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[1.3.1, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued v3.4.0 [25-04-2019]


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@Lisias, I don't suppose you did a comparison between KJR - Next and KJR - Continued? I was using the latter, and noticed a reasonable speed improvement in just removing it. I then tried KJR - Next, and I didn't seem to lose any performance (though I didn't really do proper equivalent testing and measurements). Then when encountering performance issues again I tried removing KJR - Next and did notice a slight improvement there. But not as much as when I removed KJR - Continued. But again, not good comparisons.

Would be interesting to look at some data if you have it. I'm more concerned with just keeping framerates above something like 15-20fps so the UI doesn't start missing mouse clicks and whatnot. I'm not doing any streaming or anything.


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  • 7 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
10 hours ago, Agustin said:

Is there a way to make this no so strong? like a weaker KJR? not for me but for a friend I am asking.

That beats the purpose to use KJR at all. I think ther is a way, I didn't try it for myself, though. Try to open folder "..\GameData\KerbalJointReinforcement\Plugins\PluginData\KerbalJointReinforcementNext". You will find file "config.xml". Open it and edit with notepad++ or any other text editor that you prefer.

I don't know exactly what each of value from that XML file do, but variable names are suggestive enough to try using it with different values. I think it is possible to make joints weaker and stronger if current settings are not proper. I suggest to backup your saved games before changing anything, though. Too strong or too low values may cause that whole Kerbosystem go supernova quickly :).

Hope that info will help to find what you are seek for.

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  • 5 months later...

Hello i installed KJR to 1.8.1 but the icon of KJR doesnt appear on the right side of screen when operating some vessel. That way im not sure if I did something wrong, or the version of mod is bad or something else.  I have the 3.5.0. KJR, but 3.5.1. did the same. Please help! ....thanks.. 

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5 hours ago, Ulgojax said:

Hello i installed KJR to 1.8.1 but the icon of KJR doesnt appear on the right side of screen when operating some vessel. That way im not sure if I did something wrong, or the version of mod is bad or something else.  I have the 3.5.0. KJR, but 3.5.1. did the same. Please help! ....thanks.. 

Original Ferram's KJR nor this fork has never had any toolbar icons. No idea about KJR Next though.

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6 hours ago, Ulgojax said:

Hello i installed KJR to 1.8.1 but the icon of KJR doesnt appear on the right side of screen when operating some vessel. That way im not sure if I did something wrong, or the version of mod is bad or something else.  I have the 3.5.0. KJR, but 3.5.1. did the same. Please help! ....thanks.. 

IIRC, only debug version of KJR Next have icon that allows you to enable extra debug info (drawing) about joint connections. You can find debug version on github.

Edited by kcs123
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56 minutes ago, siimav said:

Original Ferram's KJR nor this fork has never had any toolbar icons. No idea about KJR Next though.

So how do i know it works on my 1.8.1? Do i just need to trust? :D Or is there something where i can confirm thet the mod is working on ma version?

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KJR has been a lifesaver in KSP 1.7.3. My station was losing parts whenever I would dock another ship to it. The problem has returned, however. I just tried docking the highest mass ship I have ever tried...and I'm back to getting the quick "shake", after docking, and a station part drifts off. It's only one of the arms at this point, before KJR several parts would disconnect and drift off. My question is, is there something in the .XML that I can adjust to get a bit more "reinforcement"? The arm is coming apart at the Docking Port Seniors I used to attach it to the station, BTW.

I stopped using "weldable" construction ports when the original...dismantling...was happening and before finding KJR. Now I wish I had kept them as they weren't the problem, apparently.

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On 10/22/2020 at 11:45 AM, strider3 said:

KJR has been a lifesaver in KSP 1.7.3. My station was losing parts whenever I would dock another ship to it. The problem has returned, however. I just tried docking the highest mass ship I have ever tried...and I'm back to getting the quick "shake", after docking, and a station part drifts off. It's only one of the arms at this point, before KJR several parts would disconnect and drift off. My question is, is there something in the .XML that I can adjust to get a bit more "reinforcement"? The arm is coming apart at the Docking Port Seniors I used to attach it to the station, BTW.

I stopped using "weldable" construction ports when the original...dismantling...was happening and before finding KJR. Now I wish I had kept them as they weren't the problem, apparently.

I may have found the problem here. I have heard that KJR and stock KSP auto-strutting do not necessarily play well together so I went back and checked my space station to make sure NO stock auto-strutting, of any type, was enabled. Lo and behold I found a few stray parts with stock auto-strutting still enabled from the original VAB construction...one of them the docking ports that may have been on the separating ports from my OP (I can't tell for sure which arm, of the 2, was separating, at this point). I disabled any "stray" auto-struts and I have just managed to dock my large (for me) 191,000 kg refueler to the station without any issues.

I'm not claiming success, at this point. I will wait and see if the success is repeatable with future dockings of this large station refueler...but it is a step in the right direction.

I don't know about the rest of you but, for me, there is nothing so aggravating as spending months, real time, planning and executing a large exploratory mission to the further planets, and all that involves, only to have a small hitch potentially derail the entire thing and require a "start all over again" situation. Refueling this Kerbin space station with smaller refuelers was killing my budget. Now, hopefully, I can save some cash by using the large refueler.

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  • 2 weeks later...
52 minutes ago, Daniel Prates said:

Sorry if this has been asked before, but KJR CONTINUED and KJR NEXT? Are they the same thing? Is one more suited to an specific need and vice versa? Is one of them "better"? Why are there two? Do they "compete" somehow?

Well, it costs nothing to come back to this issue now and then. :)

KJR Continued is the old and faithful (and sometimes buggy nowadays) KJR, with some fixes needed by modern KSP as new parts and changes happened.

KJR/Next is a kinda rewrite of the KJR, fixing the root cause of some problems and so no workarounds and punctual fixes are needed at all. It's also way faster on less beefier machines, but at expenses of framerate when parts are destroyed.

In a nutshell, if you have a pretty powerful rig and do videos, you will probably be better served by Continued because the old KJR uses more CPU (what you would have more than enough) on the normal flying, but it does not taxes the CPU when parts are destroyed (what can be an issue if you want to publish a video on Youtube). Everybody else will be, probably, better served by Next.


On 10/24/2020 at 10:15 AM, AfterKerbin said:

The modification does not load at all, although I followed all the installation recommendations: transferred the folder to GameData, installed the latest ModuleManager. How can this be fixed?

Wee need the KSP.log to diagnose the problem - if there's a problem at all, KJR is "transparent", it loads and just works without pesking the user with controls or other UI dingbats. :)

Edited by Lisias
Better phrasing.
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/1/2020 at 1:00 AM, AeroSky said:


Is this 1.10.1 compatible? My BDB rockets keep wiggling around a lot upon spawning with Modular Launchpads.


Looks like it. It makes [1.8x - 1.10.x] Stockish Project Orion v1.8.1 [update 7/7/2020] - Page 4 - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums usable from ground-to-space by preventing structural implosion.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 1/7/2021 at 2:03 AM, Daniel Prates said:

I wouldn't go as far as saying that, but the reinforcement doesn't feel that much reinforced anymore. Parts seem more wobbly compared to how they behaved earlier.

Just spent a few hours going down the rabbit hole testing this. Having either of the joint mods installed causes issues for EVA construction. 

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After extensive testing with KJR during BDArmory air combat, I have found that minor collisions or even hard landings that slightly tweak parts from their original location, will induce very severe phantom forces, causing the craft to spin wildly out of control or bounce and jump across the terrain.
I did a secondary test by dropping a plane onto the runway from varying heights (using vessel mover) until I got a height that would not break the plane, but rather bend it a little, and the issue became very aparent.
I redid the tests without KJR, and the issue was nonexistent. 

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On 2/21/2021 at 2:39 PM, TheKurgan said:

After extensive testing with KJR during BDArmory air combat, I have found that minor collisions or even hard landings that slightly tweak parts from their original location, will induce very severe phantom forces, causing the craft to spin wildly out of control or bounce and jump across the terrain.
I did a secondary test by dropping a plane onto the runway from varying heights (using vessel mover) until I got a height that would not break the plane, but rather bend it a little, and the issue became very aparent.
I redid the tests without KJR, and the issue was nonexistent. 

I came here wondering if KJR was causing my strange behavior with KV-2 pod - when I decouple, it acts like its tethered to the base still, even though it can somewhat move.  Has anyone else tried the KV-2 pods in 1.11 with KJR?

I started off asking this question in the Restock thread here

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