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Air Superiority Fighter Competition Unlimited [ON HOLD]

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6 hours ago, TheRandomGuy1029 said:

Maybe restart your PC or re-download ksp.

Also you could get someone else to record.

This issue has been persisting for a few weeks now. I've restarted plenty of times and have even reinstalled it without luck. 

BoxOfStardust and Dundun92 are currently handling the recordings, but as I said, less people to record, so less videos. 

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53 minutes ago, TheRandomGuy1029 said:

Gonna Replace the DV-7 with the Tiger 5


Also how do I use missiles

  1. attach a missile rail to your plane (technically optional, but recommended)
  2. attach a missile to the rail
  3. generally you should set missiles to deploy forward instead of lateral
  4. set the engage range to whatever you think is best (this is where testing against other planes comes into play)
  5. attach the appropriate targeting device needed for your missile (e.g. a radome or laser painter; Sidewinders don't need this)
  6. attach a weapon manager if you haven't already
  7. set the missiles per target to whatever you think is best (test this out also)
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44 minutes ago, TheRandomGuy1029 said:


But @sturmhauke I want to know how to get the AI pilot to use them

The weapon manager is what makes the firing decisions, based on your range to the target compared to your weapon ranges. If you are in range for both guns and missiles, it tends to prefer guns.

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5 hours ago, TheRandomGuy1029 said:

Hey guys lets start this challenge for 1.7.x

Just modify the mods version files

You can also just modify the plane version files from 1.7.x back down to 1.6.1 and tadaaa, compatible most of the time. We're definitely gonna stick with 1.6.x for now, because bda in 1.7 has some issues. Hopefully those will get resolved and then we can talk about moving up. 

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  • 3 weeks later...



The absolute stupidity built to prove a point called Missilebrick begins its Elite Leaderboard run against @dundun92's Du-11B-10.




After Action Report:


Battle Report:


Aircraft Statistical Comparison:


Flt. Dyn.




Damage Mtgtn.

Offnsv. Capblts.

Flt. Ctrl.


















Welcome back to the land of Sidewinder Spam, and welcome back through the most egregious display of such.

Yes, I built the stupid thing to prove a point. 28 missiles inside this flying SAM launcher box thing.

Sidewinder spamming can be pretty random, but hey, statistics also exist, and you can skew luck by throwing more attempts at the problem.

The third match had an interesting conclusion, with two of the Missilebricks seemingly having their AI jam and not fire, allowing the last Du-11 to attack the one Missilebrick... which it somehow doesn't kill, and after running out of missiles and gun ammo, actually ends up getting killed back by the not-quite-dead Missilebrick.

Tough luck.

After being messily murdered in just three matches, the Du-11B-10 is relegated to the records section as Missilebrick takes the #5 spot.

Also, probably more important to note: the Elite Leaderboard now operates under new rules. 9 maximum aircraft reserve is now the new standard. Reinforcements are granted every 2/3 of a kill, meaning 1 kill = 0 reinforcements, 2 kills = 1 reinforcement, 3 kills = 2 reinforcements. And the calculator spreadsheet itself is now quick and easy to use, functions better, and looks better.


Edited by Box of Stardust
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