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Rational Resources 3.0.2 [Sep 24, 2024]


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On 9/10/2022 at 6:37 PM, Jancuras said:

Hello, is RR compatible with System Heat? I cant get them to work together, the drills dont produce anything

On 9/11/2022 at 12:20 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

Sorry, no. I haven't played with System Heat and I guess I haven't anticipated this situation.

Currently putting together a modlist after a long hiatus from the game... Just took a quick peek at the configs for System Heat as well as Rational Resources to see what's up. Note I haven't even touched anything to do with this game for a couple years atleast, so I may be a bit rusty but I think I figured out whats going on.

It appears that System Heat completely renames the "ModuleResourceHarvester" modules on drills to a different "ModuleSystemHeatHarvester" and then when Rational Resources attempts to copy the "ModuleResourceHarvester" module for it's various resource gathering modules, the base module it's trying to copy simply doesn't exist as it has been renamed. This explains why the drills don't produce any resources since the modules to produce them do not exist.

The solution to this problem in a way that would make the mods play nicely together from what I can tell would be to ensure that the MM configs for Rational Resources which handle creating these "ModuleResourceHarvester" nodes is loaded BEFORE the MM config for System Heat is loaded and renames the Modules. That way all of the resource harvesting modules would be in place for the drilling functionality and System Heat would have the Modules renamed to it's module "ModuleSystemHeatHarvester" for it's purposes.

The relevant files appear to be

"GameData\RationalResourcesCompanion\CRP\Opt-in_DrillOMatics.cfg" from Rational Resources.

"Extras\SystemHeatHarvesters\Squad\SystemHeatDrill.cfg" from System Heat.

"Extras\SystemHeatHarvesters\PlanetaryBaseInc\Drills.cfg" from System Heat. (Note Rational Resources does not appear to yet have configs for Drills from Planetary Base Inc.)

"Extras\SystemHeatHarvesters\genericHarvesters.cfg" from System Heat.

Note this is what I've gathered after about 10 minutes of digging around, if there are further interactions with Rational Resources which require the Modules continue to retain the original "ModuleResourceHarvester" name then the mods would be rendered incompatible unless that could be changed. But based on what I've seen so far, my suggestion above will likely fix the compatibility problem. Note that this also only concerns Drills and does not touch on any of the other resource gathering parts if there are other incompatibilities between these mods.

That all being said, I'm still deciding if I want to put forth the effort to make some compatibility patches for these mods in order to use them together, or if I just want to drop one of the mods from my list. Depending on the time I have available I may or may not return with some configs, but at least I've found a part of the compatibility problem and made it known.


EDIT: Adding onto the above, it appears that the "Extras\SystemHeatHarvesters\genericHarvesters.cfg" file from System Heat may have some unwanted interactions with AtmoScoops as they utilize the "ModuleResourceHarvester" module and consume ElectricCharge as an input resource which fits the criteria for System Heat to make it generate heat using it's new module...  But then, in the AtmoScoops module it also specifies "GeneratesHeat = False" which in theory should prevent System Heat from making it generate heat, but that also depends on whether System Heat's custom module obeys that line or not. Will have to dig a bit deeper.

EDIT: Hmm, oddly enough it actually seems like it would be easier to make System Heat compatible with Rational Resources than it would be to make Rational Resources compatible with system heat. This is because System Heat swaps out a bunch of stock modules for custom modules, but not in the way of deleting the original modules and replacing them with completely new ones, but instead just renaming the module to use a modified version of the original. For example for "ModuleResourceHarvester" it simply renames the module to "ModuleSystemHeatHarvester" and then removes some of the un-needed bits (for it's purposes) from the module and adds in some stuff that it uses instead.

On the flip side, Rational Resources seems to leave the modules generally intact, but relies heavily on copying the existing modules as well as modifying a few. However it does not change the names of the modules, those remain stock.

As a result of these interactions, it becomes an issue of this; You can modify the modules and then convert them to custom ones, but you cannot convert them to custom ones and then modify the new custom modules. Well.. You could, but it would be much more involved. The easiest solution I am seeing is to actually just ensure that ALL System Heat patches are loaded AFTER Rational Resources ones. This way Rational Resources is able to do all of it's modifications to the stock modules BEFORE System Heat hijacks them and converts them to it's custom modules, and they will still retain the modifications made by Rational Resources even after being converted.

Originally (above) I had stated that the solution was to get Rational Resources to load before System Heat, but there are significantly more patches within Rational Resources that would need to be modified to accommodate this, whereas to modify System Heat to load after Rational Resources takes significantly less effort. So far with my limited memory of how module manager works (as mentioned I've been on hiatus for awhile, I'm pretty rusty on this stuff) it seems to me that in theory all that needs to be done is every patch inside of the "Extras\SystemHeatConverters" and "Extras\SystemHeatHarvesters" folders within the System Heat mod simply need to have :LAST added to the end of the patch to ensure that all of those patches are loaded after everything related to Rational Resources. (Note this doesn't apply to the "genericConverters.cfg" and "genericHarvesters.cfg" files as these patches already use :FINAL which is loaded after :LAST patches. Now that being said I'm not up to date on best practices with module manager so please if anybody thinks this is an inadvisable solution, let me know.

EDIT: I've linked to a download of the modified Module Manager patches for System Heat intended for use with Rational Resources below. Please note that these patches should work in theory, but I have yet to test them personally due to time, they were created based on everything outlined in this post. Use at your own risk.

Sharing these modified configs under System Heats original MIT License

LINK (10/14/2022 10:00PM EST, Discovered that LAST is mutually exclusive with FOR. It is now corrected.)

EDIT: Also here's a bonus.. Compatibility file for Planetary Base Inc Drills and ISRU for Rational Resources. Drop it into "GameData\RationalResourcesCompanion\" folder.


Edited by CoriW
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Release 1.41

  • Added Extras/RationalResourcesELCRP/RR_EL-RF.cfg
    • This firstly changes the default resource link and resource recipe from LFO to Kerosene + LqdOxygen.
    • This secondly adds other (hopefully popular) resource links and recipes.
  • Added support for Quack Pack (planet pack).
  • Added support for Real Exoplanets (planet pack).
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had an issue installing RR, Classic Stock Resources, Pathfinder, Extraplanetary Launchpads & B9 Part Switch together. With this combination, I got fatal errors from B9 because the resources RR_Metals and RR_MetallicOre did not exist. I checked the config files and found them in RR under the CRP folder.  I *think* Pathfinder + Classic Stock changes the MetallicOre/Metals from EL...? I was able to delete these tank defs and launch the game.

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A problem not sure is because of this mod or Community Resource Pack or a error of resource creation.


When my satellite scan Laythe the result tells me only two poles, an island(about 21 W 45 S)and Degrasse Sea have metal ores, so I build an amphibious submarine to try to go seafloor and mine them.

But after I tried many locations I just can't find any metal ore under water or on that island. Poles are ok though.


Is this an on purpose satellite scan error or a bug in game?

Edited by TLCore
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@TLCore I must assume that you are using the stock tiny drill and the MetalOre abundance is lower than whatever minimum threshold that drill has set on it (because that's a thing). That limit is 2.5% or maybe 0.25%. (I don't know what the unit of meaurement of the config value is.) This is the first time I've seen such a report so I can't just say it's a fault of this mod or SCANsat.

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On 11/7/2022 at 10:04 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@TLCore I must assume that you are using the stock tiny drill and the MetalOre abundance is lower than whatever minimum threshold that drill has set on it (because that's a thing). That limit is 2.5% or maybe 0.25%. (I don't know what the unit of meaurement of the config value is.) This is the first time I've seen such a report so I can't just say it's a fault of this mod or SCANsat.

So you are saying it should not happen. Good. 


The things are I am using exactly mod drillers instead of stock ones(or I would never be able to mine on poles right?) I sent resource detection drones on Laythe and they showed "Metal Ores 0% here" when my satellites showed "lot of metal here". So it should be something gone wrong again between the mods.



Ok I think I have figured this out...mostly at least.

The one in ocean is Metal Ore, the resource from EL, after I install extra folder everything can go  Metallicore(from MKS).

But there is still something wried - On Laythe satellite scan would no longer detect Metallicore but when I try to mine metal on poles, it works fine like before.

What the hell is this??? LOL


PS: what can the Rock be used for?

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@TLCore Man... I don't know what to say. That's really broken. KSP is being KSP. :D

Sadly, there's no mechanism where I can tell KSP "Match abundance values between resource A and B" so there will always be that random difference between MetalOre and MetallicOre.

The intent of Rock resource is to be useful in Classic Stock Resources in the same ways as Dirt is to MKS. Rock is available in exospheres to simulate trace atmospheres of loose dirt (like on Moon or the ice worlds) and the composition of planetary rings that aren't completely water ice. It makes much more sense or at least it sounds a lot better to have planets (their crusts anyway) be highly composed of Rock (as it is IRL) than Dirt or Ore. Some useful trace materials are then sifted out of the scooped or mined Rock, and Rock is mostly Oxygen so you could do MRE on it and refill Oxygen for life support or Oxidizer for fuel without landing your ship or diving through an atmosphere. (It will take you a long time to extract sufficient Rock--or anything at all-- from exospheres.)

Aside from extracting resources from Rock (which RR doesn't provide anything for because players can just use Dirt and Ore) RR does provide for you to use Rock for mass driver engines and RCS from the ISRU mod "Stockalike Mining Extension" meanwhile USI's "Asteroid Recyling Tech" should natively allow for using Rock (because the ability to fling Ore for dV is at least as cursed an idea as the idea of keeping loads of Ore on your ship and thinking you can recover dV in-flight by processing it).

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On 11/9/2022 at 9:20 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@TLCore Man... I don't know what to say. That's really broken. KSP is being KSP. :D

Sadly, there's no mechanism where I can tell KSP "Match abundance values between resource A and B" so there will always be that random difference between MetalOre and MetallicOre.

The intent of Rock resource is to be useful in Classic Stock Resources in the same ways as Dirt is to MKS. Rock is available in exospheres to simulate trace atmospheres of loose dirt (like on Moon or the ice worlds) and the composition of planetary rings that aren't completely water ice. It makes much more sense or at least it sounds a lot better to have planets (their crusts anyway) be highly composed of Rock (as it is IRL) than Dirt or Ore. Some useful trace materials are then sifted out of the scooped or mined Rock, and Rock is mostly Oxygen so you could do MRE on it and refill Oxygen for life support or Oxidizer for fuel without landing your ship or diving through an atmosphere. (It will take you a long time to extract sufficient Rock--or anything at all-- from exospheres.)

Aside from extracting resources from Rock (which RR doesn't provide anything for because players can just use Dirt and Ore) RR does provide for you to use Rock for mass driver engines and RCS from the ISRU mod "Stockalike Mining Extension" meanwhile USI's "Asteroid Recyling Tech" should natively allow for using Rock (because the ability to fling Ore for dV is at least as cursed an idea as the idea of keeping loads of Ore on your ship and thinking you can recover dV in-flight by processing it).


Ok so basically I can forget it. At least now I don't need a submarine to mine metal underwater...Sad. It should be fun.

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So I am trying to track down an issue for this error

[LOG 15:53:44.130] [Part wingShuttleDelta] [ModuleB9PartSwitch 'RRStockSwitch'] Switched subtype to LF
[LOG 15:53:46.464] [Part Size3MediumTank] [ModuleB9PartSwitch 'RRStockSwitch'] Switched subtype to Structural
[LOG 15:53:48.850] [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource 107301017 to Simulation PartSet:12 as corresponding Part Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank-1402400832 SimulationResource was not found.
[LOG 15:53:48.851] [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource 107301017 to Simulation PartSet:12 as corresponding Part Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank-1402400832 SimulationResource was not found.
[LOG 15:53:48.851] [Part Size3MediumTank] [ModuleB9PartSwitch 'RRStockSwitch'] Switched subtype to LNH3
[LOG 15:53:49.496] [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource 671162363 to Simulation PartSet:12 as corresponding Part Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank-1402400832 SimulationResource was not found.
[LOG 15:53:49.496] [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource 671162363 to Simulation PartSet:12 as corresponding Part Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank-1402400832 SimulationResource was not found.
[LOG 15:53:49.496] [Part Size3MediumTank] [ModuleB9PartSwitch 'RRStockSwitch'] Switched subtype to LCO2
[LOG 15:53:51.969] [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1483389306 to Simulation PartSet:12 as corresponding Part Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank-1402400832 SimulationResource was not found.
[LOG 15:53:51.969] [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1483389306 to Simulation PartSet:12 as corresponding Part Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank-1402400832 SimulationResource was not found.
[LOG 15:53:51.969] [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:12 as corresponding Part Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank-1402400832 SimulationResource was not found.
[LOG 15:53:51.969] [PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:12 as corresponding Part Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank-1402400832 SimulationResource was not found.

This also happens in the editor.it is an odd one though.if I place a normal mk0 stock tank down and change fuels I get no errors at all.

but IF I load up a stock craft and do the same to the tanks I get that error message.

now if I clear the editor and readd the tank from the first test before loading up a stock craft I now get the errors which I never did before loading a stock squad craft in the editor.



I am still doing some tests and will report back soon oh and my logs :)



thanks in advance :)


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  • 5 weeks later...
On 12/15/2022 at 8:42 AM, ThatHomelessGuy said:

Is there a configuration for galaxies unbound? Or will I just have to go through every single planet and moon and write my own? I don't mind doing it but I would like to not have to.

They exist but the GU itself carries them.

If you find a body that's lacking in RR configs, contact StarCrusher and company first.

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35 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

They exist but the GU itself carries them.

If you find a body that's lacking in RR configs, contact StarCrusher and company first.

That's awesome thank you. I'm building a private mod pack and have so many damn tweaks and adjustments to make I think it vould be new year before I get to play. This will save me some time.

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23 minutes ago, ThatHomelessGuy said:

That's awesome thank you. I'm building a private mod pack and have so many damn tweaks and adjustments to make I think it vould be new year before I get to play. This will save me some time.

...And then you create and share a mod that is all of your configs. I see it coming.  :cool:

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51 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

...And then you create and share a mod that is all of your configs. I see it coming.  :cool:

Lol no, just working out what I need to change and where is enough effort for me. I can't imagine trying to remember what I changed and where to compile a config pack for other people. I do eventually want to actually play the game heheh. It's my first time trying 1.12, haven't played since like 1.8 or 1.9. I already have a Project Zomboid mod that badly needs updating anyway.

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Just thought I'd point out a small bug with the "RR-MAPT" 0.625m electric engine.

Currently the engine suffers a flame out saying "electric charge deprived" , unless you directly attach it to a stack battery parts node (radial batteries do not work)

One attached to a battery it behaves normally though and drains charge evenly across all parts with electric charge 

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I'm having issues with this mods interaction with the "size0 ISRU" from the "Mining Expansion" mod,
It this mod is setting this part so that is cannot process ore?

Does anyone know how I can stop this?

I've found a file named "00_convertOTrons.cfg" that appears to modify the part (from what I can tell) but i've no idea what to do from here?

On 12/19/2022 at 10:50 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@RB101 I just tried it and didn't encounter your problem. What's your KSP version?

I've fixed the issue now, my module manager had bugged out and was causing a large number of issues,

I'd just not noticed as I'd been hyper focussed on a specific crafts design :)

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35 minutes ago, RB101 said:

I'm having issues with this mods interaction with the "size0 ISRU" from the "Mining Expansion" mod,
It this mod is setting this part so that is cannot process ore?

Does anyone know how I can stop this?

You can open GameData/RationalResourcesCompanion/CRP/Opt-in_ConvertOTrons.cfg and delete this section from the very bottom:

// If mod parts, purge untagged converter options
	!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter]:HAS[~Tag[RR*]],* {}

Note that RR purges any Ore processing functions from mod refinery parts but not from the stock ones. This is because of the known condition that players simply gravitate to the stock parts for Ore processing, and mods will fight over those parts for adding functions to them.


35 minutes ago, RB101 said:

I've fixed the issue now, my module manager had bugged out and was causing a large number of issues,

MM cache poisoning, as I like to call it. I had a feeling that was the case.

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5 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

You can open GameData/RationalResourcesCompanion/CRP/Opt-in_ConvertOTrons.cfg and delete this section from the very bottom:

// If mod parts, purge untagged converter options
	!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter]:HAS[~Tag[RR*]],* {}

So deleting this section will mean:

1. Ore processing ability is retained for modded ISRUa

2. The extra recourse processing options from this mod will still be added?

(Just checking I'm understanding correctly :))

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1 minute ago, RB101 said:

So deleting this section will mean:

1. Ore processing ability is retained for modded ISRUa

2. The extra recourse processing options from this mod will still be added?

(Just checking I'm understanding correctly :))


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Release 1.42

  • Added Air Maker OmniConverter option for the presence of WBI Snacks! with Air!
  • Fixed output resource flow mode in RR Boxed Compressor and Decompressor.
  • Fixed template error with JNSQ Lindor.
  • Updated (hopefully) Extras/RationalResourcesELCRP to catch any resource converters that consume/produce Metal to do Metals instead; consumes MetallicOre to consume MetallicOre instead.
  • Updated Extras/RationalResourcesNuclearFamily so integrated nuclear jets produce and consume more ThermalPower, and convert to ElectricCharge without needing to throttle up the engine.
  • Updated Extras/RationalResourcesSquad to handle Kerbodyne branded parts that hold LiquidFuel but not Oxidizer. The presence of Buffalo 2's bioreactor caused an error where MM will not save the config cache.
  • Updated Extras/RationalResourcesSSPXRTanks to catch all such tanks and replace Metal subtype with Metals.
  • Updated Procedural Tanks (thanks to @Veronika Kerman ):
    • Alphabetically sorted tank types.
    • Added Helium and/or Helium3 gas form tank types.
    • Added boiloff config for Deuterium and Helium-3.
    • Fixed (hopefully) Ore reappearing after selecting another tank type.


If folks are interested, I have an update ready where ISRU parts are changed to:

  • Depend on @Angel-125 WBI Pathfinder, not WBI Classic Stock
  • Use OmniConverter for fuel cells' fuel switchingWrxjubI.png
  • Use WBI harvester module (one module to handle every resource available) (foreign drills are from Stockalike Mining Extension)ubZtzob.png
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  • 2 weeks later...

Testing some all-new parts with Kerbalism.

If there are things other than FusionPellets that players need that are produced with the crushing force of the depths of a gas giant, let me know.


Should I provide a heater version of the Chill-O-Tron? This is what the Boxed Freezer has been ...warming the bench for.


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10 hours ago, stk2008 said:

im gettong an error about RRScoop once I am in game what can I do to fix it please as I have no idea why.
I am using latest version of the mod :)




Hi there. I didn't anticipate System Heat renaming the modules in the atmo scoops. Thanks for spotting.

You can download and replace RationalResourcesParts/Patches/MISPLACED_RRCompanion.cfg from here and B9PS will calm down.

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