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Kerpollo - A Complete Science Mode Run In 9 Acts

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11 hours ago, Venturer2Space said:

Here's my Dunpollo submission.

Well done! If I may critique, your fairing looks like it could have had a smaller cross-section. Maybe even straight vertical from the base. This would make your rocket more aerodynamic and less draggy up front. Though, it looks like you got the launch off without complication so hey :D

And yay for your first interplanetary mission! I'm happy to think I gave you the final little push into the universe. :cool:

Edited by Superfluous J
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6 hours ago, Venturer2Space said:

here is my submission for the Drespollo mission!

Good, solid mission! Well planned and executed as well!

And sorry, I seem to have forgotten to mark you as done for Duna. Consider that corrected and Duna dinged as done now!

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@Superfluous J, I'm happy to report that Joolollo is now complete. You can find the details over at my mission report here:

I finished it up today before 1.10 came out so I could check it out. No worries if it takes you a while to review it. I've got a comet to visit! Maybe I'll pull Bob, Jeb, and Val out of retirement for a manned mission there after I send a probe.

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43 minutes ago, Grogs said:

I'm happy to report that Joolollo is now complete.

End of an era indeed! I've actually been following it so only had the last couple to read.

I'm sorry to say you missed out on a critical step way back at launch from Kerbin and... no just kidding YOU WIN! Great job! It was a great read. Welcome to the winner's circle!

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21 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

End of an era indeed! I've actually been following it so only had the last couple to read.

I'm sorry to say you missed out on a critical step way back at launch from Kerbin and...

Awww ;.;


21 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

... no just kidding YOU WIN! Great job! It was a great read. Welcome to the winner's circle!

I mean, yay! :cool: Thanks for the cool challenge. It was a lot of fun and it gave me a reason to visit some places I've never been to like Eeloo, the Mohole, the Dead Space Kraken, and Vallhenge.


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I've now finished Munpollo, Minpollo, and Drespollo. I'm still figuring out where I'm going to go next but I'm leaning towards Moho since it has a smaller science multiplier than Eeloo and I want to save it for when I have the gravioli and Duna/Ike for when I have the Atmospheric Fluid Spectro-Variometer as well.


Also, @Superfluous J is the new magnetometer experiment allowed? It isn't part of any of the DLCs so I'd think it would but I want to double check before I launch my next mission since I unlocked it.

Edited by CDSlice
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On 7/4/2020 at 4:18 PM, CDSlice said:

Also, @Superfluous J is the new magnetometer experiment allowed? It isn't part of any of the DLCs so I'd think it would but I want to double check before I launch my next mission since I unlocked it.

Yikes I didn't even think about it. I feel I needed to begrudgingly allow it lest I start a list of stock things that are allowed or not.

So yeah, bring it along if you can carry it. I hear it's rather heavy for a stock science module. ;) Your config is fine, that was just a joke about it being ridiculously large. I'd hate someone to put off doing the challenge until 1.10.1 because of it.

To all: I'll verify entries when I can, but it's a holiday weekend and I'm on a (stay/va)cation starting tomorrow, so I'm not 100% sure when I'll get to them. I'll try to answer questions ASAP.

Edited by Superfluous J
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On 7/4/2020 at 4:18 PM, CDSlice said:

I've now finished Munpollo, Minpollo, and Drespollo.

And well done at at that. I like your compact, efficient designs.

If I had to choose, I'd say either Duna or Eeloo, as Moho is quite a dV hog. You'll have plenty of science by the time this is all done at the rate you're going. Both Eve and Jool will likely be done either with all nodes unlocked, or all nodes you actually want to be unlocked, unlocked.

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On 7/25/2020 at 3:59 PM, Venturer2Space said:

@Superfluous J Here's my Jool Mission report :)

Sorry for not replying earlier it's been a crazy month.

Very well done! I love the compact, no-frills Laythe lander. I always end up hauling a plane for Laythe which complicates my mission more than my Tylo lander ever could.

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