixable.

Is it OK if I deploy another KSC science roller to gather the science I need? I inadvertently clobbered the craft file I used for Kerpollo, and I don't have a quicksave I can revert to that's after the mission ended but before I spent all the science.

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2 hours ago, IncongruousGoat said:

Is it OK if I deploy another KSC science roller to gather the science I need? I inadvertently clobbered the craft file I used for Kerpollo, and I don't have a quicksave I can revert to that's after the mission ended but before I spent all the science.

Yeah that's fine so long as you don't use those two nodes on the science car.

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6 hours ago, έķ νίĻĻάίή said:

let me get this-

NO biome hopping

ONLY the missions you said

YES probes, eg satalites

Those are three of the rules, yes.

Note probe cores must be launched along with the rest of the ship (as you only get one launch per mission) but may not be attached to the orbiter or lander between the entire land-and-return portion of the mission (as Kerbals must do all that themselves).

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7 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

but may not be attached to the orbiter or lander between the entire land-and-return portion of the mission (as Kerbals must do all that themselves).

so, NO probe landers?


so that means that I am allowed an orbital relay, as long as it's launched with the rest of the ship.

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