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Which KSP Version have you spent the most time in? Any reason why?


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For me, it was 1.2.2. The first one I played was 1.0.4, but 1.2.2 had all the mods I wanted, and all of my sandbox craft, AND I didn't bother downloading any others. I played 1.3 a little, and completely skipped 1.4.x, 1.5.x, and jumped to 1.6.3. And then to 1.7.3.

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By far, 1.3.1. At least 100 hours of my somewhat measely play time, just because every mod in the world has a 1.3.1 version, it's not awfully buggy, and I never updated past that due to the 'Take 2 leaving spyware in the EULA' fiasco everyone seems to have forgotten about.

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8 hours ago, Kernel Kraken said:

By far, 1.3.1. At least 100 hours of my somewhat measely play time, just because every mod in the world has a 1.3.1 version, it's not awfully buggy, and I never updated past that due to the 'Take 2 leaving spyware in the EULA' fiasco everyone seems to have forgotten about.

Well TBH I don't think that there's any reeeeal problem with that , because Discord, Reddit, Spotify, and Steam have that in their EULA too. It's basically an industry standard.


Also, the new features in 1.7.3 are so amazing. Seriously, you need to try it.

But I get the mod point.

Edited by Concodroid
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The only back-version I kept an active copy of was 0.9.0 as I had a career save in full swing when 1.0 came out. Since then I update when they come out and if it kills any of my paltry 2-3 mods, then I play something else for a bit until everyone gets their stuff together.

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Something before version 1.  Because those were the days I built 3,000 of my 4,000-odd hours in KSP and wrote a book about it.

Nothing against newer versions, but by the time they came out I was mostly over it.  To be accurate - I'd decided if I ever wanted to play anything else ever I had better tear myself away.

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No, I just wrote it in public, here and 'published' it as a PDF download.  That's not available after all these years (more than 5) and would be completely out of date anyway but the thread is in tutorials:

"providing and explaining more than 30 vehicles from a rover to interplanetary transfer and space-stations" as the intro said.  The goal was to explain rocket-design, staging strategies and 'less is more' in a sensible progression and leading with probes before unmanned .  It was very popular but redesigning ships for every new version of KSP made it too difficult to update.  (it's over 100 pages so if you do have a look, I'd recommend just scrolling down to see the pictures).

On the other hand, I will be writing similar guides for KSP 2.

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On 9/1/2019 at 8:09 AM, klgraham1013 said:

Translation: Everyone else is anti-consumer, so it's okay for KSP to be anti-consumer too.

You put this a lot better than I would've, thanks. I probably would have started a flame war.

It's kinda sad that using your consumers as nothing but moneymaking devices and not really putting love into the product is the standard for most of everything in tech today : (

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I came late to the ksp scene with 1.0.2 or 1.0.5. At that time, I was playing on a notGamingLaptop. But it was fun as hell.

For me though, game changer was the patch that brought 64bit. Everything got so fluent and playable. I stayed on that patch for a very long time due to the mods.

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1.3.0/1.3.1 was my longest running version.  I started on 1.2.2, but it updated to 1.3 a few weeks after I started playing, then when 1.4.0 finally came out, it had sooooooo many issues, I kept up 1.3.1 and just tinkered with the succession of 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, etc until I guess 1.4.5 was finally ok with me to make my main game.  Since then, I usually update fairly soon after an update.  The only bug since 1.4.5 that really bothered me was the duplicating KSC/island/dessert waypoint every time you changed craft

I still have a few copies of 1.3.1 saved - one modded, one almost unmodded (I never actually saved a pristine copy) and more recently, I tried to set up a 1.3.1 RSS/RO/RP1 but it crashes on load (access violation in mono.dll) & I haven't had time to troubleshoot it.  Or more accurately, playing a working version of KSP is more fun than troubleshooting a non-working version of KSP, so I've spent my time on the former rather than the latter.

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