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SPEED-RECORD: 3.333% lightspeed 10,000 km/s deltaV

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Hello super KSP community,

This is my first post, after testing and making an in-countless number of space-ships, in the last 8 months, of KSP,

there is one spaceship mostly that I am proud :), and I would like to share with you

Have one up to 3.333% light-speed, download:



Do you know if there is any official record speed or a delta-V Record of a interstellar spaceship, made in KSP?

Thanks in advance!


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Welcome to the forums!

What've you got there in stage 2? Your KER says that you accelerate at 0.37-0.73 g for 0 seconds (with an ISP of 1.5 million), and somehow get up to 9.9Mm/s. Needless to say that doesn't add up, so it at least bears explaining some of what's going on with that stage to indicate whether your KER is confused by whatever modded part that is.

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I don't but I like the challenge idea of a challenge, but it would have to be relative to the sun and stock. If you time it right you could go from Eve to flyby bounce out to Jool\Tylo  to raise your Heliocentric Ap. Burn to get speed. Then at your Ap then back to EVE to pull closer to the Sun. Then anything left in your take burn as much as you can.

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Thanks for the welcome, the list parts is here: https://kerbalx.com/pmborg/10millionDv/parts


This spaceship have 4 types of propulsion:

One with "ballon-type", which allow to escape most of the dense atmosphere,   then there are 3 types of engines:

The engine that can do that is this one:
Used to land on any planet, without an atmosphere:
Engine used to takeoff or land in a atmosphere:


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10,000km/s? Yeah right. Here's what it took to get 23.5km/s from a vertical launch using stock parts. But even this type of challenge is pointless. It's extraordinarily difficult making these in a normal VAB because of the size and then it comes down to who has the most patience as the ship lurches upward at 2fps.







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Hello mystifeid,

2 FPS? ofcourse not!

I have 120/125 FPS in fullscreen Full-HD with this ship I am not sure how can I send an image, with a print screen, please try this link:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/kb0qhpx4suudwb5/Screenshot 2019-07-17 22.22.23.png?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/mw1gjtuv065av9u/Screenshot 2019-07-17 22.26.05.png?dl=0

The ship have to be 100% reusable, no point to waist that amount of money ;)

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My Idea was not to compare with stock engines at all, the current engines technology don't allow that, maybe I created the thread in a wrong forum-type :/

I am a fan of Einstein "theory of relativity" that is not theory any more is a fact, and I was trying to recreate a ship that could check if KSP is doing/simulating the time dilation of a space ship, traveling near the speed of light.

Light-Speed    Travel %Light-speed    dt/dt0    Speed    
1    1    1.0001    3000.00    km/s
1    3.333    1.0006    9999.00    km/s
1    10    1.0050    30000.00    km/s
1    20    1.0206    60000.00    km/s
1    30    1.0483    90000.00    km/s
1    33.333    1.0607    99999.00    km/s
1    40    1.0911    120000.00    km/s
1    50    1.1547    150000.00    km/s
1    60    1.2500    180000.00    km/s
1    70    1.4003    210000.00    km/s
1    80    1.6667    240000.00    km/s
1    90    2.2942    270000.00    km/s
1    95    3.2026    285000.00    km/s
1    96    3.5714    288000.00    km/s
1    97    4.1135    291000.00    km/s
1    98    5.0252    294000.00    km/s
1    99    7.0888    297000.00    km/s
1    99.9    22.3663    299700.00    km/s
1    99.99    70.7124    299970.00    km/s
1    99.999    223.6074    299997.00    km/s
1    99.9999    707.1070    299999.70    km/s
1    99.99999    2236.0680    299999.97    km/s



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39 minutes ago, pmborg said:



My Idea was not to compare with stock engines at all, the current engines technology don't allow that, maybe I created the thread in a wrong forum-type :/

I am a fan of Einstein "theory of relativity" that is not theory any more is a fact, and I was trying to recreate a ship that could check if KSP is doing/simulating the time dilation of a space ship, traveling near the speed of light.

KSP itself doesn't nothing to prevent you from going faster than the speed of light. It actualy has no meaning at all within KSP, but in KSPIE it does as all KSPIE engines take into account the current speed in relation to the speed of light where the vessel acceleration will slow down the nearer you get to the speed of light. Normally you won't notice anything until you start getting some real high speed like at 0.6c, which is achievable using Beam Core Antimatter propulsion.

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10 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

Just noting that it's missing the point to compare this to stock.

Sorry, but I liked the comparison.

11 hours ago, pmborg said:

2 FPS? ofcourse not!

I have 120/125 FPS in fullscreen Full-HD with this ship I am not sure how can I send an image, with a print screen, please try this link

I'm sure you do get high frame rates with low part counts. (So do I.) If the same holds true with a rocket with 4000+ parts, I want your computer !!

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51 minutes ago, mystifeid said:

I'm sure you do get high frame rates with low part counts. (So do I.) If the same holds true with a rocket with 4000+ parts, I want your computer !!

Well it realy depend what kind of part as some have more processing than others.

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13 hours ago, pmborg said:


Thanks for the welcome, the list parts is here: https://kerbalx.com/pmborg/10millionDv/parts


This spaceship have 4 types of propulsion:

One with "ballon-type", which allow to escape most of the dense atmosphere,   then there are 3 types of engines:

The engine that can do that is this one:
Used to land on any planet, without an atmosphere:
Engine used to takeoff or land in a atmosphere:

What you might want to consider is replacing the Deadalus engine with Bussard Fussion Engine which big advantage is that it runs on protium (hydrogen) at a higher Isp (but lower thrust) then the Daedalus. Hydrogen in contrast to Helium3/Deuterium can be scoop from the interstellar medium using the Bussard Magnetic Scoop. You might think this could give you infinate deltaV but there is a thermal velocity at which point the friction of the Bussard Magneticnozzle is higher than the Thrust produced by the BUssard Fussion Engine. What you could do however is use the Magnetic scoop as a very effective break after you speed up to 0.6c (using beam core antimatter) and start to approach your destination. The trick is to use the Break at the right time as you don't want to put on the break too late, which would cause you target.

btw, if you into high speeds, why not complete my interstelar challange


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Hello FreeThinker,

Yes sounds a good idea, I will study your engine suggestion and the challenge it self.

Until now I have being traveled to the Valentine Star and also from "Kerbol" to the "Sun"(Real Solar System Mode) and normally I use the start it self to slow me down.

(Side Note: I mean, I changed to the original mod of "Solar System" to allow me to use stock planets and at the same time visit the "Earth" from "Kerbin" in kind of private version.)

I mean using the start gravity and engines to allow a smooth break, this is risky but reduces the deltaV to slow me down after slightly passing the Start and never break in front of the star or to near of the star due the huge gravity acceleration.





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First part (Install "CentauriDreams" ) were more challenge than what I excepted, to install and adapt CentauriDreams (0,8) to KSP v1.7.3 and my current setup.

The new download link is now (outdated in original posts): https://spacedock.info/content/hikoriyami_6166/Centauri_Dreams/Centauri_Dreams-0.8.zip

The Solution was simple:

  • Rename file: CentauriSystem.cfg to _CentauriSystem.cfg_
  • Updated file "BaryCenter.cfg" added (in order to allow a fixed current distance):

        !SolarPowerCurve *{}
            referenceBody = Sun
            color = 179,0,0,255
            inclination = 79.205
            eccentricity = 0
            semiMajorAxis = 4.1386231837925600E+16
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 204.85
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 231.65
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1875.66
            epoch = 200000

I have now 4 Systems:

Kerbol, SolarSystem, Valentine ("ExtraSolar") and CentauriDreams.

Still fast with 4 Systems about 290/310 FPS in Tracking Station.



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On 7/18/2019 at 10:42 AM, FreeThinker said:

What you might want to consider is replacing the Deadalus engine with Bussard Fussion Engine which big advantage is that it runs on protium (hydrogen) at a higher Isp (but lower thrust) then the Daedalus. Hydrogen in contrast to Helium3/Deuterium can be scoop from the interstellar medium using the Bussard Magnetic Scoop. You might think this could give you infinate deltaV but there is a thermal velocity at which point the friction of the Bussard Magneticnozzle is higher than the Thrust produced by the BUssard Fussion Engine. What you could do however is use the Magnetic scoop as a very effective break after you speed up to 0.6c (using beam core antimatter) and start to approach your destination. The trick is to use the Break at the right time as you don't want to put on the break too late, which would cause you target.

btw, if you into high speeds, why not complete my interstelar challange



Deftly that is a good solution, but I am trying to find a way to have a better acceleration ratio.

I have done a second version of the space-ship, that was missing a very important detail, (the nuclear reactors),  and this time I took 1 day and 7h (KSP time) to accelerate to 810km/s, but I am trying to find ways to have a faster acceleration, but this time the deltaV was reduced to from 10Mm/s to 5Mm/s

                  light-speed  speed km/s  years    aceleration

                               0.043%    130    km/s    10094   3:00    
                                0.047%    140    km/s    9373    3:20    
                                0.050%    150    km/s    8748        
                                0.057%    170    km/s    7719    4:35    
                                0.081%    242    km/s    5422    7:40    
                                0.103%    310    km/s    4233    10:38    
                                0.145%    435    km/s    3016    15:45    
                                0.167%    500    km/s    2624    18:25    
                                0.200%    600    km/s    2187    22:40    
                                0.240%    720    km/s    1822    3:25    +1day
                                0.270%    810    km/s    1620    7:05    +1day

Not here yet:
                                0.300%    900    km/s    1458        
                                0.333%    1000    km/s    1312        
                                0.667%    2000    km/s    656        
                                0.833%    2500    km/s    524        
                                1.667%    5000    km/s    262        
                                3.333%    10000    km/s    131        

                                6.667%    20000    km/s    65        
                                10.000%    30000    km/s    43        
                                13.333%    40000    km/s    32                                                   
                                33.333%    100000    km/s    13        

A third space ship I have done deltaV=1Mm/s acceleration time only in 3h (KSP time)!

I am trying to find better ways to do it.

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Any fusion torch drive burning at a steady 1G will peak just shy of lightspeed in about a year of travel. They all have an Isp in the hundreds of thousands or millions of seconds so propellant isn't a huge concern, and you don't even have to go shopping for mods, just edit a stock engine config for whatever wild values you want, there's functionally no difference. That's why fusion torches are called the holy grail of rocketry, high thrust and high efficiency, you never have to turn them off. In KSP it'd reach the speed of light and keep accelerating until you hit some computational precision limit and krakenthings happened. If you want it to take less than a year just crank up the thrust.

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