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[1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x] RetroFuture Modernized

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@linuxgurugamer Thanks for taking on this mod.

I've run across some issues, they aren't gamebreaking for me but it'd be nice to know if we can look forward to a fix or not. 

  • Structural Boom has a floating node in addition to it's sensibly located node.
  • Structural Boom will attach to stock parts normally on both nodes (floating and sensible) but attaches only to the back of retrofuture part nodes.
  • Tanto and Shoto  engines still don't rotate correctly when placed mirrored, others have detailed the issue above
  • Kento engine does not have a VTOL option at all.
  • Rectangular SAS doesn't have a part variant though there is a clickable option
  • RetroFuture Control Surface does not deploy correctly when placed with mirror symmetry though flight controls work fine.
  • Spoiler and Airbrake both can only be toggled, raised, lowered via action groups, they don't have a right-click menu option.
  • MK X-31 Advanced Cockpit, Place Anywhere Cockpit MK2, and High Dome Cockpit are the only ones with built in BD Armory weapons managers (they do work now, though I'm not sure if any of the other cockpits were supposed to also include them) 
  • 30mm Cannon Gondola and 4x.50cal Nose Guns show up as BD Armory ammo containers and contain ammo, but do not function as weapons. 

Seriously though, thanks so much for all the mod work you do, and sorry if I missed in the threads somewhere where you explicitly addressed these things. 

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20 hours ago, Firebird989 said:


The guns are easy to fix, you just need to replace in their cfgs:

name = BahaTurret


name = ModuleWeapon

Hope this helps

While I don't support or use BDArmory, I do accept fixes for them.  This was an easy fix in two files, I've updated my files and will get this out in the next few days

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
On 8/16/2020 at 5:15 AM, Kerbalwings said:

linruxgurugamer did you know that The Original retrofuture contained landing gear? And do you know how to make wheels?

From what I remember of RetroFuture's landing gears,  KerbalFoundries "adjustable landing gear" component would be a great replacement.  Airplanes Plus has some similarly retro-styled gear, but I'm not sure how up-to-date they are as wheels, etc.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

For some reason when I installed the mods, loaded up my game, and went into the SPH and selected a part, the textures were GONE! no windows, details, paint, nothing. Nothing but a grey cockpit-shaped piece. HELP!



Edited by wastedwu
Yeah the folders were in right, they just glitched I guess.
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These parts are great! The props especially work brilliantly (no silly deploy/deploy angle to mess around (take the hint squad)).

Nobody seems to have mentioned the lack of fuel in the fuel tanks though (although many easy workarounds so not an issue just seemed odd).

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19 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Can you elaborate?  Been a while since I looked at these.  Is there no fuel in the tanks?

That's right, most of the tanks have no fuel (no capability at all as opposed to just empty). It's like they should be structural pieces instead. Having watched the Kottabos video, it was same back then as well.

I did find yesterday that the tapered one DOES have fuel but I think that might be a newer piece maybe? Tbh though, the prop engines are so efficient it may have been done on purpose!

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1 hour ago, FruitGoose said:

That's right, most of the tanks have no fuel (no capability at all as opposed to just empty). It's like they should be structural pieces instead. Having watched the Kottabos video, it was same back then as well.

I did find yesterday that the tapered one DOES have fuel but I think that might be a newer piece maybe? Tbh though, the prop engines are so efficient it may have been done on purpose!

I'll take a look, but when I adopted this, I merely updated it.  If this is an old issue, then it may be by design.

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2 hours ago, FruitGoose said:

That's right, most of the tanks have no fuel (no capability at all as opposed to just empty). It's like they should be structural pieces instead. Having watched the Kottabos video, it was same back then as well.

I did find yesterday that the tapered one DOES have fuel but I think that might be a newer piece maybe? Tbh though, the prop engines are so efficient it may have been done on purpose!

I just looked at all the tanks (I use Janitor's Closet to filter out all other mods).  There are 12 tanks, and they all contain liquid fuel.

So if you aren't seeing fuel in the tanks (meaning no capability), then you may not have the latest Firespitter installed (that's what configures the fuel).   If you look in the files for the tanks, you will see something like this:

		name = FSfuelSwitch
		resourceNames = Structural; LiquidFuel; LiquidFuel,Oxidizer; MonoPropellant
		resourceAmounts = 0; 180; 162,198; 180
		basePartMass = 0.22
		tankMass = 0; 0.1; 0.1; 0.1
		tankCost = 0; 100; 100; 100
		hasGUI = false
		availableInFlight = true
		availableInEditor = true

This says that the tank can be one of the following:  Structural (no fuel), Liquid fuel only, both liquid and oxidizer, or monopropellant.

I'm going to make a guess and ask if you installed this by hand?  If so, then you obviously missed the dependency listed on the OP:


If you installed it using CKAN, FirespitterCore would have been installed for you automatically


One day I may convert this to using B9PartSwitcher, but for now, if it ain't broke, I'm not going to fix it.


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21 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I just looked at all the tanks (I use Janitor's Closet to filter out all other mods).  There are 12 tanks, and they all contain liquid fuel.

So if you aren't seeing fuel in the tanks (meaning no capability), then you may not have the latest Firespitter installed (that's what configures the fuel).   If you look in the files for the tanks, you will see something like this:

		name = FSfuelSwitch
		resourceNames = Structural; LiquidFuel; LiquidFuel,Oxidizer; MonoPropellant
		resourceAmounts = 0; 180; 162,198; 180
		basePartMass = 0.22
		tankMass = 0; 0.1; 0.1; 0.1
		tankCost = 0; 100; 100; 100
		hasGUI = false
		availableInFlight = true
		availableInEditor = true

This says that the tank can be one of the following:  Structural (no fuel), Liquid fuel only, both liquid and oxidizer, or monopropellant.

I'm going to make a guess and ask if you installed this by hand?  If so, then you obviously missed the dependency listed on the OP:


If you installed it using CKAN, FirespitterCore would have been installed for you automatically


One day I may convert this to using B9PartSwitcher, but for now, if it ain't broke, I'm not going to fix it.


Yes spot on. I do have Firespitter but from another mod so may not be the latest, will check. Those cfgs for firespitter actually look quite useful (I always thought it just made the propellors spin!) for switching so may implement that for other parts as well. 

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5 hours ago, FruitGoose said:

Yes spot on. I do have Firespitter but from another mod so may not be the latest, will check. Those cfgs for firespitter actually look quite useful (I always thought it just made the propellors spin!) for switching so may implement that for other parts as well. 

B9PartSwitcher is better, I may eventually switch this mod to use that one day.  Glad to have solved your problem

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18 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

B9PartSwitcher is better, I may eventually switch this mod to use that one day.  Glad to have solved your problem

Np and thank you for testing/solving 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I also have the issue with vtols not being mirrored correctly thus making them unusable.


Also can't seem to retract landing gears, the sequence doesnt even apear in the action menu when i click it.

Edited by ikarus
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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I hit some modulemanager errors here with this mod installed alongside RocketSoundEnhancments.  But it appears to be caused by a bad crashTolerance field in latMainGear.cfg:

37283 [LOG 11:12:07.571] Applying update RocketSoundEnhancementDefault/Configs/ShipEffects/@PART:HAS[~RSENoFX[*],#crashTolerance]:AFTER[RocketSoundEnhancementDefault] to RetroFuture/Wheel/latMainGear/latMainGear.cfg/PART[latMainGear]
37284 [ERR 11:12:07.571] Error - Failed to do a maths replacement: %MODULE[ShipEffectsCollisions] : original value="xi570" operator=Multiply mod value="0.9"
37285 [ERR 11:12:07.571] Error - Failed to do a maths replacement: %MODULE[ShipEffectsCollisions] : original value="xi570" operator=Multiply mod value="0.5"
37286 [ERR 11:12:07.571] Error - Failed to do a maths replacement: %MODULE[ShipEffectsCollisions] : original value="xi570" operator=Multiply mod value="0.5"
37287 [ERR 11:12:07.571] Error - Failed to do a maths replacement: %MODULE[ShipEffectsCollisions] : original value="xi570" operator=Multiply mod value="0.1"

The latMainGear.cfg line:

crashTolerance = xi570

I assume the "xi" just shouldn't be there.

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4 hours ago, JonnyOThan said:

Hi, I hit some modulemanager errors here with this mod installed alongside RocketSoundEnhancments.  But it appears to be caused by a bad crashTolerance field in latMainGear.cfg:

37283 [LOG 11:12:07.571] Applying update RocketSoundEnhancementDefault/Configs/ShipEffects/@PART:HAS[~RSENoFX[*],#crashTolerance]:AFTER[RocketSoundEnhancementDefault] to RetroFuture/Wheel/latMainGear/latMainGear.cfg/PART[latMainGear]
37284 [ERR 11:12:07.571] Error - Failed to do a maths replacement: %MODULE[ShipEffectsCollisions] : original value="xi570" operator=Multiply mod value="0.9"
37285 [ERR 11:12:07.571] Error - Failed to do a maths replacement: %MODULE[ShipEffectsCollisions] : original value="xi570" operator=Multiply mod value="0.5"
37286 [ERR 11:12:07.571] Error - Failed to do a maths replacement: %MODULE[ShipEffectsCollisions] : original value="xi570" operator=Multiply mod value="0.5"
37287 [ERR 11:12:07.571] Error - Failed to do a maths replacement: %MODULE[ShipEffectsCollisions] : original value="xi570" operator=Multiply mod value="0.1"

The latMainGear.cfg line:

crashTolerance = xi570

I assume the "xi" just shouldn't be there.

No, it shouldn’t.  I’ll take a look at it later this evening

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  • 8 months later...

Thanks for the reply

here is the log i went straight to build hanger and went to load the bumblebee example then got the error mentioned and uploaded the log right after




the mod is installed correctly as I can add parts from this mod into editor


thanks in advance :)


Edited by stk2008
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It was very hard to read the actual error message, next time, please try to get just the error itself.  I was able to, finally, read it.

It's looking for some parts which, for some reason, are in a zip file in the RetroFuture/Aero/pWings.zip

If you unzip that, there is a directory inside called pWings, put that in the aero directory and try loading it again.


I don't know why it's this way, nothing in  my notes mentions it.  But it was in the original mod.  I'll review it and, once I figure out why it's this way, will publish a new release with it there

Please let me know if this works for you


Edit: I think I know why the pWings was zip'd up.  The parts in that folder depends onthe B9 Procedural Wings mod, which wasn't available at the time.  I adopted that relatively recently, so I'll have to test to see if everything works before releasing an update

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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