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How do you make 1.7 more than a black screen?

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Im really wanting to play 1.7. A black screen for eternity as with 1.6 when i start the game. I dont recall what the secret cheat clicks i found on the forum for 1.6 are. I thought it was run the game then qiut then run it again but no thats not working? any ideas how to make Kerbal Space Program Store 1.7 for Macs work? no not the launcher version im an idiot and have tried it more than 3 times previously

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Found it. JPLRepo said ‘So what you do is copy the folder say onto your desktop and then move it back to Applications again - should fix it’  I’ll try this in the morning. 

Edited by bonyetty
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KSP Version: 1.7

What Happens: black screen with a cursor 

Mods / Add-Ons: none

Steps to Replicate: click on the kerbal icon in the KSP folder without the word launcher next to it  

Result: black screen with a cursor 

Fixes/Workarounds: the 1.6 copy paste copy paste workaround doesn’t work for 1.7

Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files: macOS Portable 1.7.0 (.zip)

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  On 4/13/2019 at 3:27 PM, <noname> said:

the "./" indicates "run this binary"


Eeeh... sort of. What the ./ actually does is tell bash where the binary you want to run is located by giving it a (relative) path. '.' is the current directory, so './<file>' is a relative path from the current directory to a file named <file> in the current directory. If you just give bash the name of a binary without a path, it looks for said binary in all the directories listed in $PATH; by giving it a path, you tell it to look for the binary somewhere other than $PATH.

Also, 'sudo' does more than run things as root. It's actually the "run as some other user" program - but if you don't specify a user, it defaults to root.

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Now that I've got that crossposted mess cleaned up, we can focus on solving the issue, instead of having to chase the discussions across multiple threads.

We'll start off by asking for some logs.   We really don't know what is happening to your game until we see what it is doing:

But @<noname> 's suggestion is a good one to start with, albeit from the wrong OS.   Make sure KSP has all the permissions it requires to run. 

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  On 4/13/2019 at 3:54 PM, klesh said:

Where did he say this?  What folder?


The KSP_osx (ksp1.7) folder that contains the game. The one after you un zip it after downloading. 


He he said it 6-9 months ago in an old thread I found on here to fix the same issue with 1.6. 

Edited by bonyetty
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  On 4/13/2019 at 8:49 PM, Gargamel said:

Now that I've got that crossposted mess cleaned up, we can focus on solving the issue, instead of having to chase the discussions across multiple threads.

We'll start off by asking for some logs.   We really don't know what is happening to your game until we see what it is doing:

But @<noname> 's suggestion is a good one to start with, albeit from the wrong OS.   Make sure KSP has all the permissions it requires to run. 


Thanks for assisting. I tried some of the permission that are linked through the support thread above, wright and read permission to the folder to all is what I believe I did, but no success.  Logs ?? What where how please?

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Mac OS X: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log )

Console what, where, how? I have a ‘Terminal’ window open. After following a google search ‘how do I open console on a mac’. The Terminal window only says my login time from this morning?

When I put console into help a yellow window pops up. The yellow window says ‘console - Control the console on system without a real console’. Um I don’t understand?

spotlight Console  File  Open Recent KSP log then the pop up window says it doesn’t exist. I couldn’t find unity anywhere in the File (top left of screen) drop down. In the Console window I can’t locate ‘files’.

I am attempting to download macOS Installer (.pkg) and will report back successful or not. :)

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  On 4/13/2019 at 11:30 AM, RealKerbal3x said:

@bonyetty 1.7 works fine for me... reinstalling the game often fixes problems like this. Have you tried that?


If you mean download again, I am reluctant as it took 2 days to download as the KSP store kept logging me out during the download thus I couldn’t ‘continue download’ as logging out removed my access. I have 4 partially downloaded KSP1.7s and one complete KSP1.7.

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Oh my the installer has worked for me for 1.7 it seems! Not that I haven’t tried many times for most previous KSP versions. Thanks for the assistance. Sorry to any with the same issue with the KSP Store 1.7  macOS Portable (zip), that this thread does not give more help with it. 

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