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Farewell, father.


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1 hour ago, SuperMiiBrother said:

Early this morning, my dad died.

I admit it. Im only 13 years old.

Why did it happen so soon?...

I'm so sorry. There's nothing good to say, and it will always hurt, but it will get better with time. I still miss my mom, and my brother, but I also got to have them longer than you got to have your dad.

Don't be afraid to talk to people about it, particularly you mom/family, as they certainly understand. Friends can also help.

Why so soon? It's a fate we all share as humans, we just don't know when. When my mom had her cancer it made us all realize that we have to be more up front about letting the people we care about around us know that we care about them. That's at least a plus.

Also, and I say this as a dad myself, your dad loved you more than you can even understand. You'll know this is true one day when you have your own kids, because it was a sort of stark realization I had when I realized my own parents must love me as much as I love my kids. Something I knew I guess, but never really internalized.


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I know, times will be hard, be strong.

I wish you all the strength you need for these times.

You are not alone.


I will rename a Kerbal to Kevin Kerman and make him do great things in his honour.

Good may come from this, his name made me giggle, he must have bin a fun guy. ^_^


Edited by Triop
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It's 2am where I am.

Mom says the funeral is today.

I'm going to try to do the things dad did, Like feed the dog more often and play Minecraft with my sister.

Video Games are a curse to me.

I can't stop playing.

My great grandmother died after I didnt visit her.

I was too busy playing video games.

I wish I could have been nicer to my dad.

I wasnt mean, But I could have been better.

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My sympathies for your loss, dude.  We're here for you, man.

I suggest you get to sleep for the funeral.  You want to be as rested as you can.  Funerals are for the living to work out their feelings about losing someone in their life.  They will all feel different things.  So will you.

What you are saying makes me think you're really understanding what's important in life.  Being kind to the dog and your sister.

Feel what you're going to feel.  It'll be all over the place.  People are going to be sad.  You will feel sad.  Help those around you when you can, in little ways.  Time turns the hurts into scars.  Scars are what we bear that show we survived.

I'm many decades older than you and my parents passed away in the last 5 years.  My mother had dementia so in many ways she wasn't how I remember her in the last years.  I still miss both of them.  I can feel sad from this still.  Or any of those close to me who I've lost over the years.  Even back to when I was your age.

You learn to handle bit by bit what's in your life now.  Cherish those you love that are in your life now, for they can be gone in a moment.  I served in the Canadian Forces and I've been to far too many funerals.  And not all of them were old.  I still remember being on the Regimental Funeral Parade for Nathan Hornburg, member of my Regiment killed in Afghanistan in 2007.  He was 24.  Others I've know are gone.

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I was there when my mother died (she died of cancer) and I couldn't be there when my father died 2 years later (also cancer).

I still blame myself, but I think he would understand why I wasn't there then.

Video games don't have to be a curse, it's a way of getting away from reality from time to time that can also be helpful.

Just don't loose tough with the living.

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2 hours ago, SuperMiiBrother said:

I wish I could have been nicer to my dad.

I wasnt mean, But I could have been better.

Trust me on this - your Dad was 13 once.

I can almost guarantee that even when he was angry, annoyed or irritated with you, he even would cherish those things.

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It was feb 20, 2019.

He was sleeping and I woke up around 6am.

Sweet! More game time. Great start to the day!

Well, I was wrong.

About 3 minutes after I came downstairs he started shaking and making a weird noise, not responding either.

I ran up and called my mom.

We called 911, But about 3 hours later we got the news.

Now im here

Thats what happened

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My father died when I was 20 years old. When I was a kid I would have sworn to you that he was made of steel and ran on gasoline and cigarettes. When he died I didn't understand. It was like the laws of physics had been broken.

For a while I felt like I had let him down. I wasn't there, I should have been, maybe I could have done something. Then for a much longer while I felt like he let me down. He left too soon, he should have quit smoking, he wasn't the perfect dad I imagined he was when I was a child. And then I reached a point where I realized that both of these were true. Because none of us are perfect. And that's okay, we don't have to be.

My father has been gone for 31 years this April, and not one day goes by that I do not think of him. Last night it was cold, so my middle son dug out the insulated cap that my dad "appropriated" from the Army for me when I was younger than him and wore it to church. I thought that was an appropriate commentary on our dichotomy.

Your journey will not be my journey, by definition. I pray it will be easier. Godspeed to you both.

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i'm sorry to hear that, but i have experience something similar to this before

During 2014-2017 my Father and my Mom Relation became unstable and broken hence that's why some of my school mate called me "Family Argument Veteran" since i always caught up in the middle of their argument.

But finally on end of 2017 Summer particulary on 8 September 2017, well my mom leave without telling me, it was just me that she doesn't tell where she go and why she's leaving the house but yeah only me. and at the end of 2017, my mom and dad officially divorce. 

Still though 13 years old kid, getting left by his Parent is the thing you wouldn't want to Experience. and yeah we might never understand when we still in this age, but we can understand it when were an adult


Also forgive my grammar

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I'm sorry. I know how you feel, and any advice would be to just cry and stay around nice people. Anything positive helps. Look at pictures of kittens online, it legitimately helps. Or whisper 'beep boop' to yourself over and over, which oddly cheers most people up. I hope everything is okay! Everyone on here is pretty friendly and will try to help.

14 hours ago, SuperMiiBrother said:

His name was Kevin.

My mom has anxiety.

My grandparents are getting old.

Things don't look good at the moment.

And the mood is sad.

I've just realised that Kevin/Dad was the only one who can update KSP for me...

Crud. In that case, look up how to update KSP while looking at the aforementioned kittens. And baby seals. 

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24 minutes ago, SuperMiiBrother said:

Yu dont get it. He had the password for my account.

I mde my own, but all I can do is pay 30 dollars...

My mom's mood is getting worse.

Shes crying so much.

Some friends visited.

@SQUAD will help you with the account, I'm sure.

You all must be just crushed. It's a whole different level when you are not prepared. This is just the beginning, but you will get through it, it just takes time. It'll always hurt, too, you'll just not have it everywhere, all the time.

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14 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

Spend time with your mom. Please. She needs you.

Do something with your mom that she likes.  If she doesn't want to, be gentle with her.  If she wants to talk, talk with her.  This will help both of you.

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