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What are some small changes you want made?

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It would be nice to have options for struts to stay attached or detach when parts are strutted on either side of a decoupler or stack separator. this would effectively allow two separate vessels to remain bound but individually controlled.

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Now that we have things that work while on rails (the new Breaking Ground science doodads trigger all the time, and the seismometer works even if both it and the crashing vessel are on rails) I hope they'll make ISRU work on rails. I know that it kind of works now, but I want it to actually work, so I don't need 6 hours of buffer on my mining base.

Granted this may not be a "small change" but I'd still like it :)

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The ability to weld a part to another. So, for example, if you have built a rectangular structure out of beams, you would have all 4 corners secured, and not have one flapping about--eliminating the need for extra struts.

Edited by Klapaucius
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On 7/7/2019 at 2:50 AM, Klapaucius said:

The ability to weld a part to another. So, for example, if you have built a rectangular structure out of beams, you would have all 4 corners secured, and not have one flapping about--eliminating the need to extra struts.

This one is ALMOST in the game. All they really would need to add is "autostrut to the next thing I click on"

Edited by 5thHorseman
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14 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

This one is ALMOST in the game. All they really would need to add is "autostrut to the next thing I click to"

That would be a great little addition indeed!

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With the latest update to the DLCs - the ability to rate-limit the amount of messages you get from the Breaking Ground parts.  Give me a slider to allow the science messages to be generated every hour/day/week, instead of all the time.  (I've got a couple of installs on Mun, and one on Minmus.  I’m getting a three or four messages in the queue just in the time it takes to make orbit - and flying to Mun gives me 30+.  I'm missing important messages from other places...)

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'Authority limiter' for the steering on rover and landing gear wheels.

'Deflection rate limiter' on elevons and similar parts

'Vessel Velocity' as an axis to use with robotics parts etc. (use cases that come to mind would be tilt wings like on the F14, or to limit authority on elevons at higher speeds)

Dedicated keybinds (instead of having to use action groups) for extending solar panels, radiators and antennae.

Similarly, keybind options for 'toggle afterburner' and 'reverse thrust'.

Automatic thrust balancing, to help with VTOLs or even slightly offset engine placements.

As an extension of the above; Throttle controlled avionics.  Reduce engine thrust on one side to aid Pilot/SAS control input. (extend to propeller deflection if that is not already a thing)


Edit: Option to have SAS, RCS, soft controls etc. active when launching a vessel. (There's a mod for that...  Why not make it a stock function?)

'nother Edit:  Allow us to save our customized difficulty settings, please? I usually start a new campaign with every major release, and I tend to forget certain settings (that can NOT be changed later), and then I have to do it all over again...

Edited by Atlessa
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Now that we have rotors...  I can do something that I've always wanted to do.

Play career missions without recovery options for any surface location on Kerbin.  So that seems a pretty minimalist request; I just want a career mode option to only allow recovery if you make it back to a base location or runway.  For me, I'm gonna do some simple kerbin orbit missions with capsule splashdown, send out an aircraft carrier with a helo and recover the capsule and kerbals.  Granted, I can already self-impose these rules.

Another option I'd like regarding career mode is...

We have a sandbox mode for: "infinite funds, open science tree"

We have career mode with:  "earn funds, and unlock science tree"

I'm more interested in "earn funds, open science tree" In this mode, you have Mission Control spawning various missions to complete, but you have full access to all parts to create things to earn money to keep your program going.

The other mode/feature I'd be interested in is: the standard career mode "earn funds, and unlock science tree" BUT...

If I get a mission that requires tech that I don't have, I would have the option to buy a completed craft from my sandbox hangar at inflated prices (3x, 5x, 10x part cost?) and use these expensive "skunkworks" creations to complete some missions.  Cool thing about this is, I'd have to be very careful with that skunkworks craft because if it breaks, I still would not have access to the locked parts.  So I might have an experimental SSTO (with voodoo RAPIER tech) that I have to leave parked at the KSC after a mission instead of recovering it.  The challenge would be to see if I could do enough missions with it (without destroying it) to justify the cost.  If you think about it, they already have that sort of functionality when they give you those missions to test parts and you don't have those parts unlocked on your skill tree.  Now if you recover the craft with the voodoo tech... too bad, so sad, you don't get access to the special parts.  ...and if you wreck it, well... you cry a bit.

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An exit button on Review Stored Data window. Accidentally clicking Review Stored Data instead of Collect All Data mid-flight and then having to confirm Keep Experiment for 40 data packages is incredibly annoying.

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Structural fuselage to act the same way as the cargo bays (drag occlusion) for the small objects placed inside the fuselage. It's really annoying having to use fairings on airplanes in order to be able to shield parts like fuel cells from the aeroforces in flight.

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I don't think anyone has ever come up with such a minuscule and insignificant idea as this, but... Could the landing gears have their lights switched off until they're fully deployed? Seeing my landing gears shine through the hull of my spaceship while they're retracted is mildly immersion-breaking. :-)

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