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What is Your Favorite Movie? (Oldies Included)

Mr. Peabody

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  On 6/13/2019 at 2:46 PM, tater said:



Casablanca is a true masterpiece. As for Lawrence of Arabia, I've never really cared much for it. The plot and filming is superb, but I found the ending to be rather hollow and unsatisfactory.

One newer movie that I personally enjoyed immensely was Darkest Hour. (Historical drama is my favorite genre and WW2 is my favorite period of history so I suppose there is a tinge of bias.) :wink: Gary Oldham's performance as Churchill was superb.


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Been meaning to see that ^^^

Death of Stalin was great, btw.

WW2 is tricky, as it’s an area I have some interest in, so I pick it to pieces the way I do space stuff (I’ll notice wrong paint jobs on aircraft, for example, and I’m instantly out of the movie mentally).


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Way too hard to pick a single favourite but I have a definite thing for 80s sci-fi comedies. Ghostbusters and Innerspace are two that leap immediately to mind. Another raise of the hand for Terminator 2 as well - great story, solid acting (aside from a couple of duff lines from Edward Furlong) and special effects that told the story, rather than the story being a vehicle for the special effects.

Edit. I should probably admit to enjoying slightly higher-brow stuff as well, although I'm not exactly a film critic's dream.




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I don't really have one specific favourite movie, but i like Blade Runner, Saving Private Ryan and Pink Floyd, The Wall (yes, they made it into a movie, if you didn't know already).

Also, Fantastic Planet (La Planète Sauvage) is very interesting.

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speaking of lawrence d'arabia and the harsh desert life  i do prefer dune saga and herbert, but that's genererational prolly

kinda fun herbert picked up "fanny mae" the us mortgage company as main caracter of one of his book also ; )

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  On 6/13/2019 at 6:19 PM, NSEP said:

Pink Floyd, The Wall 




I will never forget how amazed I was the first time I saw it. Sole “bad” point for me, they shortened Run Like Hell, which is my favourite track of the album (Side 4).

Hopefully they did not shortcut Empty Spaces and Young Lust :wink:


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You know, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum...

And I'm really surprised that no one has mentioned Citizen Kane.


And, of course, one of my personal favorites is It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.

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  On 6/13/2019 at 7:26 PM, Dman979 said:

You know, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum...

And I'm really surprised that no one has mentioned Citizen Kane.


And, of course, one of my personal favorites is It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.


mad world over wii from sega is pretty nice also ^^ but not a movie ^^

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  On 6/13/2019 at 6:27 PM, WinkAllKerb'' said:

speaking of lawrence d'arabia and the harsh desert life  i do prefer dune saga and herbert, but that's genererational prolly

kinda fun herbert picked up "fanny mae" the us mortgage company as main caracter of one of his book also ; )


i like the fan cut of dune '84 (i believe it was the alternate edition redux, but there are other fan cuts i havent seen), ive seen most of the official cuts. its amazing that just by reordering a few things and using some discarded footage you can fix most of the glaring issues with the movie.

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first two tome yup : ) and it's son wrote some prequel also 

"i ll miss the see"

"the sleeper must awake"

"wha's in the box, nothin g but pain"

"the tooth the tooth" and etc and etc ... awesome imbd script story board staff and all ; )



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I really like films by director Wes Anderson; I love his usage of symmetry and unique colour palette choices, case in Point The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Moonrise Kingdom. He is also in my opinion a master at Claymation (The only other Animator who I think captures the quirkiness of claymation is Nick Park, and that is just because I am a fan of Wallace and Gromit.) . I was deeply impressed by his works Isle of Dogs and Fantastic Mr. Fox the former in my opinion should of won the 2018 Oscar for best animation. 

As for other movies I mostly enjoy comedy movies. 

I especially appreciate movies such as It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world I describe it best as the Epic comedy film, so many big name Mid 20th Century comedians all acting in an anything goes three hour comedy sprawl.



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i think i have a lot but i'm just gonna pick my most watched movie/Miniseries

Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brother

Monster related:
Legendary 2014 and toho 1954 Godzilla

Fantasy related:
Harry Potter and Fantastic Beat

Romance (YES XD):
The Fault in our Star

Space Related:

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  • 6 months later...

Gotta update them list


Saving Private Ryan, A Bridge Too Far, The Longest Day, The Great Escape, and Band of Brother

Monster related:
Legendary 2014 and toho 1954 Godzilla

Fantasy related:
Harry Potter and Fantastic Beast

Romance (YES XD):
The Fault in our Star
Flipped (2010)
My Girl (1 and 2)

Space Related:

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I'm not really one for films. To be honest, I often enjoy the buttered popcorn and an icee more than the movie itself.

But if I had to choose, it'd probably be "set me up with any PIXAR non-sequel movie and I'll be entertained". PIXAR movies are amazing, nostalgic, and also amazing.

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Only one movie ?

That would be "Strange Days" then. That's a good techno thriller, very political too. Actors are possessed by their character, the suspens is well managed and the paranoia is everywhere. Also, most f it is shot at night but you can actually see what's happening (not like in some more recent movies who just use the night as a cover for poor choreography), including some show down and pursuit in first person view (made in 1995, without CGI, because it was too expensive back then, but still, you feel the body of the person you're seeing through).

Also, there's some live of Skunk Anansie in it.

You need to know that there's depiction of a murder-rope at some point in the movie, for those who might be triggered by it.

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