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Kerbal Space Program 2: Master Post


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My only thoughts are concerns to if the pressing issues with KSP 1 have been addressed (you know, all those #BlameUnity problems....).

  • Wheel Physics -- Unity Wheel Colliders are unusable for KSP-style 'build-your-own' craft.  Has a custom wheel solution been devised that does not rely on the Unity/PhysX WheelCollider mess?
  • Part-Based physics -- Has the per-part physics overhead been addressed (rigidbody joints between parts)?  Is part-count still a limiting factor in craft design?  How, precisely, has this been addressed (details, please)?
  • Modular/Procedural/Dynamic parts -- Is there a proper implementation for dynamic parts?  Can features be added/removed from any given part smoothly, at runtime?  (e.g. a command pod can have its RCS nozzles toggled on and off, without massive plugin hackery)
  • Garbage Collection -- Does the new Unity version still lag every X seconds for garbage collection?  Doe the new Roslyn based JIT/GC system work any better?
  • DX9  -- Please tell me that DX9 support is long gone, and that this new project targets modern graphics APIs and features? (PBR shaders, global illumination, preferably compatible with deferred rendering, availability of standard post-processing options)
  • Weather / atmosphere -- Yep, needs to be there.
  • Planetary activities / exploration -- something to do on planets.  Surface science & deployed-science x 100 for every landable body.  Preferably with some randomized generation to facilitate some differences between playthroughs.
  • What resources will be available for modders?  The lack of legal access to view the source for KSP1 combined with no official modding API has greatly hindered the advancement and development of many features.  Note, I'm not saying modders should have full unrestricted source code access, merely noting that without a well documented and published API, that full source access is the only other way to go (e.g. the situation with Java Minecraft modding; there was no official modding API, but you could view the full source and recompile your own versions for debugging if needed).

Really want to be excited, but this announcement gives me more causes for concern than excitement.  I'll hold off any official opinion until after much more information is released.

Edited by Shadowmage
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Ksp 1 already became a huge milestone in space sim/rocketry type of games. But if the guys keep their promises...ohooohooo! Then this will be the biggest explosion in the history of the game so far.

@SQUAD, when did you start to develop the idea of KSP 2? Is it harder to make then the original?

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I still can't think of anything to say here other than "what" and "wow," so I didn't post already...

(That came out of completely nowhere, by the way!)


(Also you may have killed the forum)


(Still unsure on having a new developer and adding interstellar travel, but I will most definitely see for myself when this comes out!)












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  On 8/19/2019 at 8:07 PM, Heckspress said:

wishful thinking, but i wonder if they'll uphold the early adopter thing that theyve been doing with expansions for the new game.. 

even a discount would be bomb as hell



There appear to be no plans for that.

  On 8/19/2019 at 8:05 PM, UomoCapra said:

The early adopter program was exclusive to the original Kerbal Space Program.


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It's a pity this will leave most mods in the dust though. All that gameplay history..
Things like KAS, KIS, mechjeb, FAR, kerbal konstructs,  hyperedit - all have been pivotal parts of the game, and who knows what will make it to the next... 

Edited by Tw1
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Please, someone listen to gameplay ideas before pulling the trigger on gameplay mechanics. "Career" in KSP is a terrible mess.

Pick a goal, and make gameplay work. Exploration/colonization? "Fog of war" and new star systems each game to explore (make the player do the right things to learn about the specifics of the worlds to explore). Make failure a thing (part failures, testing, iteration, improvement). Life support.

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  On 8/19/2019 at 8:09 PM, UomoCapra said:

but we will do so in a future date ;)


I understand this question may fall under that umbrella, but with Colonies being a thing in stock, will that extend only to proper parts, self sufficiency, and maybe life support/extraplanetary launchpad-esque mechanics? Or will you also be able to "spawn" new Kerbals on your Colonies?


  On 8/19/2019 at 8:11 PM, tater said:


Please, someone listen to gameplay ideas before pulling the trigger on gameplay mechanics. "Career" in KSP is a terrible mess.

Pick a goal, and make gameplay work. Exploration/colonization? "Fog of war" and new star systems each game to explore (make the player do the right things to learn about the specifics of the worlds to explore). Make failure a thing (part failures, testing, iteration, improvement). Life support.


Metaphorical upvote to this, because I ran out.

Edited by Spaceception
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How well are the developers at Star Theory being treated? Have they ever been made to work unpaid overtime? Are there any plans to make lay offs in their QA department after launch to increase profit margins? Will there be any attempt to suppress workplace complaints over harassment to be overseen exclusively within the company?

I know this is all pretty sombre and cynical stuff to ask, but as a young, newly graduated game developer myself, I want to be sure that I'm putting my money towards something that has been developed ethically and that the wellbeing of the developers is taken into consideration. Even if it is KSP 2 and i'm excited and giddy as all hell.

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  On 8/19/2019 at 8:08 PM, Shadowmage said:

I would hope not.  Unity is perfectly capable of targeting Linux / OSX.


What doesn't means it does it properly. There're some inconsistencies on the Linux/MacOS port of Unity that I find…. interesting, to say the least.

Things are not perfect on Windows neither - the Mono's JIT are playing havoc on some especial circumstances on Windows machines. Initially, I though it would be confined to the XInput stunt, but I saw one or two output_log.txt that appears to hint it can be a broader problem


  On 8/19/2019 at 8:07 PM, Heckspress said:

but i wonder if they'll uphold the early adopter thing that theyve been doing with expansions for the new game.. 


Squad made that agreement. KSP2 is Star.Theory land now.

I don't think they will need any push on selling KSP2, by the way. The game can sell by itself nowadays - and I expect them to avoid cannibalising the KSP1 eco-system, at least for while.

That said, my expectations are so good as yours. All of this are just educated guesses. :)

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