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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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3 hours ago, DMagic said:

@Thomas P. Does Kopernicus support using localized biome names? I don't see anything about setting the displayName field in the BiomeLoader class.


I assume from reading this that now biomes also have "displayName"

If that's the case I doubt you can change that with kopernicus, I can take a look and make a PR when I have some time

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Been out of the loop for a few days. I just upgraded from 1.3.0-2 to 1.3.0-4 and encountered a weird bug. Game loads to menu fine, but when I try to load a save I get stuck partially on loading screen. What I mean is that mod dialogues show up, like the RT settings dialogue on new saves and the KCT build window, but the screen stays black with the planets loading icon in the lower right corner. Also; it is missing the word LOADING when this happens. Reverting to 1.3.0-2 fixes it. I tried 1.3.0-3 as well and got the exact same bug. 

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4 minutes ago, Errol said:

Been out of the loop for a few days. I just upgraded from 1.3.0-2 to 1.3.0-4 and encountered a weird bug. Game loads to menu fine, but when I try to load a save I get stuck partially on loading screen. What I mean is that mod dialogues show up, like the RT settings dialogue on new saves and the KCT build window, but the screen stays black with the planets loading icon in the lower right corner. Also; it is missing the word LOADING when this happens. Reverting to 1.3.0-2 fixes it. I tried 1.3.0-3 as well and got the exact same bug. 

If you are using any of my mods, don't.

I haven't had time to update them to the latest Kopernicus yet

If you are not, send us some logs and we'll take a look (click the nyan cat in my sig for the list of files)

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9 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

I assume from reading this that now biomes also have "displayName"

If that's the case I doubt you can change that with kopernicus, I can take a look and make a PR when I have some time

Yes, specifically, the CBAttributeMapSO.MapAttribute has a displayName (and localizationTag, which I'm not sure what the purpose of is), which, at least in some cases appears to be the unformatted localization string (#autoLOC...) so that you have to call Localizer.Format on it.

Science results and some other things need to be able to read both the standard and the display name for the biome. ScienceUtil.GetExperimentBiomeLocalized and GetBiomeDisplayName are used quite a bit and both return only the displayName.

The last section of the modders notes goes over it a little, with further complications if anyone is trying to set "mini-biomes" - KSC biomes:


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@Sigma88 Yes, all components of the science id's (experiment title, body name, situation, and biome) remain in english. The display names are just used for the title that actually shows up in the experiment results window. Biome names are in lots of places, though. Stock modules might have better handling of the situation, so that they use the regular name if the display name field is empty, I haven't looked into it. But I'm also using the display name extensively for SCANsat, I can add a check for an empty field, but it's probably best for Kopernicus to also set it.

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Perpas is still being a derp:


Pastebin still in video description.


And yes, I recorded many videos of some systems in my mod.

There are a few more things coming up, so this isn't the end.


EDIT: Here's even more bugs that I'm struggling with:


MTM-3 doesn't even look like it's supposed to. Again, pastebins in desc. of video.

Edited by Astrofox
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On 6/15/2017 at 11:01 PM, Errol said:

Been out of the loop for a few days. I just upgraded from 1.3.0-2 to 1.3.0-4 and encountered a weird bug. Game loads to menu fine, but when I try to load a save I get stuck partially on loading screen. What I mean is that mod dialogues show up, like the RT settings dialogue on new saves and the KCT build window, but the screen stays black with the planets loading icon in the lower right corner. Also; it is missing the word LOADING when this happens. Reverting to 1.3.0-2 fixes it. I tried 1.3.0-3 as well and got the exact same bug. 

I'm seeing this too, and I am *not* running any Sigma mods.  @Sigma88 - specifically, this happens with and -, but NOT  Also, not on every mod I have loaded.  OPM is fine, and Kepsilon Keridani is also fine, but I see the behavior with Other Worlds (Cercani).  I'll see about reinstalling one of the affected versions and posting the log file - there were definitely errors recorded in the log, but I didn't preserve it before reverting back to the older version.  Will update when I've reproduced it and uploaded logs to Dropbox or somewhere.

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@panarchist I updated sigma binary, which is one of the recommended mods for OPM, to enable binary systems for duna/ike, and plock/karen as well. This fixed the bug for me. Check to see you have the latest sigma binary, released yesterday I think it was? (so hard to remember, with so many updates)

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1 hour ago, panarchist said:

I'm seeing this too, and I am *not* running any Sigma mods.  @Sigma88 - specifically, this happens with and -, but NOT  Also, not on every mod I have loaded.  OPM is fine, and Kepsilon Keridani is also fine, but I see the behavior with Other Worlds (Cercani).  I'll see about reinstalling one of the affected versions and posting the log file - there were definitely errors recorded in the log, but I didn't preserve it before reverting back to the older version.  Will update when I've reproduced it and uploaded logs to Dropbox or somewhere.

Ping me once you upload the logs, I'll take a look as soon as I have some free time

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6 hours ago, Errol said:

@panarchist I updated sigma binary, which is one of the recommended mods for OPM, to enable binary systems for duna/ike, and plock/karen as well. This fixed the bug for me. Check to see you have the latest sigma binary, released yesterday I think it was? (so hard to remember, with so many updates)

Thanks, I'll check - though I haven't installed any optional OPM components. OPM doesn't have any issues in the stock install, I've only seen this issue when Other Worlds and OPM are both installed. If I install only Other Worlds, then it just doesn't show the extra bodies from that mod, but the save will load.

@Sigma88 I should be able to reproduce it and get logs up later today - I want to do this on a stripped down version (which I originally tested) since my main game save has 60 mods.  The behavior reproduces on *just* Kopernicus+OPM+Other Worlds, so I want logs from a clean save on a sparse GameData folder before I ask anyone to chase it down.  Thanks.

Edited by panarchist
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Just now, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

@Thomas P.,@Sigma88, How can I make planets radiate heat using Kopernicus?

depends on what you mean

I assume you might find useful "HazardousOcean"

basically, you add a node called HazardousOcean inside the Ocean node of the planet, and then define a curve inside that node

something like this:

		key = 1, 4
		key = 2, 5
		key = 3, 6

every key defines a point in the curve, the first number is altitude, and the second number is "additional temperature"

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