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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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15 hours ago, JoshTheKerbal said:

I am trying to make a mod that adds comet like bodies to KSP

Version 1.7.1

All mods updated

Kopernicus throws a null reference exception




Contains ksp.log, kopernicus logs, and modulemanager.configcache

Why 1.7.1?

Also there are mods that do that already, and it will come stock for 1.10, not trying to discourage you, if you want to do it go ahead

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Thomas.P is alive! :confused:The last time until recently, he was online on April 8, now I see good news. Now we just have to cross our fingers and humbly wait for the update.

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As a dumb newbie to both the game and modding, i'm wondering what happens when you install this before it's been updated. Is it serious, like potenial save-corruption or game breaking? I got the game after the latest update and have been modding like crazy, but the outer planets mod is one of the first I wanted to add. I held off, because this one wasn't updated yet and it is a dependency, and figured I had a heck of a lot to learn before giving it a go anyway. 

I figure everyone here knows best and so if they aren't comfortable playing with it before its updated, I shouldn't be doing it either. But I'm curious. 

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3 hours ago, theicon32 said:

As a dumb newbie to both the game and modding, i'm wondering what happens when you install this before it's been updated. Is it serious, like potenial save-corruption or game breaking? I got the game after the latest update and have been modding like crazy, but the outer planets mod is one of the first I wanted to add. I held off, because this one wasn't updated yet and it is a dependency, and figured I had a heck of a lot to learn before giving it a go anyway. 

I figure everyone here knows best and so if they aren't comfortable playing with it before its updated, I shouldn't be doing it either. But I'm curious. 

It intentionally won't let you load.

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1 hour ago, theicon32 said:

As a dumb newbie to both the game and modding, i'm wondering what happens when you install this before it's been updated. Is it serious, like potenial save-corruption or game breaking? I got the game after the latest update and have been modding like crazy, but the outer planets mod is one of the first I wanted to add. I held off, because this one wasn't updated yet and it is a dependency, and figured I had a heck of a lot to learn before giving it a go anyway. 

I figure everyone here knows best and so if they aren't comfortable playing with it before its updated, I shouldn't be doing it either. But I'm curious. 

Yeah, it`s version locked for a reason. 1.9.1 got some fixes for both new and old terrain shaders, so if you just magically run old Kopernicus, both new and old textures can be broken in some fashion, critical fps drops, jittering, invisibility, you got it.

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On 6/11/2020 at 7:09 AM, OOM said:

If you run version 1.8.1 on client 1.9.1, you will get the result equal to eating a rotten egg with an expired shelf life.

And the Kraken will eat you if you dare try it on 1.10 once it comes out in a couple weeks. Texture changes in the planets mean even more problems for Kopernicus.

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On 6/9/2020 at 3:11 AM, ItsJustLuci said:

 jesus has a working version of kopernicus for 1.9, not perfect but good enough

I did recompile Kopernicus for KSP 1.9 sometime ago and so far I haven't seen any blocker issues for my daily usage in RSS.

Edited by jrodriguez
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Can i have a link? It seems like a shame. The moment they got it updated 1.9 came out, and 1.10 is already almost here. Or are they just going to go straight to KSP 2 after this and not update this game anymore?

Edited by Brainpop14
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1 hour ago, Brainpop14 said:

Can i have a link? It seems like a shame. The moment they got it updated 1.9 came out, and 1.10 is already almost here. Or are they just going to go straight to KSP 2 after this and not update this game anymore?

Taking into account the 'I'll just wait until the sequel' factor, the delay of KSP 2 until 2021 allows enough time for at least 2 more DLCs. It wouldn't surprise me if this happened. This would necessarily mean updates.

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I think if someone does not intend to update the mod, then he should openly report this to the community. Surely there is someone else who is ready to update the mod, but who does not want to interfere with the process.

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It seems disingenuous at the least to leave up contribution information in the first post and yet provide no update for several months.  You know what or get off the pot, someone else is willing to pick up the gauntlet, I'm certain...

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On 6/18/2020 at 9:22 AM, Alexoff said:

I think if someone does not intend to update the mod, then he should openly report this to the community. Surely there is someone else who is ready to update the mod, but who does not want to interfere with the process.


12 hours ago, DAC-1 said:

It seems disingenuous at the least to leave up contribution information in the first post and yet provide no update for several months.  You know what or get off the pot, someone else is willing to pick up the gauntlet, I'm certain...

I totally understand people's desire to use the lastest version of the game with thier favourite mods, and I get that it can be frustrating when your favourite mod fades away with game udpates because the modder stopped updating.

I also understand that it's all the more so when it's a mod such as this one which sits at the core of how many people play KSP (I for one haven't played without Kopernicus since before KSP 0.90)


At the risk of repeating things that have been said in many, many, many other places on this forum:

Modders don't get paid.

Most have Jobs.

Many have families.

Some even have.... a social life.

No modder is under ANY obligation to update or maintain their work.

Further to this, given all of the above, they are not beholden to anyone to give any reason whatsoever for WHY they have ceased maintaining their work.

This is a simple truth that pertains to all modders, but is especially true of all who have worked on this particular mod, PRECISELY because it's been the core of how many many people have played KSP for literally YEARS.


What's more, the more that people appear on a mod's thread asking 'when will it be updated?, 'why hasn't this been updated yet?' and other similar questions (sometimes being downright rude about it), the more likely it is that the modder in question will just say 'eff it. I'm done.'


If people are in such a hurry to get the thing updated to satisfy some kind of latest version OCD (all gamers suffer from it, myself included), then there's a very simple answer: If the license allows it,  you do it.


I can't, don't know how, and wouldn't even know where to begin, and I'm also quite happy to wait. So what do I do? I play with a version of KSP that allows me to use my favourite mods (let's face it, the difference between 1.8.1 and 1.9.1 is minimal at best), I watch forum pages, and I wait. Patiently. Eventually one of two things happens: Either the mod gets updated and I rush home to update it and the game, or, someone else makes a 'ThisMod Rejiggered' and I download that.

Edited by DirtyFace83
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Maybe we should petition the game devs to integrate this mod into the stock build. I mean they ARE still releasing updates. Why can't this be one of them? It's not like it would be the first time a community mod was noticed by the game devs, and this particular mod is vital to an entire genre of mods. And I said it before, given how important this mod is, it is unfair for an entire community, and to the mod devs themselves, to end up reliant on how some people spend their free time.

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Just now, Mircea The Young said:

Maybe we should petition the game devs to integrate this mod into the stock build. I mean they ARE still releasing updates. Why can't this be one of them? It's not like it would be the first time a community mod was noticed by the game devs, and this particular mod is vital to an entire genre of mods. And I said it before, given how important this mod is, it is unfair for an entire community, and to the mod devs themselves, to end up reliant on how some people spend their free time.

i mean you do have a point, remember before the mk2 spaceplane parts were added that they were in a mod? yeah me neither i wasn't around that time but i watched old videos during that time

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Keep in mind that if you do recompile for 1.9.1, even if it appears to work... kopernicus is version locked normally because it does have the potential to corrupt save files if you're using it with an incompatible version.  I'm guessing (but I cannot confirm) that this happened in the past, and that's what led the devs to version lock it.

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1 minute ago, ss8913 said:

Keep in mind that if you do recompile for 1.9.1, even if it appears to work... kopernicus is version locked normally because it does have the potential to corrupt save files if you're using it with an incompatible version.  I'm guessing (but I cannot confirm) that this happened in the past, and that's what led the devs to version lock it.

That is exactly why the game devs picking it up would solve a lot of headache. Kopernicus is a community mod released AFTER a new game version is released, and in order to maintain it, one must first come to understand the matter and what changes the newest update brought to the table, but if the game devs pick it up, they'd know that by default, and potentially, to a level no mod dev ever could, thus making it infinitely easier to maintain this feature.

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It seems to me that the creator of the mod could express himself, I'm not sure that he needs lawyers. The fact is that the game updates faster than kopernicus that is blocked for new versions. And the game often spoils the save when updating. In two weeks, the next version of the game will be released, and then what? Will we ask each other to be patient before the release of KSP 2?

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Maybe he could, but he didn't. Neither did the current maintainer. :) The license (LGPL) allows anyone to make a fork and take over maintenance of the mod. Ultimately, the stated license is the only expression of the author's will that legally matters (not that either of the original authors said anything to the contrary, as far as I remember), and the current maintainer didn't state his, so it all comes back to the license, anyway. I think one release cycle without updates (or any word from the maintainer, for that matter) is enough to declare a mod up for grabs. 

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