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Would you be able to enter someone on the Windows admin account without having the admin password. Does Asperger and IT is related?


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Would you be able to enter someone on the Windows admin account without having the admin password? 
I am just remembering that when I was young I learned to enter Windows XP without a password, I had a computer only for exclusive use and still have, because my mother died in 2016 :-( My mother was intelligent but she did not like computers, my mother did not want to go to free classes on computers for seniors, I told her that she would be the best in the whole class :-) but my mother did not want 
But I only learned this for my own pleasure, I even had a special program that without someone else's knowledge was able to nest in Windows XP system files that registered keystrokes, and in this way get a password but it worked only under WinXP. 

I remember once on one usnet group in Poland in Poland, one 14-year-old boy was depressed because parents, they put him on the computer blocking erotic sites, I was then a "Mr.big Adult" because , I was 18 years old, and I wrote him that the computer should be used for science, not stupid things, but that I have a good heart, I told him that this is all you need is a keylogger which can be used quite easily. 
After some time I got a feedback from him that he obtained the password for the administrator account and the trick works. 

Although this situation occurred in the early 2000s. I do not know if it's that I have Asperger's Syndrome that has something to do with me that much better with new technologies.?

Edited by Pawelk198604
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I'm not a computer expert but i can tell you a little about aspergers autism etc


When you have aspergers it is not suprising that you have one particular thing you are very good at and makes complete sense to you while some other parts of (your) life don't.


Sad to hear your mom passed away man. Mine too not so long ago.


As for cracking windows xp i have no clue ;)

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Windows XP is an old OS and can probably be cracked, you can also take out the hard drive an put in another computer negating the issue. 

Installing an keyloger on an computer is not recommended in the don't drive while drunk category. Its as illegal or more, even doing it on your own computer if friends uses it is illegal. 

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My experience with people with autism (I had a girlfriend with two autistic toddlers) is that they are very good at figuring out patterns. Being able to figure out the logic of a user interface or an intended workflow is VERY important in I.T. I have also observed a lack of fear of failure, which is likewise very important (although it can contribute to a lack of good judgement).

My ex's son used to find random web-based games and have them completely figured out in an impressively short amount of time. I showed him KSP once after his mother and I broke up--I wonder if he started playing...

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  On 5/29/2019 at 9:50 PM, Flying dutchman said:

When you have aspergers it is not suprising that you have one particular thing you are very good at and makes complete sense to you while some other parts of (your) life don't.


Just to make sure, this isn't necessarily indicative of Asperger's, right? Because I am really good at space but not the best socially.

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unless your machine is air gapped id recommend using good admin passwords. whether or not you use a standard account or use the admin account is up to you. ive always preferred the admin account because i dont like having to enter a password for what i consider common tasks. on linux its not so hard to grant a user account rights for anything you might do on the machine and if not there is sudo. this kind of thing is more of a pita on windows and re-entering a strong password each time i want to do a task can get tedious fast. 

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With physical access to the machine it's downright trivial, even in Windows 10. Useful if you forget your password. Or had some meddling parent set one. :) 

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  On 5/29/2019 at 10:51 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

Just to make sure, this isn't necessarily indicative of Asperger's, right? Because I am really good at space but not the best socially.


Technically Asperger's is no longer a diagnosis according to the DSM-5.

No, to be diagnosed requires numerous aspects to be satisfied.

I believe the DSM-5 replaced Asperger's and a few other things with Autism Spectrum Disorder, which I am on. I was diagnosed with Asperger's but now I have mild autism - specifically the kind that does not interfere with intelligence but does affect behavior and some other stuff. I remember being somewhat confused when the doctors and other personnel used different names to refer to my condition - which the DSM-5 changed in 2013 if I recall.

Here are the criteria, but don't get ahead of yourself - satisfying these does not mean you are on the spectrum. Interpreting the criteria is usually the job of a medical practitioner.



Asperger's is not strictly relevant, though it may change your behavior to the point that you spend more time with computers than most others and thus have a better understanding of them. Your thought processes may also be different as well which can benefit you in your understanding.

I have Asperger's/Mild Autism as well but I do not credit it with my proficiency in math - indeed I used to be awful at it. Over my high school career however I was able to gain a good understanding of math to the point that even college math courses were fairly easy to me - when I studied for them. Similar case with my programming/coding experience.

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  On 5/29/2019 at 10:10 PM, magnemoe said:

Windows XP is an old OS and can probably be cracked, you can also take out the hard drive an put in another computer negating the issue. 

Installing an keyloger on an computer is not recommended in the don't drive while drunk category. Its as illegal or more, even doing it on your own computer if friends uses it is illegal. 


I played with keyloger when thing around computers ware still carried out in floppy disk instead Pendrives :D 

  On 5/30/2019 at 1:07 AM, Dragon01 said:

With physical access to the machine it's downright trivial, even in Windows 10. Useful if you forget your password. Or had some meddling parent set one. :) 


Lol exactly :D 

But my dad died in 2002 and my mum who died in 2016, never wanted to learn nothing about computers.

  On 5/30/2019 at 3:16 AM, Bill Phil said:

Technically Asperger's is no longer a diagnosis according to the DSM-5.

No, to be diagnosed requires numerous aspects to be satisfied.

I believe the DSM-5 replaced Asperger's and a few other things with Autism Spectrum Disorder, which I am on. I was diagnosed with Asperger's but now I have mild autism - specifically the kind that does not interfere with intelligence but does affect behavior and some other stuff. I remember being somewhat confused when the doctors and other personnel used different names to refer to my condition - which the DSM-5 changed in 2013 if I recall.

Here are the criteria, but don't get ahead of yourself - satisfying these does not mean you are on the spectrum. Interpreting the criteria is usually the job of a medical practitioner.



Asperger's is not strictly relevant, though it may change your behavior to the point that you spend more time with computers than most others and thus have a better understanding of them. Your thought processes may also be different as well which can benefit you in your understanding.

I have Asperger's/Mild Autism as well but I do not credit it with my proficiency in math - indeed I used to be awful at it. Over my high school career however I was able to gain a good understanding of math to the point that even college math courses were fairly easy to me - when I studied for them. Similar case with my programming/coding experience.


I've never been good at mathematics except when it was related to computers.

I will say this, I learned more interesting maths about mathematics by playing in KSP or watching programs on TV about the financial market than maths lessons at school

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  On 5/29/2019 at 10:51 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

Just to make sure, this isn't necessarily indicative of Asperger's, right? Because I am really good at space but not the best socially.


no it isn't. :)


with me it's kinda funny, i myself have autism and a disharmonic intelligence profile. what that means in my case is that i'm very smart but my brain can't process information very quickly at all. i like to compare myself to the latest version of windows 10 running on a pc that still uses floppy disks..

Edited by Flying dutchman
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  On 5/30/2019 at 11:00 AM, Flying dutchman said:

no it isn't. :)


with me it's kinda funny, i myself have autism and a disharmonic intelligence profile. what that means in my case is that i'm very smart but my brain can't process information very quickly at all. i like to compare myself to the latest version of windows 10 running on a pc that still uses floppy disks..



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